The Belko Experiment - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

(ㅅ´ ˘ `) david dastmalchian masterlist

last updated: 22nd july, 2023 newest: latest heart to heart update

rules for requesting: ✮ disclaimer: i do not do smut, i can do dark themes such as stalking, etc. requests are open.

( `) David Dastmalchian Masterlist

abner krill/polka-dot man(the suicide squad 2) dating abner genre: abner krill x gn!reader, headcanons, fluff, light angst warnings: mentions of abuse, panic attacks, ptsd, a bit suggestive at the end HEHEH abner with a s/o that has a symbiote genre: abner krill x gn!reader, headcanons warnings: mentions of intercourse, very short bc i am pooped out of ideas for this one

yandere abner genre: abner krill x gn!reader, headcanons warnings: yandere behaviour, suggested intercourse, stalking, mentions of murder, abner being a creep, abner being DELUSIONAL heart to heart genre: abner krill x fem!oc, best friends to lovers warnings: mention of experimentation, murder, abuse, manipulation, ABNER'S MOTHER synopsis: after escaping an illegal lab where she was experimented on constantly, number 037 found a new life for her in gotham city, in a quaint little cafe. everything seemed to look up, she even met someone dearly special to her. who knew it would all go bad so fast? kurt goreshter(ant-man) - none yet. johnson(reprisal) dating johnson genre: johnson x gn!reader, headcanons, fluff warnings: drinking, light implications of intercourse lester billings(the boogeyman) - none yet. alonso "lonny" crane(the belko experiment) lift, laugh, love genre: lonny crane x named!fem!reader, fluff, friends to lovers, coworkers to lovers warnings: reader is emotionless-type character, reader’s name is quinn, panic attacks, reader used to smoke, sorta emotional, making out sorta cause i can mUAHAHAHA synopsis: you and lonny get stuck in a lift and a few confessions happen.

( `) David Dastmalchian Masterlist

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1 year ago

just found another david dastmalchian movie to watch the belko experiment EHHEHEHEHEHE

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1 year ago

the belko experiment spoilers

ight that was real good, it's like if squid game and alice in borderderland. david died IMMEDIATELY AND RATHER TRAGICALLY TOO BUT i got sucked into the film and ended up finishing it. the moment i realised michael rooker and sean gunn was also in this, i knew this was a james gunn film AND I WAS RIGHT. bro fr just scrolls thru his contact list whenever he wants to film a movie and i LOVE IT

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1 year ago

❥ lift, laugh, love

pairing: alonso "lonny" crane x named!fem!reader genre: fluff, friends to lovers, coworkers to lovers warnings: reader is emotionless-type character, reader’s name is quinn, panic attacks, reader used to smoke, sorta emotional, making out sorta cause i can mUAHAHAHA word count: 1.5k synopsis: you and lonny get stuck in a lift and a few confessions happen.

 Lift, Laugh, Love

it was a monday, probably almost everybody’s least favourite day of the week. everybody but lonny. all because this would be the day that a certain coworker would clock into work for their shift.

“somebody’s excited.” bud commented, eyeing lonny up and down. lonny rubbed the back of his neck and laughed nervously. “i’m not that excited.” he sheepishly replied, “oh really? look, there’s quinn coming in.” at the sound of her name, the man whipped his head to the direction of the doors. of course, bud was teasing him. “bud!” lonny exclaimed, blushing furiously. 

the older man let out a soft laugh, patting his junior’s back. “sorry, sorry. was just tryna prove a point.” he apologised with a smile, lonny crossed his arms. 

“but, in all seriousness, you’ve liked her for four years now. when are you going to ask her out?”

“ask who out?” the sudden feminine voice startled lonny and he let out a tiny squeak before turning around. quinn was standing beside them, in her full tacky, orange, work jumpsuit, wearing her usual baby pink sleeveless tank underneath it. she had her eyebrow raised as she chewed on her gum quietly. “nobody!” lonny immediately answered, causing further suspicion but quinn wasn’t the type to pry so she dropped it.

she nodded slowly as she blew a bubble that popped, “alright.” the girl turned to bud, “anything to handle, chief?” quinn asked him, head tilting to the side. the man looked between the two of them before a grin creeped up to his face, “oh, yeah. there’s a problem with the auto-lock in one of the private offices on the 4th floor.” he explained, “why’d you take lonny with you and go check that out?” lonny’s eyes widened, not-so-subtly shaking his head and mouthing ‘no’ over and over again.

quinn grabbed the toolbox from bud’s hand, “okay.” she obliged, “come on, shivers. let’s go.” the girl gestured for the tense-looking, raven-haired man to follow her, calling him the nickname she’d deemed for him when they first met since he wouldn’t stop trembling.

“how could you?!” lonny whispered to bud, “you’ll thank me later. use this as an opportunity to ask her out.” he paused, “but also, the lock is actually malfunctioning so, fix that while you’re at it.” bud added before patting him on the shoulder and heading somewhere else to take care of his own duties. lonny took a deep breath in before jogging to the elevators where quinn was waiting.

the elevator ride was quiet, as everything usually was when they were alone together. quinn didn’t talk much, and that made lonny even more hesitant and reluctant to start a conversation with her, scared that it would end with her giving him a one-word answer.

looking at the man beside her, quinn leaned back on the elevator wall. “you seem tense.” her statement made him tense up even more, “w-what?” he cursed himself for stuttering, looking away for a moment to shut his eyes tight. “you seem on edge. more than usual.” quinn leaned her head to the side and stared at him, the tiniest bit of concern evident on her face. lonny slowly turned back to her but couldn’t look her in the eye.

“i-” a sudden rumbling cuts him off, the elevator was starting to shake before eventually stopping in between floor 3 and 4. “oh, shit.” lonny whispered as the lights in the elevator went off and they were stuck with dim-lighting. “huh. elevator breaking on maintenance workers, how ironic.” quinn commented, pushing her tongue against the inside of her cheek.

meanwhile, lonny could feel himself about to have a full-blown panic attack, feeling his heart rapidly beat as he hyperventilated. quinn noticed this. “lonny? what’s wrong?” she asked calmly before he sunk to the ground with tears brimming his eyes. “i-it’s too hot.” he frantically said, hugging himself. quinn quickly realised he was having a panic attack. “hey, hey.” she softly called out and kneeled down next to him, “let me help you take off the top of your jumpsuit since it’s too hot, yeah?” the girl cautiously reached out to grab his collar and gently slide the top-half of his suit down.

“focus on me?” she directed, trying to help him. lonny looked at her, not only her, but her eyes for the first time. “breathe in on the count of three. one, two three.” she counted down and he tried his best to follow her instructions. “i-i can’t.” he cried, closing his eyes as his tears stained his cheeks. quinn grabbed the sides of his face gently, “i’m here. you're not alone. you can do this.” she assured him and lonny slowly opened his eyes, staring at her. she counted to three once more and he breathed in, counting three again and he breathed out. they did this over and over again until lonny calmed down. quinn crawled over to his left side and slumped against the wall and floor, they fell to a complete silence.

the silence wasn’t deafening like the last awkward times, but it was rather comfortable. then, the girl realised something, “i think i swallowed my gum.” she confessed, the revelation becoming plainly clear when she didn’t feel anything in her mouth. the two of them looked at one another before bursting out into a fit of chuckles. “sorry.” lonny apologised, quinn shook her head. “don’t apologise. not the first time i’ve done it.” she joked, staring at the elevator door.

lonny was curious, well, he had always been, but he found maybe this was the right time to ask about it. “why do you always chew gum?” he quietly questioned, looking at her side profile. her expression didn’t change and lonny soon got worried, “i’m sorry if this was a personal question, i was just curious and i- i shouldn’t have asked-” “i used to smoke.” quinn cut off lonny’s rambling, not turning her head.

“i was… a really violent person back then. had a lot of anger issues, meltdowns,” she looked at him and gave him a small smile, “panic attacks.” lonny couldn’t take his eyes off her now that his question had been answered, and a long answer at that. “smoking relieved my stress. i needed something quick, something easy to get, wasted my money but it was better than buying more alcohol, right?” quinn let out a scoff at herself, “so, i started chewing gum to quit that horrible habit, and remind myself to just keep calm and not lash out so i don’t scare everyone i love away. not that there’s anyone left anyway.” she finished her explanation with a heavy sigh, the silence coming back again.

lonny continued to stare at her, even after she turned back to him. “what?” she asked in a whisper, “i love you.” he randomly blurted out, a crack in his voice. quinn didn’t say anything, and she remained indifferent. lonny could feel himself about to get choked up, “i-i’m so sorry. i-i didn’t know w-why i did that- said that! i didn- mh!” one more time, he was cut off as quinn had pressed her lips against his before pulling away immediately. “i love you too.” lonny was in shock, there was no way this was real, right? the woman he’s been crushing on, no, enamoured with for over four years was reciprocating his feelings.

“is this real life?” his question causes her to let out a giggle, something he’d never heard before but upon hearing it, it felt as though he was hearing the most heavenly sound he’d ever heard. “i hope so.” quinn chuckled, light red hues colouring her cheeks. lonny was hesitant as he gently placed his hand on the side of her face, leaning towards her, their lips barely an inch away.

it seemed as though lonny just needed a little nudge to do what he yearned for, for days, for months, and quinn gave that little nudge, softly connecting her own lips with his. moving along with whatever pace the other had set, adapting to each other’s rhythm. honestly, both of them had no idea what to do, they were both so depraved and desperate for an intimate touch. quinn moved closer to lonny, climbing over his lap before settling down on it, trying her best not to break their kiss.

when they pulled away, they rested their foreheads against one another. lonny was the first to open his eyes, staring at quinn’s peaceful and calm expression. “you know,” she started, her eyes fluttering open. “i think we should press that emergency call button so we can get out of this dark ass lift.” lonny snorts at that, wrapping his arms around her waist. “being here a little longer wouldn’t hurt anybody.” quinn shook her head with a pleased look on her facial features. now their longing looks, could turn into loving ones and that was all that mattered in the moment. 

and to think, this was all thanks to bud originally trying to get them to work on the door lock together to give lonny the opportunity to ask her out. could’ve just shoved them in a lift, shut it down and called it a day.

 Lift, Laugh, Love

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1 year ago

HEY I’m the same anon who sent u that question, dude totally same that’s the first character of his that i liked but tbh I’ve seen him in so many movies ( LIKE WHY NOW AM I FALLING FOR THIS MAN) 💀 i have no idea how I ended up falling for abner but I’m not complaining tho

oh my god what show/movie of his would u recommend for me to watch? 👀👀

❥ OH MY GOD OKAY SO SO, a lot of the movies he's a lead in is always rlly depressing but they're so good too, one of the movies i would recommend is teacher (2019), it's super dark and definitely violent but he's great in it and i would also recommend animals(2014), he wrote it HIMSELF and it's sorta based off his experience with heroine addiction and all that bc he had a hard life in the late 90s/early 00s

if we're talking about short roles but still ever so JUICY, i would recommend reprisal(it's a show on hulu, though you could find it on websites), the belko experiment or prisoners, he's also in ant man 1 & 2, supporting cast again

i hope you have a great time watching!!

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1 year ago

me getting my friends to watch belko experiment: me defending lonny's actions saying that it's one of the common human responses but also calling him a coward but still defending him because david dastmalchian:

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