embodyingchaos - lili's chaos
lili's chaos

8teen , she/her , writer & editor , 🍓

357 posts

Embodyingchaos - Lili's Chaos - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago

guess who's working on a yoongi x oc idol au and hybrid au and an xmen bts au even though she hasn't finished her requests? definitely not me :D (im lying, im sorry)

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1 year ago

sometimes a family can be a teenage babysitter, a panda-lover kid, a butler-slash-secretary-slash-housewife and the headmistress of your school

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1 year ago


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1 year ago

recently discovered this anime and i'm HOOKED

I Love This Anime So Much.
I Love This Anime So Much.
I Love This Anime So Much.
I Love This Anime So Much.

I love this anime so much.

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1 year ago

i've never been so pained to know that there's absolutely NO fanfiction for a man that's been on youtube for as long as roomie official has

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1 year ago

i'm totally not thinking about adding tom hiddleston and evan peters into my masterlist so i can write for them... totally not...

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1 year ago

i have a few video ideas lined up and some already edited ones so i hope i get to upload consistently starting friday (please god please)🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️

1 year ago

❥ evermore | chapter four

pairing: george weasley x oc genre: friends to lovers! warnings: unedited word count: 3.5k masterlist: evermore last chapter: chapter three next chapter: —

 Evermore | Chapter Four

NO SURPRISE, HARRY obviously succeeded in catching neville’s remembrall.

“good job, potter!” lovelynn exclaimed, beaming at him as everyone crowded around the boy who lived. malfoy watched with a big scowl decorating his face but it changed to a smug grin when he saw professor mcgonagall approaching the group.

“harry potter?” mcgonagall called out, “professor, it wasn’t his fault-” “that’s enough, ms. heath.” she cut lovelynn off as the girl tried to defend harry. “follow me.” mcgonagall gestured to harry who was holding back a sigh. before leaving he handed the remembrall over to lovelynn. “hand this over to neville, will you?” she smiled, “no problem. consider it done.” he returned her smile, reluctantly walking towards the transfigurations professor.

genesis frowned, “d’you think he’ll get into trouble?” she asked ron who wore the same expression as her. “i don’t know, but mcgonagall calling for him doesn’t really give us much hope.” he huffed, leaning onto his broomstick.

when madam hooch came back they resumed the lesson and afterwards, lovelynn left made her way to the hospital wing. “don’t wait up for me!” she told her sister as she waved her goodbye. genesis clutched her books tightly to her chest, she guessed she could just stick with ron and wait for harry to come back and tell them how he’s expelled.

“a seeker?!” boy, expelled was the farthest thing from it.

“but first years never make the house team!” ron exclaimed as they walked through the crowded halls, “you must be the youngest seeker in-” “a century! according to mcgonagall.” genesis gave harry a look when he cut her off but he only sheepishly smiled, clearly just as excited as they were.

“hey! well done, harry! wood’s just told us.” a sudden voice beside them says, genesis looked in the direction of the noise and saw one of the weasley twins. “fred and george are on the team too. beaters.” ron informed, and the twins beam. “our job is to make sure you don’t get bloodied up too bad. can’t make any promises, of course, rough game quidditch.” george explained, glancing over at genesis who was struggling keeping up with them, having to take twice the steps they took.

“brutal! but no one’s died in years. someone will vanish occasionally-” “but they’ll turn up in a month or two!” the twins snickered to themselves as they saw harry looking a little pale. “can you two stop it? you’re scaring him for no reason.” genesis scolded but they only started snickering harder.

“anyways, we’re sure to win the quidditch cup this year.” fred mentioned, “we haven’t won since charlie left, but this year’s team is going to be brilliant. you must be good, harry. wood was almost skipping when he told us.” george beamed, looking extremely motivated. 

“anyways, we’ve got to go. lee jordan reckons he’s found a new secret passageway out of the school.”

“bet it’s the one behind the statue of gregory the smarmy that we found in our first week.”

“isn’t that sort of breaking the rules?” george smiled at genesis, “well, it’s sort of breaking the rules if someone finds out about it.” he said lowly, leaning over to her before winking. “see you.” the twins said in unison as they walked off, leaving the three first years. 

they walked to the courtyard. “don’t listen to them, harry. about all that people dying stuff.” the girl said, patting him on the shoulder. “yeah, quidditch is great! best game there is, you’ll be great too.” ron added, trying to reassure him. 

“but i’ve never even played quidditch, what if i make a fool out of myself?”

“you won’t make a fool of yourself.” they whipped their heads to the new voice beside them and only one of them were happy to see it was hermione.

“it’s in your blood.” with the newfound information, the four of them headed to another corridor that had a trophy case decorating it. in that trophy case there was an award with the name ‘james potter’ and ‘seeker’ below it.

ron stared in awe, “woah. harry, you never told me your father was a seeker too!” genesis shook her head at his words, ‘how would he know?’ she thought, ‘he’s lived with muggles his entire life.’ genesis was holding back a facepalm. “i… didn’t know.” harry softly muttered, staring at the award longingly.

“you didn’t know what?” they all jumped at the loud noise but lovelynn only grinned. “sorry, did i scare you?” she asked, obviously knowing the answer for herself.

“that harry’s father was a seeker and now he’s being asked to be a seeker for gryffindor house as well.” at genesis’ explanation, lovelynn’s mouth falls open so wide that a bird could fly into it. “what?! a seek-” she got cut off with shushes from all of them, “people aren’t supposed to know. don’t tell anyone, lovelynn.” genesis nagged, “but this is so exciting! well done, potter! malfoy’s going to be real pissed when he finds out.” the older twin cheered as quietly as she could, slapping harry hard on the back as a congrats.

the heath twins departed from the trio as they decided to head to the great hall.

“so, how was neville doing? his wrist alright?”

“oh, he was doing great. madam pomfrey seemed a bit annoyed to see him again so soon.” they discussed as they walked past a group of hufflepuffs. “seemed a bit red, though. when i handed him his remembrall, he started stammering all over the place.” she said with a weirded out expression, but genesis only smiled.

before they knew it, halloween rolled around.

“charms is sooo boring.”

“you said that about like, four other subjects.” genesis said, listening to her sister’s consistent complaints as they walked towards their charms class.

“yeah.” lovelynn simply answered, not having much to argue about.

when the class started, professor flitwick had informed them they would finally be making things float. “finally, something interesting.” genesis pinched lovelynn, when she heard her complaining once more, who yelped quietly in pain. again, the twins were paired up together for practice.

“now, don’t forget that nice wrist movement we’ve been practising; swish and flick! ooh! and enunciate, wingardium leviosa. off you go then.”

lovelynn grabbed her wand and cleared her throat, “wingardium leviosa!” she exclaimed, swishing and flicking her wand but the feather didn’t budge. “nevermind. this is still boring.” lovelynn bluntly said, giving up almost immediately.

“hey, no. try again. you can’t give up that easy.”

“yes, i can. i just did.” genesis sighed in exasperation, trying to do the spell as well.

suddenly, they saw a feather floating up to the ceiling from hermione and ron’s table. “oh, ho, ho! well done! see here, everyone, ms. granger’s done it! splendid!” professor flitwick cheerfully announced, but ron looked extremely annoyed.

not even a minute later, an explosion was heard and you can guess where that came from.

“he can’t go two minutes without blowing something up, can he?” lovelynn asked as she walked alongside her sister and out of the classroom.

“maybe it’s just rotten luck.” 

“hah, more like a rotten curse- hey!” hermione pushed past the two of them with her head down. genesis swore she heard her sniffling. lovelynn stared at the bushy-haired girl weirdly, “what’s up with her?” she asked, “i don’t know, but maybe we should go after her.” genesis suggested and lovelynn groaned, “you can go. i’m heading back to the common room and taking a nap before the halloween feast tonight.” the younger twin shook her head but agreed anyway, quickly running after hermione.

genesis had tried to follow hermione but she had lost her at some point. she looked for her all afternoon and until night came. she would be missing the halloween feast but at this point, she was more worried about hermione’s whereabouts. when she entered the girl’s lavatory, the sounds of hermione crying echoed throughout the room. 

genesis walked towards the stall she was in, “h-hermione? i’ve been looking for you all afternoon. are you alright?” she asked but received no response. 

“please come out. you can talk to me.” 

“go away. why would you want to listen to whatever i have to say?”

genesis furrowed her eyebrows and her lips morphed into a deeper frown. “well, we’re friends, aren’t we?” she hesitantly asked, unsure if she should because if she had mistaken hermione as her friend, well, that would be one more embarrassing thing to add to her list of goof-ups.

hermione went silent for a bit, only the sounds of her sniffling were heard.

“after charms, i heard ron call me a nightmare and say that was the reason i had no friends.” her words make genesis’ mouth fall ajar, “that little-” she muttered quietly before cutting herself off, “don’t listen to ron. he’s an idiot, hermione. you aren’t a nightmare.” genesis told her through the door, leaning on it. the girl didn’t say anything back, probably unconvinced.

“you do have friends, hermione. i’m your friend, and so is neville. maybe not many, but i’ll be here for you whenever you need, you can count on me.” genesis waited but there was still no reply, but there was the sound of the door unlocking.

hermione came out of the stall with tear-stained cheeks and red eyes, wiping them with her hands. genesis smiled at her and embraced her in a hug, leaving hermione to muster up a smile herself.

“thanks.” she said when they pulled away, “no problem.” genesis replied, patting her on the back.

meanwhile, the feast was going swell. a variety of treats were lined along the tables, and everyone was bursting with joy.

harry looked beside him and noticed someone missing. “where’s hermione?” he asked them and neville turned to him. “parvati patil said she’s been in the girl’s bathroom all afternoon, crying.” he explained with a frown, harry shared a look with ron who only shrugged.

george looked around and furrowed his eyebrows.

“genesis is missing as well?”

“oh, she went to go find hermione after charms class because she noticed her crying. i’m guessing she’s with hermione in the lavatory right now. don’t know why they’ve been in there all afternoon, though.” lovelynn explained as she took a bite out of her pumpkin pie. ron looked especially guilty now.

suddenly, professor quirrel entered the hall in a panic, screaming about a troll in the dungeon.

chaos reigned and everyone was screaming and standing up to start running. with a few sparks flying out of dumbledore’s wand, the great hall went silent.

“prefects will lead their house back to their dormitories and teachers will follow me to the dungeons.” lovelynn couldn’t follow these directions! her sister was in the girl’s toilet and had no idea about the supposed troll in the dungeon. when the gryffindors made their way through a door, she grabbed harry and ron by the collars and pulled them aside.


“hermione and genesis have no idea about the troll! we can’t just leave them.” she told them and harry nodded while ron looked pale, terrified of what would happen if they came face-to-face with a troll.

the three of them rushed to the other side of the corridor that led to the girl’s bathroom but on the way, something caused them to stop.

“i think the troll’s left the dungeon…” ron muttered as they watched a humongous shadow move on the wall of the hallway. harry pulled both of them to the side to hide behind a wall, trying to peer at it. they watched the troll sluggishly walk straight towards-

“the girl’s bathroom!” lovelynn exclaimed, “it’s heading straight for the girl’s bathroom!” she took out her wand and slipped past harry and ron despite their constant whisper-shoutings of ‘no’. she chased after the beast with the two boys trailing behind her, all of them light as a cat so as to not make any sound and attract the troll.

in the girl’s lavatory, hermione was just washing her face as genesis leaned against a stoney wall.

“do you think we missed the feast?” she asked her, fantasising about anything coated in chocolate. hermione laughed as she grabbed a tissue, “i’m sure the feast’s still going on, we won’t miss it.” she reassured but froze when she turned to genesis’ direction.

genesis stared at her with a raised eyebrow, “what is it?” hermione slowly lifted her hand to point behind her. the girl turned around only to get shocked by a twelve foot tall troll. the two of them backed away slowly before hermione darted into one of the bathroom stalls and genesis opted for laying on the ground as the troll swung its club.

“what do we do?!” genesis asked her as she tried her best to run to the other side, “i don’t know!” hermione yelled back before screaming as the troll destroyed all the stalls with one swing.

genesis tried to think as she pulled out her wand but then the bathroom door swung open and harry, ron and lovelyn appeared.

“hermione, move!” harry told her and she started army-crawling her way underneath the half-broken walls of the stalls. lovelynn ducked as she ran past the troll and towards her twin sister. “are you alright?” she asked, “yeah, you guys are here just in time! did you call a teacher?” when a sheepish smile spread across lovelynn’s face, genesis knew the answer to her question.

“one job!” she screamed at her as the boys started throwing broken wooden planks at the troll’s head. hermione suddenly ran towards them and yanked them underneath the row of sinks.

“why are we hiding here?!” genesis continued to shriek, “i don’t know! i’m panicking!” hermione cried out before screaming and pushing them to the next sink when the troll tried to hit them with its club again.

“help!” hermione yelled at the two boys who were entirely clueless on what to do. harry pulled out his wand and charged towards it, grabbing the end of its weapon before ultimately getting swung onto the troll’s neck. in the middle of its confusion and swinging around to get harry off of its neck, lovelynn grabbed both hermione and genesis and made a run for it.

they reached ron but now harry was upside down, being held by the leg and was desperately trying to avoid getting destroyed by the club.

“do something!” harry yelled, ron looked around him. 



ron pulled out his wand, thinking about the levitation charm they practised earlier today. “swish and flick!” hermione reminded him for the last time and he nodded, looking determined.

“wingardium leviosa!” at his words, the troll’s club hovered above them, confusing the beast as it looked at its now empty hand. when it looked up, ron released his spell and the club fell on its head causing him to fall, completely knocked out.

genesis and hermione sighed in relief while lovelynn punched the air, “let’s go, weasley!” she yelled, shaking him back and forth.

hermione walked towards it slowly with caution, “is it… dead?” she asked, tilting her head.

“i don’t think so. just knocked out.” harry told her before kneeling down to retrieve his wand that got stuck in the troll’s nose while he was hanging on its neck. the five of them stare at it with disgust.

“ugh, troll bogies.” harry grimaced, looking at the slime-covered wand.

the sudden sound of rushing footsteps filled their ears and soon enough, professor mcgonagall, professor snape and professor quirrel arrived.

“oh! oh my goodness!” mcgonagall exclaimed, placing a hand on her heart. “explain yourselves! all of you!” she referred to harry, ron and lovelynn mostly. as the three of them tried their best to come up with an explanation, hermione cut them off.

“it’s my fault, professor mcgonagall.” she said, making all of them snap their heads at her.

“what are you doing?” genesis whispered to her but she didn’t say anything in reply.

“i went looking for the troll. i’ve read about them and thought i could handle it.” the other four shared bizarre looks with one another. the hermione granger? lying to a teacher? who disrupted the timeline?

“but i was wrong. if harry, ron, lovelynn and genesis hadn’t found me…” genesis furrowed her eyebrows, “i’d probably be dead.” she really didn’t think she had to lie for genesis as well since she was with her the entire time but hermione seemed extremely adamant on this. 

“be that as it may, it was an extremely foolish thing to do. i would have expected more rational behaviour on your part and i am very disappointed in you ms. granger.” mcgonagall said, “five points will be taken from gryffindor for your serious lack of judgement.” hermione only stared at the ground in shame, most probably for lying. the professor then turned to the other four, “as for you four, well, i hope you just realise how fortunate you are. not many first year students can take on a fully grown mountain troll and live to tell the tale.” ron and lovelynn smiled at each other, pretty happy about where this was going. “five points…” their smiles faded, “will be awarded to each of you.” but then came back again, beaming.

“for sheer dumb luck.” professor mcgonagall added before walking away with snape trailing after her. professor quirrel urged them all to leave before the troll awoken.

as they all walked down the corridor, lovelynn stretched. “ah, that was fun.” her words cause the red-head of the group to give her an incredulous look. 

“‘fun’?! that was the farthest thing from fun!” he yelled, absolutely red in the face.

“but you got to defeat that mountain troll!” 


“hey, lets just be grateful none of us got seriously injured.” genesis scolded, still carrying her books from the morning.

they all went silent for a while until harry spoke up. “good of you to get us out of trouble like that.”

“mind you we did save her life.”

“mind you she might not have needed saving if you hadn’t insulted her.” harry’s comeback has ron feeling a little bit guilty before turning to hermione.

“what are friends for?” he said, receiving a grin from the bushy-haired girl and a scowl from the girl next to her.

“genesis, let it go.” hermione told her when she saw her face, genesis only sighed. “as long as you’re okay, i’ll let it go.” lovelynn suddenly squealed, “aww, my wittle essy is making fwiends!” she said in a baby-like voice as she squished her sister’s cheeks together. genesis shoved her off in annoyance, rubbing her face. “shut it.” she hissed making everyone giggle.

when they reached the common room, it was extremely packed. everyone was continuing their dinners from the feast before. from the corner of his eye, george spotted the group but he really only cared about one of them.

“hey, i was wondering where you were when you didn’t turn up for the feast.” he said as he came up to genesis, a pink hue colouring his cheeks. genesis eyes went wide for a moment, “you noticed i wasn’t there?” she asked, “well, yeah. it was all you talked about for the last week.” he said with a laughing scoff at the end, smiling from ear to ear. she felt her face grow hot from the sudden undivided attention from him.

the other four stared at the two, three looking amused and one looking rather annoyed.

“i’m his brother, why didn’t he notice i was missing from the common room just now?” he whispered to them, “maybe because his mind was a little preoccupied with someone else.” lovelynn retorted, smiling smugly.

they all continued their dinners respectively. harry, ron and hermione sat together in a corner in silent peace. lovelynn and genesis had decided to join george, fred and lee jordan.

“a mountain troll! imagine! you guys’ little brother defeated a mountain troll.” lee exclaimed after lovelynn had told him the entire story. genesis was a bit disapproving of her telling but it was bound to spread somehow, someway. 

“we always knew he had it in him!” 

“it may have had something to do with when fred turned his teddy into a spider when he was three.” genesis stared at fred incredulously, “that’s awfully mean.” she frowned as she took a bite out of her garlic bread. “hey, he broke my toy broomstick first.” “he was only three!” she countered, slightly choking on her bread.

fred rolled his eyes, “what’s your point?” he asked as lovelynn let out a giggle, “she’s just empathetic when it comes to children. when our little brother started crying after i hit him even though he hit me first, she immediately coddled him.” the three of them stared at her weirdly, “isn’t your brother a year younger than the two of you?” “yep.” she nonchalantly answered, “it happened when he was seven and we were eight.” she explained and genesis rolled her eyes.

“oh, please. he hits so soft, and you hit him back with a full punch!”

“it was still a hit!”

“you were being dramatic!” they argued once more, something they did frequently in private and public.

lee laughed, “you know, you two are nothing like fred and george. i honestly expected all twins to be constantly attached to the hip.” he stated, taking a sip out of his goblet.

“well, we are. mostly she’s attached to mine, but we just argue a lot i guess. might be because of how different we are.”

“definitely because of how different we are.” genesis commented, snorting. lovelynn tsked before throwing a pea at her. 

“don’t waste food!” 

“oh, i didn’t know mum was here now!”

“excuse me?!”

and the arguing continued into the wee hours of the night, even when everyone went to bed, because how could they not?

 Evermore | Chapter Four

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1 year ago

thank you for blessing me with all these videos of david in his roles <3

NO PROBLEM !!!! i enjoy providing and editing for you guys!! we need more david videos of his roles!!

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1 year ago

my face was like :O

I wish that were me

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1 year ago


Appreciating some underappreciated MCU characters.

Appreciating Some Underappreciated MCU Characters.
Appreciating Some Underappreciated MCU Characters.
Appreciating Some Underappreciated MCU Characters.

(Kurt Goreshter, Helen Cho, Cameron Klein)

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1 year ago

kurt goreshter yt video!!

new upload of kurt's moments in the first ant-man film is up now!! i am so slow on editing but im trying so hard WAAAAAA

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1 year ago

❥ evermore | chapter three

pairing: george weasley x oc genre: friends to lovers! warnings: unedited word count: 2.8k masterlist: evermore last chapter: chapter two next chapter: chapter four

 Evermore | Chapter Three

IN THE MORNING, the first person to wake up was hermione, no surprises here. though, not long after she awoken, genesis was up and running.

“good morning, hermione.”

“good morning, genesis.” the two girls greeted each other with well-meaning smiles, brushing their teeth side-by-side. 

slowly, the other girls woke up as well except for… “lovelynn!” genesis yelled into her ear, causing her sister to shoot up from bed. 


“no, we’re at hogwarts. why are you dreaming about hospitals?” lovelynn only groaned in response, falling back into her bed. 

“fi’ mo’ minute…” she slurred, still incredibly sleepy. 

genesis rolled her eyes, “fine. don’t blame me when you’re late to breakfast and ultimately, class.” she nagged, fixing up her sister’s things on her bedside table. lovelynn sighed before rubbing her eyes and sitting back up. “fine.” and with that she got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to get ready.

afterwards, the short-haired brunette felt much more awake than before. “woo! first day of hogwarts! i’m so pumped!” she exclaimed as her, genesis and hermione walked to the great hall. “what are you guys most excited for?” hermione asked, “definitely defense against the dark arts. though, i don’t know how fun it’ll be with that professor we have. he has a stutter right?” lovelynn asked and they nodded, “i’m looking forward to history of magic.” “boooring!” genesis glared at lovelynn’s response, “rude.” she simply stated but her sister could care less. 

“there’s so many other interesting subjects and you choose history of magic? really?” genesis paid no more attention to her, not wanting to feel annoyed immediately before even stepping foot into their first class. hermione and lovelynn continued to talk about school and other things such as quidditch(which hermione had no interest in but lovelynn was rather ecstatic about it).

going into the great hall, the three girls sat at the front of the table and started filling their plates with eggs, sausages and toast. anyone could see the first years were extremely excited as they chatted away about their lessons once more.

when they mentioned history of magic, fred and george snorted.

“professor binns teaches that class.” “absolutely boring rubbish.” genesis furrowed her eyebrows, “are you saying the topics are boring or the teacher?” her question has fred snickering. “well, i’d have to say both.” she fought back the urge to roll her eyes at him since she was hoping for a general, actual answer. 

george noticed her disgruntled reaction. “but, professor binns is honestly the problem. he’s a ghost and well, he talks extremely slow and is extremely boring.” genesis nodded and smiled at him, “i see. thanks for the heads up.” she said, appreciating that he gave her a legitimate answer.

the younger weasley twin only stared at her with his mouth slightly ajar, seemingly distracted before his brother patted him on the shoulder.

“always helping out the young ones aren’t we, george?” “right you are, fred.” lovelynn rolled her eyes playfully at their antics and they all continued to have breakfast. genesis was a bit weirded out as she noticed ron and harry hadn’t turned up at all even after it was time for classes to start. she wondered where they might’ve been.

once they reached transfigurations and the two boys were still nowhere in sight, genesis had concluded they’d slept in.

“boy, if they come in here late professor mcgonagall’s definitely gonna tell ‘em off.” lovelynn whispered to her sister who was unwrapping her leather strap on her books to place them on the table. “well, they should’ve woke up earlier then.” she simply shrugged as professor mcgonagall begun her transfigurations class.

after 15 minutes, the two boys rushed into the classroom, happy to see that mcgonagall was not there. unbeknownst to them, she was the cat that was sat on the desk at the front of the class.

once they’d written many, many notes, the professor had finally given them something to transfigure. they had to turn a match into a needle, and by the end of the lesson, it seemed only hermione and genesis were able to do exactly that while lovelynn had somehow lit hers on fire.

“ms. heath!” mcgonagall exclaimed, a warning tone laced in her voice. she put out the flames before they could spread and gave lovelynn a look to which she responded with a sheepish grin.

she huffed as the class finally ended and it was time for them to head to potions. 

“that was horrible.”

“how did you even set the match on fire?”

“i don’t know… might be because i picked it up and slid it across the table.” genesis deadpanned at her sister’s reply, rolling her eyes.

when they reached potions, the twins had decided to take a seat between harry potter and hermione granger.

the potions classroom was dark and cold, probably due to the fact it was placed deep into the dungeons of the hogwarts castle. it felt eerie and made genesis a bit anxious. on the other hand, the older of the pair was having a field day staring at the numerous jars on the shelves lining the walls filled with disgusting and interesting looking things.

“how many galleons do you wanna bet that those are the body parts of former hogwarts students?”

“none. absolutely none, you psychopath.” genesis stared at her with an incredulous expression, feeling even more uneasy. just as they were talking, the potions professor stormed into the classroom.

“there will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class.” professor severus snape began as he made his way to his desk. “as such, i don’t expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion-making. however, for those select few,” he quickly glances at draco malfoy, “who possess the predisposition.” 

genesis stared at him with wide eyes, he was extremely intimidating. she had spotted him during the feast last night and what with having distinct features like greasy-looking black hair and a hooked nose, she definitely remembered him.

“i can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. i can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper in death.” genesis wasn’t going to lie, with the way he was talking she couldn’t help but hang on each and every word he was saying while lovelynn was trying her best to hold back a yawn.

“then again, maybe some of you have to hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not pay attention.” with the professor raising his voice and staring at the student beside her, lovelynn realised he was talking about harry who was writing.

she nudged his shoulder with her own to signal him to stop and he immediately did so. “mr potter — our new celebrity.” and from this moment on, everything went rather south. professor snape continuously questioned the boy who lived things that he had no idea about whilst hermione raised her hand so high up it was almost like she could touch the ceiling. genesis felt so bad for him that she almost decided to speak up before her sister held her hand underneath the table and used their twin telepathy, practically telling her not to do that.

the lesson resumed as normal after snape interrogated harry, made everyone take notes and took five points away from gryffindor house. they were put into pairs and tasked with brewing a simple potion to cure boils.

lovelynn and genesis automatically paired up together, seeing as lovelynn would do nothing and allow her sister to do all the work. though, when snape passed by he didn’t seem quite happy with how one-sided the work was being done and so he switched them up and paired genesis with seamus finnigan instead while lovelynn was stuck with neville longbottom.

“i hate him.” the older twin whispered under her breath as she crushed snake fangs.

genesis seemed even more stressed with seamus as her partner than lovelynn because he was, to put it in a simple way, all over the place.

“no- seamus, this is supposed to be at least 20 grams.” she softly told him which only made him even more annoyed. “fine, you do it then.” he scoffed, handing her the dried nettles. then, there was a loud commotion over at lovelynn and neville’s cauldron. neville had melted their cauldron into a twisted blob that spilled onto the stoney floor as everyone was forced to climb up on their chairs to avoid being burnt.

“idiot boy!” snape yelled at neville who was groaning in pain as red boils start appearing on his skin, “heath, take him up to the hospital wing.” he told lovelynn who silently groaned before grabbing onto neville’s arm. “come on, longbottom.” she urged, giving her sister a look that said ‘save me’ as she passed by.

after the class had ended, genesis rushed out of the classroom to go find the hospital wing to see her sister.

just as she entered through the doors, she bumped into someone familiar. “hello, stranger.” lovelynn playfully greeted, genesis rolled her eyes. 

“hi. how’s neville doing?” 

“longbottom’ll be fine. madam pomfrey shooed me away though.” lovelynn explained as they made their way to their next period.

when it was time for their free period, they sat at the gryffindor table in the great hall. “how do we already have tons of homework? it’s literally the first day!” genesis shook her head at her sister’s complaining, “what were you expecting? candy?” she asked as she wrote her essay on a long piece of parchment. the weasley twins and their friend, lee jordan, were sitting opposite of them with their own load of work.

“let me guess, the homework’s from snape?” george asked, putting his quill down.

“he always gives us tons, we just don’t do them.” fred added, fiddling with his paper and not paying attention to his school work whatsoever.

genesis let out a chuckle, “don’t think you have that option, lovey. mum would be livid if she heard you weren’t doing school work just because you don’t want to.” lovelynn tsked and laid her head on a pile of books. 

“she doesn’t have to know.” 

“oh, but she will, because i’ll tell her.”

“you are such a mommy’s girl, esis.” a bright red hue spreads across genesis’ face at lovelynn’s words before she smacked her with rolled parchment. “ow!” she exclaimed, laughing.

soon enough, the mail had arrived. “oh, look! there’s ivory!” the older heath twin announced, pointing out an ivory-coloured barn owl that was flying into the hall. their owl dropped a package with a letter attached to it.

genesis ripped the letter off it while lovelynn pawed at the package. genesis opened up the letter and quickly summarised it to her sister. 

“mum and dad sends their best wishes and says that michael is having the best time with us out of the house.” 

“that little brat!” lovelynn hissed and scowled thinking about their little brother as she unwrapped the package. when she opened it, it revealed a potted cactus plant. “looks like dad’s garden is growing well.” she observed the tiny, prickly plantae. out of the siblings, lovelynn adored plants the most and it was something she bonded over with their dad.

“hey, look! neville’s got a remembrall!” dean thomas pointed out as neville held up a glass ball decorated with golden lines. “i’ve read about those! when the smoke turns red, it means you’ve forgotten about something.” hermione explained as the ball did exactly that, signalling neville has indeed forgotten something.

“that’s pretty cool.” lovelynn comments as she looked at neville who was sat beside her. “the only problem is i can’t remember what i’ve forgotten.” neville told them with a frown, staring at the red smoke. lovelynn patted him on the back, “i’m sure it’ll come to you eventually, nevs. don’t fret about it too much.” she reassured with a smile and he nodded before placing the glass ball into his pocket.

lovelynn then changed the subject to flying on a broom and for the first years they had compulsory flying lessons. when thursday rolled by, they were out on the field standing beside brooms with madam hooch as their instructor.

genesis had a horrible feeling about flying. she didn’t feel good about being high in the sky with the chance of falling to her doom.

“stick your right hand over the broom, and say ‘up’.” with madam hooches instructions, they all began to enact on them. harry was one of the first people to get his broom to listen to him immediately. lovelynn stared at him with envy as her broom wasn’t budging one bit. genesis wasn’t even trying, scared the broom would smack her in the face.

“the broom isn’t going to smack you, just try it!” lovelynn said as she held her broom in her hand. just as she said that, ron’s had practically punched him in the nose. “...nevermind.” lovelynn quietly muttered, grinning at ron.

at some point they’d all got their brooms to fly up to their hands and were now forced to mount it and kick off into the air.

“on my whistle. three, two—” as madam hooch blew her whistle, neville’s broom immediately floated off the ground without him doing anything. everyone urged him to come back down, but he himself was confused and had no idea what to do. lovelynn tried to grab onto the end of his broom to pull him back down but it was no use, the broom wouldn’t budge.

soon enough, neville was being flailed everywhere, going up and down and around buildings as he gripped tightly to his broom for dear life. when he finally fell, everyone could only stare at him.

“everyone out of the way!” madam hooch yelled as she rushed to him to check for any injuries. 

“i hope he’s okay.” 

“longbottom’s strong, he’ll be fine.” lovelynn told genesis as they peered over the crowd to see what was happening. she sighed before turning her head when something shiny caught her eye. neville’s remembrall had fallen out of his pocket and landed on the grass. just as lovelynn was about to pick it up, draco malfoy had swooped in and snatched it off the ground. she glared at him but he only smirked at her.

“everyone’s to keep their feet firmly on the ground while i take mr. longbottom to the hospital wing, understand? if i see a single broom in the air, the one riding it will find themselves out of hogwarts before they can say quidditch.” as madam hooch walked away, malfoy rubbed the remembrall on his robe.

“d’you see his face, the great lump.”

“shut it, malfoy.” lovelynn hissed but he only smirked. “sticking up for longbottom, are you? never thought you’d like fat little crybabies, heath.” she swore she could feel a vein popping out of her forehead. “well, that’s better than a great, big bully such as yourself, malfoy.” genesis chimed in, defending her sister. “if you want to talk big, we should continue talking about longbottom.” the slytherin held up neville’s remembrall, “maybe if the fat lump had given this a squeeze he’d remember to fall on his fat arse.” malfoy’s words has the twins seething with even more anger, “give-” “give it here, malfoy!” harry said, cutting off lovelynn who now moved aside to see how this confrontation would go.

“no. i think i’ll leave it somewhere for longbottom to find.” the blonde retorted, throwing the remembrall in the air before catching it again. he stepped onto his broom and floated away, “how about on the roof?” he suggested, flying up towards the sky.

“what’s the matter potter? bit beyond your reach?”

as harry mounted his broom to try and chase after malfoy, hermione stopped him. “harry, no way! you heard what madam hooch sai-” “who cares?! get him harry!” lovelynn interrupted her, “what? no! harry, you don’t even know how to fly.” genesis butted in, “don’t encourage him, lovelynn!” as the twins bickered, harry rolled his eyes before kicking off the ground. hermione and genesis’ mouths fell open, absolutely flabbergasted while lovelynn cheered him on. they shook their heads muttering one word:


the two boys flew around for a while before malfoy had threw the remembrall extremely far, making harry zoom past him to catch the glass ball. when malfoy came back down from his broom, lovelynn pushed him to the ground. “jerk!” she yelled before genesis pulled her back, “hey, violence isn’t the answer, lovey.” she reminded her sister as malfoy got back up, dusting his robes with a big scowl on his face. 

“you’re lucky i’m willing to look past this and not inform my father, heath.” lovelynn only stared at him before bursting out laughing. “you- you’re going to run off and tell daddy? oh, that is priceless!” she exclaimed, falling onto genesis who tried her best to hold her weight.

they didn’t think draco malfoy’s face could get any more sour.

 Evermore | Chapter Three

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1 year ago

she is so majestic and unreal

Liv Tyler As Arwen
Liv Tyler As Arwen

Liv Tyler as Arwen

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) dir. Peter Jackson

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1 year ago

❥ evermore | chapter two

pairing: george weasley x oc genre: friends to lovers! warnings: unedited word count: 2.1k masterlist: evermore last chapter: chapter one next chapter: chapter three

 Evermore | Chapter Two

THE JOURNEY FROM the train station to hogwarts was a first experience nobody could ever repeat. genesis was having the time of her life admiring the scenery as she rode in a boat with her sister, hermione and the boy who had lost his toad named neville longbottom.

yes, you read right. she found her sister at last.

walking through the main entrance, which was a door five times their size, they were told to walk up the main staircase until they reached the great hall. there they would meet professor mcgonagall, and meet they did.

“welcome to hogwarts.” the witch draped in green robes with a pointy hat placed atop her head, presumably professor mcgonagall, greeted the group of first years with a small smile. “now, in a few moments, you will pass through these doors and join your classmates but before you can take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses. they are gryffindor, hufflepuff, ravenclaw and slytherin.” as the professor continued her explanation, genesis glanced downwards to the ground.

she squinted her eyes, spotting something dark and glistening on the ground. when it started to move, genesis realised what it was. she gave neville’s elbow a light tap, “neville, isn’t that your toad?” she quietly asked, pointing at the creature.

neville’s eyes widened and he leapt forward just as mcgonagall finished talking. “trevor!” he exclaimed, kneeling on the ground, cradling the amphibian in his hands. as the boy stood up, he apologised before retreating back to his original spot next to the blue-eyed girl.

with that, the professor left to finish preparing the sorting ceremony for them. lovelynn could barely contain her excitement. 

“ugh, i wanna go in already! it’s taking too long!”

“lovey, it’s been 30 seconds since she’s left.”

“yeah! 30 seconds of my life wasted when it could have been spent getting sorted into my house!” genesis could only roll her eyes at her sister’s dramatics.

suddenly, a boy with platinum blonde hair spoke up. “it's true then, what they're saying on the train.” he started, walking towards harry. “harry potter has come to hogwarts.” the boy’s simple sentence has the entire group of first year students bursting into murmurs and gasps.

“this is crabbe and goyle, and i’m malfoy. draco malfoy.” the random pause for dramatic effect has both ron and lovelynn snorting, stifling their laughter.

malfoy looked between the two, “think my name’s funny, do you?” he asked, sending them glares. “i’ve no need to ask yours. red hair, and a hand-me-down robe? you must be a weasley.” the blonde sneered at ron, who only frowned at him. “hey, now. there’s no need for aggression.” genesis spoke up but malfoy only snapped his head at her. 

“i wasn’t speaking to you.” at his comment, the girl raised her hands as if to say ‘alright, i surrender, geez.’ as the boy turned back towards harry, who wasn’t enjoying this one bit.

“we’ll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others, potter. you don’t want to go making friends with the wrong sort.” malfoy said, referring to ron. “i can help you there.” harry only stared at the blonde’s extended hand before deciding that he was the wrong sort.

“i think i can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks.” the two’s conversation was cut short by professor mcgonagall coming back, eyeing malfoy as he walked back to his original spot but not without giving harry a sort-of determined look, a look that would prove to be one that would follow the scar-headed boy for the rest of his years in hogwarts, but lets not get ahead of ourselves.

the first years walked into the great hall, lined up in pairs of two. genesis walked beside hermione as lovelynn walked beside neville.

the bushy-haired girl noticed genesis staring up at the ceiling, mesmerised at the floating candles and night sky- wait, night sky? “it’s not real, the ceiling, it’s just bewitched to look like the night sky.” hermione explained, “i’ve read about it in-” “hogwarts: a history?” genesis asked, cutting her off. the girl looked taken aback for a moment before giving her a wide smile, “so, you’ve read it, huh?” genesis grinned, answering with a ‘possibly’.

the group gathered along the platform as a wizard’s hat on a stool was before them.

“now, before we begin, professor dumbledore would like to say a few words.” these few notices would consist of few notices such as staying out of the dark forest (which applies to all students), and the fact that the third floor corridor is out of bounds to anyone who does not wish to die a most painful death.

lovelynn grumbled, “talk about a warm welcome.” she snorted to neville, who only stared at her with a confused expression.

as the headmaster finished his tiny speech, professor mcgonagall unravelled a scroll. “now, when i call your name, you will come forth. i shall place the sorting hat on your head and you will be sorted into your houses.” genesis took a deep breath, it was finally time.

with each person getting called, the more nervous the brunette got. especially when her sister was called and sorted into, predictably, gryffindor.

“yes!” lovelynn exclaimed, almost accidentally dashing off with the sorting hat still attached to her head. she sat between neville and a boy named seamus finnigan.

“genesis heath.” hearing her name being called had her heart plummeting to the pit of her stomach.

she slowly walked up the platform, trying her best to keep her breathing steady and quiet. “another heath in a row? how quaint.” the hat started it’s judgement.

“the quieter one, the one easier to pick on, but nonetheless, the one who stands her ground. the one who is bolder and firm, the one who will live on to do great things. things that could change our world. i find it a bit peculiar to place you in ravenclaw, especially apart from your sister whom you seem inseparable from. i guess i’ll put you in gryffindor!” the sigh of relief that left genesis’ lips was only a big clue to the obvious, she was happy to just be sorted into the same house as her sister.

as she walked towards the table, lovelynn stood up again and wrapped her in a big hug. “we’re together! and now there’s like three sets of twins in this house.” she told her with a big grin, finding the random fact amusing.

genesis had gone to sit beside hermione and lovelynn had decided to sit beside her sister and neville longbottom.

after a few minutes of waiting and watching harry potter get sorted(into gryffindor, no surprise) the feast had begun.

genesis wasn’t particularly hungry since she was still feeling rather anxious.

“come on, now. you’ve got to eat something. you’re going to complain later that you’re starving.” lovelynn told her, muffled by the food in her mouth. the girl stared at her with disgust. “i was going to eat something but now that i’ve looked at you, i’ve lost my appetite.” genesis’ comment has ron’s older twin brothers snickering.

the two turned to them and then to ron, “don’t mind them. they find everything humorous.” he said with his cheeks stuffed.

“i’m ron weasley, by the way. i met your sister on the train.” he said to the other twin, “i’m lovelynn heath! nice to meet you, ron.” her enthusiasm makes ron baffled, as she was completely different from her sister.

the weasley twins smiled at them, “i’m fred,” “and i’m george.” they introduced themselves continuously, lovelynn beamed at that.

with a gasp, “we should try doing tha-” “no.” genesis turned her down without even thinking twice. her immediate answer has lovelynn pouting, “you’re no fun.” she complained, “i’m lovelynn, this is genesis. she’s the lesser fun twin.” the short-haired twin emphasised on the word ‘lesser’. “yes. yes, i am.” genesis agreed with a toothy smile, having no problem with the insult.

fred and george chuckles, “well, then, i think you’d fit great with us.” “we’re the most fun pair of twins.” “more like the most getting into trouble pair of twins.” ron’s other older brother, percy, butts in, making lovelynn giggle and genesis smile.

as the dinner went on, ron let out a loud yelp as a ghostly figure’s head popped through their table.

“hello! how are you? welcome to gryffindor!” and after him, came more ghosts from around the hall, or you could say through the hall. 

genesis beamed at the sight, “ghosts?! kind of scary.” lovelynn commented, “they aren’t that scary. they aren’t suppose to be hostile.” her twin informed, george turned to look at her. “well, if you don’t count peeves that is.” fred said just as he was about to speak, “peeves is more trouble than we are, though the bloody baron can always keep him in check.” george explained, taking a bite out of his garlic bread.

“hello, sir nicholas. have a nice summer?” percy asked the ghost head that popped through their table, “dismal. once again my request to join the headless hunt has been denied.” he told the boy in an unsatisfied tone before slowly floating away.

genesis’ eyes slowly widened in realisation, “wait a minute, i know you! you’re-” “nearly headless nick!” ron yelled out, cutting the girl off. “i prefer sir nicholas if you don’t mind.” sir nicholas sassed, the annoyance extremely clear on his features. “who?” lovelynn asked, mouth filled with food once more. 

“sir nicholas de mimsy-porpington.” her younger sister’s reply has her staring with a blank expression. 

“my god, you’re a walking enclopyedia.”

genesis scoffed, “you asked.” she replied back.

“nearly headless? how can you be nearly headless?” hermione’s question has harry rolling his eyes and genesis cringing due to knowing exactly how he’s nearly headless. “like this.” sir nicholas proceeded to tilt his head to the side before it suddenly popped off, hanging onto his body only by a little bit of flesh. ron yelled out in shock as hermione and harry grimaced. the twins only stared, completely indifferent and taking bites out of their food.

“improper decapitation certainly is the worst.” genesis sighed and shook her head while sir nicholas popped his head back on. “it certainly is, ms. heath.” he agreed before taking his leave.

lovelynn shivered, “that is not something you want to see while eating.” she muttered, suddenly not in the mood for her minced pie. “i have no idea what you’re talking about. i am suddenly starving.” genesis grinned, stealing her sister’s minced pie before taking a huge bite from it.

after dinner, the first years were all set to follow percy to their common room. lovelynn stared at the moving staircases with incredulity. “if they move all the time, how do we know when it’ll lead to the place we want to go?” she whispered to her sister, “schedules.” genesis simply answered, staring at the moving paintings they passed by. the older only stared at her weirdly, not understanding what she meant by ‘schedules’.

when they reached their common room with the usage of their password ‘caput draconis’, they headed straight for their dorms. genesis was relieved to know she’d be sharing a dorm room with her sister and hermione, people she was familiar with. their other dormmates were lavender brown and emma joyce. 

“genny, look who it is!” lovelynn exclaimed loudly, pointing her attention to something that sat on her bed. not only did ‘genny’ turn to look but all the girls did, and they were greeted with the delightful sight of the twins’ cream-coloured, fluffy maine coone kitten, carlyle(who didn’t look like a kitten at all since maine coones grew very quickly).

“oh my stars! carlyle!” genesis cried out, approaching the well-groomed kitten and giving him a pat. “aw, he’s adorable.” hermione complimented, smiling at the sight. “he is, isn’t he? he’s also apparently allowed to roam hogwarts on his own which is nice for him since he enjoys watching people study.” genesis explained, lovelynn snorted before leaning towards the other girls. “guess how we found out about that.” she muttered, gesturing to the fact that carlyle started accompanying genesis during her long nights of going through her hogwarts books and has been hooked on watching people read or study ever since.

the girls had decided to wash up and hurry off to bed, figuring they had a long day ahead of them tomorrow and that it was best they slept early. 

lovelynn was the only one to disagree but was the first to start snoring off into dream land, leaving genesis to stare at her sister with a look of utter disbelief and endearment.

 Evermore | Chapter Two

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1 year ago


my youtube channel!

hello everyone! i've recently decided to start a david dastmalchian youtube channel because i had noticed a lacking of david compilations, along with compilations for a few of his characters, and so i have decided to make videos for almost all his characters (that i can find content of) and make funny little meme-y compilations or even maybe scenepacks for editing!

i'm currently working on an abner krill video at the moment, which is taking like years to edit cause my phone is a piece of shit but you guys can request for any sort of video or scenepack if you want! i also may do other types of videos if i find the time and/or motivation!

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1 year ago

youtube video is out now!!

my youtube video about abner is finally out after a whole year of me procrastinating on editing and uploading it! i hope you guys enjoy it, i plan on uploading more compilations of characters, celebrities and content creators i like!

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1 year ago

youtube video announcement!

guess who finally finished editing that abner krill video LMAAOOAOAOA ITS NOT EVEN THAT GOOD but hopefully it'll be uploaded before next week!

i've been thinking of branching out to editing other characters as well so my channel could have a variety of characters decorating it!

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1 year ago

SO MUCH GOOD NEWS TO HAVE BEFORE 2024!!! I'M WORKING ON REQUESTS, some more than others because im selective and i need motivation, DREAM IS INNOCENT AND ANYONE WHO WISHES HE WASN'T IS DISGUSTING BECAUSE the fact you're wishing someone had been gr00med is horrible and I HAVE COVID BUT WHO CARESSSSSS

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1 year ago
The LOML And Bo-
The LOML And Bo-

The LOML✨✨✨ and Bo-

It’s da Sinclair Twinsss🕯️🧢

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1 year ago

also thank you so much for over 300 followers! i don't post much but i swear i will soon !!

1 year ago

Hiii! :) are your requests open? I just wanted to ask and make sure.

YES REQUESTS ARE STILL OPEN!! ive gone a bit mia and it'll take a while for me to finish every request i have atm (i have so many T-T) but ill try my best to post your request if you are requesting!!

1 year ago

Dream would definitely be interested in you being that you're a minor

sounds like a dranti making gr00ming & p3do jokes to me idk

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