The Evil Dead (1981) - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago
GIF of Cheryl looking disheveled and very upset while Ash asks her, "Cheryl, what's the matter with you? Did something in the woods do this to you?"
GIF of Cheryl telling Ash, "No, it was the woods themselves!"
GIF of Cheryl saying, "They're alive, Ashley! The trees! They're alive!" and leaning against Ash's chest.

THE EVIL DEAD (1981) dir. Sam Raimi

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2 years ago
Shame That This Pair Is Not That Popular On Ao3, But I'm Going To Do Something With It For Sure!

Shame that this pair is not that popular on Ao3, but I'm going to do something with it for sure!

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2 years ago

Part 1 of 2

Part 1 Of 2
Part 1 Of 2
Part 1 Of 2
Part 1 Of 2

They were all quarreling. They were in separate rooms, and it was all because of Scotty.

Ash blamed him, but Scotty said the same about him, even though he wasn't quite as guilty as he was.

They were alone and he was tired of with Ash's complaints. He noticed the tape and rope, smiled slyly and turned to Ash, saying that what he was holding must have been left just for him.

Ash didn't understand anything, raised an eyebrow, moved closer to Scotty, but Scotty quickly reached for the tape and sealed Ash's mouth shut. Ash didn't know what it was about, but before he tore off the tape so he could yell to his friend, he then held his wrists, turned him over and pinned him to the wall, quickly taking the rope and tying him up.

He was fed up with Ash at times, and especially now, so he decided to shut him down completely. Unfortunately, something bad started to happen, Scotty walked away saying he would check it out, Ash was outraged that Scotty had left him like that, so he tried to break free somehow and get up, he managed a little but got stuck and Linda seeing him like this, she wanted to free Ash, but at the last moment Scotty called for help.

Unfortunately, Ash was left alone, rather safe, waiting to be released. After a few minutes everything was quiet a long time ago, but he tried to break free and help his friends. Was it too late for that?


Better quality:

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2 years ago
Part 1 Of The Story:
Part 1 Of The Story:
Part 1 Of The Story:
Part 1 Of The Story:

Part 1 of the story:

Other variations (+ better quality on my DA):

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1 year ago

„Lonely adventure to this place was a mistake”

Lonely Adventure To This Place Was A Mistake
Lonely Adventure To This Place Was A Mistake
Lonely Adventure To This Place Was A Mistake
Lonely Adventure To This Place Was A Mistake


The whale swallowed another catch. Unfortunately, Ashley decided to split up with Kelly and Pablo, but he really wanted to go alone to a place he remembered quite well. Something only he and Scotty knew. But also is deadite Scotty, who has returned to find out if Ash really hasn't forgotten his friend for so many years.


Sorry for being dead, but I have private things on my mind all the time and want to banish them with creating something with my hands.

Also, this is another GID art which I created in the last weekend.

I haven't made any for a very long time and this idea for art waited a few months for me to finish it xD

I had to remember some things and use one new thing that improves the art of making shibari in Blender. I noticed that it's not as well done as you can see up close.

Sorry, but I tried.

Btw... it's not a rope, it's cables. As you can see, very flexible cables xD

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5 months ago

Halloween Film Frightstival Day 6: The Evil Dead (1981)

Halloween Film Frightstival Day 6: The Evil Dead (1981)

Okay so I’ve been wanting to watch the original Evil Dead for fucking ever and it’s finally on a streaming service (it’s on tubi rn) and during spooky season too!

I watched the 2013 one several years back when I was a horror wimp, but still enjoyed it as an early foray into the actually scary stuff (I specifically recall enjoying making fun of the characters for doing immensely stupid shit like opening and reading aloud from a cursed book that has warnings written all over it)

Okay I was gonna try and just watch instead of keeping track of a running commentary but 10 minutes in and I just noticed one of the characters is wearing a Michigan State sweatshirt, alma mater mention! It’s fitting cause MSU is haunted as shit (well so is the entire state in general but)

Ooh the creepy exterior shots looking through the windows are goood, in fact a lot of the cinematography was good, I liked the interesting uses of angles and zooms for unsettling atmosphere. There were even oblique angles which is one of the only things I remember from the film class I took in high school and that’s the only reason I mentioned it

~ This is movie is exactly why the woods are scary, if you’d shown me this as a child who was afraid of the woods and any suspiciously woods-ish groups of trees I would’ve shit bricks ~

They all have such old people midcentury names (random thought I had because I can’t watch movies like a normal person and have to constantly make fun of the characters)

The prosthetics and makeup are soo fucking good though (the fakeness of the gore kind of throws it off sometimes, but to some degree it’s what I would expect a Sumerian demon killing coeds to look like in real life)

I think it’s interesting that they subvert the final girl trope with the order of killings, I knew enough about the franchise going in to know that there wasn’t a final girl but to have them all go first was different. I guess with Ash as the main character there’s more implications of the difficulty he’d have killing them since he has a girlfriend and a sister there

I also found it the tiniest bit campy with the wild kind of silly things that happen and the disregard for physics vis-à-vis chopping a head off with a shovel

Okay and the stop motion, while useful for what they needed to do and executed well, is not the vibe imo (I’m not the most fond of stop motion in general but that application of it brought the scare factor down for me)

The ending scream into upbeat credits music was a vibe though, I love when they put peppy music at the end of horror movies it’s so silly

Anyway I very much enjoyed that, it’s my favorite era of horror movies and borders on my favorite subgenres, I think I might have held it to too high a standard while watching because it was lower budget than probably a lot of the other horror movies I like (I just looked it up and it had like half the budget of Friday the 13th) and taking that into account it seems like even more of an impressive film. I’d probably say that was my favorite so far this week, I’ll probably check out the sequels sometime 👍

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