narnianwizard - Unequivocal Dumbass
Unequivocal Dumbass

24 | he/they | queeri sometimes commit blatant acts of dumbassery

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Narnianwizard - Unequivocal Dumbass - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago
What they watching? 🤔

Horror movie night at Dillon’s

This will go with my fic whenever I get around to posting it 🥶

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5 months ago
Youth Fascination With Technology

Youth fascination with technology

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5 months ago

Halloween Film Frightstival Day 13: The Ring (2002)

Halloween Film Frightstival Day 13: The Ring (2002)

To scold myself for skipping two whole days of my marathon, I’m watching The Ring. I am very preemptively scared but if i start crying and end up too afraid to sleep tonight I only have myself to blame.

The true horror is the fact that my tv does this weird inexplicable thing where when something is streaming sometimes the audio cuts out and the only way to fix it is to restart the entire tv and it’s done it twice in the first half hour

Okay I watched the whole thing, overall not nearly as scary as I thought it was going to be, I was honestly the most scared at the beginning when Katie’s time was almost up (the tape itself also bothered me, but it’s supposed to be unsettling). It was actually incredibly sad during the middle part (before the ending was revealed, when you no longer feel bad for Samara).

That moment at the end when it hit me that Rachel’s countdown had stopped days before she even tried to save Samara was honestly a chef’s kiss moment. And the various realizations of how the imagery from the tape applied to her life were also good moments.

Am I good at horror movies now? Am I hard to scare? Because that’s not how I would describe myself with ghosts horror movies. Anyway I actually think I really liked it, it felt a lot more investigative mystery than horror for a significant portion of the middle and now I’m wondering if I’m gonna need to rewatch it sometime to get more out of it now that I know how it ends. It gets a 👍 from me

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5 months ago

its of utmost importance you have sound on while watching this

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5 months ago
I Dont Know What My Goals Are, No. Thanks For Asking.
I Dont Know What My Goals Are, No. Thanks For Asking.
I Dont Know What My Goals Are, No. Thanks For Asking.
I Dont Know What My Goals Are, No. Thanks For Asking.
I Dont Know What My Goals Are, No. Thanks For Asking.
I Dont Know What My Goals Are, No. Thanks For Asking.
I Dont Know What My Goals Are, No. Thanks For Asking.
I Dont Know What My Goals Are, No. Thanks For Asking.

“I don’t know what my goals are, no. Thanks for asking.”

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5 months ago

during the peak of among us' popularity during the 2020 lockdowns i would name myself dad and go into lobbies with strangers and tell them i loved them and was proud of them and i ended up making a few people cry i think

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5 months ago

Why should public sex be legal? It seems more like there just needs to be a redefinition of the laws of what's considered public sex

Maybe I'm just a bigot but I don't think the idea of some guy being able to legally jerk it in a public park where children are very comforting

Good question! (Anon is referring to this post, for anyone wondering.) Get ready for a fucking essay I'm afraid, because I want to be very clear and its not simple.

TLDR: Public sex is about the fact sometimes in public, people are having sex. Not "people are going to all be having sex in front of you and children!". No one is hurting you by having sex in a public bathroom, or in their parked car, or in the woods.

But you are hurting people [specifically queer minorities and homeless people who cannot have sex anywhere else] by falling in line with logic so closely related to fascist ideology, it might as well be hand-in-hand.

It's about sexual autonomy. This isn't just a situation where "hey, being anti-public sex can easily be interpreted and used by fascists to be transphobic/homophobic" but it's also a "hey, the logic you're using is related to fascist ideology and removes bodily autonomy from other people."

You've made up a scenario in your head (a guy jerking it, children seeing) and decided public sex being legal means this could happen, so you don't like the idea of public sex.

Let me make one thing clear first: the scenario you just described already happens. Mostly because homeless people happen to exist and often don't have "private places" to have sex in. And guess what, some of them do get arrested!

But that's not because public sex is illegal [cishet couples, specifically yts be doing it all the time], it's because cops will take any excuse to fuck up someone they assume is homeless/non-white/mentally ill.

And yes, masturbating in a park could be public sex. What is also public sex is having sex in a bathroom at a bar, having sex in a car [outside of a garage], having sex in the woods, masturbating in any public bathroom, ect. Those are actual common types of public sex that almost only minorities get in trouble for.

The truth of the matter is, you're talking about public space. Public sex isn't about someone dropping down in front of you to have sex with their partner, it's about the fact that sometimes in public, people are having sex. And that's okay, people are allowed to do things with their bodies you don't approve of, even in a public space.

Unless they're dropping in front of you or having sex in a children's school lineup, they're not doing anything wrong. Someone masturbating in a bathroom stall is not hurting you, someone having sex under a blanket in a corner of the beach is not hurting you, someone humping at the club is also not hurting you.

(Also a child seeing someone else off-TV having sex literally happens at home. That does not mean their parents are child abusers, it just means that home is their parents home as well and they're allowed to do things in that space that their kids shouldn't be watching.)

Your idea is that public sex should be illegal. Let's play that out for a second. Someone has to enforce that law! So cops have to answer any call claiming someone is having public sex, which obviously puts minorities at risk but also means they have to check the clubs, have to check cars, have to check public bathrooms and do what?

Put people on registries? We've already done that, doesn't work. Put people in prison? Yes, let's lock people away indefinitely and make them do prison labor for having sex in a bathroom. Oh, what about fining them? That way we can target poor people! What about community service? Yes, surely that won't put people in danger of being outed, losing jobs or be considerably worse for disabled people.

It's not just ridiculous. It's cruel. Homeless people, so many LGBTQ+ kids and people in general who aren't out/can't be out to the people they live with rely on public sex as literally the only way they can have sex. Do you know how much of LGBTQ+ history is built by people who regularly had public sex, largely through necessity?

You might say, "well its okay for those who have no choice" but how do you know who has no choice? Are you going to knock on the bathroom doors, go "hey, I'm sorry, I just want to make sure you don't have another spot you could be doing this?"

You can't separate "folks who need this" and "folks who are just doing this for fun" without not just making an actual nuisance of yourself but also being a bigot.

People deserve the right to do what they will with their bodies. And sometimes, yes, that means public sex. Unless they are literally dropping down in front of you to have sex, it's not your problem. It can be triggering for some people, or just uncomfortable for some people but that does not mean they're hurting you.

Often public sex literally isn't even visible. And all you do when you restrict bodily autonomy is make it riskier and more and more unsafe [not just for people having sex but for everyone's bodily autonomy]. Does that sound like a step in the good direction to you, genuinely?

Though if you want to bring down public sex rates, Anon, by all means, try advocating for free housing, end homelessness, end racism, transphobia, homophobia, ableism, cults, bring about general sex positivity and blow up a landlord or two.

But focus on the heart of the issue. Which is not public sex.

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5 months ago

when someone asks me what i like

When Someone Asks Me What I Like

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5 months ago

The way I cook is pure chaos and it usually errs on the good side of mediocre, but for some reason the rule does not apply when I try to make pasta sauce (without diligently following a recipe)

Of the times I can remember:

— I once made a lovely delicious sauce while slightly out of it (there may or may not have been impulsive tequila involved) which needed to be thickened slightly, one thing led to another and it turned into a solid block of flavorless rubber

— One time I tried to make a pesto sauce from approximately scratch and I don’t remember what exactly I put in it, all I know is I kept adding things to try and fix it and it ended up so bad I had to just pour the whole of it out

— A few days ago, I had an idea to add asparagus to a jar of pesto, I managed to choke down all of the pasta, but it tasted like pure asparagus piss sauce

— I took the leftovers of that sauce today and seasoned the fuck out of them to try and fix it, unfortunately I thought they needed an acid and I decided to add a smidge of vinegar which turned into probably like a whole tablespoon because I poured straight from the bottle and now I covered one bad flavor with another and it’s now salt and vinegar flavored asparagus piss sauce

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5 months ago

Halloween Film Frightstival Day 10: Hellraiser (1987)

Halloween Film Frightstival Day 10: Hellraiser (1987)

Okay this has turned into a month of 80s movies, but it’s not my fault that’s the prime era for horror

Gore doesn’t bother me but that meat hook scene was gross in a good way

God that house b e a u t i f u l, I’d want to live there if I wasn’t likely to get murdered

Holy fuck I don’t even know how to describe that… re-memberment? But it was brilliant, and disgusting, and so cool


Okay overall really liked that movie, I’ll definitely try out some of the sequels and could see it becoming one of my favorite horror series. I did NOT however appreciate their treatment of rats. I’m okay with most things in horror movies but animal harm is not one of them.

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5 months ago
5 months ago

Halloween Film Frightstival Day 9 Triple Feature: The Fog (1980), The Blob (1988), Evil Dead II (1987)

Halloween Film Frightstival Day 9 Triple Feature: The Fog (1980), The Blob (1988), Evil Dead II (1987)
Halloween Film Frightstival Day 9 Triple Feature: The Fog (1980), The Blob (1988), Evil Dead II (1987)
Halloween Film Frightstival Day 9 Triple Feature: The Fog (1980), The Blob (1988), Evil Dead II (1987)

I felt like watching a bunch of classic 80s style horror movies and since I watched so many at once (and was also doing an overly complicated sims build at the time, so I may not have been paying attention), I have few thoughts, so I'll give one sentence reviews

The Fog: The premise felt like a Scooby Doo episode, which would be fine if it was also scary, but it wasn't

The Blob: So so goopy, pretty good, kind of scary, but the scariest part was that, like in real life, it's the government's fault

Evil Dead II: I always like a good background, appreciate the random gore, not super scary, the ending made no sense, but the intro connection to the previous film was good and a chainsaw for a hand really fucking slaps (Leatherface should take note)

So to recap: meh 🫤, good👍, good👍

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5 months ago
I Am Aware That Canonically The Show Has Never Confirmed Their Actual Ethnicity But I Remember That Loren
I Am Aware That Canonically The Show Has Never Confirmed Their Actual Ethnicity But I Remember That Loren
I Am Aware That Canonically The Show Has Never Confirmed Their Actual Ethnicity But I Remember That Loren
I Am Aware That Canonically The Show Has Never Confirmed Their Actual Ethnicity But I Remember That Loren
I Am Aware That Canonically The Show Has Never Confirmed Their Actual Ethnicity But I Remember That Loren

I am aware that canonically the show has never confirmed their actual ethnicity but I remember that Loren Bouchard has stated that in a perfect world the belchers would have been polyglots but I also find it interesting how that would mean that they would have lost their languages.

 I grew up first generation Mexican-American and I honestly would judge a lot of kids, my age, if they didn’t speak Spanish. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I comprehended that there were reasons why parents didn’t teach their kids Spanish. One of my previous coworkers who were older than me, would tell me about a time back in the 60s, where they were deathly afraid to even speak with an accent .

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5 months ago
Stunning 1920 Mansion In Savannah, GA. 6bds, 6.5ba, 4,577 Sq Ft, $2.595m.
Stunning 1920 Mansion In Savannah, GA. 6bds, 6.5ba, 4,577 Sq Ft, $2.595m.

Stunning 1920 mansion in Savannah, GA. 6bds, 6.5ba, 4,577 sq ft, $2.595m.

Stunning 1920 Mansion In Savannah, GA. 6bds, 6.5ba, 4,577 Sq Ft, $2.595m.

What an amazing entrance hall.

Stunning 1920 Mansion In Savannah, GA. 6bds, 6.5ba, 4,577 Sq Ft, $2.595m.

Every room in this home is elegant.

Stunning 1920 Mansion In Savannah, GA. 6bds, 6.5ba, 4,577 Sq Ft, $2.595m.

A sitting room opens to the dining room.

Stunning 1920 Mansion In Savannah, GA. 6bds, 6.5ba, 4,577 Sq Ft, $2.595m.

The dining room has a view of the kitchen through Greek columns.

Stunning 1920 Mansion In Savannah, GA. 6bds, 6.5ba, 4,577 Sq Ft, $2.595m.

There's a small dining table in the kitchen.

Stunning 1920 Mansion In Savannah, GA. 6bds, 6.5ba, 4,577 Sq Ft, $2.595m.
Stunning 1920 Mansion In Savannah, GA. 6bds, 6.5ba, 4,577 Sq Ft, $2.595m.

The kitchen perfectly fits in with the style of the home.

Stunning 1920 Mansion In Savannah, GA. 6bds, 6.5ba, 4,577 Sq Ft, $2.595m.

The primary bedroom is huge. It has a full size living room.

Stunning 1920 Mansion In Savannah, GA. 6bds, 6.5ba, 4,577 Sq Ft, $2.595m.

The bath is huge.

Stunning 1920 Mansion In Savannah, GA. 6bds, 6.5ba, 4,577 Sq Ft, $2.595m.

Here's a lovely room.

Stunning 1920 Mansion In Savannah, GA. 6bds, 6.5ba, 4,577 Sq Ft, $2.595m.
Stunning 1920 Mansion In Savannah, GA. 6bds, 6.5ba, 4,577 Sq Ft, $2.595m.

The stairs are beautiful.

Stunning 1920 Mansion In Savannah, GA. 6bds, 6.5ba, 4,577 Sq Ft, $2.595m.

Such a pretty bedroom.

Stunning 1920 Mansion In Savannah, GA. 6bds, 6.5ba, 4,577 Sq Ft, $2.595m.

The updated baths are done in perfect taste.

Stunning 1920 Mansion In Savannah, GA. 6bds, 6.5ba, 4,577 Sq Ft, $2.595m.

Most of the bedrooms are oversized and beautifully decorated.

Stunning 1920 Mansion In Savannah, GA. 6bds, 6.5ba, 4,577 Sq Ft, $2.595m.

Even the smaller rooms are elegantly appointed.

Stunning 1920 Mansion In Savannah, GA. 6bds, 6.5ba, 4,577 Sq Ft, $2.595m.

What a great old fireplace in this home office.

Stunning 1920 Mansion In Savannah, GA. 6bds, 6.5ba, 4,577 Sq Ft, $2.595m.

The laundry room has a kitchenette.

Stunning 1920 Mansion In Savannah, GA. 6bds, 6.5ba, 4,577 Sq Ft, $2.595m.

The garden is gorgeous.

Stunning 1920 Mansion In Savannah, GA. 6bds, 6.5ba, 4,577 Sq Ft, $2.595m.

Private patio for dining.

Stunning 1920 Mansion In Savannah, GA. 6bds, 6.5ba, 4,577 Sq Ft, $2.595m.
Stunning 1920 Mansion In Savannah, GA. 6bds, 6.5ba, 4,577 Sq Ft, $2.595m.

Beautiful porch and patio around the pool.

Stunning 1920 Mansion In Savannah, GA. 6bds, 6.5ba, 4,577 Sq Ft, $2.595m.

This is a guest house.

Stunning 1920 Mansion In Savannah, GA. 6bds, 6.5ba, 4,577 Sq Ft, $2.595m.

Beautiful modern apt.

Stunning 1920 Mansion In Savannah, GA. 6bds, 6.5ba, 4,577 Sq Ft, $2.595m.

Large garage.

Stunning 1920 Mansion In Savannah, GA. 6bds, 6.5ba, 4,577 Sq Ft, $2.595m.

The lot is .30 acre.

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5 months ago

Halloween Film Frightstival Day 8: The Inkeepers (2011)

Halloween Film Frightstival Day 8: The Inkeepers (2011)

Okay so in case you’re unfamiliar with this movie like I was (I honestly don’t remember how I found it/how it ended up on my movies to watch list) it’s based on a real allegedly haunted hotel that the director stayed in while filming a different movie and the crew on that movie experienced haunting stuff enough to inspire the director to make an entire film set in the hotel. I’d say it’s almost a comedy horror, not in the way Shaun of the Dead or Tucker & Dale vs Evil are, but there are little funny things amidst the eeriness.

The coworker characters somehow feel like believable work friends without it feeling forced. They have some weird little game where they race to ring the front desk bell before the other can stop them, they’re ghost hunting enthusiasts so one of them showed the other one of those jumpscare bait videos under the guise of it being a ghost sighting, one saw porn on the other’s search history and commented that she’d have to make fun of him later (which she did several scenes later once you’d forgotten about it), the way during the first spooky scene one walked up behind the other and was like “I don’t want to scare you but I’m standing right behind you” which of course scared her so much she had to use her inhaler

I’m sure it wasn’t intended this way, but the character of Claire is so fucking ace coded to me. She went to get coffee and when the barista started asking for advice about her boyfriend she left without getting the coffee, when Luke started drunkenly saying that he liked her she decided they should explore the haunted basement (clearly not what he wanted her to say), she was no longer so scared of a ghost that she needed to hang out in Luke’s room when she realized he wasn’t wearing pants

Okay so I wasn’t expecting this to be a great movie, but you can tell that in the first half I was enjoying it more than I expected to. The ending however was a big letdown honestly, it felt like there was a lot of buildup and no reward. There weren’t really any big scares (a few you might call moderate?) and with all the tension the climax was short lived and not that exciting honestly. And then it kind of just ended? It was good in the first half, I thought it was gonna be good all the way through, the ghost was legitimately scary looking, but it all fizzled out. I could tell they were trying to do twists and maybe it’s my fault for being too good at calling twists (seriously there was one that I called the literal second the character was introduced), but it all just ended up being a bit disappointing. I’m bummed because I was invested 🫤

Addendum: Unfortunately for being disappointed, I’m still thinking about it and I’m wondering if there actually was a ghost at all. I think there was but there’s a strong argument that there might not have been.


Claire was the only one who saw them, and she died locked in a room hiding from the ghost who she thought was banging on the door. We don’t actually see the ghost kill her and in the epilogue it’s revealed that Luke was the one banging on the door and she had dropped her inhaler after falling down the stairs, which leads to the possibility that she actually died from a terror induced asthma attack. That leaves the possibility that she was thinking about the ghost of Madeline too much and had just been traumatized by walking in on the old man’s dead body and was imagining seeing and hearing them.

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5 months ago
5 months ago

Halloween Film Frightstival Day 7: Rosemary’s Baby (1968)

Halloween Film Frightstival Day 7: Rosemarys Baby (1968)

To preface I was ridiculously tired yesterday and I never posted which film I watched, so this is yesterday’s, I’m still going to watch something today and post about it later

OKAY moving on

I have seen Rosemary’s Baby before but it’s been a while and I legitimately love this movie. Obviously having seen it before, I have fewer thoughts on plot revelations because I knew what was coming but I do have thoughts on some deeper stuff

One surface level thing that’s maybe too silly to mention but I’ve never looked very closely at the movie poster and only just realized I’ve been seeing it wrong this whole time. I’ve only ever seen it small at a distance on the tv screen, and until now I guess I didn’t notice that it was her face in profile because I thought the shadow of her nose and eyes was her in her nightgown reaching down towards the pram. I feel a little silly now

Rosemary’s dream (should that be in air quotes? “dream”?) sequence is honestly an amazing piece of the movie, it’s unsettling but you’re not exactly sure why until towards the end of it, some of it still doesn’t make sense even when you’ve seen the whole film and it really messes with the viewer’s sense of reality as far as is she dreaming and what’s part of the dream or what is she seeing for real. The first time I saw the film I remember struggling to determine if it was one of those films where it turns out the horror is that it’s all in the main character’s head (I won’t spoil if you haven’t seen it which way it goes, but also go watch it right now)

That last paragraph was long, but it’s not even what I wanted to mention the most. This film is incredibly feminist, obviously it’s a horror movie and not a realistic one at that but if you watch it from a lens of feminism, it draws some parallels to real life that make it scarier than the plot itself.

I’m trying not to spoil because I legitimately think everyone should watch this movie, but it touches (albeit in a supernatural way and sometimes only briefly) so much on bodily autonomy, medical autonomy, the concept of “hysteria”, mental illness (especially if you think about societal views of psychosis), the right to educate yourself and informed consent, toxic politeness/advocating for yourself, stalking, isolation (as an abuse tactic), and even marital rape.

The world has a really fucked up history concerning women’s health, obstetrics and gynecology of course being one of the centers of that, and obviously Rosemary’s Baby isn’t a documentary and centers on the unrealistic, but watching it, especially in today’s political climate, definitely feels like watching the collective trauma of anyone and everyone who’s ever been mistreated by the medical industrial complex.

Mia Farrow’s acting is wonderful too, which certainly makes the terror feel even more real. I occasionally felt like I’m missing some nuance from not being personally familiar with the 1960s since it’s actually a film from the 60s and not a period piece but it’s easy to ignore because of how much I like her costuming, the pixie cut is sublime

Okay I think that’s all I have to say. Really good movie, I still like it 👍 I also think you should go watch it

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5 months ago