The Family Business - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

i think it's ironic and poetic that the first episode of spn that has an official title is called 'Faith'

Because literally everything revolves around that.

They have to have faith in eachother, in others, they gotta have faith that things *will* work out. They need that faith because sometimes that's all they got. As they say, hope dies last (but the Winchesters will outlive it)

I also like that it's the episode where Dean almost dies, and Sam won't let him go no matter what - even if it means someone else dies. Because, again, this is a repeating theme in the show.

Another recurring theme - people playing god/being worse then some 'monsters' the brothers hunt.

It's also the first time we see a reaper, as well as the first truly religion based case. Sure, before it was the Hookman, but that's more ghost/poltergeist thing, and religion isn't that big. In Faith however, it's just about that - they go to a faith healer, people have faith that God is the one doing this, they have faith they'll be healed if they pray enough and believe... Which is the base of any religion.

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3 years ago

I’m on season 11 ep 9 of supernatural and honestly thinking about if John Winchester came back to life…he’d just be so done with this shit.

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Lemme tell you it was a real fucking surprise when -sometime after my 30th birthday and a lifetime of depression- my Dad decided to casually tell me about all the fucking people in my family who have had mental health problems.

Down both sides of the family, as well. Depression, addiction, bipolar disorder, possible schizophrenia, suicides, my great grandma died alone in a fucking mental hospital -I'm sorry Bridget, I'm sure you deserved better- in the 20's and no one thought to MENTION it?!?

I'm alright now. I've been to a lot of therapy. I take my pills. I know how to ask for help when I need it. But it drives me batshit because my parents are Nice People who Don't Talk About Things Like That - cough, religious, cough- no one thought to fucking mention it? No "hey bubbles, you've got a long history of mental health issues coming for you, be on the look out and let someone know if you need help" Nope. Just tiny me, sad and alone and in trouble for Causing Problems. Shout out to all the younger versions of me. We've really done our best.

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6 years ago

I feel like snapchat updated to have longer stories because Misha Collins needed more space to tell us poetry.

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