The First Heretic - Tumblr Posts
Started The First Heretic today. “God was real and he hated us” is still the coldest line in 30k. ADB is permanently on x-games mode. Screaming @ Erebus picking up Argel Tal page 1 paragraph 1. Betrayer would have hit even harder had I read this first...
The first heretic thoughts: Lorgar goes from compliance: church camp edition to the Lion El’Jonson 12 hour orbital bombardment special™ real fuckin quick
Malcador confronts Lorgar and the Word Bearers after the destruction of Monarchia, 964.M30 (colorized)

Finished the first heretic today. Life is pain. Loved this book for the complex characterization it gives the Word Bearers. Argel Tal is a wonderful character and it truly hurt me to see him go through so much. Might just go reread Betrayer with this new context. I want to feel bad for Lorgar but he is the one that chooses to walk the path that others have put him on. He has a moment of his own clarity but unfortunately that doesn’t last long and by then it’s far too late. Always smiling to see the midnight clad squad make an appearance. Love how disgusted Curze is at the demon stuff. Cyrene did nothing wrong.