The First Proper Originalstory Thing I've Posted Here - Tumblr Posts
office angels
“Nine Unheard Messages…”
“Hey, it’s me. I jus-“
“Message Skipped.”
“Hi. Did you get my last mes-“
“Message Skipped.”
“Hello? Are you doi-“
“Message Skipped.”
“Hey! Answer m-“
“All Existing Messages Deleted.”
Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock.
The sound reverberates inside my skull like pounding fists.
shut up. Shut Up. SHUT UP.
Wait. Wait. Oh.
The fists are real. They’re real this time.
I drag my feet to the door and look through the aperture. Just in case. Just in case.
And the knocking stops.
It’s her. It’s her.
Maybe if I just ignore her. Pretend that I’m not home.
“Peter, I can hear you. Just let me in.”
We’re in the living room. She’s suddenly uncomfortable. I know why but I wish I didn’t.
“You know that Ed Sheeran song about angels dying because it’s too cold?”
She nods.
“Well I always thought that was strange because when I picture an angel it’s all white and bright and pretty. And that’s the color of snow. I always thought of angels as cold creatures, so the thought of one freezing to death never made sense to me.”
She brings her eyes up to mine.
“What’s that got to do with anything?”
“People think differently. It’s not all the same. We’re not all the same.”