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7 years ago



Simon Snow’s bare feet patter into his bedroom where I’m typing up my lab report on the bed.

Technically, I live with Fiona, but I spend all of my time at Simon and Bunce’s flat. Most nights I end up staying over because Simon says he doesn’t like sleeping alone. It makes sense. Apparently he’s never had his own room before. He had at least one roommate in all of the foster homes he grew up in and when he was at school, he shared our room with me. That coupled with his frequent night terrors, it would be pretty cruel just to leave him alone.

Bunce said that she didn't mind sleeping with him, but Simon said that was weird (and I agreed). And I don’t imagine that Micha fellow would be too happy about his girlfriend sleeping in the same bed as the boy she spends all her time with while he’s stuck over in another country. She suggested a sleeping bag but Simon shut down that idea too. Said he felt bad about it. Typical. That leaves me. And I’m not complaining. Seven years of staring at his sleeping face like the creep I am and now I actually get to be in the same bed as him. There’s no way I’m giving that up. It’s a win-win situation. In more ways than one. I’ve liked the dark ever since I was a kid. Simon would call it “the vampire within me” but I liked it even before I was turned. It was in the dark that my mother’s fire burned brightest. But ever since I was kidnapped by fucking numpties and they kept in a coffin for a month, the darkness just seems suffocating. But I also just like being in his room. It’s so… him. Our room at Watford was too small to really do anything to. And Simon never had anything to decorate his side with. But now he’s got a part time job. (At bloody Starbucks. He probably only applied for the scones). He’s got a room that he can do whatever he wants to with. He’s got time to figure out what his interests are without worrying about the Humdrum or goblins trying to off him.

And his newly discovered interests are: space. Simon is completely infatuated with space. He majors in astrophysics and his walls are covered in posters of nebulas and blackholes. He doodles constellations on his arm whenever a pen is near and he won’t shut up about getting a tattoo of one someday. (“What’s stopping you?” Bunce asks. Simon says he’s afraid of needles and infection. I tell him that being afraid of a puny needle is idiotic when he’s battled literal monsters. Bunce points out that she can magic an infection healed. Simon asks if she can just magic him a tattoo. She tells him there’s not a spell for tattoos. “Well maybe you should work on that, Penny.”) Every few nights when his nightmares get too intense, I take him stargazing to calm him down. Sometimes, if his screams have wandered through the walls and woken her up, Bunce tags along. He lays between us and names the constellations that Bunce and I have known since we were toddlers but Simon had never bothered to learn until now. His eyes are usually red and raw, his face still streaked with tears. His voice and body still trembling from the combination of leftover fear and chilliness. But he loves the stars. He really does. So I do as well.

fantasy novels. Bunce and I have our suspicions that he only likes them because he misses magic so much, but neither of us would ever say so to his face. Somehow Simon had gotten through his entire childhood without reading Harry Potter once. When he mentioned this, of course I went out to buy the full set, but he wouldn’t read it. (“I just can’t do it. I open the book and there’s just so many words. And there’s seven books, Baz.”) Bunce, who was just as mind-blown about this as I was, set him up with an audible account and now he lounges around the house with earbuds dangling from his head. Every night I would ask him where he left off, and he would fanboy over how smart Hermoine was and how mad he was that Cedric Diggory died. I would lay with my hands in his hair, quietly agreeing until we both fell asleep. When he finished it, he was so distraught he barely talked for four days. It took another two days for us to marathon the movies. (We would’ve done it in one but I had class in the morning and I made him swear not to watch them without me.) And then he was done with books again for a solid month. But he kept griping about how he missed having something to do and that he wished he could listen to them all again for the first time. Bunce got fed up with it and downloaded the Percy Jackson books. At first he resisted, saying it felt like he was cheating on J.K. Rowling, but eventually he gave in. (He thinks I’m jealous of his crush on Nico but he is wrong.) Now he listens exclusively to fantasy novels, whether they’re well known or not. He’s got a heavy wooden bookshelf (which was as a bitch to get into the tiny flat) lined with all of the hardcopies. (Which doesn’t make sense because he listens to them all on audible. “It’s for the aesthetic.”) (The box set I got him of the HP books are on their own shelf. That’s so fucking cute. What the fuck.)

So, as I sit on his bed, enjoying the Simon-ness of the room, my boyfriend himself walks in. He’s wearing one of my sweaters. He keeps stealing them even though they’re a bit too big for him. (“It’s what boyfriends do, Baz.”) His lips are in a pout; his eyebrows are furrowed. He’s wearing a face that I know all too well. We have a routine by now. I set my laptop to the side so he can crawl into my lap. His arms and legs wrap tight around me and his face is pressing into the crook of my neck. He feels like he’s trying to crawl out of his skin. He’s not crying but I know that if this keeps up, it won’t be long until the tears come. I wordlessly bring my hands up and start drawing circles on his back. I know he loves that. I hum a bit. Occasionally rock side to side. I don’t bother asking him what’s wrong. I know he won’t talk. Can’t talk, rather. Simon has tried to explain it to me, but I still don’t quite understand it. I get that he’s always had trouble with words, but not talking like this is something else entirely. He says it’s like he’s trapped in his own mind. Likes he’s in a never-ending spiral of negativity that his voice doesn’t reach. Sometimes I can get him to respond by asking extremely basic questions. He takes deep breaths and answers in fragments. But usually it’s best just to hold him and let him come out of it on his own. Pushing him is never good. Early in our relationship, before I knew about his periods of silence, I would find him sitting on the couch, staring blankly at his lap, his hands clenched so hard his knuckles were white, and his mouth drawn into a tight frown. I would come over. Ask him what was wrong. Try to get him to talk. Effectively hold a one-sided conversation until it grew into frustration. It always ended with me yelling and Simon curled as small as he could make himself, shoulders bouncing with silent crying, every so often making small squeaking sounds in an attempt to speak.

So now I scratch his back, and hum, and rock. Until I stop scratching his back, and stop humming, and stop rocking. Until I’m just hugging him close and leaning us against the bed frame. After a while Bunce knocks softly on the door and comes in. We nod to each other and she sits next to me on the bed without a word. A few moments pass and I feel Simon turn his head to look at her. His grip around me is loosening but hot tears start to fall onto my shoulder. Bunce gives him a little wave. He shifts so he’s sat snuggled between us, just like when we’re stargazing. He takes a few deep, deep breaths and I can tell he’s coming out of it. Bunce takes his hand. He leans his head into my shoulder again. He brings his free hand to cover his eyes.

“I killed him.”

We’ve been through this before. We’ll go through it again.

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7 years ago


in which, simon likes to play a game and make baz smile.


“Smile,” he demands.

I raise an eyebrow at him as he cups my cheek with a hand.

“Come on, Baz. One smile. Please?”

I frown.

“Darling? Dear? Love? Pumpkin? Sweetie pie? Precious?”

I grimace.

“Pretty please? For me?”

I don’t respond. He pouts and reaches for my sides. He’s tried this before. He knows I’m not ticklish.

But he is. Ridiculously so.

I grab him before his hands even reach me and he’s shouting/laughing within seconds. He starts to lean backwards, instinctively trying to get away from me before he realizes there’s nothing there. I catch him before he falls. Like a responsible boyfriend.

And, Crowley, I have to bite my cheek to keep from smiling at this. His face is red and his eyes are watery from laughter and he’s still got a massive grin on his face. He wipes at his eyes and I pull him back onto the couch.

And I know what he’s going to try next. It used to work. He leans forward and  plants a gentle kiss right on my unmoving lips. It makes me feel warm all over, but I don’t let myself respond to it.

He tilts his head back and searches my face. When I don’t budge, he sighs deeply and let his forehead fall onto my shoulder. He’s giving up.

I let one hand find his curls and the other find his waist. I let myself relax. And smile.

Simon tries to lift his head, and I know I can’t get rid of it before he sees. On impulse, I hold him down. He squirms in my grasp.

“You’re smiling!” he accuses.

“No, I’m not.”

He wings start flapping wildly.

“I can hear it in your voice!”

“That’s impossible,” I laugh.

“You’re impossible!”

I let him go and his head whips up. I’m still laughing as he pouts at me.

Eventually though, he smiles too. He pecks me on the cheek.

“I like it when you smile.”

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7 years ago

circle of sky

here, the sky doesn’t go on forever. it stays draped between the trees. it stays just overhead and just out of reach. it’s private and constant. it’s ever-changing and perfectly familiar.

here, the sky is a personal thing. here, the sky is separate from everything else. here, the sky has it’s own place.

it fits in well with my fantasy, this piece of sky, deep purple, dotted acrylic stars peeking out behind lazy watercolor clouds, the moon’s iridescence lighting up the small world around me.

this piece of sky isn’t much

but it’s mine

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7 years ago

background of life

she’ll be laughing and crying and she won’t be denying that her emotions are way too out of whack

she’ll be singing sweetly and speaking meekly ‘cause her voice has never had her back

and she has always known that she is just an extra in the background of life

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7 years ago

don’t mind me

Don’t mind me Just keep doing what you’re doing Don’t mind me I’m just here to see the view Don’t mind me Just keep living how you’re living and maybe someday I can learn how to live like you do.

Don’t mind me Just keep smiling like you’re smiling Don’t mind me I’m just here to sing these blues Don’t mind me Just keep laughing like you’re laughing and maybe someday I can learn how to laugh like you do

Don’t mind me I’ve a fondness for exploring Don’t mind me Yeah this happens all the time Don’t mind me I just wanna see your beauty I wanna see a soul being kind

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7 years ago

broken zipper

At first, it was just a vacation. I still had the old house, I just ate dinner at a different table. I slept in a different bed, but my old room was still there. I still had that connection. That promise to return. That reason to go back.

It was sold. Now someone I don’t know lives in my house. My room.

But still, there was the car. My mom’s gargantuan silver Toyota. The one we’d had since I was in elementary school. The only car that didn’t make me totally motion sick. I held onto that for a while.

It was totaled. They let me keep the mangled license plate. It was lost among the boxes.

And it keeps going like that. I comfort myself with a different item from my life,    from when I was actively living my life, each one more insignificant than the last, until something happens to take it away from me.

like the backpack from my old school its zipper broke and it’s close to unusable but i’m stubborn i guess or the binder i bought just because it was the same brand as the one i used a few years ago it ripped in half so i tape it back together every time the tape wears off

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7 years ago

everything makes sense

Oh. The stars. I had forgotten about the stars. They had been replaced by city lights.

Oh. Her hand. Her hand is alive. I guess it always has been.

That’s right. I was alone. She was alone. It makes sense to be together.


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7 years ago

bruised stars

Her hands—always freezing—they are alive. Her dead eyes are blinded by city lights. She counts blessings until she adds up five And now she struggles with putting up fights.

She doesn’t have a personality. She owns every one of them, all at once, Mind dancing with originality. She aches to be gone but she’s been here months.

Her laughs and smiles are a bit too forced. No one seems to notice her behavior. Her humor has become too stiff and coarse. She has long stopped waiting for her savior.

Her sky is filled with jet black and bruised stars So she seeks refuge in distant sandbars.

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7 years ago

withdrawn periods

I keep reminding myself of the reasons why you need me but somehow they never stick. I am constantly worried that I am not good enough.

I get that you’re distant distant with everyone. I get that you come to me. that I’m the problem solver. the secret keeper.

But my love and your love— platonic or otherwise— are not the same and I do not know if they are compatible.

I’m supposed to be the angel on your shoulder the reassuring friend the one to tell you that you’re being silly when you talk down on yourself— but you are wondering if you even can love and truthfully I am beginning to have my doubts.

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7 years ago

li~quid ca~ndy

right now I’m sittin’ in the backseat sippin’ on a strawberry Fanta that you say tastes too sweet But I say tastes like liquid candy I guess I guess I guess I guess I say that too often, don’t I?

You ask me to join you. And I ask why. You say that you miss me. And I ask. why.

I wanna go back. I wanna go back to. When I was sittin’ in the backseat sippin’ on a strawberry Fanta that you said tastes too sweet. But I said tastes like liquid candy.

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7 years ago

december 30 2017

Yesterday was a good day. I was really happy. and my heart was fuller than it’s been in half a year.

But last night it was kind of breaking because I know that I won’t be that happy for a while.

and I’m dreading tomorrow

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7 years ago

no longer

Our whole lives color coded: clothes and toys. Pinks, blues: our personality defined. We were not given our own ways to find, accepting, brainwashed, that boys will be boys, all full of violence, assaulting noise, and girls will be their perfect pets divine, discreetly bred to be domestic, kind, conditioned to submit, to watch with poise.  

Awaking from our blindness, bit by bit we are uninstalling unjust lessons. Exploring, we inspect and question it, no longer puzzle pieces forcing fit. We wonder if we are just daughters, sons because no longer do we idly sit.

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7 years ago

office angels

“Nine Unheard Messages…”

“Hey, it’s me. I jus-“

“Message Skipped.”

“Hi. Did you get my last mes-“

“Message Skipped.”

“Hello? Are you doi-“

“Message Skipped.”

“Hey! Answer m-“

“All Existing Messages Deleted.”

Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock.

The sound reverberates inside my skull like pounding fists.

shut up. Shut Up. SHUT UP.

Wait. Wait. Oh.

The fists are real. They’re real this time.

I drag my feet to the door and look through the aperture. Just in case. Just in case.

And the knocking stops.

It’s her. It’s her.

Maybe if I just ignore her. Pretend that I’m not home.

“Peter, I can hear you. Just let me in.”


We’re in the living room. She’s suddenly uncomfortable. I know why but I wish I didn’t.

“You know that Ed Sheeran song about angels dying because it’s too cold?”

She nods.

“Well I always thought that was strange because when I picture an angel it’s all white and bright and pretty. And that’s the color of snow. I always thought of angels as cold creatures, so the thought of one freezing to death never made sense to me.”

She brings her eyes up to mine.

“What’s that got to do with anything?”

“People think differently. It’s not all the same. We’re not all the same.”

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7 years ago


She herself had nothing in particular about her that would make her subject to verbal or physical abuse. She herself was born with nothing in particular about her that would make someone dislike themselves. She watched the life around her like a movie, never feeling truly involved, but that fact not bothering her in the slightest. The only thing that kept her connected to this world was her wild and bucking emotion. Sometimes her best friend would go to her for advice, but not because she knew anything about what was happening to them. They would go to her because they knew that she knew about feelings. They were bad at feelings. So she felt for the both of them. She would tell them whatever she felt about what they were feeling. She never knew if she was helping. She liked to think so. And she felt very deeply about them and these problems that were so important to them. She found that it was important to her as well. She found that helping them out with their baggage helped her sort out her own life, even if she never went to anyone else with questions. And along the line, she started to wonder if she was so comfortable with giving all of this advice because she was similar feelings. But that didn’t make sense, she would know. She knows about feelings. But that one thought made her think, maybe she really didn’t know that much at all.

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7 years ago

slow motion

Who really has time for that? Go in slow motion. I wonder what it would be like to live life that way.

Does it really matter? Slower, slower, Even slower Take it slow, slow.

Does anything really change? Will it?

Don’t think about it. Just go slow.


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7 years ago

angels of the deep

A swarm of statues awakens within the cold, stirred by the tampering of man. Their stony gowns weigh them down as they rise from the chill of the waters, like cicadas in July, until the last emerges from the expanse of the night sea. She gently lowers herself, clutching the waves as if they were stone themselves, and lifts her waterlogged moth wings, slowly opening her eyeless lids. The artificial intruder looms before her, threatening the calmness of her organic domain. The sight of the illuminated white, the sounds of her sister screeches draw her toward the abomination. Every instinct she has is screaming Danger.

Angels Of The Deep

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7 years ago

awkward first date

why does this always happen?

long silences filled with quick eye contact and giggles for no reason

like an awkward first date

no one would guess that we’ve known each other for years

little touches

leaning in

hugs that last too long

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6 years ago

The Refuge

The only house perched on the only gravel road that split  my uncle’s property, [REDACTED]

“The Refuge” for short.

Our mail appeared in the only mailbox by The Gate, in front of the army of invading bamboo, next to the rotting tree stump, still taller than me, and annually engulfed in wisteria.

Whenever my cousin’s college friends overtook The Dock for the girls to tan and the boys to cannonball into The Lake, my dog whined restlessly at the door until they finally left. The Mound was the farthest area from our house in the Refuge, all the way down the only gravel road, down the steep speed-bumped hill that stopped my bike in its tracks until I was brave enough to ride up.

The Mound wasn’t anything but an enormous pile of dirt my siblings and I would venture to once in a bored blue moon. We carved shelves in its side for our favorite trinkets from nature and challenged each other to clamber to the top, which was covered in unforgiving brambles and thickets.

By now, our trinkets have long since been buried by a bulldozer.

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6 years ago

after laughs

She takes a deep breath in and immediately regrets it because now she doesn’t know what to do with all this excess air. She can feel it taking up space and swirling around behind her ribs. It makes her feel giddy and confused and completely delirious.

So she laughs.

Only it feels more like sobbing.

And once she’s run out of air for laugh-sobbing, she inevitably takes another breath and is forced to start all over again.

She laugh-sobs until the muscles in her stomach tense so hard they hurt, and her fists curl into themselves like black holes.

She uses up all the air until she isn’t breathing at all.

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6 years ago


my first memory is of a forest of sunflowers

wandering in and being engulfed in thick stems

surrounded by yellow glowing down on me

not even reaching the petals

in the photograph of that day

there’s only a cluster of them

wedged between other plants

in a simple house garden

and I'm just outside the patch.

in my memory, i am a child of the forest

the flowers guide me as I navigate 

through their jungle of leaves

i am smiling up at the dazzling flowers

their blackholes drowning out the sky

but their luminescent color giving 

light to my path in lieu of the sun

in the photograph of that day

i am slumped in an infant’s posture

chubby inexperienced legs 

sprawled under me 

pouting forcefully at the lens

in the photograph, I am

a toddler playing in the dirt

I will become someone’s

new responsibility 

in my memory, I am 

a gleeful adventurer 

with sunflower caretakers

and ladybug companions

and my brain decided

that this was the 

first important event my life

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