The Legend Of Ruby Sunday - Tumblr Posts - Page 2
15 referring to 14 as rose’s uncle MY HEART
Spoilers for The Legend of Ruby Sunday and MHA
Me, trying to work on Rewritten Sparks: Let me put on something to watch in the background.
*The Legend of Ruby Sunday plays*
My Brain: You know how Sutekh is associated with the god of Ra in Egyptian Mythology?
Me: Yeah?
My Brain: Mic's name means 'sunshine'.

Welp...time to get down yet another AU idea.
Doctor Who/My Hero Academia Crossover Idea

Mic as Ra, The God of the Sun, Reincarnation, and Persuasion, Son and Prophet of Sutekh
Summary: In this AU, Mic shares a role with Harriet Arbinger, who is his half-sister in this AU and serves as a harbinger for both her father and brother's return.
Sutekh warns The Fourth Doctor that the Sun will announce his return. For the Sun is his prophet and his prophet brings death. And although The Sun dies every night in the West, it will be born again every morning in the East.
Many years into the future, a child is born in Maebure General Hospital.
Yamada Hizashi. A child born as the sun rose in the east.
30 years later, Present Mic goes along with the other teachers of UA to help assist UNIT and other global pro heroes in investigating Susan Triad Technologies. When The Doctor arrives, Mic keeps on hearing a strange sound coming from the TARDIS.
The sound... it's so...familiar.

*Present Mic
*Doctor Who: The Legend of Ruby Sunday
*Sutekh, the Doctor Who version and the original Egyptian Mythology version
*Ra, Egyptian God of the Sun
*The incarnation of Ra that was brother to Serket, daughter of Sutekh.
*Ra's reincarnation cycle
*Prophets tend to make announcements for the god they worship and are often their children.
*Most prophets are considered the main gods of the religion they originated from rather than the children of said gods. Doctor Who's Sutekh is the true God of Gods, thus Ra is made into the son of Sutekh who's also considered the God of Gods.
*Ra was known in Egyptian Mythology to be very harsh and brutal.
I might make a quick excerpt of this AU along with Rewritten Sparks when I get the chance since July 7th is Mic's Birthday. Anyway...bedtime.