The Legend Of Ruby Sunday - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

Babe, I know you don't like talking about the mystery surrounding your birth mother's identity or the fact that you can spontaneously summon snow, but we have to discuss your stalker, Sutekh the Destroyer. He's really throwing off my groove.

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8 months ago

"There is the Mara, the god of beasts" okay so Tegan Jovanka is single-handedly keeping the extra-universal eldritch deity of monsters trapped firmly under lock and key in her nightmares. Absolute queen.

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8 months ago

Screaming didn't help, the TARDIS should have used her old methods to call the Doctor's attention to something being wrong. Making Ruby try to stab him with scissors.

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8 months ago
Me When I Started To Worry They Would Genuinely Make That Lady Susan (I Love Susan And Did NOT Want Her

Me when I started to worry they would genuinely make that lady Susan (I love Susan and did NOT want her to be that bad vibes lady)

Also this is your reminder to... Watch Classic Who wherever you can find it!! It's a really enjoyable show to put on while getting things done in the house or multitasking :)) and it's okay to skip Doctors, it's just too long not to. There's no shame in watching a show for fun.. as in watching how you enjoy it most. We're all true fans no matter how much we have seen. I personally watch at least the first and last story arc per Doctor as my rule right now, though I have seen a LOT of the First and I don't want to miss ANY Fourth at this moment (I'm on him right now.)

Nobody knows what I mean when I talk about that ridiculous space worm that was literally. And I mean GENUINELY. Just green bubble wrap around a guy. You're missing out on so many goofy effects, but also some clever editing for the time and some stories that are really exciting! And some boring ones! But the boring ones are when I get my things done so thank the writers for my productivity

Do yourself a favor and sit down while this senile old man uses a blue box to NEVER get where he intends to go. Realize how little things really have changed. Marvel at the stories somehow drawn out into 6 episodes. Make fun of it. Love our show and know that we are the luckiest fans because we will NEVER run out of content :]

Acquiring it is the hard part... If I could make mine available to you all I would... What harm would there be in the BBC putting it up somewhere for us? The old Moomins series was given to us free on YouTube and look at how that franchise has flourished!! I don't think anyone will probably read my 1am paragraphs but we should really just team up and grovel and maybe BBB (Big British Broadcasting (lol)) will let us have it 🥺

Anyways here's an unrelated keysmash from gebratenekinder

Okay, goodnight, or good morning, good wherever you are in time when you see this

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8 months ago
Let's Just Take A Moment To Appreciate That Horrifying Shot Of The TARDIS Just Standing There. Menacingly.

Let's just take a moment to appreciate that horrifying shot of the TARDIS just standing there. Menacingly. Something I was not aware it could do and never want to see again

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9 months ago

Brilliant Theory!!! All the background characters are brainwashed into thinking they are normal people like Wandavison!!!

THIS IS BRILLIANT!!! This needs to happen!!!

unpopular opinion time

I really really REALLY hope all the speculation about the Doctor Who finale is wrong

this whole like 'they are trapped in a TV show' theory crafting - it's super fun to speculate about!!

there's a number of compelling arguments and pieces of evidence one can point to which seems to support it

but it's just... boring IMO. it's boring textually and it's boring metatextually

say this is the 'twist at the end' or whatever

okay great they are in a TV show— WELL YEAH NO SHIT

of course Doctor Who is a TV show!! like obviously!!!

if it does end up being true... I'm just gonna be a bit disappointed that's all

/end rant

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9 months ago

That would be fun! Always watching you…so scary…

Maybe I’m watching you now?

I want the Susan Twist reveal to play out exactly like this.

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9 months ago

Maybe he is the Egyptian looking God from the 3rd Doctor Era.

Or maybe she is Susan foreman from Doctor who classic?!

Who Is Susan Twist?

Who is Susan Twist?

Any theories?

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8 months ago

I get this so much. I've been a fan of doctor who for a long time now but I can't help but feel like I'm a fake fan. I don't get any of the references and all the build up that previos episodes made just fades away when they introduce a character I apparently should know about because "it was so obvious". I hadn't even heard that name before and I was supposed to get that anagram?

I know RTD is just having fun playing with his childhood characters and a part of the fandom really enjoyed those kinds of references. I'm not trying to say they should stop referencing Classic Who but maybe give a little more context?

It really was a good episode but I spected Susan to be... Well... Susan, Mr.Flood could have been anyone important to the plot cause she recognised the TARDIS and I thought "the one who waited" could be Rouge ("find me") or the Master (who apparently is still a tooth). All my theories were based on things I know about DW and they took all those possibilities from me and said "oh no that's Sutekh obviously". And I can just nod, agree and hope they explain something in the next episode because it's really hard to find Classic Who episodes in my country.

Don't take me the wrong way, I love it it's just... disappointing.

Can I just quickly say that as a fan of New Who and someone who is slowly trying to catch up on classic who, that this season is not fully it?

This is not meant to be offensive but when you promote this as season 1, as a new show in a way or rather a new era, then bringing back a villain from classic Who, a show that is like genuinely hard to find for international viewers, is not the move for the final?

I mean this with no disrespect but promoting this in a way to new viewers that is meant to offer them an easy start into Doctor who but then turning around and making the big bad villain of the entire season, hell even the one that was hinted at before the season, a villain that as far as I know appeared for one arc/episode arc in Classic Who is not the way to introduce a new show.

I love it but it just feels like having a plottwist like this when you claim that you can watch it without prior knowledge is just false advertising.

It just feels weird to pull of a plottwist like that when the entire premises since the specials has basically been "The Doctor is finally letting go off his past and embracing himself."

Again, I loved the episode but as someone who isn't from the UK or anywhere in Great Britain, I truly have to search deeply to even find most Classical Who related things which I can only assume is even worse in other countries. I just feel like this was not the move to get people into Classic Who and it leaves a few of the new viewers, even the older ones who watched New Who, lost because it just feels like the suspense hasn't paid off for us as we don't really know what to do with a villain that seemingly was so brilliantly set up but never once appeared on screen before.

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8 months ago

Ok, was there a parallelism between Ruby's goodbye and Rose's in Bad Wolf bay or was I just traumatised by Billie Piper saying "am I ever going to see you again?" And "I love you" and The Doctor proceeding to cry alone in his TARDIS?

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8 months ago

I love how the TARDIS had a human form with eleven and she was like "my thief, my thief, I love my thief" BUT FAILED TO MENTION THE GOD OF DEATH HAD BEEN IN HER BACK FOR DECADES.

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this is such a legitimate (and trivial) confusion of mine but doesn't an anagram have to be comprised of only the letters available? and if so, where the fuck did the "k" in Sutekh come from?

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8 months ago

The tardis is possessed by an evil entity you say, just like in Zagr-

*I am forcibly dragged off stage*

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OK, I can't be the only one thinking this, in the legend of Ruby Sunday Harbinger mentions the father, the mother and the other. Now in the 80s and 90s the doctor was commonly said to be a reincarnation of one of the founders of timelord society, not Rassilon or Omega, but a third mythical figure known only as the other. The other is sometimes said to have come from somewhere other than galifrey and is often credited with giving Rassilon the technology necessary for the time Lords to become what they were, with things such as regeneration and looms often being credited to him.

Now I don't like this idea but I think they may be teasing the doctor being one of the 3 most powerful gods in the universe

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8 months ago

So the latest episode of Doctor Who

Spoilers under here, proceed at your own risk.

So, The Legend of Ruby Sunday.

As someone who watched Torchwood recently, I am remembering how they had to deal with actual death. And now I'm left asking.

Is Death from that episode and Sutekh... the same?

Or is Torchwood Death like an avatar of Sutekh?

And if they are similar or working together... could some of Torchwood return? Like maybe... Rex Matheson? Cause Jack might not return. But Rex also has the ability to not die?

Idk I just want more Torchwood

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what tf just happened??

who tf is sutekh??

why tf am i shaking??

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8 months ago


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