The Magicians 4x13 - Tumblr Posts

My Thoughts on the Season Final

I know a lot of people are very hurt by how the season final has played out.

I myself am neurodivergent (ADHD), with diagnosed anxiety and depression, I am also pansexual. I was lucky enough to be brought up in a very loving and supportive family so have never quite felt the need for representation in media that I know others feel strongly. And there is nothing wrong with that.

I sympathise with the hurt everyone is feeling and definitely believe that the writers could have handled the whole situation much better. There are so many things that could have been done differently that would have saved a lot of people a lot of hurt.

But in saying that I also think the fandom needs to remember that in cases like this the writers usually have a long and intense consultation with the actor in question. I doubt that this was a decision that was made solely by the writers. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some background info about Jason that we aren't aware of yet that contributed to his decision to leave the show when he has.

Most importantly we need to remember that actors are human beings that have lives outside of the media we as an audience love and consume. That we need to acknowledge that they have families and sometimes family needs to come first.

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Oh. I completely agree with you there. The situation was handled terribly. There is no doubt about that and absolutely no excuse for doing it that way. Queer baiting and the bury your gays tropes are horrific and in this day and age should not be something that we as a community have to deal with on such a regular basis.

I just think that people need to remember that these are real people and to keep that in mid before taking their frustrations and anger out on actors who may very well have other things going on that took their voice away and who would have had little say in the creative process.

My Thoughts on the Season Final

I know a lot of people are very hurt by how the season final has played out.

I myself am neurodivergent (ADHD), with diagnosed anxiety and depression, I am also pansexual. I was lucky enough to be brought up in a very loving and supportive family so have never quite felt the need for representation in media that I know others feel strongly. And there is nothing wrong with that.

I sympathise with the hurt everyone is feeling and definitely believe that the writers could have handled the whole situation much better. There are so many things that could have been done differently that would have saved a lot of people a lot of hurt.

But in saying that I also think the fandom needs to remember that in cases like this the writers usually have a long and intense consultation with the actor in question. I doubt that this was a decision that was made solely by the writers. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was some background info about Jason that we aren’t aware of yet that contributed to his decision to leave the show when he has.

Most importantly we need to remember that actors are human beings that have lives outside of the media we as an audience love and consume. That we need to acknowledge that they have families and sometimes family needs to come first.

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