The Mara - Tumblr Posts
"There is the Mara, the god of beasts" okay so Tegan Jovanka is single-handedly keeping the extra-universal eldritch deity of monsters trapped firmly under lock and key in her nightmares. Absolute queen.
I always thought that Tegan deciding to visit her cousin in Amsterdam was due to the Mara detecting Omega's activity and subconsciously guiding its host to a possible way out of Earth, and after the few spoilers I gathered from TEoD, it would work even better.
Also, the Mara and Sutekh must have had the best tea parties while Tegan was asleep (or arguments, idk, is Sutekh a good father)
yeah, the beast thing is so weird. I'm currently making my way through the 5th Doctor's run, so it's fresher in my mind, but the Mara's who shtick it that it's some local god born of the hatred and violence in one's soul (i think????? haven't checked the wiki and also Kinda's one of those episodes where things just start happening). So there is a point you can make about how violence and hate turns people into monsters and beasts, but God of Corruption, Insanity or the Mind. The Mara's a lot closer to how Sutekh is kind of acting so far, with possessing people and all that, so I also hope we see a modern exploration of the Mara. The current direction with the Pantheon is a little reductive, but I guess because it got banished it hitched a ride back into the universe with everyone too ig??? still forming my opinions on the whole pantheon stuff, but i do agree that the Mara would be great to see beyond the little cameo in TLoRS.
Did anyone else feel like the Mara should have been the god of the mind? It's been a while since I've seen the stories featuring it but if I remember correctly he didn't actually have anything to do with beasts outside of the fact he was a snake. But he was constantly possessing people, and screwing with their minds, so I feel like that would have been a better fit for his domain... Idk though, like I said it's been a few years since I watched Kinda/Snakedance so I might have forgotten something about how he was letting out the animal within or whatever. Anyway I hope they come back next, because they were a fun villain