The Only Way You Could Actually Argue Was Maybe If You Set Up Specific Texts Or Shows That The Debate Could Have As Evidence - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Reading over debates and flame wars on this site about the Jedi, Sith or literally anything about Star Wars made me realize how truly futile it is to have true debates on canon. You just can't.

All of the retcons, continuity errors, levels of canon and the differences between Legends and Disney canon just make everyone's arguments valid in their own selected universes. You can't really expect other people to simply drop their universes that they grew up with, bought merchandise and became attached (ironic) to in terms of characters. Having a discussion about worldbuilding or characterization is practically impossible.

It's like arguing on Luke's characterization, only one person in the discussion is using the Star Wars universe and the other is using the Percy Jackson universe as their basis. There's no connection; you're all right in your own universes. And it all just goes round and round and round forever.

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