Sequel Trilogy - Tumblr Posts

the sequel trilogy but it’s from the perspective of force ghost revan who just spends the whole thing going “yikes" and “lmao”

The Force Awakens + Onion Headlines
honestly sometimes I think about how did ships like reylo and the fanbase destroy what started out as a excellent star wars story into fanfiction (The Force Awakens had all the set up for an amazing franchise and I still get chills watching it)
then I have days like today and I'm remind of how shit people ESPECIALLY teenagers can be and i realise how we got here(also why that school is satans armpit but thats another conversion)
Anyways stan finnrey and finnpoe and all things sequel trio for clear skin
#ben solo#kylo ren#start wars#i call everyone pretty it just means attrative#but like#when he turns good#hes hotter#like#wtf#??#im not even kidding look at the images#before hewas all angry and emotionally unstable#now hes emotionally unstable but hiding it#so it seems liike hes emotionally stabel#and#even if its fake#appaently its hot>????
but like???


i wish the sequel trilogy had committed to the bit with Rey. she's Palpatine's granddaughter ffs, make her a little more horrible pleaseeee. when will hollywood ever make a female character Fucked Up?

Rey and Poe just started dating
Damerey week Day 2
Pirate Au

Marriage of Convenience

“But you have heard of me” - Pirates of the Caribbean

I know that the whole reason that Disney created the First Order was to rip off the OT, but can you imagine if it was on purpose.
The First Order was the perfect chance to address Neo-Nazism. All they had to do was make them a fringe group. No fancy spaceships, no stupid space lasers, no stormtrooper armies, just a group of regular people with a dangerous ideology with backing in the New Republic Senate. They have one Dark Sider, but that's the limit. No kidnapping children and raising them to be soldiers, just good propaganda and terrifying brainwashing.
Reading over debates and flame wars on this site about the Jedi, Sith or literally anything about Star Wars made me realize how truly futile it is to have true debates on canon. You just can't.
All of the retcons, continuity errors, levels of canon and the differences between Legends and Disney canon just make everyone's arguments valid in their own selected universes. You can't really expect other people to simply drop their universes that they grew up with, bought merchandise and became attached (ironic) to in terms of characters. Having a discussion about worldbuilding or characterization is practically impossible.
It's like arguing on Luke's characterization, only one person in the discussion is using the Star Wars universe and the other is using the Percy Jackson universe as their basis. There's no connection; you're all right in your own universes. And it all just goes round and round and round forever.
what are all your guys' heretic star wars music opinions? of course, we love and respect john williams, but what are the real meaty, gets-you-excommunicated-from-fandom opinions? i have LOTS of opinions, particularly ones that will probably get my ass kicked.
today is star wars day, and I'm dedicating this post to everyone who found solace in a bright universe where the power of love saves us all, where our forged bonds of friendship that spanned galaxies and planets are equal to inescapable blood ties hail to our beloved favorites that humanize the best and worst of us all, to the worlds and took us in and refused to let go of our hearts, to our cherished communities that defined our lifetimes, and especially to the ties between people that really remind us that we are luminous beings, that our love can really ignite the stars.
happy star wars day everyone. may the force be with you.