The Police Band - Tumblr Posts
The Police would be Andy and Stewart doing whatever and Sting serving cunt. What a band, what a trio.

Stolen from pinterest - here to extinguish the police thirst - now to my thought - I am lowkey a biit scared of certain fans of tp here 😅😅⁉️(so so sorry) tbh if I had more than 2 brain cells I wouldn't have even enter this app

Message In A Bottle b/w Landlord The Police, A&M Records/UK (1979)

Sting and his cat

is this anything. like at all.

Message in a Bottle - The Police (1979)

The Police (for @real-house-of-fun)

The crowd already sets in before a Police concert, during their Synchronicity Tour at The Big O, Montreal, Canada, 1983
Holiday free time.
I'm going to decorate my notebook if I don't draw. Music does not have a limited timeline. Even though I am of the current generation I love them so much.
I will make another page later

drew like. a dark fucked up version of the police. just a glimpse into my dark reality

Stewart Copeland || 1981 || At sound check with his tech Jeff Seitz before a show in Lisbon, Portugal || Photo by Danny Quatrochi

Record Mirror
The Police (1980-05)

Sting in Montserrat, 1981!
“Stewart and my relationship - he wouldn’t understand this - but it had a sexual tension in it that was very strong. And that was never true of Andy. He’s a different age from me and a different kind of person.”
— Sting | SPIN Magazine/Dec 1987