The REAL Linkin Park - Tumblr Posts

Carnivores Tour (Camden, 2014) » Given Up Wake in a sweat again Another day's been laid to waste In my disgrace Stuck in my head again Feels like I'll never leave this place There's no escape I'm my own worst enemy

Linkin Park - LOATR/SOTD/Iridescent

Carnivores Tour (Camden, 2014) » Points of Authority You love the things I say I'll do The way I hurt myself again just to get back at you You take away when I give in My life My pride is broken

Linkin Park 🤍 "The Messenger" live in Madrid (2010)
Day 7: A song that needs to be played LOUD
Linkin Park - One Step Closer
because i only stan the REAL Linkin Park in this house.
this always brings back memories of when me and my friends caused a mosh pit to this and In the End at our Valentine's Day dance in 9th grade. Good times.
Day 10: A song that makes you sad
Linkin Park - One More Light
y'all should have seen this coming. this song always makes me cry. like rn i can't even listen to it bc i know i'll be bawling my eyes out.
Day 14:A song with an amazing or your favorite music video
Linkin Park - Shadow of the Day
i love this video because of shirtless Chester lmao i could keep rewatching it over and over and over...
Day 20: A song by an artist with a voice that you love
Linkin Park - Halfway Right
I love Chester's voice. Always. 💖 also this song is a jam.

Road to Revolution live at Milton Keynes 2008. ❤️🩹