The Ring (2002) - Tumblr Posts

You don't want to hurt anyone. But I do, and I'm sorry. It won't stop.
THE RING (2002) dir. Gore Verbinski
Halloween Film Frightstival Day 13: The Ring (2002)

To scold myself for skipping two whole days of my marathon, I’m watching The Ring. I am very preemptively scared but if i start crying and end up too afraid to sleep tonight I only have myself to blame.
The true horror is the fact that my tv does this weird inexplicable thing where when something is streaming sometimes the audio cuts out and the only way to fix it is to restart the entire tv and it’s done it twice in the first half hour
Okay I watched the whole thing, overall not nearly as scary as I thought it was going to be, I was honestly the most scared at the beginning when Katie’s time was almost up (the tape itself also bothered me, but it’s supposed to be unsettling). It was actually incredibly sad during the middle part (before the ending was revealed, when you no longer feel bad for Samara).
That moment at the end when it hit me that Rachel’s countdown had stopped days before she even tried to save Samara was honestly a chef’s kiss moment. And the various realizations of how the imagery from the tape applied to her life were also good moments.
Am I good at horror movies now? Am I hard to scare? Because that’s not how I would describe myself with ghosts horror movies. Anyway I actually think I really liked it, it felt a lot more investigative mystery than horror for a significant portion of the middle and now I’m wondering if I’m gonna need to rewatch it sometime to get more out of it now that I know how it ends. It gets a 👍 from me