The Stolen Century - Tumblr Posts

not crazy about how this turned out but here have it
nvm it's 2:30 am and my brains going haywire
- the Light falls in the Moss blanket and when they get to it, only a few weeks in, there's just a giant slime with the light inside it. a bunch of pink slimes had tried to eat it at the same time when it fell and made a Gordo slime.
- This frees up nearly the entire year to just chill and explore this world.
- Lucretia's drawing everything here, as she does, from the weird indentation in the moon to the plants to the slimes themselves
- Magnus, seeing every pink slime ever jump on hen hens at any opportunity, ends up keeping a bunch of every kind. Stony, Briar, Painted, all of em.
- Merle is having a fucking ball with the different flora around. He just ends up fucking chilling in the Moss blanket for most of the year.
- Lup is the first one to figure out how to destroy a Tarr, because of course she is.
- Taako's good out here at first, and then he finds out about crystal slimes and tries to cultivate the crystal for safekeeping. He succeeds, but not without an injury or two. he gets a fair amount of crystals, and threads them into his hat. Not even a month later, he drops his hat into a pond and all the crystals get dissolved. He is inconsolable for at least an hour. All of this happens over the first three months of free time.
- Barry goes to research the ocean here, because it's seemingly made of the same stuff as most inhabitants of this world, and isn't that just fascinating?
- Of course, because what kind of fanfic would this be without some cross-franchise character interactions, they end up flying about the world in search of any people at all, and end up finding Beatrix first. It makes sense, after all; the Light fell relatively close to her ranch, anyway.
- For narrative purposes it'd be best if this version of Beatrix was at more of the end-game phase, having unlocked the Glass Desert and the Lab and the various NPC minigames.
- Of course, Beatrix is stunned, because no one gets out to the Far Far Range without the help of 7Zee, so how on Earth did they get here?
- They all have a chat about their journey and such, you know, a basic explanation, yadda yadda yadda, whatever you've heard this story before.
- She agrees to get them around the Range, since they only have a little bit of time here.
- She shows them to the teleporters, and there's a few nice scenes of them meeting the different slime rancher NPCs, ex. Barry and Viktor; the twins and Ogden; I don't think any of the birds have the absolutely crushing amount of daddy issues necessary to strike up a friendship with Mochi, but I could be wrong.
- Near the end of the year, Magnus realizes that his chickens are gonna have to stay behind. He ends up releasing most of them back into the wild, and keeping just his favorite one, a briar hen that he named Henrietta.
- Davenport tried desperately to talk Magnus out of keeping a chicken on the Starblaster, but to no avail. You can only hold so much authority when your friend wants to save a creature from a world you won't be able to come back to.
- When the Hunger arrives, Davenport and Lucretia are already on the ship. It's been a fair few cycles, they know the timing. Lup and Merle have been entrusted with getting Magnus's chicken feed and Henrietta into the Starblaster, and they do so with, surprisingly, no incident. Taako's nabbed a bag of various crops just for keeps. Merle is already thinking up a way to start a garden on the Starblaster. Barry and Magnus are in Viktor's deep sea lab, with every other human being in this planet, and a few slimes and such too, Noah's Ark style, just in case.
- By a stroke of dumb fucking luck, the majority of everyone's farms and ranches are untouched, after the Birds leave. Of course, there are things to rebuild, but life goes on as normal, with the Hungers attack becoming just a really shitty memory.
-Magnus tries to carve a chicken in Legato but slims it down too much so ends up just calling it a duck. Its still a charming piece of woodwork.
- After Lucretia does her mind wipe, a while after that actually, Taako puts crystal beads on his hat, and is surprised when they don't melt, and he doesn't quite know why. Magnus knows he likes birds, but was it chickens or ducks? Eh, it doesn't matter. Ducks make funnier noises, and he knows how to carve em, so it must've been ducks. Merle, well, nothing really changes with him, he still likes moss, regardless.
- Magnus names one of the dogs in the Hammer and Tails "Henrietta".
guys. slime rancher cycle. someone write this I can't write for shit. please I beg

what if lucretia opened the door and saw magnus on his knees, blank expression, holding a tiny duck