The Undergrove - Tumblr Posts
Im willing to add more for the overgrown! Not only do they have the spring ball, but there is also the faerie festive! It includes a dance and games, and lots of food being absolutely drenched in honey. It is custom to invite someone from another empire to be able to share this lovely night with all, and it's a night where they throw all grudges away.
And what's a reblog of mine if it isn't gay! Katherine always invites Shrub, the first time out of pity for her, the second time for them to know she's trusted, and the third time because Katherine is head over heels at this point lol.
ESMP World building
ESMP World building
ESMP World building
ESMP World building
ESMP World building
ESMP World building
ESMP World building
ESMP World building
ESMP World building
ESMP World building
ESMP World building
ESMP World building
ESMP World building
ESMP World building
ESMP World building
ESMP World building
ESMP World building
ESMP World building
ESMP World building
ESMP World building
ESMP World building
ESMP World building
ESMP World building
ESMP World building
ESMP World building
ESMP World building
ESMP World building
ESMP World building
ESMP World building
ESMP World building
Grimlands & Crystal Cliffs share a lot of traditions and customs, as well special dishes because the two original founders were brothers! Count Grim & Wizard Grim :) - Later down the line when River Grim meets Mai Moon, the grand wizard of Crystal Cliffs, they fall in love & have twins. Some people in the Grimlands & Cliffs believe Fwhip & Gem are reincarnations of the original Count & Grand Wizard :) (Gandalf was Wizard Grim's apprentice who mastered a spell for immortality and transformation, Gandalf has been the "familiar" for each wizard since until Gem left & he took over)
Rivendell has customs every winter, such as Winter Balls and Winter Mourning periods for those who were lost in prior wars, or prior champions of Aeor. Many of the Aeor champions were Rivendellian royals - Scott breaks tradition of keeping one of the plaques covered in snow (Exor Champions). Scott & Xornoth's names are later added to the plaque & Rivendell keeps the plaques uncovered forever. They have a lot of frozen foods/treats/frosted treats during warmer months and hella fuckin good hot chocolate for hard winters.
Overgrown has a tradition of Spring Balls, and very sweet food. (not much here sorry..)
Undergrove has very spicy food and but Fae, Gnomes, and Vampires are "immune" to the spice, in the sense it doesnt bother them. Full blood elves, such as Rivendellians, do not have this. They are very affected by spices. Shrub has apologized for an attempted assassination on Scott, Scott doesnt even see it as that it was a simple unknown factor.
The Swamp & Ocean empires have very similar traditions and foods together. prior to Jimmy & Fwhip, the two empires had an alliance with the Grimlands and due to Fwhip growing up with Sausage as neighbors their entire childhood, the alliance was ended and the Cod War started. The Ocean Empire has a trident for their ruler that has new things added to it each time theres a new ruler, the CodFather has a very similar tradition but with a necklace and adding a bead to the necklace for each ruler – The Oceanic rulers tend to cover the trident with beads on strings, tightly :)
I'll do more soon
Heyyyyyyy...... I have some old art! (I forgor to post this during a week challenge that I didn't finish :/)

The challenge was empires and so enjoy a lil Shrub for your troubles