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how do the boys react to their s/o calling them by their last name! hehe

HEHE IS RIGHT (and lmao i went insane w/ this oops and SORRY)!!

feat. bakugo, deku, todo, and kirishima!


Katsuki Bakugo

He’s mad

Like… mad mad, you know? 

You call him the wrong thing and he’s immediately sulking. Crosses his arms and looks at you with a glare, before snapping out some kind rough, “oi.” or, “say that again?” to let it be known that he’s unhappy with your wording

If you immediately laugh and correct yourself, he sort of understands that you’re joking and may even find it slightly endearing (if not worthy of returned teasing)… 

And if you don’t, he’s both glaring and pouting at you until you do, and sometimes even grumpily reminding you of what you should be calling him (which is either his first name or a pet name and literally nothing else) or holding a grudge until you seriously apologize and beg him to kiss you to make up for it

(Loves to see you asking by making a kissy face at him… especially when he can refuse and tease you for it)

Things change, however, if you’re not doing it to be playful or as a way to get his attention

Even though he’d react very similarly (by glowering and instantly correcting you), if you use his last name during an argument, warning bells immediately start going off in his head. 

Correct yourself immediately, he’s still frustrated by the fighting, but he calms down just the tiniest bit and rationalizes that you don’t hate him…. If you don’t, he’s doing everything in his power to get you to give in to him… 

Which usually just ends up with him grabbing you and turning things sexual in order to punish you and remind you of exactly who he is… which is your boyfriend, not some random classmate 

Definitely gets frustrated feeling like he’s being compared to an extra not even worthy of being called by their first name, especially by someone whom he loves and loves him

I doubt he knows how to truly express this, though… which is why he instead opts to just fuck your brains out while reminding you

I honestly don’t know why I feel so passionate about this, but I definitely think Bakugo would be the guy who’s most bothered by this. Probably thinks that once you get to the first-name basis stage… reverting back to last names is disrespectful and means that you don’t trust him or may even want to distance yourself… 

So when you do pull this on him, it’s not unlikely that he’ll think it’s a sign of something maybe being wrong 

Mostly due to the recognition that you even call him Katsuki in the first place, but also because it’s a real sign of intimacy that he doesn’t allow everyone. Like, even though Deku calls him “Kacchan,” and the Bakusquad jokes around with that, no one except you really calls him by his first name

(Also, being called “Bakugo” by his romantic partner probably makes him feel like an old man. Don’t do that to him)

Izuku Midoriya

You call Deku by his last name… and he probably doesn’t even notice until after it’s been a couple hours

Dude’s probably so used to being referred to that by his classmates, that if he’s even remotely caught up in his thoughts (which is actually kind of a lot), he probably doesn’t bat an eye

It’s funny to tease him at first, but after it seems like he doesn’t even care what you call him, it’s really just slightly irritating to watch him not even notice that you don’t call him something sweet or goofy. 

Give it some time though, and he’ll finally get there… especially if he’s finished all his work and he’s finally come to cuddle you only to be greeted with the title “Midoriya” 

Uhhh, full stop

He’s like, “Midoriya?” with his brow quirked and everything, and all you can do is huff and roll your eyes as if you haven’t been calling him that all day

Of course, it’s only after all this that he’ll notice the frustration, but once he does, he’s pestering you about it until you reveal that it seems like he doesn’t even notice when you do stuff like that. 

If you don’t end up explaining, however… that’s when he gets a little dejected and sulky. He can’t be a good boyfriend until he figures out what’s wrong, so he doesn’t understand why you won’t help him to figure it out… 

And if + when he does, he also can’t understand why you were even calling him that in the first place. Probably asks you you something like, “Do you not… want to call me baby anymore?” Or “I really did like ‘Zuku, you know…” 

And that’s when you have to start feeling bad too… because he just seems so sad. All he wants is love… and he promises, swears, that it’s not like he’s busy or ignoring you on purpose

That being said though, I can also see it going that you call him Midoriya and he only notices a few seconds after you end the conversation; always such that he gets up and chases you down the hall to ask you why you called him that

He’ll even call you on the phone if you’ve already left

(And if you don’t pick up, the message is like, “Uh, hi sweetie! Just calling with a, uh… quick question. Did you call me Midoriya earlier? If you did, that’s okay, I guess! Makes me kinda sad but… it’s not a big deal.. Anyway… call me back soon, I lo- *BEEP*) 

OMG, and poor baby, you call him by his last name during an argument… and everything stops. He’s immediately dropping whatever topic you’re fighting about to ask why you’re calling him that and if you really mean it. 

His number one nightmare is that he stops being your baby… so even if you’re just saying it to get him to take your frustrations seriously in a fight… it works

Shoto Todoroki

Todoroki is like… simultaneously better and worse than both Bakugo and Deku. 

Definitely embodies the same, weird first-name basis intimacy ideas as Bakugo… but isn’t as needy about it as either of them

Very logical, in that when you call him by his last name, he always assumes that it’s probably some kind of slip-up or that you’re trying to express something to him, however he doesn’t usually end up asking what’s wrong if you end up switching back to his first name or a pet name relatively quickly

(Doesn’t catch that it could just be joke or a tease in the first place)

If you don’t stop, however… he’s definitely going to give you some gentle reminders that you’re calling him by the wrong thing

“I’m Shoto, remember?” or “Todoroki is what you call my brother” (you actually probably call Natsuo, Natsuo… but that’s not the point here), or even “are you forgetting something, sweetheart?” 

This dude is not slick AT ALL

I also think that because of Todoroki’s upbringing, both in the strict and traditional senses, it probably takes you guys the longest to actually get to the first-name basis point

Not that it’s any more or less intimate for him than the others, just that in Todo’s case, there’s a bit more nuance and processing he has to go through every time his last name comes up

Definitely thinks that once you start calling each other by your first names, there should be no real reason to stop… which is why he’s so confused as to why you even joke about it anyway

Especially because you never express to him that you’re having relationship doubts AND the both of you still use pet names 

Which is why he doesn’t hesitate to at least try to “politely” correct you when he doesn’t like what you’re calling him

Call him Todoroki when you’re arguing, though… and things are a bit different

Depending on how heated everything is, and whether or not you’re actually communicating, the more frustrated he gets. His reminders definitely morph into demands, in that whenever you call him Todoroki, just like Bakugo, he’s instantly responding with, “Shoto.” or with some other pet name he likes

Literally will not proceed with the conversation until you call him the name that he wants to hear… and when he does finally catch on to when you’re messing with him, does the same thing then, too

Like, he’ll literally be holding your hand and will stop you from walking further until you tell him what’s wrong or call him the right thing

Eijiro Kirishima

Kirishima I can see going both ways. 

I think, because he’s such a friendly guy that he’s actually pretty used to being called Kirishima, or even just Kiri, so if you tend to stick to that, especially more so in public, he’s not really going to be too bothered by it…

That being said, though… if you randomly go from “Eijiro” or some random pet name to exclusively Kirishima, and if it seems like you’re doing it on purpose and overly-consistent, he definitely starts getting a little bit confused

Probably doesn’t ask you about it at first, especially if you only use it one time, and laugh whenever you do… but after a while, if you start using it too much, Kiri will gets more and more frustrated as time goes on. 

He’s just not sure if you’re trying to tell him something, and if so, what that is

Honestly, it probably gets to the point where even though he doesn’t want to, he knows he has to be manly and talk to you about it, at least to ensure that nothing is wrong… and when he actually does… he calls you by your last name, too…

And that’s how you know it’s serious, and that you better stop… because Kiri seems so sad when he asks you about it… and when he then hesitates to call you “babe” or something else sweet, too  

Despite all this, the issue can probably be fixed relatively quick with an explanation… maybe you were just pranking him, or thought he knew you were joking around… but as long as you promise it doesn’t mean anything personal, he bounces back pretty quick 

(Asks for a lot of make-up kisses, though) 

However, his last name still a has a little bit of power over him… because if you call him by his last name in an argument, he’s immediately straightening up

Instantly goes quiet and looks to you for your next words, knowing that now (if you’re not trying to mess with him, that is), it really just means you want to talk business, rather than that you hate him…

Besides, you do that thing where you look at him with puppy-dog eyes while asking, “Kirishimaaa…?” 

Yeah, you’re getting whatever the fuck you want

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1 year ago

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