The Way I Would Like Their Relationship/dynamic To Develop Is Like Have A Journey Grudgingly Become Allies For A Common Goal - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Double standards with Jetara and the other one.

Maybe I should expand on this differently, but the double standards people have with Jet and Katara vs Zuko and Katara is embarrassing.

“He almost made her kill innocent people. Things almost went horribly. She should never be with him for that.”

Zuko invaded her home. How do you think she felt? Her mom died because of her, and now the Fire Nation was back again because of her. The Fire Nation made it impossible for them to feel safe in their own homes. Where do you think Sokka’s paranoia comes from?

Zuko almost burned Sokka. Zuko almost harmed her grandmother. Zuko almost killed a child. Zuko took Aang away, someone Katara grew close to.

Katara’s grief is loss. Losing her mother. Losing fun. Losing a part of her culture. Losing her childhood. Losing her father. Losing security. Losing Kya’s necklace. Losing Aang. Losing trust.

It’s always loss. The first episodes established the characters, but a lot happened also.

Zuko does burn down a village. He almost kills the people in it.

Zuko again tries to take Aang. Again Katara has to fight to save the people she cares about. This time she can fight; she knows how to bend.

Yet she still loses Aang.

Zuko almost dies with Aang. That could have cost them the war. Zuko almost robbed a couple and only stopped because the woman was expecting.

I don’t know how to tell you this, but that is literally ‘not as bad as he could have been’. Pulling out a weapon on two civilians who had to flee their home because of the Fire Nation and now they’re being threatened?

Zuko almost captures Appa with plans to use him to lure out Aang. After all of Appa’s suffering.

Zuko completely sends an assassin after the Gaang to kill Aang.

Zuko almost did so much. And a lot of it affects Katara. But she forgave him so it’s all good. An apology is enough.

Not with Jet apparently. If he succeeded it would completely horrify Katara, but you can’t pretend it wouldn’t be the same with Zuko’s actions if not worse because Zuko threatened her loved ones numerous times.

Do you think she wouldn’t devastated if Aang died in the blizzard in Book 1? Or if Zuko or his crew killed someone from her tribe? Or if Zuko held onto the necklace and never returned it? Or if Combustion Man killed Aang?

Honestly I think she’d be worse.

I don’t think Zuko and Katara together would be toxic, and I have a lot of issues with Zuko’s writing. Katara has seen Zuko at his worst. If she ever chose to be with him, it would only be if he actually changed, so any actual toxicity probably wouldn’t exist.

My point is that it doesn’t make sense that Zuko and Katara are acceptable but Jet and Katara aren’t. It is literally canon that Zuko has done more harm to Katara than Jet.

If you hate both ships, it would make more sense.

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