The Web Planet - Tumblr Posts

10 years ago
For The Fashion-conscious Scientist Try The Atmospheric Density Jacket. One Size Fits All. Almost. I
For The Fashion-conscious Scientist Try The Atmospheric Density Jacket. One Size Fits All. Almost. I

For the fashion-conscious scientist try the Atmospheric Density Jacket. One size fits all. Almost. I was thinking as I drew this, if the jackets are all one size, (the sleeves aren't quite long enough for Ian), if Susan had to wear one it would be swimming on her considering she is almost a head shorter than her Grandfather. So I drew a picture to see what it would look like. Susan would have pulled that look off and made it look good.

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10 years ago
If Classic Doctor Who Serials Were Named Like Episodes Of Friends: The Web Planet

If classic Doctor Who serials were named like episodes of Friends: The Web Planet

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10 years ago
Barbara Interacts With A Larvae Gun - The Web Planet

Barbara interacts with a larvae gun - The Web Planet

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10 years ago
Vicki And Her Favourite Creatures, A Chumbly, A Zarbi And 'Sandy'

Vicki and her favourite creatures, a Chumbly, a zarbi and 'Sandy'

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