Barbara Wright - Tumblr Posts
It’s London 1965!

Because this is a trend happening and I wanted to see how they looked. Any requests?

A Scene redraw from ‘The Chase’

It’s been a while, but when I saw this image (Ian and Barbara) on the booklet in the 1st Doctor Blu-ray box set, I had to redraw them.

to be with you, that’s all i want

since the first few got some likes heres these ones
Doctor who is amazing and wonderful. But there are times when I miss them. It doesn’t matter who. I just miss them.
okay, hear me out here. a werewolf Rose Tyler AU where she got turned, by force, doesn’t matter by who. Could be by Jimmy Stone, could be by Fenric, could be by anybody. But she does, and she’s running from this person, and she runs into the TARDIS(who just lets her because we all know the TARDIS loves Rose in any AU or story) at the time the First Doctor is traveling with Ian, Susan, and Barbara. Now, in this AU let’s just say that werewolves either live forever, a very long time, or can choose their lifespan to match their mate. It depends on which type of subspecies Rose is, and in this AU she would be the third, the type that has an average human lifespan unless bonded to a different species with a longer lifespan, but they can shift when they choose. (the other ones are different) And, Rose’s mind, being recently turned, in complete chaos, and scared shitless, makes a sort of bond with the first telepathic being that steps in the TARDIS, that being being the Doctor. Her lifespan now matched to his, she sticks around for all of his regenerations, and they learn to love each other by the time it’s his first one. Just an idea, but an interesting one nonetheless.
You know what I need? MORE OF WERWOLF ROSE TYLER!! There isn’t enough of that God level trope, and I love it. Doesn’t matter which Doctor it’s with, or how she got turned, but as long as she’s a werwolf I can’t get enough of it. GIVE ME TIMEPETALS WERWOLF AU
Rose Tyler And Classic Who
The First Doctor- a fight and flirt relationship. they would fight so much so often, yet strangely Rose would flirt with him and leave him completely flustered
Susan- they would be besties. Rose would introduce her to modern day fashion, and they would end the patriarchy together. all in one day. (because Susan deserved better and we all know she and Rose are both feral wolf raised children)
Ian- they would talk shit about the Doctor together. and he would hold her back from fistfighting a sexist/racist/homophobic dude then punch him in the face immediately so she doesn’t get in trouble. they would totally have a sibling relationship.
Barbara- they would have a love hate relationship. Rose would constantly fight with her, but they would both make up and be girl bosses over everyone else. she would also help Ian and Barbara get together.
Vikki- two words. feral. children. they would physically get into fights with anyone who dared treat other people lesser.
Steven- they would sit together and talk about cute men, while they get thrown in jail on every planet they go to.
Dodo- Rose would definitely treat her like a younger sister, and Dodo would hate and love it. they totally give each other fashion advice and do the other’s hair.
Ben and Polly- Ben would treat her like his sister, and Polly would help her take over the world.
The Second Doctor- joking and singing. These two would sing together everywhere, with the Doctor playing the recorder. they would also be joking and flirting everywhere they go, yet wouldn’t acknowledge it at all.
Jamie- you can’t not tell me they would absolutely joke about the Doctor, make fun of him, and beat people up together.
Victoria- automatic mother/older sister role. doesn’t matter which one, she automatically takes her into her care with a mentor figure affection, and Victoria would be hesitant at first but eventually come to see her as one of the two.
Zoe- they fight a lot, more than Rose and Barbara would, but it’s more of two extremely strong women with similar personalities that, once they stop fighting and finally click, makes everyone wish they kept fighting.
The Third Doctor- would call her “my dear Rose” and take her out on car rides very often. she would love to help him in his lab, singing along with him when he sang. they would flirt, but it’s seems old fashioned, and less joking
Alistair- would fight in a fatherly daughter way, but drink tea together every afternoon no matter what.
Mike- talk about cute men together, and spar together, and are almost tied at the hip whenever she’s at UNIT
John- chills with Mike and Rose, and has a very brotherly relationship with her.
Jo- they flirt with everyone, wear mini skirts and kick ass together all the time. they would absolutely be besties.
Sarah Jane- same with Zoe, except when they do click the entire world shakes in it’s boots.
The Fourth Doctor- they have a very jokingly relationship, flirting and teasing each other almost every time they see each other. she also will constantly wear his scarf whenever they’re out.
Harry Sullivan- he would become the older brother she never had, and she would help him with coming to senses with more modern views. he always tries to sacrifice himself for her, of which she always patches him up afterwards.
Leela- Rose would beg her to teach her some of the fighting skills, just like how Rose would teach her a bit of stuff from her time on earth, and they would have a shit load of fun together.
K9- calls her Rose, with her insistence. best dog/girl duo ever.
Romana- in her first body they would fight. a lot. Rose would think of her as too posh and stuck up, and Romana would think of her as below her. her second body, however, they would slowly start to become friends, and by the time they separate would be extremely close.
Adric- he acts like a brat to her, which she quickly puts a stop to and they become a sibling duo, constantly bickering with each other and driving the Doctor mad. but, they have that true sibling relationship where it’s “only I can insult them and we’ll insult you together”
Tegan- fashion and music buddies. they constantly share and talk about their taste in fashion, music, and women(because nobody in Doctor Who is straight) 100% gossip buddies
Nyssa- like Victoria, Rose becomes an older sister sort of figure to Nyssa after her planet dies. but, Rose also loves to learn about things from Nyssa about science, and Rose also loves to teach her about earth during her time.
The Fifth Doctor- puppy love. that’s what it is. they would have an almost childish love, the type that just gives and gives freely. they would argue very little, yet when they do they make up almost immediately.
Turlough- Rose would definitely figure out what he was doing with the Black Guardian, and change him earlier than cannon. they would have a fun little sibling bond, making fun of each other and making jokes a lot.
Peri- gossip and joke buddies. the two make fun of the Doctor, that random dude who was rude, you name it. they share fashion advice, and Rose beats people up while Peri yells at them. it’s a nice little match.
The Sixth Doctor- they would absolutely have the same relationship as Rose does with the Ninth Doctor, that joking around one with the undertones of something completely serious between the two.
Mel- Rose would definitely eat shit food just to spite her off, then feel bad about it and either do one of her workouts or eat something she made. it’s a daily occurrence.
The Seventh Doctor- they would have a mix of Three and Two, a very old fashioned type of love but the mix of flirting everywhere they go. all the time. it pisses of Ace a lot.
Ace- an older sister type of role, Rose constantly blowing up stuff and beating people up with her. they would take down the government using nothing but their brains, their fists, and Ace’s homemade explosives.
The Eighth Doctor- very flirty-touchy-close romance. he constantly tucks her arm in his, or wraps an arm around her, or hugs her randomly. it’s more of Tenrose with a more innocent tone to it.
Grace- they would be friends. not terribly close, but when the Doctor would do something weird or stupid they would exchange a glance of shared amusement and tiredness.
And I know there’s more, but I haven’t heard the audiobooks yet so I don’t want to make any assumptions.
The DW fandom will disagree on everything. Ships, characters, everything. But there is one thing that everybody will agree on. Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright. Everyone will agree that they are soulmates, that they belong together, because they do. Everything else will have disagreements, and that’s understandable. But this couple will always be the one that should be together, that you can never find evidence against. Those two started the whole thing, and they did it together.

Have the second new Companion print for next month's Capitol event! This time featuring Ian and Barbara, the original Time-And-Space faring teachers.
Decided to go monochrome for this one, but I might try a colour version too!

since I'm bored and these are fun to make, here!

honestly, I might do a Star Trek version of these since everybody seems to like them so much

Classic Doctor Who + Headlines
Part 3

this is an amazing piece of fanart done by a close friend of mine(she’s not on tumblr but gave me permission to repost!) for my fanfiction, Home in a Blink on Ao3!

ian & barbara moments 1/?