Then He Just Walks In By Accident Because Hes Too Focused On How Pissed He Is At AFO - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

I’d like to think that bnha 304 is mostly gonna be about Midoriya in the vestige world learning two important things:

- Nana’s relation to Tomura and how she feels about the plan she had to keep her family safe backfiring spectacularly (Does she regret leaving Kotaro behind, now knowing who he grew up to be? Is she conflicted with how All Might and Gran Torino technically did what she asked only for their inaction to contribute to the problem? Will she want to reach out and save her grandson even after all of this?)

- OFA’s knowledge of how manipulative AFO can be and what that means in terms of the awful conditions Tomura must have grown up in for the past 15 years (along with the very likely chance that he may have had a hand in guiding the outcome of Tenko’s situation in some capacity)

It’d help to flesh out Midoriya’s decision to save Tomura and solidify AFO as the worst villain since he’s one of the root causes of everything that’s going wrong (with the problems inherent to hero society that haven’t been corrected being the other big root).

An ending to the chapter I’d like to see is Midoriya and the vestiges trying to make a plan on how they’re gonna reach out to Tomura to help him, not outright making him switch sides and join the heroes but more like getting him completely out from under AFO’s thumb...

... only for Tomura to accidentally walk right into the vestige world right as the chapter ends.

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