There Is Not A Level Of Hell Deep Enough For You - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

It’s because Viv wants to make stupid fucking Huskerdust happen. Because she’s more than happy to sacrifice her artistic integrity to please Huskerdust fans when they have literally bullied someone to death.

Shay’s blood is on YOUR hands, Huskerdust fandom. All you had to do was not bully someone to death for not shipping Huskerdust, but you couldn’t even do that. I hope you’re fucking happy.

"From A Storytelling Perspective, Why Did Sir Pentious Die/get Redeemed Instead Of Angel? They Devoted

"From a storytelling perspective, why did Sir Pentious die/get redeemed instead of Angel? They devoted so much time to develop Angel as a character, from his Addicted MV, to episode 4 being an entire episode dedicated to him, to when he stands up to Valentino in episode 6, to Charlie using him as an example for her hotel's success in rehabilitation when she's in Heaven; the plot points are all there, perfectly set up to end with a bang with the hotel's first tenant valiantly redeeming himself. They instead squandered this opportunity, treating Sir Pentious' death poorly in the process."

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