Anti Huskerdust - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

I already hated Huskerdust, but ever since finding out that Huskerdust shippers bullied a Radiodust shipper to death, I don’t think I can ever support it, regardless of what happens in the show. Are you happy, Huskerdust fandom? You have blood on your hands, and all because of a ship.

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9 months ago

A Radiodust shipper known only as Shay was bullied by Huskerdust fans on Twitter, and their sister later reported via discord that they had unalived themselves. There’s a big Google Doc detailing the incident here:
The power of words: when fandom kills

I already hated Huskerdust, but ever since finding out that Huskerdust shippers bullied a Radiodust shipper to death, I don’t think I can ever support it, regardless of what happens in the show. Are you happy, Huskerdust fandom? You have blood on your hands, and all because of a ship.

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9 months ago

Seeing a ship you hate in a fic with a ship you like is kind of like finding a hair in your soup. Like, ew, who got Huskerdust in my Radiorose?

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9 months ago

For anyone who wants to know one of the main reasons why I hate Huskerdust so much…This is why. The toxic fandom. I’ve also been getting harassment because I don’t ship Huskerdust, but it’s never been this bad.

Are you happy, Huskerdust fans? Was it worth getting blood on your hands because of a ship? Because I hope it was. I hope that you sleep soundly at night knowing that you killed an innocent person just because they didn’t like your ship. May Shay rest in peace.



Context: A queer Haxbin fan in her 20s that goes by the fake name Shay commited S*icide after being attacked by many Hazbin fans just because she didnt ship Huskerdust. She supported Vivziepop financially for years and was a Radiodust shipper. The document goes into more detail of it, but I just want everyone to spread the word. Like Viv needs to say something about this and not ignore this. The fandom needs to be hold accountable for this, they already gotten away with a lot of stuff but this is to far. Rest in Peace Shay ❤️

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8 months ago

Mhm. This is why I’m always deleting comments from Huskerdust shippers on my Hazbin fics. Like, fuck off, this is my work, not yours, and I don’t want to see bullshit hate comments about how your shitty ship isn’t in my Radiorose or Radiodust fic. Go away. If you don’t want to read Radiorose or Radiodust, don’t read or comment on my works.

Friendly reminder that fan-made content (fanart, fanfic, fanvids, etc) are:

extremely time consuming. Remember someone actually took time out of their life to create that, time they could’ve used to, idk, sleep, for example

entertainment you’re consuming for free. I can’t stress this enough: you’re enjoying someone else’s craft for free. You paid exactly zero money to look at/read/watch it.

S H A R E D  with you, not made for you. This is the most important point: someone created that, put it online and you found it. No one forced you to consume that fanwork, you C H O S E  to do it. 

Whenever you feel like leaving a mean comment, anonymous hate or make a ~clever post about how ‘lol look at all of these overused tropes every fic writer crams into their fics’ remember you’re being a dick to someone who shared their work with you. You’re not being funny, you’re not being edgy, you’re not being brave for calling something out - you’re being a dick.

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8 months ago

I love how Chaggie shippers like to immediately call anyone who doesn’t like Chaggie homophobic. A Chaggie shipper once said to me, ‘boo! You hate sapphics!’ and then when I told them I’m a RoyalHalo shipper, they suddenly went all quiet. Chaggie fans are just as toxic as Huskerdust fans, I swear.

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8 months ago

Vivziepop really needs to do something about the toxic Huskerdust fans. She should have stepped in when they bullied a Radiodust shipper to death, but she didn’t, and Huskerdust shippers are only getting more toxic. I keep having to delete comments on my Wattpad fics because I keep getting harassed for not writing/expressing my dislike of Huskerdust, and I know I’m not the only one. One toxic shipper commented the exact thing three times, and when I deleted their comments, they said that they were trying to ‘teach me’ that Huskerdust is meant to be a slow burn. Like not liking a stupid ship makes me an uneducated rube. I ended up having to block them to make them shut up and stop bothering me.

Vivziepop needs to do something about this. Even a simple, ‘Hi, this is not acceptable, do not bully people for not liking Huskerdust’ would help. Please. Vivziepop, control your fandom before someone else gets bullied to death.

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6 months ago

As of yesterday, Stolitz stans are no longer welcome on my blog. You can fuck off along with the Huskerdust stans. I’m not allowing you to harass me, or incite strangers to harass me anymore.

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6 months ago

Took the words right out of my mouth. Husk isn’t some UwU poor victim, he’s an abuser who was stripped of his ability to abuse.

The one thing I hate about Huskerdust is how the fans make it seem like their situations is exactly the same when they're clearly not.

Angel was in love with Valentino when he signed the contract for his soul, while Husker was an overlord who just wanted more power.

Angel blamed himself when he should be blaming Valentino for taking advantage of his heart, Husker blamed Alastor when he should be blaming his own greed.

They're both in hell for a reason and angel isn't some innocent baby (he was in the mafia ffs) but he didn't OWN people's soul, he was never a greedy overlord who gambled with people's ( people he OWNED) souls for his own sake till it came biting him in the ass.

I don't like Husker's character at all and I don't like how the fandom makes him a precious victim of Alastor who did nothing wrong. He was an overlord just like the Vees and Alastor, and he was no better then them.

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5 months ago

I think one of Vivziepop’s biggest writing problems is that she’s too eager to give the fandom what they want in terms of shipping. There is no reason for Charlie and Vaggie to be together; Vaggie doesn’t like Charlie or any of her friends, but they’re together because someone who worked on the storyboards for the pilot thought that they’d be cute as a couple. Husk and Angel Dust have no reason to be together either, they have nothing in common, Husk is clearly annoyed by Angel Dust and wants him to leave him alone, but they’re going to be forced together because fans started shipping Huskerdust because of the character Instagram pages. Stolas doesn’t deserve Blitzø, and yet because Stolitz is the most popular ship in Helluva Boss, he’s going to get him anyway. Look, I understand wanting to please your fans, but you can’t throw away your artistic integrity just to give people what they want, because that’s how you end up with three ships that don’t make sense.

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5 months ago

It’s because Viv wants to make stupid fucking Huskerdust happen. Because she’s more than happy to sacrifice her artistic integrity to please Huskerdust fans when they have literally bullied someone to death.

Shay’s blood is on YOUR hands, Huskerdust fandom. All you had to do was not bully someone to death for not shipping Huskerdust, but you couldn’t even do that. I hope you’re fucking happy.

"From A Storytelling Perspective, Why Did Sir Pentious Die/get Redeemed Instead Of Angel? They Devoted

"From a storytelling perspective, why did Sir Pentious die/get redeemed instead of Angel? They devoted so much time to develop Angel as a character, from his Addicted MV, to episode 4 being an entire episode dedicated to him, to when he stands up to Valentino in episode 6, to Charlie using him as an example for her hotel's success in rehabilitation when she's in Heaven; the plot points are all there, perfectly set up to end with a bang with the hotel's first tenant valiantly redeeming himself. They instead squandered this opportunity, treating Sir Pentious' death poorly in the process."

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