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2 years ago

Hannibal Lecter: Antisocial

Hannibal Lecter: Antisocial

Imagine being married to Hannibal, but no one knows because you are terrified of people(especially men), and Will accidentally startles you:

Hannibal and I have been married for many years, I remember our wedding in Italy. It was arguably the best night of my life, I'm still surprised that he proposed. I'm selectively mute, and still very much damaged from what occurred in our childhood, yet... He still married me.


Hannibal hasn't come back yet, I've been waiting in his office for quite a while now, and I'm starting to get restless. Walking away from the chairs I reach his wood desk, the past scent of his aftershave still faintly wavers in the air. Carefully sitting down, I finally lower my guard. I don't know how to describe it, but just being surrounded by his things seems to put me at ease. God, saying that makes me sound like a dog with separation anxiety.

I scooch the large seat forward a little, pulling a blank sheet of paper from his desk drawer. I slip my hand into my jacket, retrieving my fountain pen, as I pull off the cap I examine the engraving along the side:

"Aš tave myliu"

It was a gift from him, he gave it to me a few months into our relationship, it was for my birthday. He had it custom made to fit my hand, had it made the perfect weight and length, and naturally only allowed me to use the finest of inks. I still cherish this pen, and will reluctantly use another only if absolutely necessary.

I smile fondly at the instrument in my hand before fixating on the blank page. Smoothing my fingers softly over it, the texture of the page feeling smooth yet rough. I eagerly lean forward and begin drawing, light strokes forming a simple shape, then making long silky lines away from it. After making the general outline, I move back, filling in the details of the rather graceful creature.

I'm so caught up in my drawing that I almost miss the slam of the front door, which causes me to quickly sit up.

A sense of safety and comfort washes over me, Hannibal is finally back from wherever he's been. I push the chair back and stand up, striding over to his office door; I can hear footsteps in the hallway. Reaching for the door knob, I swiftly turn it and open the door.

The sight immediately scares me away, I jump in fright at the stranger standing in front of Hannibal nearest the now open door. He seems almost as surprised as I am, apparently not knowing that anyone else was here. The stranger goes to say something, but I'm already quickly walking backwards, keeping my eyes locked on him at all times, as I finally reach Hannibal's desk I walk around it so that it is now in-between me and the stranger.

My actions seem to startle him, his look of shock morphs into one of confusion, turning to look at Hannibal with a questioning expression. Hannibal's eyes widened slightly in surprise and concern, he knows about my fear of meeting strangers, especially male strangers. He slowly motions the man to step into the room, before closing the door behind them.

I feel like I'm being suffocated, I know Hannibal won't let anything bad happen to me, but I don't know this man; and I can't stop this irrational fear no matter how hard I try. I can feel my hands shaking as I watch the man glance between me, Hannibal, and the floor.

Hannibal slowly walks over to me, holding out one of his hands, which I gently grasp, he can feel me trembling, placing his other hand comfortingly over mine. He offers me a slight smile, one which I return, though I know he can see straight through it.

"Y/N, this is Will Graham." His voice is softer than normal when around other people, he does this whenever he knows I need help calming down. I nervously glance at the man I now know to be Will Graham, I offer him a tight and short smile before looking away, not wanting to see his response.

"Will, this is my wife, Y/N. You'll have to excuse her lack of response, she despises social interaction." Hannibal's smooth voice and familiar accent ease my body, I lean into him slightly as he speaks to Will.

"Well, that makes two of us." Will murmurs, glancing down at the floor before looking back up to us. I quickly look away and back to Hannibal, he can sense that I am dying to get out of this room.

"Darling, why don't you head to the car, I won't be long." He voices, an arrangement that I quickly agree to, taking a moment to lightly kiss his cheek before skittering out of the room and to the safety of the car.


Hannibal's POV:

I watch as Y/N all but dashes out of the room, the guilt pooling in my chest at the situation I put her in. I told her I would come and pick her up from my office when I got back from case work, but it apparently slipped my mind.

She has quite a hard time trusting strangers, especially men. I can't exactly blame her, what those men did to her is much worse than what they did to poor Mischa and myself, what they forced her to do, how they used her, and how I was powerless to do anything. It still angers me to this day, and I can't help the overwhelming need to protect her.

Ever since then, her warm and social personality has all but disappeared. She turns rigid when someone looks at her, trembles from eye contact, and she'll run if she sees an opening.


I remember when I finally dragged her away from home, how I took her to explore the world with me. She loved our home, but I could tell that staying in that place was only making her worse, not to mention I needed to get out, to see beauty and learn as much as possible.

Italy was where everything began, it was where my love for all things beautiful began, it was where I finally noticed how beautiful Y/N had become, and it was where I began killing. Yes, she knows of my extracurricular habits, in fact, she indulges me at times by joining in, never to capture, only to kill.

The look in her eyes when she ended their lives, it was confidence; it would disappear in a split second, but from then on I knew what she needed. Maybe it was seeing that spark in her eyes that finally drove me to kiss her, to make her mine. She understood me just as I understood her, and missing out on that perfection simply wasn't an option.

She is equal to me in intelligence and art, though others seemed to ignore her because she did not speak to them. It's not that she's mute biologically, but that she is selectively mute, she refuses to speak to anyone but me, and that still persists to this day. She learned language just as quickly as I, though I know she favors Lithuanian over Italian and English; even now, when she whispers her words to me, it's more than likely in Lithuanian.


"Was it something I said?" I'm startled out of my thoughts by Will's self-conscious words, he looks guilty, as though blaming himself for how  Y/N responded to him.

"No." My response is short but polite. His look of confusion from earlier seems to magnify, I release a sigh of pity before finally giving him a proper answer.

"I'd advise you not to take her reactions to heart. She finds interaction with people to be rather an uncomfortable experience." I explain as I straighten my suit jacket, walking from around my desk in Will's direction. He seems to nod his head in understanding, but a curious look washes over his eyes.

"She never spoke a word the entire time, not even when we startled each other." His words are confident, he knows what he's said holds meaning, though I know Y/N would never want him nor anyone else to know why she refuses to speak.

"She's mute."

"Willingly or literally?" His response is immediate, and seems to almost be demanding an answer. I feel agitation flaring in my chest, my expression slightly stiffening. The last person who was demanding answers from me about my wife ended up on the menu for dinner, and I must say that he made a rather delicious meal.

"Will." My voice is firm, I don't want to kill him yet, I just want him to stop asking questions. He waits a few moments, contemplating what else to say, I know he can sense my irritation over his questions about Y/N.

"...I didn't know you were married." His voice is lighter, almost as though finding it humorous at realizing I was married. I too, release a smile at his statement, having a memory flash through my mind of our wedding.

"Yes well, Y/N is a very introverted person, the last thing she needs is for people wanting to meet her."

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