These Are Happy Tears - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

imagine being loved by me

synopsis: thor finds you, loses you, and then finds you again. 

pairing: thor odinson x reader

warnings: sizeable amount of angst and fluff, mild sexual content, takes place before the mcu timeline, reader dies but is reborn, odin is an ass (but what’s new?)

word count: 3k


His mother had been nagging him for some time to get married. Every time she brought it up, he would brush her off with a vague “Soon, Mother.” There was a world out there to be conquered, why in the ever-loving name of Odin would he give that up to marry? He was sure that the moment he did get married, his mother would start demanding grandchildren.

Bless his mother’s soul, she was a true angel, but he wasn’t going to supply her with a daughter-in-law, forget grandchildren, anytime soon. He was going to leave the complexities of being a family man to Loki. The world, its harsh terrain, and the promise of greatness were all Thor needed to keep warm at night.

But like every hero before him, his weakness ended up being a woman. And what a woman, indeed.

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