Thor X Reader - Tumblr Posts

What a neat new way to hurt me 😩 poor baby, I cannot begin to comprehend how he must have felt but I feel you captured it quite beautifully. Also this “You can feel him vibrating, the god inside him thrumming bright under his skin” is fucking poetry. 

Request!!- can ou do a smut (Thor x reader) about Thor getting extremely mad that he didn’t go for the he’s and he takes out all his anger on the reader. Due to how hard it was the reader doesn’t speak to thor and confides in Natasha. Leading to Thor being absolutely devastated and ashamed in himself and apologies

okay this is a post-snap, angry thor. it kind of goes with your request but, also kind of got away from me and went in a diff direction…


“Late to the party, little dove,” Thor says – voice dry and brittle as animal bones. The echo of a laugh on the tip of his tongue.

He’s sitting in the corner of his old room at the Compound – legs stretched out in front of him, armor from the battle still holding his torso in place. His left side is burned wickedly. Blood all over his gorgeous face. His arm torn out from his socket and making his back look misshapen.

The physical world isn’t destroyed. Far from it. The grass outside is still green, the trees are shuddering with wind. You wouldn’t know. Couldn’t know.

Unless, you listened closely and heard all of the screams from mothers, fathers, sons and daughters.

Lovers. Lots of dead lovers.


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This is fantastic and definitely not enough, I love how you write Thor! 

Thor + brallette I’m sorry. I have no rational for this one XD



Thor x reader

Word Count: 318


“This is adorable.”

You shivered as his lips ghosted along your neck, mind hazy, you pried your eyes open as his large thick fingers tickled your sides. “Oh?” you blinked as he hooked his thumbs under the edge of your brallette, fingers slipping under to cup your breasts. Warm hands massaging, fingers tweaking, a smile slipping into place, a sparkle of mischief in those bright blue eyes of his.

Thor’s lips spread wide as your eyes slid shut once more, your fingers carding into his hair, tugging him closer, arching into him. He growled as you ground your hips down on his, shoving your button up off your shoulders so that he had access to more skin. “Too many clothes,” he bit out.

You laughed, lightning arcing through you everywhere he touched, everywhere he kissed, and he was everywhere. His scent filling your senses, his kisses leaving your lightheaded, teeth nipping at the swell of your breast.

Thor pressed you under him, clothes disappearing quicker than you could exhale, “you are beyond words,” he hummed against your skin, pressing into you slowly. “I have seen worlds, galaxies just beyond my touch,” his lips pressed against yours, “nothing has taken my breath away quite like you wrapped around my cock.”

“Asshole,” you gasped your hands catching his shoulders. 

Thor chuckled, “your beauty is indescribable my love.” Tears prickled the edges of your eyes. He paused, hand cupping your cheek, thumb brushing away the moisture just at the edges of your eyes, “did I say something amiss?” he asked, expression telling you that he knew exactly what he had said.

Thor had no qualms about being the first to do anything, the first to kiss you, the first to hold your hand, and now…

You rocked your hips up, taking him deeper, his blue eyes closing and a hiss leaving his lips, “nothing wrong at all.” 

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5 years ago

imagine being loved by me

synopsis: thor finds you, loses you, and then finds you again. 

pairing: thor odinson x reader

warnings: sizeable amount of angst and fluff, mild sexual content, takes place before the mcu timeline, reader dies but is reborn, odin is an ass (but what’s new?)

word count: 3k


His mother had been nagging him for some time to get married. Every time she brought it up, he would brush her off with a vague “Soon, Mother.” There was a world out there to be conquered, why in the ever-loving name of Odin would he give that up to marry? He was sure that the moment he did get married, his mother would start demanding grandchildren.

Bless his mother’s soul, she was a true angel, but he wasn’t going to supply her with a daughter-in-law, forget grandchildren, anytime soon. He was going to leave the complexities of being a family man to Loki. The world, its harsh terrain, and the promise of greatness were all Thor needed to keep warm at night.

But like every hero before him, his weakness ended up being a woman. And what a woman, indeed.

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4 years ago

Welp. Now I’m hungry AND horny.

Keeping Your Promises

Keeping Your Promises 

Summary: Thor is more oblivious with one eye than he was with two, especially when it comes to realizing how the people around him feel about him. With a push from Loki will Thor finally realize how the reader feels about him?

Word Count: 1660

Authors note: omg my first Thor imagine!! If you guys want me to write more Thor just lmk!!

**if you reblog or comment on my fics there’s a 100% chance I’d now die for you**

      As Loki walked past your room he stifled a chuckle. Leaning against your doorframe he asked, “Could you be more obvious, and my brother more oblivious”. Picking up your head from your book you turned to face him.

Baby you’re like lightning in a bottle, I can’t let you go now that I got it

You raised one of your eyebrows, pretending to play dumb. He didn’t budge, the look he was giving you made you know he had seen right through you. As the song continued he smirked.

All I need is to be struck, By your electric love

Baby, you’re electric

Reaching for your phone you skipped to the next song on your playlist. Without looking to him you softly said, “I thought you were the god of mischief, not the god of smugness”. Loki’s smirk grew, you were the only one he’d let toy with him like that.

“And I thought you midgardians were desperate to fall in love, and here you are denying it”. With that he left your room and continued to walk to his own. It was hard to tell who was smiling bigger, you or him.

Shaking your head you closed your bedroom door, and the second it was shut your mind continued to think of Thor. It had been a year since they’d returned from Ragnarok and had decided to live in the tower.

And it had also been a year since you’d first developed feelings for Thor. He had always made your heart skip a beat, but now given how much he’d grown emotionally you just couldn’t help yourself.

Thor had lost the most he ever had, but his heart was so giving that you would never know it. He constantly spoke of friendship and that “home” was rooted within people not places. It was like after all these years he’d finally found himself.

Although Thor remained oblivious to your feelings, Loki picked up on them instantly. He was used to people fawning over Thor, but none had ever had the character that you had. You weren’t another maiden, you were more.

Loki considered you one of Midgard’s only redeeming qualities, which was why he was so supportive of your feelings for his brother. Loki knew that the last person Thor ever thought about was himself, so it was hard to see when someone truly cared for him the ways in which you did.

He’d always believed his brother to be oblivious, but now more than ever. To make matters worse Thor shared your feelings, but was too unsure to act upon them. You were both lucky Loki refrained from locking you in the same room for 24 hours.

“Brother you’re staring, and quite possibly drooling”. Instantly Thor stopped leaning against the kitchen counter and stood back up straight. He tried to look casual, “Yeah well you’re also staring..staring at me..”.

Loki rolled his eyes at Thor’s lame comeback. He leaned a little closer, “The men in this house wildly outnumber the women, might be time you remember that”. Loki motioned his head forward, leading Thor’s gaze to you and Bucky.

Bucky was pulling you out of your glum mood by forcing you to dance with him. He turned up the speakers, “You know doll, dame’s used to line up just to dance with me”. As Bucky watched you slowly smile he knew he was getting through to you.

“Just dance with you?”, you teased knowingly. His loud laughter filled the room, and he pulled you a little closer. With a smirk he said, “That’s why you’re my best girl, you catch on quickly”.

Quickly he spun you out from his body before pulling you back into his chest. Placing both of your hands on his chest you rolled your eyes, “Okay consider me cheered up Barnes”. For a moment he held you there, not letting you escape his grasp.

Softly he whispered, “Good, because Thor over there is about to smite me where I stand”. While shaking your head you playfully pushed him back. Smiling you added, “Actually…wanna know what would really cheer me up?”.

Bucky finished your sentence, “Joe’s Pizza on 7th?”. You nodded your head, your stomach already beginning to grumble. Bucky motioned you to follow him, you both moving to get your coats.

For some reason Bucky stopped in the kitchen before going to the hallway with all your coats. He sighed, “You know what doll, I forgot that I’d promised Steve we’d train today. I can’t go get pizza with you I’m sorry”. You knew exactly what he was doing.

Loki realized too, “I would accompany you (y/n) but I can only stand so many midgardians at a time…but I know Thor doesn’t share these feelings. He loves Midgard and many of the people on it”.

As Loki turned to Thor his grin was enormous. After glaring at his brother Thor finally answered, “I’d love to go drink pizza with you (y/n)”. Biting your lip you tried to hold back a giggle but you couldn’t stop yourself.

Thor was amazed how you made even the smallest actions so arousing. You smiled, “Alright then I’ll show you the best Pizza this city has to offer…and we eat it not drink it. I mean you could drink it but-”.

As he heard the door close Loki turned to Bucky, “I do have to say that was well done on your part”. Bucky grinned, his earlier smugness returning within seconds. He shrugged his shoulders playfully, “It was a team effort really”.

Thor looked down at the food before him quizzically. He looked around him to see how other people ate the food, hoping to copy them. Slowly he brought his hands to fold the pizza, wondering for a moment if it was still alive and this technique helped finally kill it.

When the pizza crunched he jolted back a little bit, and as redness seemed to ooze from it he was convinced it had been once alive. Your voice brought his head back up, “If you don’t like it you don’t have to eat it”.

With that you began to eat your food, savoring every single bite. He watched you, “I thought you didn’t eat animals (y/n)?”. You raised one of your eyebrows at his question.

“I don’t..this isn’t an animal..oh my god”. As you pieced things together you laughed loudly. Thor was slightly embarrassed, but as he watched that beautiful smile of yours form every other emotion except desire left his body.

He smiled too, “Maybe I’m not as versed in midgardian culture as I thought”. You shook your head at his cute naiveness. Without thinking you let it slip, “No you’re cute”.

Knowing that you’d never get those words back, and he clearly heard them, you were eager to quickly move things along. Hoping to push away the moment you began eating the pizza again.

Thor noticed the blush on your cheeks, it was as red as what you’d told him had been the sauce. He now understood why it had felt like such a shift, with how you were reacting over a simple compliment it clearly meant more to you.

He’d heard you call many things cute, even Loki’s threats to destroy everyone in his worst fits of rage, so this cute obviously represented much more to you. Suddenly it all started to click in his mind.

Thor regained his confidence, “Hmm cute? Like how you look right now all flustered? You can tell me if I’ve used the term incorrectly”. Smugly he watched you blush even harder, and he felt Loki would even be proud of his boldness.

You knew that Loki was adopted, but right now Thor was mirroring that infamous smirk of Loki’s. Fumbling you managed to get out, “ you got that one right Thor…”. He nodded his head, his smile only fading as he took another bite.

You went to take another bite of your food too, but you just shook your head. Smiling you sighed, “I guess there’s no going back now huh?”. Placing down his pizza Thor held your gaze.

His smile was enormous, “No”. As Thor watched you bite your lip in contemplation he felt his heart race. He had seen women do the most obscene things while trying to get his attention, but you nearly had him begging on his knees without even knowing it.

You thought over the past year, and how much you all had lost. If there was anything you’d learned it was that nothing was promised, not even your next breath. Thor clearly liked you, so you needed to stop the voice in your head and finally act on your feelings.

“You know Thor, one day I’m going to get you all hot and bothered and see how you like it”.

It was a little more daring than you’d planned, but you liked the immediate reaction your words had caused. He was a fucking god, and here you were making him smirk wildly with your words.

“Oh I think I’ll quite enjoy it love, I just hope you keep your promises.”. Thor ended his sentence with a wink and continued to eat his pizza. Quickly he looked up from his food, watching your cheeks flush with color.

Thinking over his words you nodded your head, there was no going back now. Summoning all your courage you looked directly into his eyes, “Don’t let my innocent eyes fool you, I’m a woman of my word”. It was your turn to wink before continually to nonchalantly eat your food.

“I swear on Odin’s beard you shall be the death of me (y/n)”. Thor groaned while taking another bite, and you wondered if it was because of the delicious pizza, or you. Smiling to yourself you realized that the next time Thor made that noise around you, he wouldn’t be eating pizza.


Forever tags: @lovelyttom @mizz-kraziii @dolphinpink310 @potterwolf16 @blackirisposts @darkmystress00 @esoltis280 @msvega24 @destielinamoose  @jade-taillia @courtneychicken @thisisbullshytt @lipstick-kami @sonofadeanwinchester @buckysmusculararm @capandors @omghelenabonhambae @sincerelydorky @cravingmustard @mister-doctor-john-waton @princess-yuna @xinyourdreamsx @supermerlinwho221b @queen-maximoff @thatpeachybandgirl @nikkiofasgard @generouslyuniquestudent @pandawolfunicorn @yumtummytumyum @we-dream-the-same-dreams @multifandomgirlrandomstuff @darlingotaku

*a line through your name means it won’t allow me to tag you*

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1 year ago

All time favorite

Can i request avengers x teen!reader where she feels a bit left out because she's young and when they see it, they show her that they love her still and she's their baby? If you wanna write it ❤️

Left Out

Pairing; Avengers x teen!reader, Sam Wilson x teen!reader


summary: the team always leaves you out of the celebration after the missions until a new team notices and brings it to there attention

Can I Request Avengers X Teen!reader Where She Feels A Bit Left Out Because She's Young And When They

"Great Job Team!" Tony said to 6 of his teammates: Steve, Natasha, Thor, Bruce, Clint, and Y/n. You were the newest and youngest addition to the team, this only being the 2nd mission you have been on with them. "And good job out there Y/n, the super speed sure came in handy today." You just nodded your head and smiled. "Thanks, Tony!" you responded.

"Usually Plan I assume?" Clint said looking at the billionaire. "Of course Katniss, the party starts at 8 so be there!" Tony said as he pointed at each of his teammates. "Um, party?" Y/n said as she looked at her coworkers. "Oh um," Bruce started to say before Natasha interjected.

"After big missions like these, Tony likes to throw parties to celebrate. Unfortunately, they are more adult parties so you can't come." the redhead stated as she sat down next to you on the bench of the Quinjet. "Oh," you said, "do these happen a lot?" you asked the group. "Not too often anymore now that you are here," Steve said giving you a warm smile. "Okay, sounds good," you said as you sent the group a smile. "I can give you company if you would like," Bruce said, the two of you were very alike in your introverted ways.

"that's fine, I still have some shows I want to catch up on." Thor came over and gave you a hug. "Thank you Lady Y/n, you are appreciated," he shouted. "Okay.. too much.." you tried to say until Thor finally let go. As the quinjet finally landed, Tony turned towards the team and clasped his hands together. "Let's get the party started."

It wasn't a one-time thing.

It turned into almost every mission that Tony was involved in or anytime the community wanted to celebrate the Avengers, excluding Y/n. You should have said something to someone, but as the youngest, you felt you didn't really have a say in the after-party. And it wasn't like they were ignoring you all the time, they were great friends and teammates. But the after-mission part just became routine that nobody noticed or asked how you felt.

The group just came back from another mission, this time with Sam Wilson with them. He was a new teammate and you didn't know him too well. But you knew that he worked at the VA and was a therapist of some sort.

"Seriously Y/n you did great on this mission, we couldn't have done it without you kiddo," Clint said as he patted your back. "Thanks, Arrow" you responded. "Hey Tony what time does the party start?" you asked. "Um around 9pm so you can go get your dinner quickly then head upstairs," Tony responded. You wanted to ask if you could all hang out as a team but with the way everyone responded to the party news, you didn't want to bring everyone down.

"You send Y/n upstairs for the party? Why doesn't she join?" Sam questioned looking puzzled. it wasn't a secret that you were one of the most helpful avengers. Your powers have helped a lot on a mission and saved countless lives, including your teammates. Before you could even speak, Steve spoke on your behalf.

"They like to spend after a mission in their room. It's routine for them." Steve said as he started to remove part of his mask. "You are okay with this Y/n?" Sam asked concerned. You put on a fake smile and nodded. "Yeah, as Steve said, it's routine," you commented. Sam could see you were hurt inside, but knew now wasn't the time to ask about it.

Later on, once the party was in full swing downstairs, you were in your room in your favorite pair of sweats and got a cupcake and a candle out of the fridge in the room. You had on y/f/m in the background as you sat on the bed with the cupcake on a plate. You were about to light the candle when you heard a knock on the door. "Come in," you responded. You were surprised someone even came to check on you.

Sam walked in and closed the door behind you and let out a sigh when he saw the image in front of him. "Please tell me they didn't forget your birthday or else I'll go down there and beat their asses." he quipped. You laughed as you shook your head. "No don't worry, it was just my 50th mission today," you responded as you lifted up your cupcake. "Want some?" you asked. Sam came and sat on the bed, "yeah why not." he responded.

The two of you ate in silence for a while before Sam spoke up. "Do you like spending your nights in here after missions?" he questioned looking at you. "Depends, most nights I don't mind, but on missions where I know I did a lot of help and they don't even include me in the celebration, that's when it sucks," you responded. "I thought that I would be invited tonight," you stated. You gestured to a short y/f/c dress that was in your closet. "I even had an outfit picked out." you laughed. It was stupid when you thought about it.

"Well go put on the outfit." Sam said with a straight face. "wait, really? I can come?" you asked with hope in your eyes. "I'm part of the team now, and I know it's no good for you to celebrate a big milestone alone," he said as he got off your bed. he extended his hand, which you took. "Now hurry and get ready, I don't want to wait all day." You turned towards Sam with a smile on your face. "Thanks, ill hurry I promise," you said as you locked your bathroom door.

Ten minutes later, the two of you were heading downstairs and the avengers and company were shocked to see you with Sam. Tony and the rest of the team were quick to approach you. "Hey, what are you doing down here kiddo? Thought you would be upstairs." Tony said with a glass of whiskey in hand. "She never wanted to be-" sam started before you put your hand on his arm. "Sam, I got this," you stated before turning back towards the group.

"I never wanted to be upstairs. During our first mission together, you guys kind of sent me upstairs because there was a party. And you promised that it would only happen every so often. And that didn't turn out to be true, and I was too afraid to say anything to correct you guys. But tonight was my 50th Mission, I was hoping that we can do something as a group to celebrate, and it seems you had all forgotten about it.” you stated to them. The group all looked incredibly guilty.

"It was your 50th mission?" bruce asked. "Yeah," you said with a laugh as you pulled back some hair. "I'm sorry Kiddo, we should have done better," Clint said with a sad face. "Yeah you should have." sam said annoyed. "How about this, I can kick these people out, give us an hour to clean up, and we can eat ice cream and watch a movie. sounds good?" Tony asked coming over to give you a hug. You looked up at him and smiled. "That sounds perfect." Tony smiled back before nodding toward Steve.

"Attention, everyone. Unfortunately, we are going to ask you all to leave so we can spend some team bonding time. But before you go," he said as you notice Natasha gave you a glass of your favorite drink and gave you a quick hug. "can we all raise our glasses to Y/n. Tonight was her 50th mission as an avenger, and we wouldn't be more grateful to have such an incredible person on the team. To Y/n." Steve said. The crowd responded as everyone cheered in your honor.

You wiped some of the tears from your eyes as you saw the guest leave down the main exit. Thor turned towards you and gave you a good pat on the head. "We are all very proud of you young one. Would you like some Asgardian Liquor to celebrate?"


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5 years ago

Chunky Thor would give the best hugs and would be perfect to cuddle after a good session of lovemaking 😍

Author’s Note: This thought alone made me happy.

Warnings: Mild Smut, fluffiness, afterglow

Pairings: Thick!Thor x Reader, length: Drabble

Chunky Thor Would Give The Best Hugs And Would Be Perfect To Cuddle After A Good Session Of Lovemaking

The sheets were still damp from the fuck session that had just occurred and you had to be honest, you didn’t want to move. You wanted to sleep. Thor lay stretched out on the bed the warmth from his body gave no need to throw on the comforter.

“That was…” he breathed heavily, the few extra pounds he had put in since the snap was something you had to get used to but he was still your Thor, just more plush.

“Incredible.” You finished nestling into him with your arms draped over his stomach. You’d convinced him to trim the beard a little and there in the midst of the randomness he’d become you found your Thor. “Another round.” You circled your finger over his heart and felt your heart skip a beat as his lips grazed your forehead.

“That was round four, have you no patience?”

“I don’t need any.” You chuckle with your legs intertwined in his. You roll over on him rubbing your clit over the birth of his now rigid cock. “He doesn’t either.”

“I see.” He smiles lifting you up so he can thrust into you.

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5 years ago

A Bad Day

AN: This is pretty much just cutie-pie Thor doing his cutie-pie thing.

Thor x Reader

A Bad Day

When I met Thor, I was immediately reminded of a gigantic puppy-dog, trying to act tough. Broad arms crossed over a broader chest, golden face settled into what probably would have been considered mean-mugging, but to me, just looked like he was lost in deep thought. Most of the Avengers paid no mind to the secretary all but running their lives. Natasha came to visit every so often and Tony made a point of knowing my name, my favorite food, and how I took my coffee. The rest? I was a background character.

Thor and I took to each other like fish to water. As soon as we were free of the observation of the rest of the Avengers, he seemed to melt. He asked me tons of questions about myself, my time on Midgard, my family. He was enthralled by my sheer mortality. I was clumsy, almost to the point of making Twilight’s Bella look graceful. He thought it hilarious, compared to the catlike grace of Natasha and Wanda.

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5 years ago


Pairing: CEO!Thor Odinson x Reader (guest star Loki)

Rating: fluffy fluffiness, language, adult themes.

Word count: 3k

A/N: I was asked to participate in @themaskedwriter Thank you for having me, ladies! While it didn’t get many hits, I am super keen to share it here. Hope you enjoy, hints as follows x

1. The MCU actor who portrays Thor hails from the same homeland as the writer - those who know me may see the occasional ‘straya’ tag for Australia.

2. Song title inspo is big for this writer (and the title for this fic blew her mind as it was the very last song she downloaded) - Electricity was the only title for this fic. 

3. This writer is writing Thor for the first time, but is more synonymous for Sebastian Stan’s characters and the occasional RPF. 

Bonus clue: Bad deeds? Notorious. 

Title Inspo: Electricity - Silk City and Dua Lipa feat Diplo and Mark Ronson 

“Good morning, Mr Laufeyson,” you smiled from behind your desk as your boss’ brother wandered into the office, his usual Cheshire cat grin on his pale face, dark hair pushed away from his icy blue eyes and fair features with a consistent overuse of hair gel.

“Good morning, my dear,” he replied. “Is my idiot brother around?”

You scoffed a laugh, always humoured by the cheeky affection the brothers showed each other (and depending on the day, the genuine, extreme loathing). “He’s just on a conference call with Dr Selvig in London, he won’t be much longer I wouldn’t expect,” you informed him as Loki stepped away from your desk. “Can I get you a beverage?”

“No, no. No fuss required,” he insisted, letting his long, lean frame fall into one of the leather couches, hitching his heel on the coffee table before him and picking up an investment magazine, allowing you to get back to your work before you – getting a dinner reservation for your boss and newest conquest – you mean, date. His date. Argh.


Just then, Mr Odinson’s office door burst open and appeared the mammoth business giant, hands splayed on hips and playful smile on his lips. “Good afternoon, brother. Working hard or hardly working today?”

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5 years ago

Thor x Reader - Bump n’ Grind

prompt: you meet Thor in a revel and begin to get hot n heavy in the crowd

warnings: grinding, fingering, Voyeurism, smut, slight alcohol use 

Thor X Reader - Bump N Grind

You were lost in the music, bodies pushing on you from each side. This revel was like none you’d ever been to; there were hundreds of people, ten times the amount of drinks and these strange purple berries you were quite hesitant to try. 

The people around you seemingly had no qualms ingesting them, but their pupils grew to be twice the size and they immediately pounced on the nearest person in a sexual frenzy. 

There was another reason this revel was so grand, and the main reason you were there:

Thor Odinson was rumoured to be coming.   

So far you’d seen no sign of the god of thunder, but you were easily distracted by another glass being thrust into your hand. Without hesitation, you threw it back, savouring the warmth in brought to you. 

Trance-like music filled the air, as did the shouts and laughs of the people around you. Most of them were around your age or a bit older, intoxicated as hell and grinding up on multiple people. 

Your sleeveless white linen dress clung to your sweaty skin, showing off every curve and dip of your body. One pair of roaming hands were on your waist (a good looking soldier behind you) and another pair were skimming up your arms (a seriously attractive maid of some sort with flowers in her dark hair. 

You smiled at her and pulled her close, letting the throng of bodies move your own with the beat of the music. Eyesight hazy and head spinning, you allowed yourself to drown in the revel, your worries and obligations gone until morning. 

You scanned the crowd for another drink when your eyes met a pair of brilliant blue ones. You took in his shoulder-length blonde hair, strong jaw and full lips before your brain caught up with you.

That’s Thor Odinson.

No one else seemed to have noticed him, but to be fair the sky could begin falling and they wouldn’t notice. You were trapped in his gaze, like a moth to a flame, and watched him as he made his way through the crowd to you, never taking his hungry eyes off of you. 

You found yourself being pulled towards him by an invisible force, helpless to stop your feet from shuffling towards the hulking god. Once you met him, he trailed a thick finger up your arm, leaving goosebumps in its wake. You were completely mesmerised by him; he was even better looking in person. So pretty it hurts. 

He let out a deep laugh and you realised with a jolt that you had just said that out loud. 

“My lord, I am so sorry, I-” You bowed your head in respect, and also to hide your flushed cheeks, but a firm hand under your chin forced your head back up. 

“It’s alright, my pet.” He stated in his honey-like voice which sents shivers down your spine. “I get it quite a lot.” 

You were able to overlook the arrogance because of course he would get that all the time, have you seen the guy?!

“Th-Thank you for your understanding, my lord.” You stuttered, your entire being focused on the hand he kept under your chin. He hummed in appreciation at your comment. 

“I like you calling me that.” His eyes darkened and he moved forwards to crowd your space, leaving less than an inch between his hard body are your shivering one. “You’re a pretty little thing, aren’t you?” He mused, drawing his other hand around your waist and pulling you flush against him. He eyes dropped your heaving chest, your breasts very visble through the thin, wet and white material of your dress. 

“Thank you, my lord.” You thanked him again almost breathlessly, studying his face and committing it to memory, but the memories of revels were always hazy. Hopefully, this would not be a moment you did not recall in the morning. 

Thor’s head dipped down to your shoulder and he began placing hard, opened mouth kissing along your exposed skin, his beard scratching deliciously against your soft skin. You mewled, craning your neck to the side to give him more space. He trailed kisses all the way up to your jaw and then to the corner of your mouth. 

There, he stopped, torturing you with want and desire. He held eye contact with you as he leaned his forehead against your own, his hot breath fanning your face. 

“What is it that you want, my pet?” His lips were turned up in a sensual smile, his gruff voice melting you into a pool of lust. 

“You, my lord.” You muttered, your eyes staring at his lips hungrily. You watched as his tongue darted out between them. 

“Who am I to disappoint a maiden as fair as yourself?” He finally closed the distance between your lips, his hot mouth enveloping yours with such a force you were surprised you didn’t fall through the ground.

 His hand wrapped around your jaw and tilted your head up so he wasn’t straining his neck as much, as he was a good couple of heads taller than you and an easy 90 pounds of pure muscle heavier than you. 

Your hands tangled in his hair, pulling at the strands and eliciting a groan from Thor. In response, he grabbed your ass through your dress, kneading it roughly. With one hand, he lifted you off the ground causing you to squeal and break the kiss, wrapping your bare legs around his torso. 

“Hold on, love.” He growled in your ear as he walked a few long strides to the nearest wall and crushed you against it. The cold stones bit into your back, making you gasp and arch your body in Thor’s.

He grabbed your wrists with one hand and lifted them over your head, pinning them above you. His other hand skimmed up your thigh, dragging your dress up with it. The sounds of the revel faded away as he presses his hips into yours, grinding against you.

The feeling of his thick clothes and his even thicker member against your barely covered heat was driving you insane. You tugged at your wrists, trying to free them but his grip tightened around them as he continued to move his hips against yours. 

“Play nice, little bird.” He growled into your ear, his own breathing hitching with each thrust of his hips. The pressure felt incredible, but you wanted more. Needed more. 

“My lord, please…I-” You were cut off by your own moan following a particularly rough jerk of his hips. “I need you to…” You trailed off, squirming under his intense gaze. 

“Yes?” He teased, the hand that wasn’t holding your wrists dipped between you to cup your heat lightly. The tiny amount of friction he was providing drove you insane. “Say it.” He ordered, his voice carried the power of the god of thunder. 

“Touch me, please.” You groaned, trying in vain you rub yourself against his hand but he didn’t allow it, always moving his hand away when you needed his touch the most. But once you said please, he was eager to oblige you. 

His fingers dipped below your underwear and stroked up your slit. He moaned in appreciation.

“So wet for me, for your king.” He sucked on a spot under your ear and stroked you again, causing you to positively purr in pleasure. 

You tugged on your wrists again but to no avail. 

“My king, let me please you.” You groaned and earned a low laugh in response.

“Not just yet my pet, there’ll be plenty of time for that later.” His fingers finally found their way to your entrance, and you could feel a thick digit pushing against your walls.  “Right now, I’m going to unravel you.” His promise made your toes curl, or maybe that was the finger he was currently pushing inside you. 

Your legs tightened around his waist, straining to keep yourself off the ground, but they were becoming shaky and you swore as you began to slip. 

With a growl, Thor released your hands and gripped under your ass to stop you from falling. At the same time, his finger entered you completely and he curled it inside of you, pressing against a spot that had you seeing stars. 

Your hands delved into his hair and tugged, your head falling back against the wall and your neck was bared to the god of thunder. He attacked it, sucking marks across your throat and along your decolletage. You knew he was marking you so the whole world could see just how talented he was, and you welcomed it. 

His finger was joined by another, and your walls stretched to accommodate them. The mere size of his fingers had you thinking about the size of other things, making you shiver in anticipation. He continued to move them inside of you, curling them and reaching that spot that drew moan after moan out of your lips. 

The loud music drowned them out, and you were too high on pleasure to care that people could probably see what you were doing. But even if they did, all they’d see is you being finger fucked against a wall by Thor Odinson, Ruler of Asgard and god of thunder. 

Suddenly, his thumb began to rub quick circles against your clit, sending your mind into overdrive. There were too many sensations to focus on: his fingers in you, his thumb on you and his mouth still working up your neck. 

As if sensing you were on the edge, he quickly captured your mouth with his and drowned out your scream of his name as you came. Your legs shook around his waist, your eyes rolling as you saw stars behind your eyelids. 

He murmured praises as you came down, his fingers working you through your mindblowing orgasm. “That’s it, my pet. Such a good girl.” He rested his forehead against yours, his own breathing ragged and uneven. 

His fingers didn’t stop moving, and the pleasure was becoming unbearable. You reached down and scrabbled at his wrist, begging him to stop. 

“Thor, please, I can’t-” You gasped, your body convulsing as another orgasm began building rapidly in the pit of your stomach. 

“You can, and you will.” He ordered, his low voice like honey to your ears. He stilled his thumb, allowing you a short respite but the fingers never ceased their movements.  

You decided that if he was going to play at this game, you’d go along with it. You gripped him tightly through his pants, palming his erection. His hips jerked forwards and he let out a growl. 

“I didn’t say you could-” But you cut him off with a punishing kiss. He was surprised at your sudden strength but you could tell he delighted in it. He moaned into your mouth, regaining dominance as he held your head against the wall with his kiss. His tongue danced with yours and his teeth nipped at your lips. 

You found a way under his pants and finally gripped his bare member, which felt like an iron rod wrapped in velvety skin. He gasped and curled his fingers in you more than ever, making a wave of sheer pleasure run up your spine and cause your hair to stand on end. 

Your small hand tightened around him and you began to stroke him, starting from the base and flicking your wrist towards the tip. He started to jerk his hips into your hand, grinding against you once more. 

His thumb resumed its torturous circles and you chanted his name like a prayer, so close to yet another intense orgasm. This time, you were determined to take him with you. As his fingers sped up, so did your hand, and soon you two were humping each other, chasing your orgasms.  

He suddenly added a third finger, and your mind and soul exploded into a million little pieces, floating off in the cosmos. You were registered his animalistic growl as he followed you, spurting his load onto your hand and the front of your dress. 

It took a couple of minutes for you to both piece yourselves together, your foreheads resting against one another. By the time you opened your eyes, he was already looking at with such adoration and fascination it made your stomach flip and your cheeks blush.  

He removed his fingers from you and lifting them up to his mouth where he licked them clean. You watched all this with wide eyes. 

“You surprised me.” He finally spoke in a low voice. “I am not often surprised.” He studied your face, hitching an eyebrow in confusion, but a flustered smile stayed plastered on his face.  

“You surprised me, too.” You said breathlessly, reaching up to wipe your sweat soaked hair of your brow. His hand covered yours and he held it against your cheek, his smile widening as you leant your face against them tenderly.

“What’s your name, little bird?” He asked, and you smiled, the prospect of something new hanging in the humid air.  

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5 years ago

Colocataire Pt.01

The Push and Pull


Pairing: Thor x Reader x Steve          Word Count: 7,653

Prompt: Colocataire - Roommate

Masterpost     Warnings: Polyamory, sexual tension, fluff, smidge of angst, language, violence

A/N: This is the first of a two part series for @cametobuyplums ‘s writing challenge. I had initially intended for it to be a one shot but as always, these challenges are always demanding more attention. I hope you all like it. I had a lot of fun writing this first bit and it’ll only get better. If you happen to reblog, thanks so much for helping me spread my work! xoxo


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5 years ago

Colocataire Pt.02

The Surrender


Pairing: Thor x Reader x Steve          Word Count: 7,138

Masterpost     Warnings: angst, drunk sex, smut, unprotected sex, cute Thor

Prompt: Colocataire - Roommate

A/N: This is for @cametobuyplums ‘s writing challenge. Okay…this was supposed to be two parts but I wasn’t able to fit in the other half of this on here so…three parts. That’s it! THREE PARTS! No more. New part coming soon. I hope you all like this one. I’m not sure how well the part at the end works. Hopefully it works okay. If you happen to reblog, thanks so much for helping me spread my work! xoxo

Colocataire Pt.02
Colocataire Pt.02
Colocataire Pt.02

You’re all alone for two weeks.

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5 years ago

Truce | Thor Odinson

summary: as a member of the Valkyries, your job is to watch Thor for the Grand master. One day you prance around the room wearing Thor’s helmet and he bashfully catches you. 

a/n: small Thor blurb for you all! I’ve noticed there aren’t many Thor fics out there and I found this really cute gif that I thought would make a cute story :) 

warnings: none 

word count: 500

masterlist: (x)


“I am Thor, son of Odin,” you shout, running around the room in Thor’s winged combat helmet, “I have hulking muscles and I think I’m so cool, with my cute little accent.” 

Thor had been sent away for a ‘correctional meeting’, which you knew was just the Grand master’s key word for a meeting to discuss Thor’s upcoming battle against the Hulk. 

You were bored as you waited for him to come back, so you had picked up his helmet to try and entertain yourself for the time being. The only problem was, the helmet was too big and it was screwing up your vision. 

As you run around, you stumble over the leg of one of the chairs, falling to the ground with a loud thud. Pushing yourself up, you hear a small laugh behind you. Quickly turning your head, you see Thor, trying not to be too loud. 

Thor notices you watching him and quickly tries to act cool, leaning against one of the shelves and giving you a sly smile. 

“What’re you doing with my helmet on, y/n?” Thor asks with a smirk, “I’m beginning to think you like me.” 

“I do not. And I’d appreciate it if you’d not make such dramatic, self-centered accusations,” you snap back, quickly removing the helmet. The only thing betraying you was the blush creeping up your cheeks, which Thor spotted easily. 

“Oh, I think you do,” he says, moving closer to you. 

Your breath hitches in your throat, and you take a small shuffle-step back. 

“I will restrain you, if I have to,” you blurt out, and Thor lets out a throaty laugh. 

“I’m not going to hurt you, darling, I want to offer a truce,” he says quietly, his eyes moving from yours down to your lips. 

You wanted to kiss Thor badly, but you knew that would compromise your job. But if some of the other girls could have relationships, why couldn’t you?!” 

Taking the risk, a small smirk spreads across your face as you take a step closer to him. 

“What kind of truce, Odinson?” 

Thor pauses for a moment before slowly leaning in, cupping your cheek and planting a kiss to your lips. You kiss him back without a moment’s hesitation, leaning into his touch. 

Thor pulls away, and you sigh in disappointment from the loss of contact between you and the devilishly handsome God. 

“I…” you pause, smiling and collecting your thoughts, “I accept your truce. Now go make yourself busy.” you say, trying to keep the authority that you were ordered to have. 

With a chuckle and a wink, Thor exits the room, leaving you to your own thoughts. You stare out the window as you rub your lower lip, still thinking about the kiss you just shared with the Thor Odinson. 

“That man will be the death of me,” you whisper to yourself as the scene of the bustling city below you steals your mind away.

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5 years ago

Colocataire Pt.03

The Relationship


Pairing: Thor x Reader x Steve     Word Count: 10,469

Masterpost     Warnings: Smut, threesome, smidge of angst, mostly fluff, language, polyamorous relationship

A/N: My hands hurt. lol I’ve been typing for hours. I went back and edited once but I’m going cross-eyed so maybe forgive me some editing mistakes? This is the last part to my @cametobuyplums ‘s writing challenge. I had so much fun exploring the way this plays out and where it ends. It ended and came together just as I wanted so I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I did. If you happen to reblog, thanks so much for helping me spread my work. xoxo


The sun is very bright. Blinding. Fucking annoying.

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5 years ago

To Be Seen Masterpost

To Be Seen Masterpost

Synopsis: Rejected once again, you vow never to fall for anyone ever again. As you cry, you find your sorrow interrupted by the God of Thunder who offers you kind words and a much needed drink. Can you resist his soft voice and sweet words or will you fall once more, head over heels and expose your already scarred heart to the pain of love?

1. 💐To Be Seen

2. 💚Seen Too Late

3. 💔Seen Through Fear

4. 👩‍👦Seen As Mommy

5. 💕Seen With Sorrow

6. 🛁Seen At Last

7. 🥃Finally Seeing Him

8. 🖤Epilogue

👑 Bonus: 380 Years Seen

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5 years ago

Heavy Is the Hand You’re Dealt

Part 1


Pairing: Thor x Reader, Steve x Reader     Word Count: 10,081

Prompt: Imposter - Bearson            Masterpost - Coming Soon

What you see could be fire burning bright into the sky/What you see could be strength that leads to victory /And I, all I am is an imposter…who’s trying to forget.

Warnings: Eventual smut, language, angst, pining, violence, blood, the Snap

A/N: This piece is for @youngmoneymilla ‘s 5K Writing Challenge. I TRIED to make this a one shot. I really did. But I failed. It’ll be two parts. The prompt will influence the second part more than the first but small bits of it can be seen in this first part. I am exhausted! lol this piece really took it out of me. xoxo

There will be NO tags for this story as it is only two parts. Thank you.

Heavy Is The Hand Youre Dealt
Heavy Is The Hand Youre Dealt
Heavy Is The Hand Youre Dealt

Beginnings are important. They are your base. From the beginning you are shaped and molded by your future. So, this is your beginning. This is where you start. This is how you got where you are. Steve was your beginning.

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4 years ago

I was NOT prepared for that!!! 😳 Looking for a filthy Thor fic? This one is for you! 😝

Ok but like gimme more Thor gripping your arms behind your back as he rails into you mercilessly, gimme more Thor leaving bruises on your hips from how hard he’s holding you, gimme me more Thor clamping his hand over your mouth as he fucks you through your hypersensitivity, gimME MORE ROUGH ANGRY THOR 👀


You and Thor are friends. Well, friends who fuck. Occasionally. Not exactly a friends with benefits situation because neither of you actually discuss the act in which you both partake in. You don’t even acknowledge it until it’s happening, and neither of you are going to bring it up in the moment while your mouths are busy taking care of other things. It was strictly casual, to which you were thankful. Thor didn’t seem to mind the lack of intimacy or commitment, either. It had only happened a handful of times. You never laid awake at night, doting after him and wondering when and if your sinful escapades would take place again.

You step out of your bathroom with a towel wrapped around your body. Your hair is still damp and your skin warm to the touch from the scalding water. The afternoon sun illuminates your bedroom, casting orange light, your shadow following each move you make as you brush through your hair. In a matter of seconds, light turns to dark.

“What the hell?” You mutter to yourself as you make small strides to the window. Thick grey clouds roll in and shield the sun as heavy rain falls to the ground, making the people who were previously enjoying the nice weather scurry for cover. A booming crack of thunder makes you jump back with a sharp intake of breath. 

You turn around at the sound of your name being called huskily from the doorway. Thor stands there, huffing for breath, his armor barely clinging to his body anymore through whatever battle he had just fought in. Saying he looked rough was an understatement. Dirt, sweat, and blood coated his skin. From the looks of it, he didn’t have any major injuries that needed to be tended to. You’d be willing to bet that the blood stained on his flesh isn’t even his.

You hadn’t noticed that Thor had closed the gap between your bodies until he spoke your name again, pulling you out of your thoughts. His eyes scan over your body. He doesn’t speak any words, but he calls out to you with need. The towel makes a faint sound when it falls to your feet, and Thor has the remnants of his clothes on the floor in a matter of seconds.

He latches his mouth onto your neck, digging his teeth into your flesh and making you whimper. “Do you wanna talk about it?” You ask in a breathless sigh when your lips finally meet.

“No.” His reply is quick and blunt. He picks you up and walks you into the bathroom, placing you on the large countertop and hoisting your legs around his waist. “What I want is to fuck you. Hard. And raw.”

His words were barely a warning, but you brace yourself and hold on to the edge of the counter, spreading your legs to loosely hang around his back. Just as you lift your pelvis, he thrusts into you, making a pleasured cry scratch out of your throat. Thor grips your hips and guides you how he pleases. His fingertips leave bruises in their wake as he pounds into you relentlessly. You stabilize yourself by holding on to his shoulder with one hand and keeping the other on the hard surface below.

He needs this more than you do right now. Your focus is on him and his needs. “You’re holding back,” You pant. “Don’t. I can take it.” He zeros in on your eyes to look for any sign of hesitance from you. When he finds none, he removes himself from you to place you on your feet and turn you to face the mirror. In an instant, he’s back inside of your cunt and pounding into you mercilessly. He pushes your back for you to lean forward and wraps your hair around the other. All you can do is take the fucking he gives you. Your body isn’t yours anymore - it’s his play thing. 

“Look.” Thor demands gruffly, tugging on your hair when you let your head lull. “Watch me fuck you.”  You can tell he’s close. His cock throbs inside of you and his thrusts become more erratic. He pulls you so that your back rests against his chest. “Play with yourself. Rub that pretty little pussy for me.”

You do as told, licking the pads of your fingers and bringing your hand down to rub circles on your clit. Your knees buckle and threaten to give out from beneath you. Thor holds you up, his grip harsh and tight as he manhandles you.

“Thor,” Your voice wavers, signaling that you were close to the edge.

“Cum.” He growls, taking your ear between his teeth. “I’m right behind you.”

Your eyes shut tight and your body convulses as your orgasm hits. As promised, Thor releases his seed inside of you, slowing his pace as he empties himself. He releases his hold on you but makes sure your legs can hold your weight. Slipping out of you, he goes over to the shower and gets the hot water going.

“C’mon, little one. Let’s get cleaned up.” He offers his hand and pulls you in with him.

You groan inwardly and roll your eyes. “My ass as squeaky clean two minutes before you came in, thank you very much.”

Thor’s laugh rumbles in his chest as he cleans the grime off of his skin under the spray. He washes his hair and body wordlessly, switching places with you so that you can bathe once more. Your eyes close as you lean your head under the water, only to shoot open at the feeling of a hot, wet tongue lapping at your folds.

“Let me make it up to you.” He grins before diving back between your thighs.


Your screams and cries echo around the bedroom as Thor continues to fuck you into the mattress. He was working you into your fifth orgasm of the night. When he said he was going to make it up to you, you figured him eating you out in the shower was going to be it, which you were more than fine with. But Thor had other plans for you.

Your chest is against the pillow top, your hands held firmly behind your back with your ass up in the air. Thor teases his tip along your folds, making you sob pathetically at the thought of your overstimulated cunt experiencing yet another orgasm. 

“C’mere, little one.” He lets go of your wrists and picks you up just to sit you in his lap. You sink down onto his shaft and whimper, resting your forehead against his as he moves you up and down slowly. “I want one more out of you, then I’ll let you rest.”

You nod, rising on your knees and riding him slowly until you create a steady pace. Your walls throb, constantly contracting around his shaft as you roll your hips. You’re shameless with the sounds you make, not caring who hears you cry and moan as you succumb to nirvana. Thor covers your mouth with his hand to shush you as he helps you move against him. “Shh, you know Barton likes to hide out in the ducts.”

You’re close. So damn close to finishing. All Thor has to do is- “Fuck!” You cry out as Thor rams into you, sending you flying into oblivion as your orgasm hits. Your body thrashes, but Thor holds you close as he cums inside of you once more. 

He smoothes out your hair and kisses over your face softly, soothing you as you come down from your high. Thor slips out of you, wobbling his way to the bathroom to clean himself up. He returns with a wash cloth to wash you of your juices. You lay there, out of breath, squeezing your thighs together for relief. Thor chuckles and tosses the towel away, helping you sit up long enough to drink from water. “That’ll do, little one.”

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2 years ago

This is just lovely! So much chemistry and longing…I have no words! 😍

do you have any headcanon’s for thor as a dad??

Do You Have Any Headcanons For Thor As A Dad??

A/N: Thor x F!Reader. Fluff. Some Smut. Pregnancy.

It’s the day Thor returns from his campaign. He’d been gone for weeks - slipping into his role as king and as a peacemaker. His hands are no longer used for battle, but for alliances. His unyielding charm and kindness play well for diplomacy and discussion. He is someone you cannot say no to and also someone who people continue to underestimate in terms of his intelligence.

He is not simply a brute. He is not simple. It seems like now is the first time he has been able to emphasize all of his other remarkable attributes that aren’t only his strength and power.

It’s about his cunning and wiles and logic that attracted you to him so deeply - that ensnared you and kept you close.

You are mostly grateful that he isn’t the first to fight anymore. He no longer holds the line.

“It is quiet now, my love. Our lives can finally settle.”

You glance down at your children as they tug on your skirts. They’re vibrating with excitement - wet-mouth smiles stretching their full cheeks as they ask over and over again when papa will be home.

Well they’d certainly settled. You’d been knocked up almost immediately and it hadn't stopped. The sex. The worship. The fact that you didn’t have to save anyone or be heroes.

“Would you be happy with a dull life, Thor?”

“I’ve never wanted anything else. I could just stay in bed with you for the rest of my years - be inside you until both of us are old and ugly.”

“How romantic.”

“I’m full of lovely words, wife. Now turn over so I can use more of them.”

You didn’t think this would be your future. You didn’t think it would be children and quiet dinners and hours spent sneaking around as he took you in a closet or hallway with his hand over your mouth. 

It was a game, of course. A delicious bit of role-play that rippled with the excitement of the first few years they’d been together. They’d kept their relationship a secret because you hadn’t wanted to jinx it. Everything had been too close for comfort. Too busy. Too deadly. Your connection to Thor had been the one good thing in your dangerous life.

“Does it remind you of those nights at the tower?” he rumbles against the arch of your throat, hips rolling as he hitches your thigh higher over his waist. Your back bruises underneath the sharp edge of the shelving. The storage room can barely fit the two of you, but that’s why it’s good. “When I’d drag you away from one of Stark’s parties and make you come on my cock.” He gives you another hard, perfunctory stroke and it forces a startled noise from your tongue. “Then I’d eat that sweet cunt until you’d cry.”

“He’s home,” Val interrupts your thoughts as she strides toward you. She’s balancing another one of your children on her shoulders. Your son giggles - tugging on her braids. “Naughty,” she chastises before pretending to bite his chubby ankle. He giggles harder and when Val lifts him off her and tosses him into the air, he shrieks with delight.

If she wasn’t a Valkyrie with preternatural reflexes, you would have complained.

“You saw him then?”

“Yes,” She lifts an eyebrow. “Looking quite ready to murder someone for keeping him from you and the little beasts.”


“No - it’s that annoying advisor Gudrun - wanted a full rundown of the campaign.”

“At least, Loki went with him this time. Thor does better being away from us when he has his brother.”

“True,” Val smirks before her eyes drift over your shoulder. “Guess he’s escaped Gudrun.”

You sense him before you see him. You’d know him anywhere. The way the ground thuds with his steps - the way he smells: smoke, ash trees, fog and driftwood.

The children howl - ripping themselves away from you as they run towards their father. You turn to greet him and your heart jumps into your throat. You sometimes forget how gorgeous he is. His handsomeness can often be unbearable - the same painful intensity that comes with staring straight at the white-gold sun. His hair is even longer - braided and shoulder-length. The dark scratch of his beard accentuates his lake-blue eyes.

When he sees his children rush toward him, he crouches - spreading his muscular arms. He booms with laughter as he lifts up all three children and kisses them noisily. 

“Papa! Papa! Papa!”

And then.

“Did you bring us presents? Did you fight anything? Did you meet any monsters? Where’s Uncle Loki? Mama said we could stay up until you came home!”

Ifs disgustingly cute and once more you wonder how your life has shifted from beheading villains and fighting titans to enjoying every endearing gesture your children come up with (even if they can be little shits).

Thor responds to them in kind: enthusiastic, boastful answers. He matches their tone - their utter excitement.

“Of course, I brought you gifts. Why are you all so big? Have you grown without me? Were you good to your mother? Has Val taught you how to fight yet?”

He’s a stupidly good father. Protective. Gentle. Understanding. He handles temper tantrums better than you. He has all the patience that you lack. He can entertain them for hours - playing imaginary battles on his hands and knees. One time, he’d worn a full wold pelt and pretended to be Fenrir.

He’s unafraid to teach them to swim - to hold a wooden sword - to give them animals that should not be pets. 

“Alright - alright, you little fighters. Let me go see your mother.”

It is then that Thor raises his head and actually looks at you. He drinks you in with the intensity of his stare. His lips twitch - his expression suddenly crumpling to one of relief. It is as if every time he reunites with you after a long while it’s like he didn’t expect you to be there and waiting. It is so much more than a look. It’s full of a shared tenderness that’s been emboldened by years spent fighting and fucking and then quieting down - giving birth - sharing each other’s breath and secrets.

I love you, he tells you all the time. Every night and morning and you hear it even when he is gone. I love you love you. 

He kisses his children again soundly, ruffling their hair, before placing them back down just as Loki enters the room. He appears tired - a bit stiff and you wonder how many parties Thor forced him to join in the name of “diplomacy”.

Before their uncle can say a word, he is swarmed by the kids. The girls strangely take after Loki - more subdued and aloof and already showing signs that they have inherited some form of magic despite Loki and Thor not even being related by blood. 

“Must be my mother then,” Thor discerns as one of the toddlers wraps her tiny fist around her father’s finger. His gaze softens as his daughter regards him with her big eyes that glint violet. “Unless - you’ve been sleeping with my brother.

“Sadly no,” you reply as you balance your other daughter on your hip. There’s a spark in her - the tang of a storm you can detect in her downy curls. She burrows her face into your neck and clings to you. “Of course, I still can. He’s always offering.”

Thor gapes at you before firmly transforming his mouth to a thin line and pinning you with a pointed glare.

“I’m going to spank you for that, woman.”

You watch as Loki tries to handle the children hanging off his leathers. His attempt at appearing irritated is an unconvincing mask. He holds them too tightly, his lips twitching into an amused smile at their adoration. “C’mon, silver-tongue,” Val interjects, giving you a very direct wink. “Let’s go show these brats what you’ve brought home.”

Thor gives Val an appreciative grin as he squeezes her shoulder when she walks past him. She’s the least subtle, but you’re still grateful for giving you both some space.

It’s thick in the air: the longing, the curtailed anxiety and grief at possibly losing him whenever he goes somewhere you cannot. He’s still Thor, King of Asgard. He is still a target due to all the battles he’s won and the creatures he’s put away.

He marches toward you, his booted feet dirtying the floor with each rushed step. His ox-blood cape billows behind him - his armor glittering midnight dark and heavy. He is an enormous man who is made more enormous by his leathers. You remember the times when you both were out fighting - when you’d kill and return to each other - panting and full of adrenaline and then you’d fuck like you’d touched death (which you had to a certain extent).

“I saw you go down. I thought - I thought you were gone.”

“Never - I’d never leave you. Now - get inside me. Make me yours.”

When he reaches you, it's like being swept up in a hurricane - the brunt of a storm. He wraps his arms around your waist and lifts you clean off your feet. Your palms fly to his face, his beard scratching your skin and wrists. You lower your head to kiss him fiercely. His tongue is harsh in your mouth as he makes a low, gritty noise from the back of his throat. He draws away to look at you, his eyes clear and lovely as they rove over your features - cataloging every detail to make sure that you are unchanged. The communication is silent: Are you alright? Are you okay? I did not leave you vulnerable? I left you safe because you must be safe. I cannot lose you. I cannot. I will not. 

He sets you down and kisses you again - crushing your lips together in a way that vibrates through your bones. He hums - making soft, pleased murmurs against the wet slant of your mouth until he reluctantly pulls away. You then feel his palm on the slight swell of your belly. “How’s the baby?”

His hand his giant and warm - his thumb stroking you over your loose gown. “Tempermental,” you shrug. “Kicking like crazy. I think it’s a boy.”

“Could be,” he grins - his teeth white and shiny against the dark shadow of his beard. “Or another girl.”

Your wind your fingers around a silky lock of blonde hair, tugging it lightly. “We'll have a pack of Valkyries then.”

“That’s the plan, my love.” His tone is playful as he guides his touch further down. He cups you between your legs in a way that makes you clutch at his shoulders and inhale sharply. “How can I attend to my queen then?” His brows draw together, his expression thoughtful. “I need to make up for all those weeks I was unable to ease the ache, yes?”

You swallow. Even after all these years, Thor can single-handedly make you melt with that direct, husky voice.

Something burns hot inside you - swirling in your core - the bowl of your pelvis. Your heartbeat picks up and Thor must hear it because his smile turns indulgent and a bit arrogant. There is that subtle stroke of the old Thor against the canvas of his face; the cocky warrior-prince who could bed five women a night without getting tired. 

“To bed?” He waggles his eyebrows suggestively as he grips your wrist to lead you down the hall and toward their chambers. “The children will be busy for the next - three days - I’d wager.”

You frown. “Why is that?”

“I bought them a distracting present.”

Your frown deepens. “What?”

“We’ll discuss it later!”

As if on cue, there’s a loud roar in the distance followed by the delighted screams of your children. Thor, at least, looks incredibly sheepish.

“Explain now.”

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2 years ago

The first time

The First Time

After a bad day, you come home unresponsive and tired. And Thor could tell this was unlike you. He tired his usual ways to cheer you up but nothing worked. So he decided to do something you both hadn't done before with each other.

The first time you and Thor do it together, he has to prepare you greatly. Ease you into it. He is half giant for a reason. And many forget he's a fertility god. You can put your trust in him. He'll know exactly what to do to make you feel good. The half giant just wants to please the person he loves the most. Seeking their love and approval back. He was desperate to please you. To make you happy. Because when you were happy and pleased he knew he did well. He knew he wasn't the monster everyone said he is nor the monster he thought he was.

Especially when you looked up at him with our devotion and adoration. He felt warm inside when you gave him such gaze. Especially when he took you like the God he was. And it certainly wouldn't be the last time...that night

I wish there was color here but I suck at color I really do:/. I wish I knew how to shade and color already so I could provide the best spicy thor art. But oh well.

Also this might be a mouthful for thor. I feel like he would have said it differently at least but I'm still trying to capture his essence lol

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2 years ago

Sweet Temptations


Summary: All her life Y/n had smelt nothing but blood, determined to ease the suffering of her soulmate she vowed to only surround herself with sweet scents. But what happens when a sexy thick thighed Space Viking walks through her door? 

Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Soulmate AU, some body shaming, talk of grief. 

Y/n had lived her whole life smelling scents that weren’t around her. She always thought she was crazy, or something was physically wrong with her, that was until the day her mother told her about soulmates. Everyone had a soulmate, and they were connected by one of the 6 senses, her parents had been connected by sight, so they had found each other relatively easy.

Others aren’t so lucky and get taste or, like you, smell. How were you supposed to find your other half on smell alone? Most scents were normal, soaps and clean laundry and sometimes the smell of the outdoors, like grass and flowers. The smell that worried you the most was the metallic sting of blood.

This was the most common smell, it scared you to think that your soulmate could be hurt, or that they had to see the level of violence that would cause such a strong smell of copper. You decided that you would only give them sweet smells, scents to comfort them and make them feel safe.

Years later, you were keeping that promise you made to yourself. Sweet Temptations was 7 successful years into business, despite the snap being done 6 years ago and then undone just last year, your business had never suffered. Here you were, the best pastry chef in Queens, and the staple baker for none other than the Avengers themselves.

You had gotten to know Nat after the snap, she had been grieving and needed some serious sugar therapy, and she deemed that both your pastries and your friendship were the cure. Now that everyone she had lost was back, they all were addicted to you too. You’d only met a few members of the team besides Nat, including Wanda, Tony, and Steve all of whom you had seen in person. Bruce only ever ordered over the phone, Nat told me he’s kind of a hermit, but he made her happy and seemed sweet.

Nat was the only one that knew your secret, no one else knew about the link with your soulmate. They thought you just loved to bake, and in a way you did now. But it took years for your choice to become a passion. One that hopefully one day would pay off. For the last handful of years, you’d had the stench of stale beer and old pizza wafting into your nose, over the last few months it was being replaced with much more pleasant scents like clean laundry and soap. You just worried about what would make them so upset to drown themselves in beer and carbs every day for 6 years.

Thor had been struggling with his depression and survivors guilty now that most of his made family had been returned to him. He actively had been trying to better himself and get back the once confident god. No videogames, no drinking and most importantly therapy, to recover from his grief and forgive himself.

Thor left his latest session to see a message from Lady Natasha, asking him to pick up her pastry order. Normally he would have made an excuse to avoid such a temptation, but he had a confidence boost from his session. Most people would believe that his vice was drinking, but they would be very wrong, with the constant scent of fresh pastries and sweets constantly floating around him he had the biggest sweet tooth on Midgard. It was all thanks to his soulmate, whoever they were, for the persistent raging battle of wills.

This errand for Natasha was to be his true test, he vowed to not sample any of the delicious morsels that this shop had to offer. He was a god of his word, and he would win this mental battle. The entire walk there he believed that this was true, until he walked in and saw the most beautiful creature he had ever seen, serving said delicacies.

Her smile lit up the room, her cheekbones lifting higher making her round face even more round. Warm y/e/c eyes shifted their focus to him as she called him by name.

“Thor, right? You’re here for Nat’s order?” Sweet voice like honey in his ears. So lost in her that he stayed silent just staring. Politely she didn’t mention his odd behavior and simply wrote a note and attached it to the box of pastries she handed over.

“Here you are handsome! Tell Nat hi for me, ok?” She winked at him. A blush rose on his cheeks at her comment. How could she think he was handsome, surely, she was jesting? He once had been handsome but now he was much heavier and less muscular. He avoided looking in mirrors and just started wearing clothing other than sweatpants last week. She had to be acting nice because she was Natasha’s friend, she couldn’t really mean what she had said.

The walk back to the compound went quickly as he mentally spiraled with negative thoughts about his body. As he walked into the living room of their communal floor the team swarmed him for their treats only to freeze in place at the look on his face.

“You wanna talk about it bud?” Bucky asked, having gone through his own mental hurdles he knew not to press too much and demand answers. And the look on Thor’s face showed that currently those mental demons were kicking his ass.

“Therapy went well, I was quite confident and feeling more like my old self. But then I saw this beautiful woman and she called me handsome, but she must have been joking. I just kind of spiraled.” Thor laughed awkwardly to make light of his pain.

“Hey Pointbreak, this woman happen to be curvy, with a smile like sunshine and y/h/c hair?” Tony asked him, startled Thor nodded in confirmation.

“She meant it big guy, says so right here.” He pulls out a note card with Y/n’s name and number that says “If talking isn’t your thing, maybe texting me will be easier” with a heart and a wink.

Nat hid smiling in the corner her plan working perfectly, while Thor was recovering back at home, post un-snap, he told her of his soulmate connection and the tempting smells of sweet sugary treats. She had her suspicions, so she started ordering more treats for the team from her baking bestie, to see if they were the ones. He never reacted to the scents until he could see them, commenting on how he had been craving just that. It had all made sense, his sweet addiction, and her constant smell of coppery blood. The baker and the Space Viking God, who would have known?

Finally, months later, she had set the trap. But this big blonde idiot was too dumbstruck by your delicious curves to see the big picture. It all replied of you now, and Nat hoped that was enough.

When Thor had stepped through the door of your shop you had known right away that he was your soulmate. For once you could smell your own creations as you were surrounded by them. For the last few months, you had been smelling sweets after your opened for the day. You had figured out that it was a customer of your shop, but it wasn’t someone who came in themselves. But never in a million years did you think that the hunky god of thunder thighs would be your other half. Damn, he was yummier than any pastry you could ever make.

He was HOT, long blonde hair you could grab onto, dark trimmed beard over strong jaw, and lonely blue you could drown in. And his new belly? Perfect! He was now as cuddly as he was sexy, you usually went for the bigger guys, guys who wouldn’t judge you for your curves but love and embrace them, so why wouldn’t you embrace him for all of his?

You took the shot to reach out, giving a guy your number and being forward wasn’t really your thing, but you refused to be the reason you missed out on your soulmate. Now to pray and hope he’s the type of God that answers prayers.

Y/n’s phone rings with an unknown caller ID.

“Hello, is this Y/N?” His deep voice resonates over the speaker.

“It is, and is this my Space Viking Soulmate? Nice to hear your voice Handsome.”

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5 years ago



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