These Portraits Are Beautiful! - Tumblr Posts
Quick Portrait Giveaway

To celebrate me hitting 1500 followers (!!) last week, here’s another giveaway! :D That’s an insane number, so I want to give back to all of you as best I can ^3^
What are you entering for?
A portrait! Like the ones in the header It can be of any character, OC or canon, as long as they have human-esque features (I won’t draw dragonborn, turains, or things like that)
How do you enter?
Just reblog this post to enter! You can reblog how many times you like, just please don’t spam me or your followers You need to follow me to enter the giveway, and new followers are very welcome! Please do hang around once it’s ended, though <3
How long will it be open?
The giveaway starts today (12/4) and ends in a week (19/4)
There will be five winners, and I’ll pick all of them at random! If you reblog with a side blog, plese send me DM letting me know your main, so I can still count you in ^-^
Good luck and thank you so much for following me! :D <3 <3