They Dont Work Together But They Also Do - Tumblr Posts
some Kevaaron headcannons because I can’t work on the high school au fic
Kevin thinks it’s hot when Aaron wears anything with his number on it
Aaron (not so) secretly loves it
When Kevin is bored and has free time he’ll wait outside the hall Aaron has a class in
aaron uses Kevin for anatomy assignments
the first time a fox sees them kissing it’s Nicky
kevin gets so startled by Nicky’s voice that he falls backwards into the side table
aaron patches the scrape up later
They have nightmares
despite being (loving and caring) assholes to each other, nightmare time is when that has to go away and they’ll do whatever the other needs
the first time they fight Kevin goes to his bestie(Neil) and Aaron goes to Andrew
andrew pretends not to care but also periodically hands Aaron tissues when he needs another one
neil awkwardly pats Kevin’s back when he bursts into tears
when they see each other again it’s a ROUGJ apology
because they are both crying their eyes out
firm believer that Kevin cries and tries to stifle it but since joining the foxes he just can’t most of the time (because he’s actually finally allowed to feel)
Kevin enjoys cooking, he wasn’t allowed to do it in the nest (having no reason to because of plenty of chefs and nutritionists so he didn’t leave the court) so it gives him something he can finally do and something in his control
aaron can taste as he gets better
Aaron stops Kevin from pushing himself too hard
Like when he knows Kevin has pushed himself too hard he’ll stop him from getting out of bed for night practice with an arm around his waist and a very sleepy “stay”
that also means he stops Kevin from practicing when he’s sick or injured
Even when he begs so cute with his hair messy and a thermometer in his mouth and 3 fuzzy blankets around him and his Trojan socks on
aaron doesn’t let him
Kevin helps Aaron balance his studies and taking care of himself
When Aaron’s up real late studying to the point his eyes blur and his head hurts
kevin makes him tea
he’ll come up behind him and take his glasses off and shut the computer and pick Aaron up and have him take a nice shower and put on some soft pajamas ((Kevin’s hoodie))
kevin will give him the tea and play with his hair as he drinks
they just take care of each other like that
Kevin can not kill a bug to save his life