They'd Make Such A Cute Couple - Tumblr Posts
Call of Cthulhu brain rot has STRUCK ME DOWN and gosh I love sappy little fanfics like this. I have a hard time sitting through reading things but this was so well written and adorable I want to squeeze my blorbos-
((As much as I do ship Bradley and Marie I have to say I’ve gained a soft spot for Bradley and pierce being paired together!))
This game has far too little fan content. So here, have a fanfiction I wrote yesterday instead of sleeping. Edit: I figured out how to add read more, yay!
Light footsteps sounded behind him, coming to a stop what must have been a foot or two away at most. He didn't turn around. "He's not woken up yet." the man mumbled; murky brown eyes fixed upon the unconscious figure in front of him.
Silence hung heavy in the air as they both watched the detective's chest rise and fall in a slow, almost hypnotic rhythm. Other than that, the sleeping man lay completely still. Not even his eyes were moving behind his lids to indicate dreaming. Pierce hadn't moved at all since he'd passed out in his arms. That had been 15 hours ago. If he weren't still breathing Bradley would be sure he was dead.
A sigh echoed through the empty room. "It's getting late Ethan, get some sleep." The officer didn't move.
That wasn't much of a surprise. He'd been sitting there staring at the detective for most of the day already. Marie knew he was worried about him. She was too, of course. Neither of them knew why Pierce hadn't woken up on his own yet, nor why nothing they tried could rouse him. She suspected he was simply incredibly exhausted. They didn't know how much time he had actually gotten to properly rest since he'd been found at the cave in. Or if he had gotten any rest at all.
But even if that was the case, 15 hours were still very concerning. Especially because she couldn't find anything physically wrong with him. A strange notion considering the cave in he'd survived. But without anything physically wrong with him, they were unable to do anything but wait for Pierce to wake on his own.
Bradley wasn't much of a fan of that fact and so he had refused to leave Pierce' side. Stubbornly watching over him, anticipating the other to rouse any second. It didn't seem like he would leave any time soon either, even if he should go to get some rest himself.
"I'm not leaving." he stated, interrupting his old childhood friend. The officer still hadn't even turned to look at her.
Another sigh left her lips. Bradley could be far too stubborn for his own good sometimes. But it didn't look like she could convince him to leave Pierce alone. A clock in the house chimed. 9pm. She'd try again in an hour. If he still wasn't leaving, then she'd drag him to the next couch to sleep herself. For now though she left, soft footsteps getting quieter and quieter as she walked back down into the main room.
The brunette officer once again found himself alone with the unconscious form of Edward Pierce. He had been watching over him for hours now. Why? Bradley wasn't entirely sure either. He just...felt like he should. Just like he had just felt as if he desperately needed to get the other man out of the psychiatric wing at the hospital. There was no proper logic to these feelings. It was as if he had that strange need to protect the detective as well as he possibly could, keep him safe, warm and happy.
It was weird really, he'd only known Pierce for a few days at this point, heck Bradley hadn't even told him his first name yet! Yet he felt a certain...connection to the other man. Ethan couldn't properly describe it, didn't even know what it was himself but...he knew it didn't feel bad. It felt sort of warm and fuzzy, reassuring in a way.
These feelings weren't exactly helping in his worry however, as that was what had gripped his heart. Worry. Worry about why the other wouldn't wake up, why he was so still.
Seeing the detective so completely motionless was somehow surreal. In the entire time he'd known the man from the mainland he'd never seen him completely still and relaxed. Pierce had always been moving in some way; be it his ever searching, curious, perceptive eyes wandering over his surroundings, his strong hands tensing and relaxing with a rhythm only they seemed to know, his feet carrying him swiftly and gracefully from place to place or his lips, curling and parting to ask, speak, silently convey his emotions and opinions. Now, lying there without these constant comforting movements he looked strangely vulnerable.
A look that was only added to by his current state of undress. Marie and him had taken Pierce's leather harness, his vest and his tie off, leaving him only in his white, hastily buttoned up shirt and undershirt. To Bradley, this looked weird on Pierce, wrong. Such as is usually the case if you only know a person dressed in specific clothes.
Pierce would probably think Bradley's own current attire weird, had he been awake to see it. The brunette had taken off his uniform jacket and hat, had taken his belt off and opted to open the first few buttons of his shirt, his sleeves rolled up over his elbows.
His eyes wandered with over his friend's body...friend's? Yes...yes, he supposed he could call Pierce that...maybe. No injuries were visible, albeit the detective looked rather pale, ruffled up and tired, even as he slept.
A deep sigh left his lips. The first sound he had made since telling Marie that he wouldn't leave the other man alone. Slowly he leaned forward to rest his head on the couch next to Edward's chest. He was getting tired. "Just what happened to you after we left the office?" he mumbled quietly, glancing up at the slack, expressionless, breaded face of his friend.
The clock struck 10pm. Light footsteps approached the couch on the balcony. They stopped, maybe a foot or two away. Grey-blue eyes roamed over the scenery in front of her.
There on the couch lay two figures. One fully on it, the other half on the piece of furniture, half on the floor. Oh, how she regretted not owning a camera in that moment.
The two men made for an adorable picture. Bradley had apparently fallen asleep after all and had unconsciously sought out the nearest source of warmth to cuddle up to, Pierce. How he'd ended up with his head on the other's chest encircled by Pierce's arms with one of his arms and legs lying on the cold wooden floor she wasn't entirely sure. But oh, was it sweet to look at.
Marie stayed to silently observe the cute display for a few minutes, debating whether or not to wake Ethan to get him to lay down properly. The longer she looked at the pair however, the less she wanted to do that. They were both sleeping and seemingly peacefully at that, a rare treat on this island. And well...they were just too cute together. So, she decided to just let them sleep there.
A small smile upon her lips the doctor sneaked back downstairs to lay down herself, already thinking about how she could tease Ethan with that in the morning.