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Helping Their S/O De-stress
Headcanons: Maedhros, Fingon, Finrod, Thingol, Elrond

A/N: This was inspired by an ask I got last year with Mae, Fingon, Finrod and Elrond assisting their s/o de-stress. Thingol is the newest addition to the group.

As someone who was partially in charge of the Noldor, he understands what it means to be under heavy levels of stress.
Hate to see you in a state of confusion and lacking inspiration till you become stressed out.
Quick to do whatever he can to assist so you can get your brain up and running so that you can focus on your workload.
He’ll urge you to stop thinking so hard for a moment so he could pull you into his arms and rub your back.
“Mae, what are you doing?” Your brows furrowed as his arms reached out to pull you into his chest. The deep sounds of his humming vibrated through his chest as he gave you his short reply.
“I’m helping you.”
Still confused but pleased with his attempts at soothing your stress, you lifted your arms to wrap around his waist and pull yourself close to him, nuzzling into his chest. “Thank you, but I’m not really stressed. I just can’t come up with a plot for a book I’m writing. I’ve written over five drafts and nothing…I’m pooped.”
Humming at your response, he said nothing as he was thinking of the right response and continued his rubbing. You were still standing in his embrace in the middle of the room, swaying from side to side. “Yes, you are. Maybe this would help you to create a plot, or would you like me to help you write?”
“I didn’t know you write?” You teased him with a light pinch to his arms and giggled.
“I write speeches for debates, remember?”
Eyes lighting up, you lifted your head upwards and released a sound of realisation with a tired look in your eyes. Maedhros couldn’t help but chuckle, having seen his brother with the same look before he started crying. “How about we get something to eat first, and I’ll assist you with your book?”
“Food does sound great.”
This baby hates the idea of you appearing stressed, even if it’s for something that deserves to be stressed out about.
He tries so hard to get you to remain constantly happy and smiling, so seeing you stressed sends him into a panic.
Fingon immediately assigns himself with the responsibility of reducing your stress as though his life depended on it.
He’ll stop you from whatever it was you were doing and drag you away so it would just be the both of you.
“Fingon, what are you doing? Where are you taking me?” his only response was a boyish smile he threw as he tossed his head around to face you. His grin almost split his face and yet you were able to notice the troublesome look cracking through.
Ushering you into his room, he would be quick to shut the door and walk you over to his bed. Plopping down and pulling you into his lap, his arms were quick to wind around your waist and tug you closer into his embrace. You were left confused and worried as he held you securely in his lap, rubbing his hands up and down your back, and occasionally stroking your hair.
“Is…is everything alright with you love?” Lifting his head to meet your concerned eyes, he grinned before nudging his against your forehead and planting a kiss on your nose.
“You looked stressed, so I’m helping you relax.”
“I’m not entirely stressed; I just can’t create a plot for a book I’m writing…I have ideas but they’re not making sense when I write them…”
Humming as he allowed your words to sink in, his next response caught you off guard and caused you to laugh. “Why not write about me being your knight in shining armour rescuing you? I think that’s a great plot, and easy to write. A happily ever after…”
“Sure, I’ll also include you tripping over your two left feet as you rushed to save me.” Replying to him with a smirk, you soon felt a pinch being delivered to your arm at his slip-up.
“Now that’s mean; I’m trying to assist.” He grumbles as he scoots his body up the bed until he rested against the pile of pillows. Shuffling around to make himself comfortable for you to lie on, tugs you onto his chest and wraps his legs around you. “First, take a nap have some good dreams and then I’ll help you write.”
“I hope you can understand my thoughts when I give them to you.”
One of the perfect people to relieve your stress and assist with your writing.
Finrod has supposedly written tales of romance and adventure in his spare time along with poems and songs, thus, assisting you has never been a problem.
Though, he will realise that amongst the guidance, you were stressed and unable to focus which leads him to carry you away from your work desk and onto the sofa to lounge.
Somewhere a suitable distance from your writing so you can relax your mind and be at ease.
Arms and legs were wrapped around the eager King as he traversed his corridor with you on his back. With the crown upon his head and still garmented in his finest wear, Finrod has no shame or problem in carrying his loved one around if it meant reducing their stress. The smile on the King’s face was enough for anyone to know not to bother or chastise him for his mannerless and informal behaviour.
“Where are you taking me might I ask dear?” poking the side of his face while you were resting upon his shoulder and staring at him affectionately.
Humming in response, Finrod tossed his head to face yours and gave you an enthusiastic grin before bounding down the corridor with more vigour in his step. Soon, you came to the grand white, and gold crested door that revealed the King’s indoor private pool, “Ready to loosen up and have some fun?”
“Fun? Finrod, I can’t afford to take a dip, I have my work to return—what are you doing?” shaky and squeaky your voice grew as you observed him removing his crown and boot, leaving him in his full wear before he walked around and headed for the steps. Still clinging to his back, Finrod gripped your legs before taking the most unexpected dive into the pool, drenching you both.
Flailing about the place, you could hear echoes of Finrod’s laughter as you fought with your clothes and the water, “De-stressed now meleth-nîn?”
“…I’m soaked…you got me wet…my clothes…” you could only stare at your King while he waddled through the water to tower above you with his hands cupping your cheeks and a wet kiss being placed on your lips.
“There, better now,” he pulled back with a grin as you went quiet, eyes darting around attempting to hide your jubilation.
“…one more please…”
The Elven King frowned as he observed your frantic and frustrated demeanour. Hands clawing at your hair and ink splattered across your face.
You were at it for hours attempting to work on a new piece, but you hadn’t revealed that it was a painting for him.
Thingol would stand in the doorway for minutes before he grew frustrated and made himself present, scaring you in the process and watching as your hopped around to hide the canvas.
Despite the paint on your hands and face, he’d gently guide you into his garden to relax.
Thingol’s hands wove their way through your loose and unbounded hair, catching any strands that had paint and removing them with his handkerchief. He could hear the soft breathing you were emitting as his fingers massaged your scalp and chuckled as your head lulled from side to side as he rocked you into a slumber. He refused to cease his handiwork and reached for some flowers nearby, braiding them into your hair.
The air was quiet in his garden. The small streams of water pooling into the miniature ponds, the hummingbirds zooming about and the fragrant air waffling into his sanctuary.
You sat between his legs, head resting against his chest and arms and legs sprawled out haphazardly, looking like the most divine creature the world had ever seen, but to Thingol, he couldn’t help but laugh at your sleeping face. All the lines of stress were removed, but your half-opened mouth was the highlight of your sleeping beauty appearance; too many times he had seen it and too many times he found it hilarious. He couldn’t help but struggle to stifle his laughter the longer he looked at you.
Unfortunately, his rumbling shook you awake. “Hmm, w-what’s happening and…why are you vibrating?” looking around with sleep on your face, you whipped your neck around to gaze at your wheezing lover.
Still chuffing silently, he shook his head while patting yours, guiding you back to sleep, “It’s…it’s alright nîn lóth, everything is alright. Return to your slumber; you are beyond stressed and tired, rest.”
A sweet kiss was pressed to the crown of your head before he pulled you closer to him, wrapping his robes around your smaller figure, and lulling you back to sleep.
He knows and understands the stress behind writing any piece of literature; he’s basically swamped by dozens of reports or documents on a daily basis.
Seeing tug at your hair or knock your head against the table multiple times begging for ideas to flow properly would make him wince.
Elrond would quietly enter your room with a knock on your door carrying a tray of chamomile or hibiscus tea with a few treats to snack on because he knows that you haven’t consumed any food.
Despite your protests, he would pry you away from your desk and guide you over to a table near a window and feed you.
“Ah, ah, ah, no complaining my dear. You were showing signs of stress and as your healer and husband, it is my job to care for you,” there was an unmistakable playful smile behind his stern expression while he held the cup of chamomile tea to your lips.
There weren’t any chances of escaping his self-care moment and you had no choice but to follow through. Soon you were drinking tea and munching on strawberry biscuits while lounging in Elrond’s arms on the balcony. “It’s really difficult to write my thoughts out on paper because it sounds amazing in my head but as soon as I write it, it makes no sense.”
“Maybe you should practice writing your thoughts out more often.”
“Elrond, I’ve been writing all my thoughts, why do you think my books exist. I just wish I can just magically get my thoughts onto the paper without writing, you know?”
Unable to answer because he had never experienced writer’s block, Elrond just hummed and lifted his hand to stroke your hair in hopes of calming you. He bent his head down and planted a kiss on your forehead and immediately felt you melt. “Maybe you simply need to rest a bit and inspiration will flow darling.”
“Hmm…I better dream all my thoughts appearing on that paper.”

Taglist: @eunoiaastralwings @noldorinpainter @ranhanabi777 @spidergirla5 @lilmelily @someoneinthestars @mysticmoomin @aconstructofamind @starborne0661 @floraroselaughter @the-phantom-of-arda @rain-on-my-umbrella @singleteapot @wandererindreams @asianbutnotjapanese @hoshinokurasa @edensrose