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2 years ago

Just one dance

Since it's so hard to find any fics for Lost ark characters I like I figured I’ll just have to go and make one myself.

This is a one-shot scenario I’ve been thinking of lately so hopefully it works out well.

Feel free to change anything character wise in your head to suit you or your oc since I’m basing the MC as my insert/character, though I will try to keep it as neutral as possible.

Be aware, I’ve only just started playing again after quite a few months of having no time for the game and am only just nearing the end of the Rohendal quest line so if things don’t look cannon to the story it’s because I’m not there yet.

This is a Thirain x Reader/oc fic with a lot of mutual pining since we all know our boy is allergic to saying how he truly feels.


The day the invite arrived you were simply sailing, setting off from a small adventure on Lagoon island. The hawk you had trained as a messenger was spotted in the distance as you watched the horizon trying to gather your thoughts, it had been a long time since you'd started searching for the arks and though you had now acquired four of the seven it still felt as though there were more problems arising than solutions. There was still no trace of Armen, your heart ached for the person you called a close friend, a companion you had once envisioned finding all the arks with had gone with that demon and had not been seen since. The memories of that day on the cliff were clear in your mind, reminding you how you and Thirain tried to stop him from walking through the portal but it was too late. There were just so many regrets from that day. Before your thoughts could spiral any further the site of a lone bird caught your attention and the faint traces of your magic was felt.

When the bird got close enough you raised an arm up and the small friend landed, chirping a greeting to you after not seeing you in some days. Giving him a snack you carefully untied the letter attached to him before gently moving him to the ballast of the ship. Without having to check you knew who the letter would be from, Thirain, the only person that would often communicate with you through your little messenger system and the one person you would keep in touch with most during your travels. It had been some days since you sent over your most recent letter updating Thirain of how your journey was going, having promised to do so before leaving the land of Luterra. Opening the letter you read its contents.

{ (Name), my dear knight.

I am glad to hear that you have been in good spirits as of late and that your mission to collect all the arks is going well even with the interference of the demon commanders.

I pray that when you do face the enemy that you will come back unharmed and please do not do anything too reckless in the quest for the arks.

I have been counting the days to hear from you again since your last letter, which felt so long ago. 

Things here have been fine. There is still much to do to rebuild Luterra and to strengthen our defenses from any other possible attacks by the demons, since with you on the seas visiting other lands has left us much weaker than even I would like to admit but we all know that you are needed elsewhere, even if all the citizens of my kingdom miss your presence greatly.

As much as I wish to continue writing about the most recent events that have happened here in the castle, I am hoping that you will be able to hear it all in person soon.

A ball will be held here in the castle on the eve of the harvest moon to celebrate all that Luterra has accomplished since the Kingdom of Knights was reclaimed from Scherrit’s and the demon's hands.

Since you were the main reason for our victory it would be truly devastating if you were not here to celebrate alongside us all.

I know your journeys have taken you far and have kept you busy but I do hope you will be able to attend. 

I don’t think I could possibly enjoy the celebrations without you here with me.

I wish you well until we next speak.

Your friend,


Once you finished reading the letter you softly smiled, happy to know everything seemed well back in the land you left so long ago. However, the invite to the ball was something you felt you needed to think more on. You knew you would have more than enough time to sail back to Luterra in time to attend and see everyone you missed but could you risk taking a detoured stop to attend or would the next ark be claimed by the demons in that time? You needed to think a little more on this.

It was some time later and you had docked, ultimately having decided that returning to Luterra and joining in with the festivities would do you some good after all the troubling sights you had seen during the last few adventures you’d been on. Totally not because you couldn’t say no to Thirain’s request even if it was only through a letter. 

The trek from the docks back to Luterra castle was refreshing, some things still needed a lot of work to recover from the demon attacks and monsters were still lurking near villages in great numbers but the people looked more hopeful. It was only when you’d step through the gate at the entrance of the Dyorka Plain that you noticed how busy it was, there were lots of people on the streets and more knights patrolling, since there was only a day left until the ball, the final preparations were being dealt with. “The Kings Knight!” “The Kings Knight has returned.” “She’s back” “She must be here for the ball.” Whispers came from all around as knights, merchants and civilians alike took note of the presence of you walking towards the palace.

Luck was on your side though, as the gossip of your return had yet to reach the king's ears so when you set foot into the palace and Thirain finally spotted you walking towards him the expression of pure surprise and joy was clearly visible. This made your own grin widen. “(name) you’re here!” He called, stepping away from an advisor he had been speaking with to meet you half-way. “Your letter arrived on a good day, no demon commanders to deal with and few leads on the next ark so I had some spare time to visit, my King.” You joked in response, mocking a bow before quickly going in and hugging him. “It’s really good to see you, Thirain.” Thirain in turn wrapped his arms around you, the metal of his armour was cold to the touch but something about it was still comforting. “Yes, I’ve missed you too, my friend.” The two quickly separated, you stepping back first since you knew others were watching.

“It looks lively out there today. I take it that preparations are going well? Need any help with things?” You asked, noticing that there was still a lot of movement even inside the palace. Thirain nodded. “Yes, it seems everyone is excited for tomorrow night. But there’s no need for you to help, you’ve just returned, I can’t ask you for anything more than just being here.”

“You know I don’t like standing about whilst there is work to be done, besides I’m offering.” The face Thirain pulled at the offer definitely said he was not going to allow you to do anything there to help out if he had his way. Before he could get another word out another voice chirped up. “King's Knight! What a surprise to have you back in time for the ball! I wasn’t expecting you to be able to make it back with how busy you have been in the other Kingdoms.” Meehan exclaimed, coming from behind and giving your back a couple heavy pats. “Ah Meehan, it's good to see you again. You're looking well, hopefully a certain someone hasn't been giving you any trouble.” Meehan laughed as you nodded in Thirain’s direction whilst the man rolled his eyes playfully in response. 

“Nothing to complain about really. Just a lot to do to get Luterra back to full strength but we're getting there.” He paused then turned to face Thirain, becoming more serious. “And speaking of having a lot to do. My King, don’t you have a meeting to attend?” The realization of having other things to be doing washed over Thirain, he knew he should leave you to return to his duties but he wanted to stay by your side a little longer, he wanted to hear you talk of your adventures that he desperately wished he could have been beside you to experience. “Yes, though I am sure it can wait a little longer, Meehan. (name) has only just returned. I can't simply go and leave her here.” He tried to argue, it was a weak reason and he knew it. Before Meehan could counter or Thirain could dig himself a deeper hole you jumped in. “It’s fine Thirain. You have your duties and I understand that. Go, it’s not like I won’t see you later or tomorrow now is it?” 

You spun the man around and began pushing him to walk away. “But-” “No buts! I need to speak with some others I haven’t seen in a while anyway so get moving” The two of you ended up laughing as Thirain finally gave up and left the hall to actually do what was needed of him. Meehan chuckled, exasperated by the effect you had on the King. “I wish you would have let him know you were coming in advance. He might have actually done all his work before you arrived and wouldn’t be looking like a kicked puppy now that he has to leave.”

“Cut him some slack Meehan, anyone would be happy if their friend returned after so long. Besides, if i’m to be honest, I wasn’t sure I would even be here in the first place but with the world as it is but I think even I needed something to lift my spirit, even if only for a day.” You turned around to face the knight once more. “Now, what is there left to be done? And please save us both some time and don’t tell me there’s nothing cause I can see a lot of people scrambling to finish their tasks, besides, I will just find Cassleford or someone else and ask them how I can help.”

“I’m glad to see you as helpful as ever. I'll take you to someone who needs help with their tasks and let you do your thing. But don’t forget that you should be relaxing too. Oh, you have got something to wear as well right?” Meehan waved for her to follow him and the two started walking from the palace hall. “Ummm, this doesn’t class as something to wear?” You asked, gesturing to your everyday clothes. “Gods no!” Meehan exclaimed, looking at you like you’d said something outrageous.  “This ball is hosting not only the nobles and common folk of Luterra but some of our allies as well. This is to celebrate our progress and hopes for peace. You may be the King’s Knight but you don’t have to look like you’re prepared to fight at a moment's notice.”

You briefly thought about it and agreed with what he said, he’d shown you where your help would be needed and left you to it. As you got on with helping prepare for the ball Meehan could only stare for a few seconds. “Regulus, give me strength. Those two are as bad as each other. Let’s hope the king doesn’t get too distracted now she’s back.”

The day quickly turned to evening as you helped sort out final preparations for the ball, by time you finished moving the last crate a merchant needed help with the sun had almost set. You’d been lucky enough to find a more suitable outfit for the ball and had even managed to catch up with a few others when you came across them. Before you could even go and look to find an inn to stay at for the night one of the knights had found you and brought to back to the palace to speak with Cassleford who’d informed you that you had a room in the palace to use and that you’d been asked to join the King for dinner as well as him, Meehan and some others.

The night went well, you spoke with Thirain and recounted some of what happened when looking for the arks as well as mentioning the lack of progress locating Armen's whereabouts. They shared similar stories and confirmed that they’d heard nothing from scouts looking for the priest either. The sombre mood that had ended the night off quickly became more joyous the next day, the day of the ball. 

Vendors selling wares to newcomers and small shows in the plaza, it seemed everyone around was having a great time. Laughter and singing was heard throughout the castle grounds, only becoming louder as time passed into the evening when the main event of the ball began. As the sun fell over the horizon the halls of the palace filled with people from Luterra and further afield. The chatter grew as everyone discussed recent events and the latest gossip, like your presence at the ball.

Inside the palace you kept mainly to yourself as you normally did, tasting the different foods they had to offer and nursing your drink of choice as you watched everyone enjoy themselves in the centre of the grand hall, some gathering around officials whilst others listened to the musicians playing. There were some entertainers and dancers making others join in, it was lively, much more lively than what you last saw when you were here but it was nice. It seems things were looking good for Luterra and if all went well in their future repairs you could see the Kingdom being one of the first to reach true peace.

“King's Knight! I was wondering where you were. Enjoying the festivities?” Cassleford asked as he spotted you in the back of the crowd, near the tables lined with food. “Yes, I am. It’s nice to see everyone so happy after everything they’ve been through. How’s the patrols been? Hopefully you and the others have had no troubles and can enjoy yourselves a little as well?” Cassleford stood beside you looking over the crowd of people like you had been. “Good, it’s been quiet for the most part. Had a few drunken fools fighting but nothing serious. Most of my men are with their families but they're getting the job done so there are no complaints there.” 

“Have you seen the King tonight? He and Meehan should be together but I’ve not seen them yet, patrols and such.” He asked. You nodded and pointed to the other side of the grand hall. “He was last over there speaking with some officials from what I saw.” Cassleford raised a brow. “You haven’t spoken with him yet?”  You shook your head a little. “Not yet. He’s been busy with talking with the crowd and other dignitaries. I wouldn’t want to get in the way.”

All Cassleford could think in response to that is that Meehan must be thanking the gods that the King hadn’t been distracted by you and was actually doing something to strengthen the bonds with other lands. He thanked you and excused himself to find his king and update him on the progress of the patrols, leaving you to go back to people watching. Every so often you would fiddle with the fabric of the thin jacket that acted as a partial dress over your nicer looking trousers and shirt, this was probably the most dressed up you had been in a while which was weird but even you thought you looked decent. At least you were comfortable and could still fight if anything were to happen, as even at the ball you refuse to drop your guard.

After grabbing a new cup of your drink of choice you figured you’d walk around a little, see if there was anyone else you knew who wasn’t too busy. Humming along with the beautiful sounds of string instruments as another song began, by now a lot of people had begun to dance on the dancefloor in the centre of the hall with their partners, it was sweet. Just as you were about to return to the food table to watch the people dancing, a very familiar voice came from behind and grabbed your attention. “(name), I’ve been looking for you everywhere. Cassleford said you’d helped him find Meehan and I… Why didn’t you come find me sooner?” 

Thirain came up to you, pouting at the thought of you avoiding him. The crowd of people moving out of the way as their king walked past, the hushed whispers of the onlookers then began.  “Well, you did look busy Thirain. I didn’t want to interrupt you whilst you were speaking with those lords.” He sighed. “Even if I was chatting with others, you still should have come over. Your presence is far more enjoyable than their stuffy politics.” Now that he was in front of you, you could finally take him all in. Not wearing the normal bulky armour but a very fancy looking suit and jacket with gold accents on the black fabric and small pops of navy. “Well don’t you look dashing my King. The ladies must be swooning at the sight of you.” You teased, bowing mockingly as you said ‘my king’ like you’ve done since his day of his coronation, which made him chuckle a little.

“You look stunning as well (name), I still find it hard that I managed to miss you in the crowd with how well you’ve cleaned up. And don’t start with that, Meehan has been begging me to interact with one of the lords or dignitaries' daughters all night.” The two of you laughed a little at this. “Well don’t forget, stealth is one of my best weapons. But thank you, I was feeling a little underdressed in comparison but at least I know I don’t look terrible.” He rested a hand on your shoulder. “It’d take a lot for you to look terrible, you know.” He answered back, his gaze soft and only speaking the truth.

Quickly removing his gaze and his hand he turned his attention to the crowd so that his cheeks would have a chance to cool a little. “So, how’ve you been enjoying yourself so far?” He asked, trying to change the topic before he could say something that would overstep and ruin the mood. “This is probably the first ball I’ve ever been to. But even without something to compare it to I can honestly say this is truly wonderful and some of the most fun I have had in a while.” Thirain hummed in understanding, remembering that you’d once told him that your memories were hazy from before you began your quest for the arks. “What about you, been able to enjoy yourself whilst hosting?”

“It’s been fine for the most part. Though speaking with you now is already making the night more bearable.” He paused, an idea coming to mind as he looked over the crowd. “But there is one thing that would make this night far more enjoyable though.” You raised a brow. “And what would that be?” Thirain grinned. “I would love it if you would join me for a dance.” He had turned his gaze to you and offered his hand. Your eyes widen in surprise and you step back.

“I can’t dance.” Was your quick reply. “Don’t lie to me (name). I’ve heard how you’ve danced in the plaza before, so don’t make that excuse.”

You then shook your head as you looked anywhere but him. “That was different. It was more of a jig you’d do at the pub. Not one like that.” You pointed at the people dancing together on the dancefloor. “I can’t do that in front of so many people.” Thirain shot you a look that asked if you were serious before laughing. “Of all the things you have to be scared about and you are frightened of dancing in front of a crowd?” You growled a little and elbowed him in the ribs. “Shut it! I fight not dance you git. I just don’t want to go make a fool out of the both of us by stepping on your feet or tripping up. You forget that you have to make a good impression on potential allies too.” 

Thirain held his side where you’d elbowed him and continued to laugh. “Well if that’s what you’re worried about then that’s no real problem.” He started, gently resting a hand on your shoulder and standing directly in front of you. “I can teach you how to do it. You’ll be fine, everyone respects you for everything you’ve done for us. Nothing you can do will tarnish that image. If you trip I’ll catch you and I don’t mind if you step on me.” He was making some good points but that innate fear was still holding you back. “But-” “No Buts. All you’ve said are excuses. You haven’t said no. If you don’t want to dance with me that’s fine, all you have to do is say so.”

You hesitate, so tempted to say yes but could you do it? You had so many eyes on you and dancing with the KING no less would have everyone at the ball analysing everything you did. Thirain could see you breaking a little. “Please” The small pout and puppy eyes then came out. “Just one dance.” With that you had lost your internal battle. “Just one?” “Just one dance.” You paused and he grinned. “And you won’t get upset if I step on your toes?” He chuckled. “Step on them all you like, I can handle that, no problem.”  You sighed in defeat. “Fine. But if I suck and embarrass the both of us it’s your fault!” You exclaimed and pointed at him accusingly.

Once more Thirain offered you his hand, this time you took it and he then led the two of you to the dancefloor. People stepped out of your way as you walked by, more and more eyes on the two of you. The whispers that spread like wildfire were overwhelming and you were starting to regret your decision. Before you could run off and out of everyone's line of sight, Thirain turned, letting go of your hand and then placed one on your back. He took your left hand in his right and smiled at you softly as you reluctantly placed your right hand on the side of his arm. The music changed as a new song began. “Now all you need to do is follow my lead. I’ll move one foot forward, you move yours back with it and then when I move one back you follow. Simple right?” You rolled your eyes. “Sure, simple enough when you have enough practice but I don’t” You hissed a little. “Well to be honest, I haven’t danced since I was a boy so I’m a little rusty.” Again your eyes widen at this revelation. “You what?! I thought you-” “And lets go.” He butted in, gently nudging you back as your feet stumbled to match his movements. 

You were looking at the ground for a short while, trying to see where you should move your feet next, suddenly you felt a loss of warmth on your back and then felt Thirain gently turning your head up to look at him. “Keep staring at your feet and your movements will stay rigid.” You then stumbled a little. “How will I know where to put my feet and which one to move if I can’t look at them?” Thirain moved his hand back to its place, he pulled you a little closer. “Just let me lead and you’ll figure it out. You just need to trust me (name). You trust me right?”  You almost wanted to laugh at that question, was he serious? But as you looked into his blue eyes you relaxed a little and spoke with all the emotion you could muster. “Of course I do. I trust you with my life.”

“Then follow my lead. One foot back, then the next one. Now one forward.” He trailed off as he clearly telegraphed his movements for you, shaky steps on your part became more fluid, even with a few toes stepped on and sorry’s in the process. “There you go, already got the hang of it.” He cheered, encouraging you more. “Barely. I hardly feel graceful either. I must’ve looked like a fawn trying to walk for the first time.” By now you were more relaxed and back to your more playful self. It was then that the song that had been playing came to an end. Just as a new one was going to start you went to separate from Thirain but he pulled you in closer by the waist. You shot him a questioning look. “What happened to ‘Just one dance’, hmm?”

"That one didn't count, I was just teaching you how to do the steps, now you know what you're doing I'd say that technically this would be our first proper dance, right?" The cheeky little grin he was trying to hide didn't go unseen to you but you had to admit that you enjoyed dancing with Thirain, even if most of Luterra was watching the two of you. "Well look at you, seems you've learnt something from all those diplomats. Getting another dance out of me because of a technicality. I'll play along but it's just this one dance now, got it?" The two of you shared a quiet laugh as Thirain led you into the next dance.

It felt as though the rest of the world faded as the two of you stared at each other, there was a comfortable silence as the two of you got used to the new song and moved around the dancefloor. When there was a new move to be added, Thirain would give you a quick heads up and let the flow of the music do the rest. It was Thirain that broke the silence first. “I know you’ve already gone over most of your adventures but I’m curious about one thing.” This piqued your interest. “And what would that be?”

“It’s about the conditions of the lands you visited. From what you wrote in letters and told me it sounds like they’ve all had trouble with the demons like Luterra has. I want to know if there is anything we can do to help them rebuild in any way.” This was a bit of a surprise to you but then again the man you danced with was compassionate and a great ruler who cared deeply for his people. It seemed he wished to spread that compassion across Arkesia. “Tortyk has been overrun by pirates for some time now, even with my intervention there they seem to still have a large base there which makes it dangerous for the Mokoko that live there. So some aid in clearing the shores there would do them some good.” You started, thinking about all the places you’d visited in your quest for the arks. 

“Anikka for the most part is doing well, they’ve had to recover from a betrayal of one of their strongest fighters but their grandmaster is a strong leader. They’ve been lucky with their land so the effects of the demons should fade with a little time, plus they have a sidereal on their side. Arthetine is in the control their parliament, with Bastian and Sasha being the best people in charge, so I can see things improving with a bit of time. But their land is mostly barren so even an offer of aid when it is most needed would go a long way for the Cykins.” Taking another pause to gather the rest of your thoughts you sighed a little. “I’ve only had the chance to visit North Vern so far but their Queen Ealyn has been doing well for them. They have  suffered at the hands of a necromance that has been now been dealt with so they should be nearing full strength once more, well I assume so.”

“Then there is Shushire… They need the most help after everything done at the hands of the demon commander Akkan and the corruption that Vrad had caused.  The land is suffering due to the lack of fertile soil and people have been turned to slaves for simply not being able to survive. Madnick, is a great leader now he has taken rule from Vrad but it is going to be a long time until they recover even slightly. I doubt they’d have the strength to fight another demon attack on their own.”  Thirain’s expression was one of sadness as he pulled you in closer, almost into a full on hug. “I’m sorry you’ve had to see so much of that on your own… It must have been difficult.” 

You hummed in agreement. “Yes. This quest has been a hard one, since it hasn’t just been demons that have been the problem. Sometimes it was the greed of mortals that has been our greatest downfall. I just try to think of the positives on the hard days, the friends I’ve made and the hope that the people have been given again.”  You then laughed a little to yourself. “What’s so funny?” Thirain asked. “Ah, I just remembered something from Shushire, that's all.” He raised a brow. “Well don’t keep me waiting.”

Another small laugh came from you. “I just remembered that for some people living there, there is more hope for the future than fears... It was after the daybreakers and I celebrated our victory and I was preparing to continue on my journey, a young lad, probably our age who’d helped me a great deal at the time. Well he proclaimed his love for me.” You paused and smiled at the memory before muttering out. “Sweet lad.”

Whilst reminiscing you didn’t take note of the more serious frown Thirain had. “Really? What did you say?”  “Well I obviously told him I couldn’t accept his feelings at the time.” Another small sting to Thirains heart. “Oh, at the time? Do you plan to go back to him then?” You looked up and raised a brow. “Wow, someone's curious today. But if you have to know, I only told him that to spare his feelings. He’s young, he'll find someone better for him than me. And even if I did return the sentiment, it would have been cruel to string him on like that when I don’t know when I could return… or if I’ll even make it out of this ordeal alive.” Relief washed over Thirain a bit knowing your heart had yet to be claimed for the most part, yet a sombre mood fell over the two of you as you acknowledged a worry that was always at the back of his mind. That there may be a day you would not return to him because of you losing your life, it was a painful thought to have.

“Don’t sell yourself short. Anyone would be the luckiest person in the world to be able to call you theirs. You’ll live to see the fate of a new Arkesia, I’m sure of it. You are the strongest person I know. Who else could single-handedly save six lands and gather half of the arks?” Your face reddened slightly from embarrassment at his overly kind words. “Easy there Thirain. Keep speaking about me like that and I might get a huge ego. And you know as much as I do that I have had people helping along the way. I couldn’t have made it as far as I have without people like you at my side.”

At this point Thirain had pulled you in so close that your chests were touching, having done so when you were speaking. It felt like you had been dancing for hours but the song playing was only half-way done. The eyes of some nobles bore into you but you chose to ignore it and for once enjoyed yourself without feeling guilty for not working. 

There was a comfortable silence between the two of you when Thirain spoke up. “(name), after you return to your quest I want you to know that you are always welcome back in Luterra. You don’t need to do all of this on your own.” You looked at him somewhat confused. “I know that. Why bring it up?” “It's just that I want you to view Luterra as a home whenever you return. And hopefully a home you will stay in once your quest is over.” You wanted to respond but the words were caught in your throat. Before you could say anything Thirain once again gave you a heads up. “Alright, I’m going to let you step back for a twirl now.”

You followed his instruction and spun, then returned to his arms. “Was that really necessary?” You asked. “Of course it was.” You pulled a face as Thirain tried to cover his grin. “Oh sure it was, mister ‘That last dance didn’t count because of a technicality’, I bet you just wanted to show of how 'rusty' you are.” You both chuckled. The mood was once again cheerful as you both reached the end of the song, speaking about random topics that popped to mind. When the song reached its end Thirain asked if you trusted him once more. Like before the answer was yes.

Just before the final chords were played Thirain had you lean back and did an almost romantic dip. You both stared into each others eyes, so many emotions welling up which remained unsaid. And once the song finished you were pulled up once more. A light dusting of pink on both your cheeks from how close you had both been. Stepping back you mocked a bow. “Thank you for the dance, my King.” Thirain laughed, and bowed his head down in turn. “The pleasure was mine, my most loyal Knight.” 

You both left the dancefloor and were approached by others in the crowd, Meehan back at Thirain’s side trying to coax him into dancing with at least one of the lord's daughters but he said he felt more like mingling than dancing. The night went on and the festivities continued, with you close to Thirain whilst chatting with other attendees, sadly not always by his side like he wanted but for now it was the best he could ask for. It was only into the early hours of the next day did you retire to your room, the celebrations having come to a close not long before you did so. Just as you made the walk to your room you and Thirain bid each other a good night, there was some hesitance before you left but without another word you turned and walked away.

When the sun had risen later that day and many had woken up, the cleaning up of the palace and streets began. Thirain was up somewhat early for a meeting with a few of his advisors and once he was finished he asked anyone he saw if they’d seen you. All responded to that question with no, suggesting you were still asleep from the long night and the fact you’d been helping with setting up the day before something you'd done without him knowing which was just like you he thought. Leaving it a little longer and after another hour of you not being seen he went to investigate. He’d asked a maid that came from your room's direction if she had seen you but like everyone else she said she hadn’t.

Standing outside the room you slept in he took a breath to compose himself, not wanting to wake you up if you were still sleeping but still worried in the off chance there was something wrong. He knocked on the door a couple times and heard nothing. “(name)?” He knocked again and there was still no reply. “(name)? It's Thirain. Are you alright?” He asked and knocked for a third time with you still not responding. “I’m coming in.” He announced after a few minutes of hearing nothing on your end. The door opened and he walked into the room to see nothing, the bed was made and the drapes open to let in the light but there was no sight of you. On edge, he walked the room and noticed the window was slightly ajar from not being locked from the inside. Looking outside he didn’t see you at all, turning he went to investigate further but an envelope caught his eye.

Sat atop the desk in the far corner of the room was an envelope, he picked it up and saw his name written in the handwriting he saw every time he received a letter from you. Leaning against the table he hastily opened the envelope to read the letter.


I assume you found this letter whilst looking for me.

I’m sorry but I had to go, my mission can’t be put on hold forever and there are still people that need my help. There are still demon commanders to be stopped and we still have to find Armen.

Last night was wonderful, though I can’t believe you made me dance in front of everyone with you.

I am thankful you invited me along, after seeing so much darkness in the world it was a refreshing change of pace, even if for just one night. It feels like I can take on anything now.

I don’t know if you remember much from all of our conversations last night but something you said has been bothering me.

You said you hope that one day I could view Luterra as a home to return to once my mission for the arks is complete and Arkesia has been saved.

At the time I didn’t know how to properly reply to this but now that I have had some time to think I want you to know the truth.

Luterra is my home, maybe not the home I was born in, grew up in or learnt how to fight in. But, Luterra is where I long to return to.

It is where my quest began, it is where I found my courage to fight the army of demons that grows ever stronger. It is where I have made friends who actually accept me for who I am, even if there are those in the world that will continue to hate my kind.

It is where I have had some of the happiest and saddest days.

It is where I met you, before you had become the king of a land I have grown to love dearly.

I do not know the next time I will be able to return here but I hope that when I do that the quest to gather the arks and protect Arkesia would have gotten closer to its end.

Knowing it may be some time before I can set foot here again, I will continue to miss Luterra greatly.

Even if my quest is not complete when I next return, I hope that I will return with good news at least or if the fates allow it, Armen will come home as well.

Now don’t go moping around now that you don’t have an excuse to slack off, you have your duties and I have mine. Plus I think Meehan is becoming tempted to whip you into shape if you don’t do your best.

But even if your duties require a lot of you don’t work too hard and please take care of yourself.

Do not worry I will continue to write and I hope you will as well, your letters always make the days at sea less lonely.

I'm sorry for leaving without saying goodbye, but I did not want this to feel like a final farewell. It would have been difficult for the both of us.

Instead, let's just say that even though we are apart we shall continue our strong friendship, goodbyes sound more final and like we will separate for long with no way of telling if we will see or hear from each other once more.

Instead, I will say until we meet again, be it on the seas, in another kingdom or when I return home to you here in Luterra. I do not know what the future holds or if I will be successful in my quest but I am certain that we will meet again.



As Thirain was reading your letter with a sad smile, he couldn’t help but chuckle. “I should have known she’d leave. My stubborn Knight.”

At the same time Thirain was reading your letter you were already on your ship, staring out at the land of Luterra as it began shrinking from the distance growing between you and it. You had left Luterra castle not long after you retired for the night, you’d written that letter then left through the window and disappeared into the night. Like Thirain, you too had a sad smile, already missing him and the place you thought of as a home. Yet your resolve to find the arks and stop the destruction waiting to happen by the demons was stronger than ever.

In the castle Thirain took the letter you had written and returned to his study, placing it in a small draw along with the rest of the letters you had sent before looking out the window in the direction of the port. “Your right (name) this isn’t goodbye. Until we meet again. And maybe next time if the situation is right, maybe we could have just one more dance.”

You held a letter in your hand, a draft of the one you left for Thirain that you didn’t want him to see. It was too wordy and had some embarrassing parts you knew you couldn’t say. Tearing it up into pieces you let them drop over the side of the ship, the wind picking it up and spreading it over the ocean. “Until we meet again Thirain. I pray you stay safe.” There was a pause and you grinned. “Next time there's a ball, maybe we can have more than just one dance.”


Bloody hell I wrote way more for this than I expected. Hopefully it was alright for my first proper fic and Thirain wasn't too ooc in this.

Now back to catching up on the game.

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2 years ago

Lost ark boys with an MC with tattoos - headcanons

During one of my procrastination sessions I got to wondering what tattoo culture and technology is like in Arkesia. Since we get options to give our characters face tattoos during customization, I assume there is the technology for it so it had me wondering how some of our boys would react to an mc with one or more tatts.

This is pretty self indulgent since I have a few myself. But I'll share the brainrot anyway🤣

Just some quick headcannons I came up with for these guys whilst I was at uni.

A little suggestive in Kharmine’s but nothing explicit. 



-I think Thirain would be curious about your tattoos if he sees them. Depending on the location of them and where your relationship is at I can see him asking to look at them more.

-Though tattoos aren't common in Luterra I don't think he'd think they make you any less beautiful.

-Would definitely ask why you decided to get each tattoo, if they had any special meaning and if they were painful.

-Hearing that some of them were painful to get he'd only be further impressed by the number you have and the patience you had to have them done.

-The guy thought you were badass before, so knowing about the tatts just adds to how amazing you are in his eyes.

-Wouldn't get any himself but would melt if you said you planned on getting one that was dedicated to him.

-This man would be so gentle tracing the lines when he's in private, it’s probably one of his favourite hobbies at this point.

-He'd be your hype man if you were unsure about showing them off, telling you they added to your charm and it only made you look more beautiful in his eyes, anyone who thought otherwise would be wrong.


-Before you, he didn't see the point in them. Why permanently mark yourself like that?

-Depending on how you dressed it may have taken him a while to notice any of them.

-At first he didn't know what to think, since it wasn't like he hated how they looked on you but everything he'd be taught by the church contradicted with these feelings.

-When he decided to address them he asked why you would even want them. 

-Que you explaining that you saw each tattoo as a piece of art you were able to always carry with you and how some of them were to honor people you love or were simply something you liked.

-Another one who wouldn't get any but he's grown fond of them on you and doesn't see them as 'taboo' anymore.

-When alone he'd ask if he could study them further and would ask about what it took to have them done.

-Would be conflicted if you said you wanted a tattoo inspired by him, he wouldn’t think he was worthy enough to have that kind of honor (shhh boi you deserve the world).

-Will subconsciously run his fingers over them whilst you are sitting next to each other or cuddling.

-Might not say it aloud but he finds it hard to take his eyes off you when you choose to show off your tattoos more. Being supportive and saying you should show them off if that's what you want to do.


-If you don't think this demon has tats of his own you are wrong. I mean just look at that edgy bastard. He’s got to have a sleeve or something on his back I swear to god!

-Would think you look hot with ink of your own.

-Would consider getting matching tattoos with you, making sure they were visible so everyone would know who you belonged to.

-Might not understand some of your tattoos but would think they look cool either way.

-He’d definitely think that you having more than one tattoo is attractive because it shows you have a higher pain tolerance or are willing to put up with the pain for a while.

-This man cannot keep his hands off them when alone… might even be tempted to get touchy in front of others too.

-Show those tattoos off all you want but be warned this man will stare and may get a little handsy. Just try not to show off in front of too many people because he will get jealous that others are eying up what's his.

-To sum it up, this man LOVES you with tattoo’s.


-He doesn't say much regarding them when he first sees you with some.

-Might ask why you decided to get them and when you got your first one but other than that he isn't too bothered about them.

-I am conflicted on if he would have or want any himself, cause I can totally see him having some on his arms or something since he's basically always covered and no one would notice but at the same time this man doesn't rest so would he even take the time to get and look after them??

-Since Cykins get literal robotic limbs I can see tattoo culture either being popular there or just highly accepted.

-He sees the tattoos as part of you so he doesn't really focus on them much, he likes them on you but won't make them his priority if he compliments you.

-But if you happened to get one that was to remind you of him he’d not only be honored but I see this man just smiling whenever he sees it.

-Though, he would be encouraging if you were thinking of showing them off more but were self conscious, saying that you had every right to display the artwork on your body.


-Once he knows about or sees you have them he doesn't say anything about them unless you ask/mention them.

-He thinks that since it's your body he has no right to comment about anything you chose to do to it. (Unless it is dangerous/unhealthy) 

-Will admire them when they are visible since he can see the amount of work that had to go into them.

-I don't think tattoos are too well thought of in Vern but as long as they aren't hurting anyone he doesn't care who has them.

-I don't think he would have any of his own but I may be wrong cause he could be hiding anything under all that armour 👀

-Might be convinced in getting one after being with you for some time. But he'd have to find something he really liked before even considering it.

-If you planned on getting a tattoo related to him he’d be interested in seeing the entire process, would help you care for it and after it was healed would just be happy knowing that you wanted something on you at all times to remind you of him when he isn’t around.

-Another one that would unconsciously trace over them whilst you two are cuddling.

-Showing the tattoos or not, he just wants you to feel comfortable and beautiful as you are, that's all that matters to him.

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