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7 years ago

The Inner Circle told by Michael Scott















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2 years ago

Lost ark boys with an MC with tattoos - headcanons

During one of my procrastination sessions I got to wondering what tattoo culture and technology is like in Arkesia. Since we get options to give our characters face tattoos during customization, I assume there is the technology for it so it had me wondering how some of our boys would react to an mc with one or more tatts.

This is pretty self indulgent since I have a few myself. But I'll share the brainrot anyway🤣

Just some quick headcannons I came up with for these guys whilst I was at uni.

A little suggestive in Kharmine’s but nothing explicit. 



-I think Thirain would be curious about your tattoos if he sees them. Depending on the location of them and where your relationship is at I can see him asking to look at them more.

-Though tattoos aren't common in Luterra I don't think he'd think they make you any less beautiful.

-Would definitely ask why you decided to get each tattoo, if they had any special meaning and if they were painful.

-Hearing that some of them were painful to get he'd only be further impressed by the number you have and the patience you had to have them done.

-The guy thought you were badass before, so knowing about the tatts just adds to how amazing you are in his eyes.

-Wouldn't get any himself but would melt if you said you planned on getting one that was dedicated to him.

-This man would be so gentle tracing the lines when he's in private, it’s probably one of his favourite hobbies at this point.

-He'd be your hype man if you were unsure about showing them off, telling you they added to your charm and it only made you look more beautiful in his eyes, anyone who thought otherwise would be wrong.


-Before you, he didn't see the point in them. Why permanently mark yourself like that?

-Depending on how you dressed it may have taken him a while to notice any of them.

-At first he didn't know what to think, since it wasn't like he hated how they looked on you but everything he'd be taught by the church contradicted with these feelings.

-When he decided to address them he asked why you would even want them. 

-Que you explaining that you saw each tattoo as a piece of art you were able to always carry with you and how some of them were to honor people you love or were simply something you liked.

-Another one who wouldn't get any but he's grown fond of them on you and doesn't see them as 'taboo' anymore.

-When alone he'd ask if he could study them further and would ask about what it took to have them done.

-Would be conflicted if you said you wanted a tattoo inspired by him, he wouldn’t think he was worthy enough to have that kind of honor (shhh boi you deserve the world).

-Will subconsciously run his fingers over them whilst you are sitting next to each other or cuddling.

-Might not say it aloud but he finds it hard to take his eyes off you when you choose to show off your tattoos more. Being supportive and saying you should show them off if that's what you want to do.


-If you don't think this demon has tats of his own you are wrong. I mean just look at that edgy bastard. He’s got to have a sleeve or something on his back I swear to god!

-Would think you look hot with ink of your own.

-Would consider getting matching tattoos with you, making sure they were visible so everyone would know who you belonged to.

-Might not understand some of your tattoos but would think they look cool either way.

-He’d definitely think that you having more than one tattoo is attractive because it shows you have a higher pain tolerance or are willing to put up with the pain for a while.

-This man cannot keep his hands off them when alone… might even be tempted to get touchy in front of others too.

-Show those tattoos off all you want but be warned this man will stare and may get a little handsy. Just try not to show off in front of too many people because he will get jealous that others are eying up what's his.

-To sum it up, this man LOVES you with tattoo’s.


-He doesn't say much regarding them when he first sees you with some.

-Might ask why you decided to get them and when you got your first one but other than that he isn't too bothered about them.

-I am conflicted on if he would have or want any himself, cause I can totally see him having some on his arms or something since he's basically always covered and no one would notice but at the same time this man doesn't rest so would he even take the time to get and look after them??

-Since Cykins get literal robotic limbs I can see tattoo culture either being popular there or just highly accepted.

-He sees the tattoos as part of you so he doesn't really focus on them much, he likes them on you but won't make them his priority if he compliments you.

-But if you happened to get one that was to remind you of him he’d not only be honored but I see this man just smiling whenever he sees it.

-Though, he would be encouraging if you were thinking of showing them off more but were self conscious, saying that you had every right to display the artwork on your body.


-Once he knows about or sees you have them he doesn't say anything about them unless you ask/mention them.

-He thinks that since it's your body he has no right to comment about anything you chose to do to it. (Unless it is dangerous/unhealthy) 

-Will admire them when they are visible since he can see the amount of work that had to go into them.

-I don't think tattoos are too well thought of in Vern but as long as they aren't hurting anyone he doesn't care who has them.

-I don't think he would have any of his own but I may be wrong cause he could be hiding anything under all that armour 👀

-Might be convinced in getting one after being with you for some time. But he'd have to find something he really liked before even considering it.

-If you planned on getting a tattoo related to him he’d be interested in seeing the entire process, would help you care for it and after it was healed would just be happy knowing that you wanted something on you at all times to remind you of him when he isn’t around.

-Another one that would unconsciously trace over them whilst you two are cuddling.

-Showing the tattoos or not, he just wants you to feel comfortable and beautiful as you are, that's all that matters to him.

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