This Could All B By Accident Tho - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

of course saying that i’m not playing into the stereotype that queer men are inherently submissive bc daniel isn’t; he confronts johnny on the beach, he taunts the cobras, he stands up to mike barnes and chozen— it’s just that daniel’s strength doesn’t come from that aggressive masculinity, he openly criticises it and when it counts refuses to fall into it despite silver’s manipulation; his choosing of using kata against barnes is him directly opposing that hypermasculinity and stereotypical male violence as the only way to win and to be

like yea ok i jokingly say the karate kid is a queer coming of age movie mainly bc i’m gay and its my favourite childhood movie but daniel larusso being the antithesis of the hypermasculinity his antagonists possess and use against him is something that can be so personal; we see daniel look at these displays of masculine aggression and choose the opposite every single time

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