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11 months ago

Could you write Yandere Karl Heisenberg headcanons? šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ

Karl Heisenberg & GN!reader A/N: This is my interpretation of Yandere. Which in and of itself is already dark, toxic, and not healthy. So, prepare yourself for something thatā€™s not going to make you feel warm and fluffy inside šŸ‘ (Thanks for the ask, love) CW: This is DARK, proceed with caution. Body horror, possessive behaviors, mention of abuse, toxic ā€œrelationshipā€ dynamic, suicide, death In no way am I romanticizing this type of behavior, or condoning it. Iā€™m just being realistic on how someone like him would be with this twisted sort of mindset, personally, I would never take this level of disrespect, I recommend you donā€™t either. DDDNE

Proper characterization is important to me, let me know if you think I got anything wrong, I welcome criticism ā™„ļø

Could You Write Yandere Karl Heisenberg Headcanons?
Could You Write Yandere Karl Heisenberg Headcanons?

Karl Heisenberg Yandere HCā€™s:

First of all, with normal Karl, youā€™re going to need a lot of patience and compassion to deal with his grungy ass

With Yandere Karl, may the father, son, and the Holy Spirit save you because youā€™re effed up the wazoo

You could meet him a few different ways, but the most likely is youā€™re a villager. Youā€™d probably been on your way to pay homage to the Lady Dimitrescu, and heā€™d just so happened to be heading to the Duke at the same time.Ā 

Talk about bad luck.Ā 

You think heā€™s charming, in a gruff sort of way.Ā 

Heā€™s blunt with his words in a way you can appreciate. You tire of having to filter yourself because of the way you are demanded to act in the village. He provides an outlet where you can finally be unfiltered. Unfortunately, you donā€™t seem to notice how much he loves you talking shit with him.Ā 

Heā€™s so used to the people in the village running from him or being meek and timid around him. It pisses him off and does nothing to excite him.Ā 

You, however, are very very intriguing to him.

Youā€™ve got a fiery spirit, heā€™d love to known how far he can push you before you ignite or extinguish.

You grow to like him, maybe even a little infatuated, and you think the other villagers were being unnecessarily cruel.Ā 

You donā€™t realize they had good reasons for hiding their young and locking their doors when heā€™d deign to come down from his factory.Ā 

You catch subtle quirks in his behavior.Ā 

Growing a little tense or being abruptly rude to someone if you were talking to them instead of him.Ā 

Doesnā€™t matter if they were a child or an elder, theyā€™ll walk away crying once heā€™s done.Ā 

And you want to admonish him, really, you do. But he has this strange look in his eyes that makes your tongue feel like dead weight in your mouth. Your jaw snaps shut and heā€™ll give you a tight smile before grabbing you by the wrist and dragging you off somwhere.Ā 

Maybe you start to distance yourself from him. Finally start to notice the way no one in the village will even look at you anymore. How everyone sends a prayer to the Mother when you pass by, like an omen of death.Ā 

Too. Fucking. Late.Ā 

Heā€™s locked on you, youā€™ve peaked his interest. And heā€™s had such little entertainment, heā€™s been so bored for so long.Ā 

Heā€™s helping you, anyway. Heā€™ll tell you as he straps a cuff around your ankle. No one in the village would ever want you. Youā€™d be a pariah for the rest of your life. You need him.Ā 

His main goal in life is to overthrow Miranda

Nothing, I mean nothing gets between that. If you were to try and intervene youā€™d be severely punished, possibly even killed. Doling out death like that isnā€™t foreign to him. Look at what he does to the villagers of the town when heā€™s making his soldats.Ā 

The effects of your death would only sink after the choice was made:

ā€œHey, buttercup!ā€ Karl glanced up from his newest invention and frowned. By now youā€™d figured out to come the first time he called. He should already hear your footsteps trailing across the metal. ā€œKid!ā€ He glanced over his shoulder, irritation brewing in his gut. His fists clenched, the tools in his hand bending slightly as he slammed them against his desk. You had about five fucking seconds before he got the chair back out for you. He was sure you would hate being strapped to that, again.Ā 

He felt more disappointment than anything. He really thought you guys had gotten to a better place. One where you understood where your place in the world was. At his feet, obedient and willing.Ā 

He went ahead and dragged the chair out of the closet, dusting flakes of blood off the arms and undoing the leather straps. He was sure the sight of it would be enough to whip you back into shape, but he had a lot more fun being hands on. ā€œNow!ā€ He shouted, voice echoing throughout the factory, and, still, you didnā€™t come. He didnā€™t worry anymore about you trying to leave, lycans and chains stopped that from happening. He wondered where you found the audacity to try and be even a little bit rebellious.Ā 

Maybe it was the bottle of whiskey he downed last night. Or the fact that he hadnā€™t gotten any sleep for the last four nights that made him forget what happened only a few days ago. How youā€™d argued with him against pursuing Miranda. Stupidly tried to convince him to just leave the village with you, leave it all behind and be happy somewhere else.Ā 

Heā€™d been blinded by rage. So goddamn furious that you wouldnā€™t just shut the fuck up and listen to what he was trying to tell you. That no matter what, without Miranda dead, he would never be free. Heā€™d lashed out with his powers, heā€™d only meant to send the gears on his desk flying at you. Rattle you up a bit. Heā€™d completely forgotten about the metal collar strapped around your neck.Ā 

Heisenberg reached out, powers trailing up the stairs and latching onto the familiar shape and feel of your collar. There was a loud thud as your body slipped from the bed and he frowned at the noise. Were you still asleep? He glanced at the chair, maybe he should give you a break. Butā€¦ He wanted to have some fun, needed a release. He wouldnā€™t be too harsh on you this time.Ā 

Slowly, you thud, thud, thudded Ā your way down the stairs. Heisenberg pulled and heard something like cloth dragging on concrete as you rounded the corner. His eyes widened and he felt the cold grip of realization latch onto him. Your body lay motionless on the ground. Hands curled up in rigid claws, eyes flattened and grey. Your skin was a completely different shade, no color at all left in your lips. Your skull was still split from where youā€™d slammed into the wall when heā€™d accidentally sent you flying.Ā 

Heā€™d just forgotten about it.

Assumed it was a nightmare and moved on.Ā 

He sank down in his chair and stared unseeing at your corpse.Ā 

Youā€™d be buried, a spot Karl would always be able to see from his workstation. Your death would somehow be blamed on Miranda and youā€™d just be more motivation for his suicide mission. Iā€™d like to say he would be negatively affected by it. But heā€™s good at compartmentalizing, a few days of mourning, and then heā€™d be back to his mission. Your name a distant memory always tickling the back of his skull.Ā 

I imagine thereā€™s a lot of underlying issues revolving around bodily autonomy given how Miranda took it away from him when he was infected with the cadou. And given how, sadly, more often than not, the victim perpetuates the cycle, that would be projected on you.Ā 

If he managed enough self control around you not to kill you while heā€™s throwing a temper tantrum, you can bet your ass heā€™s keeping you alive longer than you want to be.Ā 

In his mind, heā€™s been screwed and fucked over so often, that heā€™s not letting you hurt him too. He takes it as a personal offense that you age and get sick, because he doesnā€™t. Cadou took care of that. Heā€™s got a long miserable life ahead of him.Ā 

Well, congratulations! So do you!

Youā€™ll wake up one morning, a strange feeling in your arm and feel disoriented:

You try to say his name, but your tongue is fuzzy and you canā€™t seem to string together a coherent thought.Ā 

You blink slowly, vision fuzzing in and out of focus. ā€œHey,ā€ you vaguely recognize his voice as he walks towards you. His hands are gentle, suspiciously so, as he cradles you. Slowly, like heā€™s afraid to hurt you, he props you up. Youā€™re distantly bothered by the fact that you canā€™t really feel your right arm very well.Ā 

But Karl rarely ever treats you so gently, so youā€™ll soak it up as much as you can now. Your head lolls slightly to the left and you give himĀ  a groggy smile. Whatever he dosed you with was slowly losing its grasp on your consciousness and you could start to feel yourself becoming more cognizant.Ā 


You shook your head, stomach turning as you smacked your lips. Your mouth felt like heā€™d vacuumed the moisture out of it. He chuckled, the kind sound rushing over you like a warm blanket. He disappeared for a moment before reappearing with a cup in his hands. You tilted your head back as he dribbled the water between your parted lips.Ā 

He leaned forward and pressed chapped lips against your forehead and itā€™s only then that you started to feel uncomfortable. Why was he being so nice? What the fuck did he do to you while you were passed out?Ā 

You could feel the telltale signs of a panic attack, the drugs doing little to subdue it now. Karl picked up on your rapid breathing, the way your pulse jumped under the loose hand he had around your neck. Itā€™s only then you noticed the lack of collar. You reached up, hands feeling foreign against that patch of skin.

His head dropped and he landed a kiss against your lips this time. ā€œHad to take it off, was getting in the way. Donā€™t worry, buttercup. Youā€™ll like the upgrade.ā€

Tears streaked down your cheeks as your hands slid across your clavicle, the cold feeling of metal greeting you where skin was meant to be. You couldnā€™t help but sob when you traced the spot your arm used to be. A metal replacement in its spot instead.Ā 

ā€œAnd, had to fix that knee of yours up too. Donā€™t worry, no more popping.ā€ He laughed, like it was all one big joke, and ripped the blanket off of you. If you hadnā€™t already let your mind slip away from reality, from the situation, you would have screamed when he showed you the metal limbs where warm flesh and bone should have been.Ā 

You nearly threw up when you saw the cruel line of cauterization and blood where heā€™d fused metal and skin.

Heā€™s quick to get pissed off and touchy about anything heā€™s passionate about

I donā€™t recommend criticizing anything to do with his plans on Mother Miranda, regardless of how much he cares for you, he will lash out. Heā€™s cunning and extremely intelligent, he knows how to strike where it hurts.Ā 

Were this normal Karl, not one completely hyped up on the powers of the cadou, eventually he would find his own backwards way to apologize. A well timed compliment, a metal flower inspired by your favorite bloom, a trip to the Dukeā€™s.Ā 

Yandere Karl will never see the error of his ways. In his mind, everything he does for you, to you, is for your own good. No one else is going to take care of you like he can. He canā€™t ever risk you leaving him. Heā€™s got it embedded in his brain that if he lets you out of the factory Miranda will find you and she will steal you from him.Ā 

Youā€™ve slowly become less of a human and more of a coveted toy the longer he has you.Ā 

Imagine the little kid on the playground that takes his ball home so no one else can play anymore.Ā 

Thatā€™s him (youā€™re the ball)

No one will remember you existed.Ā 

If you were a tourist, your ID, your wallet, anything that can be used to identify you is found on a corpse that burned up in a ā€œcar wreck.ā€ The body was burnt beyond recognition, it had to just be assumed it was you, it was your car after all. And no one had ever found youā€¦

If you live in the village, your family, your friends, anyone who ever looked at you with a lick of interest is dead. He kills your family because he doesnā€™t think they properly took care of you. I mean, for fuckā€™s sake, he got his hands on you. What else did they let others get away with?

No. No one who disregarded his ā€œloveā€ like that gets to live.Ā 

The others are self explanatory. Heā€™s possessive beyond a fault. Even normal, he doesnā€™t do sharing. No one else gets to enjoy the bright light of your personality.Ā 

Itā€™s for him and him alone.Ā 

And, no, he doesnā€™t notice when that light dims. He doesnā€™t notice the lights go out behind your eyes and the vacant look you carry half the time. He just thinks you finally got used to your life here.Ā 

Thereā€™s no reasoning with him. No trying to explain how youā€™re drowning in despair and one more goddamn minute in these shackles is going to make you end it all.Ā 

You love being with him. You need him. Without him you would be dead in a ditch somewhere.Ā 

We all know, without him, youā€™d be living your best damn life.Ā 

But he doesnā€™t.Ā 

He thinks, despite the torture and the training, you are happy. Youā€™re safe. Heā€™s providing for you, and showing you just how the world can be so you know that heā€™s the only one who will ever love you. Who else is going to put up with you?

Everyone comes to a breaking point, when you get to yours, you need to either be fast or the next weeks of your life are going to be the worst youā€™ve ever head.Ā 

You successfully get away with a quick slit of a razor, or a noose made of bed sheets, congratulations (not).Ā 

You donā€™tā€¦

At first he doesnā€™t even know what to do.Ā 

No one, fucking no one gets to take you away from him.Ā 

Not even you.

It takes a few days to plan something, and the anticipation alone is enough to break you. Heā€™s clever, cunning, and worst of all, really fucking creative. Your mind canā€™t even conjure up whatever horror heā€™s got planned for you.Ā 

To your surprise, itā€™s not anything physical.Ā 

Heā€™s your only source of human contact, despite everything at this point you do need him to remain marginally sane. He knows that, he uses that.

Youā€™re locked in a room, food given to you without a schedule so you lose track of time.

No windows, a leaky drip coming intermittently from the ceiling. He doesnā€™t speak, you just hear the scrape of metal and dart forward to scarf down your meal. A tasteless gruel that doesnā€™t do anything but sustain you.Ā 

If Heisenberg hadnā€™t ā€œupdatedā€ you, the drafty air and mildew would probably have finished you off a week ago.Ā 

As it is, you canā€™t get sick anymore, you just lay there in your own filth and the filth that was there before you.Ā 

Your mind slips and youā€™re practically feral by the time he lets you out.Ā 

Heā€™ll remold your thoughts, your brain, how you think, around him. Protect you from yourself, he says.Ā 

No one gets to hurt you, not even you.Ā 

Itā€™s ironic how heā€™ll never realize the only person whose ever hurt you has been him.Ā 

Heā€™s not the type to hurt those who hurt you and keep you safely locked away in an ivory tower all warm and cozy.

Heā€™ll break you and keep going, long past your shattering point. He keeps bending, twisting, and breaking you down until youā€™re nothing but dust under his boot and a barely there echo of who you used to be.Ā 

Could You Write Yandere Karl Heisenberg Headcanons?

end.Ā ā€” I do not own the characters or the game Resident Evil Village, but this writing is my own all rights reserved Ā©Ā not-neverland06 2024.Ā do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.

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