This Is A Cool Idea - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Fic prompt:

Takes place several years before canon.

(Note: I’m imagining N and Uzi as both being around 12-13 years old here)

During a scrap run, Nori runs into N.

However instead of finding a murder drone ready to stab her with nanite acid, she finds nothing more than a lump of his torso and part of his head, having been ripped apart by J after a particularly bad hunt. What’s worse is that the remainder of his head is crying.

Nori gets to talking to him (mom instincts) and upon the realization that the Solver sent an actual fucking child to come and slaughter his own kind, she decides “fuck that shit”, and drags him back to the bunker to live in safety with the Workers.

Uzi needs a friend her age anyway.

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4 years ago


when? October 2nd - December 16th

why? So, another anniversary of this iconic season is coming up and I thought I would make it a thing on my blog this year, because why not? Also, I miss SKAM and maybe some of you do too. 

how? You can follow this masterpost to navigate this rewatch in real time and you can find the episodes here.

where? I’m going to try to post some gifsets somewhat in real time and tag them as #skams3rewatch2020 and you can participate by posting thoughts, opinions, imagines, edits, gifs, or whatever you feel like in this tag. Maybe you’ll notice things you never have before? Even if you are like me and can practically recite everything from memory.

You can participate in any way you want to, really. I’m going to be reblogging things people post in the tag. Hope to see you there! :)

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4 months ago

I low-key thought this was the hazbin hotel Angel Dust and I was wondering who the hell vessel was

having ideas to build up the halloween horror story for angel dust x vessel killer :]

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4 months ago

My favorite naruto fanfic change/headcanon is the real reason (or at least part if it) that kakashi doesnt train sakura properly isnt because of him projecting rin onto her and being a little wierdo. Instead its actually from the trauma of training people in anbu and watching those people either die or go crazy. Because while naruto and sasuke have innate and obvious talents, Sakura has the kind of born talent to send her straight to anbu or worse as soon as the wrong person notices. And he doesnt want to see her dissapear.

Honestly id love an au fic that's kakashi focused as he struggles through trying to figure out how to get through training someone like sakura. Not because she is a boy crazy, civilian born kunoichi but because she's a child soldier with perfect chakra control, a near perfect memory, and a kind of determined stubborness that would be so easy to exploit.

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1 year ago

This would also make Gege calling attention to Sukuna not using the fire arrow yet make sense...!

This Would Also Make Gege Calling Attention To Sukuna Not Using The Fire Arrow Yet Make Sense...!

okay, im catching up with the jjk manga and im about partway through 246 rn

i have a theory on what the fire technique sukuna used in shibuya was and if im right it will be so cool and i will be a genius for realizing

okay, so! sukuna has been in yujis body this whole time and he really hasnt gotten oppurtunities to fight in it other than in shibuya and at the highschool in the beginning. yuji as we know cannot use cursed techniques yet because hes just too inexperienced at the moment so he fights by channeling his cursed energy into his limbs right?

when sukuna takes over he can use his own cursed techniques like slash and cleave and when fighting as yuji this is basically all we see him use until the fight with jogo when he whips out the fire arrow technique. my first thought was that sukuna just has two techniques or has found a way to learn two techniques but i dont think this is the case now

when sukuna takes over megumi he like almost instantly starts using megumis 10 shadows which is interesting to learn he can do. it leads us to learn that sukuna can use his vessels techniques and apparently at much more advanced levels than the vessels themselves can as we can see during the fight with yorozu and gojo. also during the fight with gojo sukuna says himself that cursed techniques are written into the frontal lobe and basically just waiting to be unlocked/discovered by the curse user

so my thought is this, the fire technique wasnt just another technique or a specific way sukuna was using his cursed technique to create the fire arrow.

i think the curse technique is actually yujis technique that he just hasnt learned how to use yet!! it makes sense with all we have learned from how sukuna possesing a vessel works now that hes possessed megumi and it would also explain why he hasnt once used the technique again after switching from megumi! its because he physically CANT

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