This Is Absolute Gold But The Last Paragraph Is What Gets Me The Most - Tumblr Posts
I want Alastor to be the objectively bad one in whatever went down between him and Vox. I want it to be made clear that Vox trusted him wholeheartedly, that Alastor swore they were partners and equals, friends even. That maybe they were on the cusp of some huge deal that would make them both the most powerful overlords and at the last second Alastor wrote Vox out and took it all for himself. That Vox asking him to ‘join his team’ was him asking what went wrong. They were partners weren’t they? And to have Alastor cruelly shoot back that Vox was always just another tool, a pawn, something to be used and discarded. That his gift for being so useful to Alastor was letting him live with what little power he hadn’t managed to steal.
That’s why they fought before Alastor disappeared. That’s why Vox has surrounded himself with friends but still makes sure he’s the one writing the contracts. And that’s why he’s so obsessed with getting revenge on Alastor.
And most importantly I want Charlie to learn this. I want her to see what Alastor made Vox into, what he was willing to do to his friend, and then to wonder what that means he’s willing to do to her and her little ‘pet project’ he’s supporting out of boredom.