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7 months ago


Scorbus Proposal Headcanon

Scorpius tries out for the Slytherin quidditch team. He’s nervous and doesn’t expect to make it, but he does. When the results are posted he can’t contain his excitement as he reads Scorpius Malfoy - Seeker.

We know that the Scorpius in the dark timeline was an incredible Seeker. Umbridge reminds him that ”there’s rarely a snitch you don’t catch.” He must have those abilities tucked away somewhere, and he’s finally able to realize how talented he is once he makes the team.

(At first I thought that the other players were going easy on him/letting him win because they were terrified of the Scorpion Prince. But that wouldn’t make sense because they would have no control over the snitch.)

He’s an incredible flier. Albus (and most of the school, honestly) are surprised because he usually trips over his feet in the halls. But he’s fast as a whip and twice as deadly on the quidditch pitch.

He had a lot of practice when he was younger. Draco (as he admits in the script) always wanted to be a professional quidditch player. So when little Scorpius shows interest in learning to play, Draco immediately buys him the fastest broom, the best gear, and his very own snitch to practice with.

He practiced playing Seeker because he grew up isolated from most children his age. They, and their parents, would torment him relentlessly, and Draco decided he’d rather have his son face loneliness than constant harassment. It’s hard to find a full roster of players when all the kids his age try to hurt him, verbally and physically.

He has no gauge for how “good” a Seeker his age usually is, and during the first match of the season he catches the snitch before the opposing team event has time to score a single point.

Albus is unspeakably proud of him. He tells him so, repeatedly. That night Slytherin throws a celebratory party in the common room. Scorpius is the center of attention and Albus is jealous of every wizard and witch that tries to make a move on him. Hours into the party Scorpius pulls Albus aside to ask him what’s wrong. Albus, who has been drowning his sorrows in firewhiskey, blushes furiously and stammers out excuses.

But Scorpius is so close and Al wants to kiss him so badly. And so he does. He runs off, panicked and terrified that he’s just ruined everything, but Scorpius follows him. Albus is too panicked to listen to anything Scopius is saying, so he rushes forward and kisses him to silence his worries. It’s the first of many hundreds of kisses to follow.

Years later, Albus naturally decides to propose. They’ve been best friends, kindred spirits, soulmates, since they were children, and Al wants the ring to be special. 

He sends an owl to Professor McGonagall asking to have the snitch from their sixth year, the one Scorpius caught at the first match. She obliges, and he has the snitch melted down and forged into a beautiful engagement ring.

Albus proposes, kneeling down on one shaking knee, but of course Scorpius was always going to say yes :)

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