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Head cannon: Comforting Monsters
While incarcerated in Arkham Asylum. The Scarecrow often reads fairytales out loud. All the inmates listen in. Killer Croc will grow calm and stop thrashing at his restraints. Posion Ivy will move her potted plants closer to the glass barrier in her cell, so her “babies” can hear better. Two- Face will not move from sitting on the end of his bed but, will stop flipping his coin to listen in. The Joker gets as close to the bullet proof glass in his cell as possible and, curls up to let the story lull him to sleep. If the Scarecrow is reading “Alice in Wonder Land” the Mad Hatter will fold his hands together like he is praying and mouth along to the words. The Riddler is above such childish things as “Story Time” and, would rather work on his crossword puzzles. No one ever mentions how the Riddler will sit with his pencil poised above the paper, not writing anything down until the Scarecrow is finished with the story.