This Is Me If U Even Care - Tumblr Posts

pov youre the hot dogs in the microwave that, unbeknownst to you, i specifically am cooking to explode
i think far too many people have only seen this video as that one sped up gif version of it and that is a crime that needs to be fixed because this video actually changed my life

Amoebae taken in my Biology class!

Frances Bean, Kurt Cobain, Courtney Love, Sinead O'Connor, 1993
Real as hell!!✌️ As someone who is also aroace and aplatonic, I love who I am! I still like being around people sometimes and hanging out every few months but it’s so liberating to not feel bounded to people and to be able to do my own things. Sure there are a few important people in my life, but there’s more to my life than people. There’s good food, there’s sports, there’s school, there’s nature, there’s art, there’s reading and so much more. Everyone is able to define their own human experience and I think that is such a creative, unique, and special thing.❤️
Figuring out that I was aplatonic made so much sense.
I’ve never made a friend on my own. All the friends I’ve made approached me and made me their friend, or I met through friends. I’ve never felt a desire to have friends. Even as a child I never felt I needed them, which made adults think there was something wrong with me and peers think I was stuck up, thinking I was “too good” to be friends with them. I was seen as a mean person. Adults pulled me aside to ask me why I was by myself, and I told them I didn’t like people. I told them I didn’t want to be around people. I said there were more important things to worry about. This got me sent to school counselors, who would ask me why I pushed people away and didn’t want friends and I didn’t have a reason. I enjoy my friends’ company, but I don’t miss them when I’m away. I never understood why it mattered so much, even as a kid. I always preferred to be alone, honestly. I thought for the longest time it was related to being autistic and ADHD, and maybe it is to an extent, but I simply never liked people and never had a desire to be friends with them.
I’d already known I was aroace. I never felt a desire to have sexual or romantic relationships. I never saw a point. I felt no attraction towards anyone and had no desire to. My life was enjoyable without it. Once I learned about aromanticism and asexuality, I understood that that was what I am.
However, aroace spaces put so much emphasis on platonic love that I never felt like I really belonged in the aroace community. I felt like I was still weird and gross. I felt like a freak who was destined to be alone, someone who could never be fulfilled and would always be missing something. I felt like a freak in my own community because I felt no love. I didn’t feel platonic love or attraction and frankly didn’t want to.
I found the word “aplatonic”. Someone who feels no platonic love or attraction. Now I understand that’s who I am, and that’s not a bad thing. My life is no worse without love. I’m not missing something. I still live a fulfilling life. I’m still human.

Amoebae taken in my Biology class!

Frances Bean, Kurt Cobain, Courtney Love, Sinead O'Connor, 1993