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Cas calls Dean beautiful all the time, making the hunter blush and duck down to press quick kisses to Cas’ lips as he mutters “am not” against Cas’ mouth, but any time Dean murmurs the word into Cas’ skin, the angel shies away, burying his head into the pillow or ducking his gaze. “Cas, you’re so beautiful,” Dean whispers, fingertips rubbing soft circles along the inside of Cas’ wrist as he places tender kisses along Cas’ jawline and up behind his ear. Cas stiffens, shaking his head and half turning away. Finally the words slip from Cas’ mouth. “You just think this vessel is beautiful. Not me.” Dean feels his heart shatter in his chest; suddenly wondering how long Cas has been holding onto these thoughts on inadequacy that were vastly untrue. “What are you even talking about, Cas?” Dean asks, voice wavering on the words, because oh God, how can Cas even think he’s anything but breathtakingly gorgeous? “Attraction to this vessel. The beauty you see is just this body and not-“ Cas doesn’t even finish the sentence before Dean is yanking Cas into his arms, shushing him with an ever-so-gentle peck to the lips. “You’ve got it all wrong, Cas. Look at me. Please,” Dean says, tipping Cas’ chin with his forefinger and thumb until Cas’ gaze locks with his. “You’re gorgeous. Yes, this vessel is beautiful, but God, Cas, I never thought anything even remotely like that in the beginning when it was Jimmy. All I see when I look at you now is you. This,” Dean said, ghosting his fingers across Cas’ cheek, “This is you. All I see is you. And you’re absolutely stunning. Just Cas. Not Castiel the Angel of the Lord. Not Jimmy who died years ago. Just my Cas.” Dean presses a lingering kiss to Cas’ temple, collecting his words before speaking again. “When I call you beautiful, I don’t just mean this, though,” Dean murmurs. “Yes, I’m attracted to you physically. But your beauty is so much more than that. Cas, you’re beautiful because of the way you linger your kisses when you’re tired, which is just honestly freaking adorable. It’s the way you get up early just to make Sam some ridiculously healthy smoothie for when he gets back from his run. It’s the way you instinctively put Jack behind you in a fight to protect him even though that kid is more powerful than the rest of us combined and he doesn’t need physical protection. It’s the way you laugh at my jokes even though they’re never funny. The way you smile and it’s like seeing your Grace shining through until everything is seeped in radiating happiness. How you make PB&J sandwiches when you’re worried about something, as if that can ease the nervousness. How natural you are at hunting. How you fell into my life yet you clicked into place like you were the only thing I was ever missing; the only thing I was waiting for. Every time I look at you, it’s all those things I see. All the things I love about you that shine brightly every moment of the day. All those things are yours, and they make you beautiful. So so breathtakingly beautiful.” And when Dean finishes talking, tears are shining in Cas’ eyes, one spilling out until it tracks down his cheek. Dean strokes the tear away with the pad of his thumb, before bringing Cas’ wrist up to his lips and pressing a soft kiss to Cas’ pulse point. “So goddamn beautiful.” Cas can’t form words; all he can do is gently tug Dean down and kiss him, over and over and over again, murmuring his love for Dean against the hunter’s lips.

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