This Is Rin And Len's Birthday And Yet It Turned Into A Post About Submas - Tumblr Posts
It's Rin and Len's birthday today !! Perfect time for....A SUBMAS DRAWING OF COURSE

Ingo and Emmet wearing kagamine outfits was an obvious choice ! Initially forgot Rin wears a short and not a skirt so I made silly sketches + rambling about submas wearing skirts hc below cut if you're curious

Playing with headcanon is fun, imagining Ingo be totally fine wearing a skirt and rocking it like a king while Emmet feels uncomfortable wearing it is funny to me XD I think even Ingo wouldn't normally wear those but if he had to for some reason he wouldn't mind ! If Emmet had to wear one he would get used to it eventually but would always find it less comfortable than pants.
Okay hear me out I just got a funny thought. Imagine Akari in PLA wearing a skirt one day and Ingo sees it and is like "This skirt...I remember wearing one like this once", and Akari would just be flabbergasted, picturing warden Ingo with a skirt sure is something haha XD
Now I could also imagine the opposite with Emmet being fine with a skirt while Ingo is uncomfortable ! Or both being uncomfortable. Or both being fine... tbh I think all the headcanon regarding that are fun to play with XD
I DON'T KNOW why I talked so much about that, it ain't serious at all just silly ideas for fun but my brain seems to be interested in exploring headcanons on this particular subject today haha, I love submas headcanons, I don't imagine my own hc that much (often absorb other people's hc that I like) but yeah I love the diversity you can have with submas hc (btw if you have submas headcanons you wanna share feel free to do so, I will gladly CONSUME any submas headcanon haha)
Ahem...I never talked that much in a post haha, anyway thanks for coming to my ted talk