This Is So Cute Wth - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

All I want is you

~~ All I want for Christmas is youu ~~

Word count: 2 600

It's fluffy, it's just fluff. That's all there is. Well, a tiny little bit of angst but I mean, it needs to be there alright.

TW: There is some curse words but that about it, and like few mentions about past abuse but you won't even really notice it (two sentences, maybe)

“I want to kiss you on new years.” Sirius whispered, looking at Remus from where his head was laid on the pillows, and Remus had propped himself up on his elbow, looking back at him. He looked a little puzzled, but Sirius just smiled softly, reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind Remus' ear, though it only barely stayed there. “At midnight, watching the fireworks.”

“There's going to be people. Everyone who's spending Christmas here.” He said, but Sirius' smile didn't falter like it usually did when he was reminded about all the secrets, denied from doing things he desperately wanted, but couldn't. “People are going to find out.”

“Fuck the people.” He whispered with a grin, though it quickly turned back to the soft, sleepy smile he had been wearing for the past half an hour. “I don't care re. Not anymore. You're my boyfriend, and I want to spend new years with you, kiss you and be with you, and I should be allowed to do that without caring what other people think.” Remus blushed, ducking his head down for a moment, hiding it to Sirius' chest, making both of them laugh, though they tried to be quiet as James and Peter were sleeping.

“Are you sure?” Remus asked, turning serious again as he lifted his head up, looking at Sirius , trying to search his expression for any lie or nervousness, discomfort, unsureness, anything he could. But there was nothing he could detect, his smile looked sleepy, and soft, but confident at the same time. His eyes were clear, and happy looking, nothing was saying that something was wrong, everything seemed okay, so maybe it was.

“Yes. Remus, I'm sure.” He said, Remus smiled now, leaning down to give him a kiss. “Only if you want to, of course. If you're comfortable.”

“Anything you want, I want too.” He whispered, against his lips, pressing them down for another soft kiss before leaning back up, to look at Sirius. But he didn't understand why now, why did he want people to know now, why didn't he mind anymore. For so long he had been scared of his parents finding out, or the school, of something happening if people found out. “But… why now?” He asked after a moment, Sirius looked away momentarily, and he couldn't really tell what the expression meant that flashed on his face.

“It's not-.” He started, but trailed off as he looked back at Remus, the smile coming back once again. “I just don't care anymore. I don't care if people know, or my parents, I want them to. I want to be able to talk about you, to hold hands with you outside of our dorm or the empty common room. I don't want to lie anymore, it doesn't feel right.”

“Okay.” He whispered, nodding slightly. “Why on new years.”

“I wanna see James' face when he sees, or realizes, y'know, putting the pieces together.” He laughed, making Remus laugh quietly as well. “No, well, I do, but-” he said, pausing to lean up to give Remus a kiss. “It's new years, moony. I wanna kiss you at midnight, what's so bad about that?”


“Okay.” He whispered with that stupid dopey grin that made Remus' heart flutter, so he just smiled back. “It's Christmas tomorrow.” He said after a while, watching Remus' amber eyes, that looked so bright and soft in the candle lighting, it felt like he could look at them forever, get lost in them.

“Technically, it's Christmas now.” He said, glancing at the clock, it was almost two in the morning now, they should've been sleeping a long time ago.

“Smartass.” Sirius said, shoving him playfully, making him laugh and fall to the pillows next to Sirius, hoping they hadn't woken up their friends, though he didn't really care.


They slept in the next morning, though Sirius sneaked back into his bed before James and Peter got up. They had gone to the quidditch pitch to play for fun, he, James and Peter, and some other Gryffindors. They had done that for the past few years, going to play for fun on Christmas. Remus has stayed behind, it would be really cold to just sit in the stands and watch them. He didn't like being on a broom that much to actually play with them.

He glanced at the door when he heard it open, seeing Sirius walk in, and close the door behind himself. Remus focused back on writing, though smiling slightly to himself, he had just finished the sentence as he felt Sirius lean against him from the behind, wrapping his arms around Remus, head on his shoulder. “Watcha doing?”

“Writing a letter to mum.” He said, turning slightly to look at Sirius, giving him a chaste kiss before Sirius leaned back up, rounding the chair and hopping up on the desk. Remus smiled as he took a look at his boyfriend, he seemed to be in a good mood, he was smiling, and there was a small blush coating his cheeks that Remus was sure was from the shower he had just taken. His hair was still wet, and it was soaking the jumper he was wearing at the shoulders. “Have you ever thought about drying your hair?”

Sirius shook his head, as if on purpose getting rid of the water by shaking his head fast, quite like a dog would after a swim or a bath, Remus just smiled, quickly signing the letter and folding it up. “Wait there moons.” He said, getting down, and quickly walking over to his trunk, pulling something out and walking back over, hopping back on the desk. He handed Remus a gift that was wrapped in dark green wrapping paper, with way too much tape, it honestly looked like a child had wrapped it. But Remus liked it, at least he had tried.

“Did you wrap it yourself?” He asked with a small laugh, and Sirius just nodded. “Or did you hire a five-year-old to do it for you.”

Sirius rolled his eyes, though he smiled. “Open it.”

“Okay, okay.” He said, shaking his head, as he started to unwrap the gift, smiling as he saw what was inside. There was a bracelet, laying on top of a book. The bracelet had black and sage green beads on it, with a round charm on it, when he turned it over and looked closer, he saw that a constellation was carved on it. It was Sirius' constellation, he smiled at it.

“You don't actually have to wear it, I know you don't really wear jewelry, but-” he said a little nervously, running a hand through his hair, studying Remus' expression carefully. “But, I just thought you might like it. I found the charm from Hogsmeade one day, without the carving, did it with charms anyway, then I made that. I found the book there too, I hope you like it, or don't like have it yet.” He rambled on as Remus didn't answer, but kept studying the bracelet.

“You made this yourself?” He asked, amused as he looked up at Sirius. He smiled shyly, as he nodded.

“Do you like it?”

“Yeah. Yeah, I do, love it.” He whispered, glancing at the book, reading the cover. “Thank you, baby. And no, I don't have it yet, the book I mean.”

“Oh, good.” He sighed. “Can I put it on you?” He asked, again a little shyly, and Remus nodded, looking at him. Sirius smiled brightly, as Remus handed the bracelet to him before holding out his hand. Sirius opened it, carefully wrapping it around his wrist, closing it, and letting it fall in place.

“I'm never taking it off.” Sirius just grinned, leaning in to give him a kiss. “Close your eyes.” Remus said then. “I have a gift for you too.” He supplied when Sirius looked confused at his request, but then he nodded, closing his eyes, holding out his hands.

He reached for something in the drawer of the desk, placing it in Sirius' outstretched hands. He opened them as he felt weight there, smiling at the teddy bear he was now holding, it was holding a light pink heart, and Remus had slipped a bar of chocolate into its arms.

“Thank you, moons.” He whispered quietly, still looking at the teddy bear. “I love it.”

“I'm glad.” Remus smiled, happy that he hadn't gone utterly wrong with his gift. “I'm gonna take it away if you name it something stupid, though.” Sirius laughed, looking at him.

“It's moony.” He smiled after a moment of thinking, hopping down to go place it on his bed, Remus rolled his eyes, but smiled at him anyway. He tucked the chocolate bar in his pocket, picking up the pouch that held his chess pieces. “C'mon let's go, James wants to play chess, and you have to come see when he loses.” Remus nodded, getting up from the chair and following Sirius down to the common room. “His team lost in quidditch by the way, again. I don't think he should be captain anymore, I think I've proved myself so many Christmases in a row now that-”

“Remus, please don't tell me you actually believe that bullshit.” James asked, cutting Sirius off as they reached the common room, Remus just laughed, shaking his head as he took a seat on one of the sofas next to peter, starting to watch as Sirius and James started to set up a game of chess.

“I'm telling the truth.” Sirius grinned after a while, glancing at Remus as he put his pieces into place. “James is just too afraid to admit that I'd make a better captain than he does” James threw one of his chess pieces at Sirius, who set it on the side of the board, as if he had already won one from James.


It was a nice day. Remus liked spending Christmas with his friends, though they didn't even do anything special. He had watched Sirius and James play chess, but ended up reading a book, they had gone down to the great hall for Christmas dinner, then they had sneaked to the kitchens, settling by the fireplace with hot chocolate and marshmallows to roast.

“Can we do something tomorrow?” James asked, shuffling the deck of cards they had picked up to play some games before going to bed.

“Like what?” He asked, taking the cards he was dealt by James. “Don't look, you cheat.” He said, shoving Sirius out of the way when he leaned in to peek at his cards, he just laughed, taking his own cards as well.

“I don't know.” James said, nudging his glasses up as he looked down at his cards. “We could do something Christmassy.”


“Shut up.” He said. “We could make snowballs chase everyone or maybe mistletoes, I don't know, I wanna do something fun.”

“It's not Christmas tomorrow, though, aren't you kinda late on this?” Peter said. “Maybe we do something on new years, let's give them a break.”

Sirius glanced at Remus, both starting to smile like they knew something the two didn't. “What?” James asked.

“Just thought about something funny.” Sirius said. “I'll tell you if you win.”

“Not fair. You always cheat.”

“I don't.”

After a few more rounds of games, Peter and James made their way up to bed, they stayed behind on the excuse of wanting to play more, and that they'd gather all their stuff before going to bed. Sirius gathered the cards, twisting the rubber band around that kept the deck together and set it down on the table, then he leaned against Remus' shoulder, looking into the slowly dying fire.

“I’ve never really liked Christmas.” Sirius whispered after a moment of silence. “It was never- fun y'know.”

“I know.” He said, rubbing Sirius' side for a moment, pulling him a little closer by his waist. “But, did you have fun today?”

“I did.”

“That's good, love.” He whispered, smiling slightly to himself as he leaned his head against Sirius'. “I did too.”

“You barely did anything.” Sirius laughed quietly. “You didn't even come to play with us.”

“You know that I don't play quidditch.”

“Well neither does lily, and she still came with us.” he said, turning to look at Remus. “And Frank, and peter and you know he's shit at playing, but he still came.”

“I'm pretty sure Lily came because of James.” he said, making Sirius roll his eyes. “And if Frank was playing, Alice must've been watching, no?”

“Well- yeah but it has nothing to do with you coming to play with us.”

“Have you considered that I can't stay on my broom for the life of me.” He said with a laugh, and Sirius laughed too, his head hitting Remus’ chest. “I'll come next year.” he whispered after a moment, playing with Sirius' hair before he looked back up.

“You said that last year.”

“Mm, maybe. But it was like freezing cold today. I'm not gonna freeze myself just to watch you guys play.”

“You said that last year too.” he said with a grin, and Remus just smiled. “If you'd play with us, you'd be warm.”

“I'm not playing, Sirius.”

“Fine.” he said, rolling his eyes, resting his head back on Remus' shoulder after a moment, it was quiet for a while.

“Should we go to bed?” Remus asked, and

Sirius nodded slightly, getting up from the floor, helping Remus up as well. “Are you going to your bed?”

“Yeah, I don't wanna wake up at seven just to sneak back into my bed.” Remus nodded, gathering their things from the table, watching as Sirius blew out the candle and offered his hand for Remus. He smiled, taking it and following Sirius up to their dorm. “Goodnight.” He whispered, taking both of Remus' hands into his when he had set the things down. “I love you.” He smiled, standing on his tiptoes to give him a kiss.

“Love you too.” He whispered with a soft smile. “Sleep well.” He said, kissing Sirius’ forehead before slipping into his bed, Sirius did the same, both getting under the covers and closing the curtains around their bed, though both let a small crack open, just so they could look at each other.

Remus fell asleep after a moment, feeling really tired even though he hadn't done much. Though he couldn't sleep that long before he was woken up, it was one of the curtains opening from his bed. He slowly opened his eyes, looking up at Sirius, who was standing next to his bed with a sheepish smile.

“What's up, love?” He asked quietly, propping himself up on his elbow before looking back at him.

“Couldn't sleep.” He whispered, playing with his fingers. “Can we cuddle?” Remus just nodded, laying back down and moving, so there would be space on the bed for Sirius as well. He climbed in next to him, closing the curtain before he laid down. He rested his head on Remus' chest, curling up to him, closing his eyes with a content sigh.

“Why couldn't you sleep?” he asked after a moment, starting to play with Sirius' hair.

“Couldn't sleep without you.”

“Okay.” He smiled, kissing his head. “What about tomorrow?”

“Don't care. Wanna be with you.” He mumbled, and Remus nodded again, pulling the blanket better over them both.

“I love you, baby. Sleep well.” He whispered, kissing his head again before laying back down against the pillows, closing his eyes.

“Love you too, moons.”


Hi, hello :) Merry Christmas (if you celebrate)

I hope you're well, and that you liked this little Christmas fluff thingy.

I had so many Christmas things planned and under writing but then I just didn't write them, so have this. The other ones were a lot more angsty so I thought I'd be nice for Christmas and not write what I usually do. Hopefully you liked it anyway.

I've posted a fic three times this month?? That's so weird, I don't know what's gotten into me. Anyway this is probably the last fic of this year, so see you next year maybe?


Happy new years

Side note: I'm like hundred percent sure Sirius would be horrible at wrapping gifts, and you can't convince me otherwise.

Oh, also. If anything seemed, unhinged, it's because this is the product of me writing right before I fall asleep, or really early in the morning. So you're welcome I guess.


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9 months ago

Rather Be

Title: Rather Be

Word Count: 1,850

Sickie: Yoongi (cold/snz)

Caretaker: Hoseok

A/N: Written for anon request for a very sneezy/needy/affectionate Yoongi with a cold

want to come over and hang out? we can watch a movie :D

It’s the first thing Hoseok texts Yoongi when he hears it start to rain outside. He knows there’s a fairly big storm forecasted to roll in soon, and it’s been dreary all day, but now that it’s actually raining and the sky is growing dark, Hoseok can’t help thinking instantly about his friend.   

Hoseok hates to be stuck inside due to the weather, but it’s Yoongi’s favorite thing. He’s not even expecting Yoongi to answer his text, because Yoongi would love nothing more than to chill at home by himself on a Friday night with the excuse of the rain to keep him inside. He can picture Yoongi already, sitting by the window and listening to the rain while he reads a book.

He’s thoroughly surprised when Yoongi texts him back less than five minutes later.

Maybe. I probably shouldn’t though, I think I’m getting sick.

Hoseok frowns and starts typing.

oh no!!! are you okay?

you can still come, I totally don’t mind

or do you want me to come over there instead?

do you need me to get you anything at the store? 

After that, it takes Yoongi a longer time to respond. Hoseok feels a weirdly strong sense of concern, but it’s just because it’s unusual that Yoongi’s sick. Hoseok can’t even remember the last time that happened. 

Just when he considers calling Yoongi, his phone buzzes.

No, I can come to you, if you really don’t mind.

It takes about fifteen minutes for Yoongi to get there, and Hoseok uses the time to set up the couch with plenty of comfy pillows and blankets and brew a pot of tea. He’s not really sure what Yoongi is sick with, so he still gathers their usual assortment of snacks they like during movie nights too.

He hears a knock on his front door, and then a second later it opens and Yoongi comes inside. He leans his dripping umbrella against the wall, and bends down to take his shoes off. They’re soaking wet, as are the bottom of his pants, and his rain jacket is dripping all over the floor of the entryway. 

“It’s really coming down out there,” Hoseok comments, peering out the window. He turns to Yoongi, who nods and then lifts his arm up to his face.

“hsch-eh! hshch’iew! Ugh, excuse me,” Yoongi mumbles, sniffling a little. He pulls off his hood and unzips his jacket, and Hoseok can see that he’s shivering. Even though he’s wearing the coat, his face is wet and so is most of his hair.  

“Bless you. Go change into some dry clothes,” Hoseok instructs. “And if you need anything, there’s plenty of medicine in the cabinet in the bathroom. Tissues, too.” 

Yoongi gives an uncharacteristically shy smile and goes to change, sniffling as he makes his way down the hall.

When he comes out, he’s wearing a pair of Hoseok’s sweatpants and sweatshirt of his own he’d left there at some point, and he’s sneezing up a storm, stopping every few steps to sneeze into the crook of his arm. 

“hrrshsh-eh! ksh’shuh!”

“Bless you!” Hoseok says, but Yoongi doesn’t even hear him, not even close to being done sneezing. 

 “hh-ktsch-uh! hh-hh-hshch’uh! S-sorry…hshch’iew! hrrshsh-eh!”

Hoseok blinks in shock, He’s never heard Yoongi sneeze so much before. “Bless you!” He exclaims, nudging Yoongi in the direction of the couch. “Sounds like you’ve definitely caught a cold.” He’s instantly worried, and the worry grows exponentially with each sneeze.

“ksh’shuh! hh-ktsch!” 

“Bless you. Sit down, there are plenty of blankets on the couch. I boiled water for tea, I’ll be right back.” 

As he makes his way into the kitchen, he hears Yoongi sneeze twice more– he has no clue how he never noticed before today that Yoongi sneezed in twos. 

When he returns to the living room with two mugs of tea, Yoongi is sitting on the couch, curled up under a blanket and sneezing into his sleeve yet again. 

“hh-hh-hshch! hsch-eh!” 

“Bless you. Are you sure you’re okay? We don’t have to watch a movie if you’re not feeling up to it.”

“I’m okay,” Yoongi replies quickly, chuckling softly even as a blush appears on his cheeks. “It’s just a cold. I did take some of your medicine, though. Thank you.”  

“Of course. Take as much as you need. Or, I guess, as much as recommended.” 

They both laugh, and Hoseok turns on the TV. He sits down on the opposite end of the couch, and he’s surprised when Yoongi moves over so he’s sitting right next to Hoseok, their shoulders touching. Grinning to himself, he glances over and tries not to be noticeable as he observes Yoongi up close, his smile faltering a little when he sees that he doesn’t look very well at all.  

There are dark circles under the older man’s eyes like he hasn’t been sleeping well, his lips are dry and cracked, and Hoseok gets a good look at how red his nose is for just a second before Yoongi is covering it with his hand, inhaling sharply before– 

“hrRSHSH-eh! HSHCH-eh!”

“Bless you!” Hoseok grabs a blanket and spreads it out over both of their laps, still a little surprised at how close Yoongi is sitting. Yoongi isn’t exactly one for physical affection– or any kind of physical touch, really– but he pulls his feet up onto the couch once the blanket is over him, knees bending as he leans against Hoseok’s side even more.

He’s quiet after that, leaning against Hoseok’s side as they watch the movie. Less than ten minutes in, Hoseok notices something; little by little, Yoongi leans further over, until his head is resting on Hoseok’s shoulder, his hair brushing against his neck. 

He stays very still as he processes the surprising unfolding of events. He wonders if it’s just because Yoongi is so tired– he also briefly wonders if Yoongi has a fever or something, because it’s so unexpected. And then, Yoongi pulls one arm out of the blanket, lifts his fist to his nose to rub briefly, and then when he puts his hand down he lets it rest so that it’s almost in Hoseok’s lap instead of his own, his fingers splayed out over Hoseok’s blanket-covered thigh. 

Hoseok tries very hard to resist the urge to grab Yoongi’s hand, or to put his arm around the older man’s shoulders, grinning to himself the entire time. He can’t help being excited at the fact that Yoongi trusts him enough to be so close. 

Suddenly, Yoongi pulls away a little, lifting his head and turning away from Hoseok to sneeze. “hh-KTSHCH-uh! HSHCH’uh! Excuse me,” he mumbles, sniffling afterward and rubbing his nose with his knuckles. 

“Let me go grab a box of tissues,” Hoseok says as he listens to Yoongi sniffle. 

He’s not sure if it’s in his head, or if Yoongi is reluctant to let him up, but he pauses for a moment before he does, sitting up slowly and barely just enough to let Hoseok stand up. 

As soon as he returns with tissues and sits down, Yoongi burrows against his side, spreading the blanket back out over their laps and then wrapping his arm around Hoseok’s waist. 

Hoseok beams.

He keeps the tissues in his lap, and he’s not really sure how he senses it– maybe Yoongi sniffles softly, or his body tenses a little– but he has a sudden thought to pull a couple of tissues from the box, and he passes them to Yoongi at the same exact time that Yoongi reaches over.

“Th-thank you,” Yoongi gasps before letting out a particularly wet-sounding pair of sneezes. “HSHCH’iew! hrrshsh-eh!”

“Bless you,” Hoseok murmurs, pulling a few more tissues from the box and passing them over. “Are you okay?” 

“KSHshuh! hrrshsh-iew!” 

With a harsh sniffle, Yoongi nods, but then he sneezes twice more and groans afterward, his face flushing. 

“Bless you.”

Yoongi blows his nose, mumbling an apology that Hoseok brushes off. Once Yoongi’s nose seems to settle, they go back to watching the movie, and a couple of minutes later Hoseok feels eyes on him. He glances down to see Yoongi looking up at him.

“Sorry I’m so boring tonight,” he whispers as soon as Hoseok looks at him. “Thank you for still wanting to hang out with me.”

“Of course,” Hoseok replies. “I love hanging out with you.”

Yoongi smiles, then settles back against him, cheek against his shoulder. 

Hoseok isn’t really thinking when he reaches over a few minutes later and starts to rub Yoongi’s back, and he feels Yoongi tense beneath his hand. He pulls his hand back, but Yoongi makes a small, congested sound and shifts under the blanket.

“Keep going?” He asks sleepily, mumbling the words against Hoseok’s neck. 

Hoseok does not have to be told twice. He focuses on rubbing Yoongi’s back, completely ignoring the movie now in favor of bringing his friend comfort, and when Yoongi tenses again not five minutes later, he’s startled by Yoongi sneezing softly. 

“hsch-eh!” Yoongi barely gets a hand to his face in time to cover the sneeze, and Hoseok pauses, waiting for the second one.  A second sneeze doesn’t come, though, and he cranes his neck a little to check on Yoongi when he sits up halfway; he’s taking tiny little breaths, chest moving up and down rapidly, and Hoseok bites back a smile at the way his nose scrunches up. It feels a little silly, sitting and waiting for Yoongi to sneeze, but before he can think about it too much more it finally comes– 


“Oh, bless you,” Hoseok coos, tugging Yoongi back against his side. His heart flutters when Yoongi comes easily, snuggles up against him like he does it all the time.

As the movie plays on, Yoongi starts to slump further down, like his head is too heavy to keep upright, and soon he slides down until his head is in Hoseok’s lap. Hoseok keeps rubbing his back, smiling when Yoongi makes an unintentionally cute little snorting noise that turns into a yawn. 

By the time the movie is done, Yoongi is sound asleep. Hoseok doesn’t want to wake him. He looks so tired and sick, and so vulnerable resting his head in Hoseok’s lap, and he can’t bear the thought of breaking the peaceful atmosphere surrounding them. Outside, the rain falls harder than ever, but it feels cozy inside, like they’re in their own little world.

Hoseok cues up another movie and settles in, knowing he might be stuck on the couch for a while, because there is no way he’s going to make Yoongi move until he does it on his own accord. 

And when Yoongi coughs himself awake halfway through the second movie, Hoseok just keeps rubbing his back and holding him close and soaking up the way Yoongi leans purposefully into his touch, glancing up at him with a shy, grateful smile every so often in a way that makes Hoseok melt. 

He can’t think of anywhere else he’d rather be.

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4 years ago

First time I log into twitter this year and the first thing I see is THIS?!?!


First Time I Log Into Twitter This Year And The First Thing I See Is THIS?!?!

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7 months ago



Your match is...


— Chigiri Hyoma


✦ "I'm a really insecure person about practically anything about me besides my hair."

✦ From that moment on, there was no one else in my mind but Chigiri.

✦ In fact, I think you two would get along really well for several reasons.

✦ On one hand, Chigiri has this very calm and observant nature that I see a bit in you, but he is also confident, determined, and very stubborn once he gets going. I think he would be very good at boosting your confidence in the areas where you struggle.

✦ Haircare routine together!!!

✦ I imagine you two meeting at school; you were probably in the same school. Even though you put in the effort for your grades, some scientific and mathematical subjects were challenging for you. Sports weren't easy either, and Chigiri would definitely have noticed that you had potential but lacked the right approach to fully utilize your skills on the field. For both theoretical and physical subjects, I see him being an excellent tutor who coaches you, gives advice, and knows how to spot flaws to help you improve.

✦ Eventually, he makes you want to play soccer with him.

✦ But he is so fast...

✦ A true red panther.

✦ Outside of sports, I imagine him enjoying reading, watching series, learning, and shopping for interesting clothes. He prefers to buy less but of good quality. I think he always has a wandering eye on shop windows in case something might interest you.

✦ The type to do small, discreet, but meaningful gestures.

✦ Like bringing you a drink when you're tired after sports or making sure you get your favorite snack after an intense hour of work.

✦ He would love to discover what you write. Maybe it would become his favorite reading, who knows...

✦ I find that Chigiri is someone who doesn't want to disappoint and has a hard time accepting his own shortcomings, especially his knee. I think with your observant nature, you would always keep an eye on his condition and would know how to soothe Chigiri when he starts overdoing it to the detriment of his leg. He needs someone who can step in and reassure him about his quality as a footballer.

✦ Chigiri is rather introverted too, so you two are in for cozy nights under the blanket watching comedy movies! I don't see him particularly liking horror movies, so you can both happily skip those.

✦ He knows very well that your sometimes fiery and arrogant words hide someone who lacks self-confidence, and that's why your outbursts never make him back down. On the contrary, it's in those precise moments that he knows he needs to be there for you.

✦ Little outings in the city to try the new café that opened: of course, he picks the trending cheesecake and shares it with you. He makes sure you get the bigger piece, watching you eat with a smile. He loves seeing you enjoy your food.

✦ Shared scarf during the cold season!

✦ The mention of "cat" immediately made me think of this drawing.

✦ You two are so the duo that feeds all the neighborhood cats; he must stop you from wanting to adopt them all...

✦ ...while secretly dreaming of it just as much.

✦ But having a red panther at home is already like having a big cat to take care of...


A word about your match: Could have been Aryu too (for the haircare routine lol) but I think Chigiri is much better at taking care of his significant other.



Tags :
9 months ago
NCT Dream And Their"Oh."moment.
NCT Dream And Their"Oh."moment.
NCT Dream And Their"Oh."moment.

NCT Dream and their "Oh." moment. 

Mark Lee ; when you're running towards him with a smile.

It was the autumn season in Korea. Mark was waiting by the park, just outside a coffee shop where you two agreed to meet. It didn't take a while for you to arrive, calling your boyfriend's name making him turn around. He was stunned. His mind went blank. Seeing you running towards him, smiling and looking pretty in your autumn clothes felt as if he was struck by cupid. "Oh." He realized. Because the moment you're standing in front of him had Mark's mind in haze. He doesn't know what to say, but all he knows is that he's lucky to have you. 

Huang Renjun ; when you take care of him because he was sick.

"You know you don't need to do this," Renjun said. You only looked at him, smiling as you lightly cup his cheeks. "But I want to." you said before leaving him to get something from the kitchen. Renjun stared at his ceiling. It was quiet and all his mind was blurry because one: he's sick. and two: you were willing to take care of him. He couldn't help but to let out a sigh. His cheeks are heating up and he wonders was it because of you or maybe he's just sick. But whatever it was, all he knows is that he doesn't want to let go of you. 

Lee Jeno ; when he had the best sleep next to you.

Jeno realized that it was morning when the sun peeked through the curtains of your windows. As he opens his eyes, not only was he blinded by the light, but also by the thought that he slept throughout the night. Lately, he's having sleepless nights, worries and anxiety hovering him and leaving him awake at night. This was the first time he probably felt at ease enough to sleep peacefully, and as he turns around and sees you still asleep, Jeno was in dazed. "Oh." he thought. Wanting more mornings where he wakes up next to you. 

Lee Donghyuck ; when you were laughing out loud because of him.

It was a group dinner and yet it seems like you and Haechan are in your own world. Haechan continued cracking jokes and commenting witty remarks about his co-members, and you couldn't help but to burst into laughter. You were laughing so hard that you could only hold onto Haechan as you tried to compose yourself. That's when Haechan unknowingly smiles, a proud grin because you were laughing because of him. He wants to see you and your gummy smile while your laughter is a music to his ears, and he wants it because of him. 

Na Jaemin ; when he thinks that this is a second chance.

You and your groupmates were supposed to meet for a project, but only Jaemin showed up. It was awkward since he's your ex-boyfriend. While waiting for the others, the rain suddenly poured. You were forced to seek shelter at the park's gazebo along with Jaemin. You were a bit wet when you two reached the gazebo. You couldn't help but to let out a sigh, because you're stranded with Jaemin. As you try to dry yourself Jaemin couldn't help but to steal glances at you. It's been a year and yet Jaemin can still feel his heart beating for you. He couldn't help but to touch your arms, you were startled, but Jaemin remained unfazed, thinking that this is another chance for him to correct everything. 

Zhong Chenle ; when you cried because of him.

Your tears never stopped when you reached the university's clinic. Chenle sat on the bed, but it is obvious that his situation is bad because his ankle is wrapped with bandage. You couldn't help but cry louder, witnessing how bad the injury Chenle had during the match. Chenle tries to laugh it off, but the moment he saw that you were crying because he wasn't taking care of himself, he couldn't help but feel guilty. He reaches for you and you gave him a bone-crushing hug. "Oh." he realized. He shouldn't make you worry anymore. 

Park Jisung ; when you disappeared for a day.

Twenty missed calls and almost fifty messages. It's been a day since you ghosted everyone. Jisung was worried about you. He knows how school's been shitty for you and with you being unresponsive, he couldn't help but to be concerned with you. What's his purpose if you couldn't lean onto him? He tried to look for you everywhere, you're not in your dorm or even in your friends' place. As Jisung ran around the campus area, his eyes catches a familiar figure by the field. It was late night and immediately, he rans. Jisung almost cried in joy to see you, then he started nagging you, telling you how worried he is and why did you suddenly disappeared!? You weren't able to answer because Jisung hugs you tightly, showing you that he wouldn't let you leave him again. 

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5 years ago
Q. What Makes You Think Someone Is Wonderful?TH: Someone Who Has A Clear Mind And Can Express Themselves
Q. What Makes You Think Someone Is Wonderful?TH: Someone Who Has A Clear Mind And Can Express Themselves
Q. What Makes You Think Someone Is Wonderful?TH: Someone Who Has A Clear Mind And Can Express Themselves
Q. What Makes You Think Someone Is Wonderful?TH: Someone Who Has A Clear Mind And Can Express Themselves
Q. What Makes You Think Someone Is Wonderful?TH: Someone Who Has A Clear Mind And Can Express Themselves
Q. What Makes You Think Someone Is Wonderful?TH: Someone Who Has A Clear Mind And Can Express Themselves
Q. What Makes You Think Someone Is Wonderful?TH: Someone Who Has A Clear Mind And Can Express Themselves
Q. What Makes You Think Someone Is Wonderful?TH: Someone Who Has A Clear Mind And Can Express Themselves
Q. What Makes You Think Someone Is Wonderful?TH: Someone Who Has A Clear Mind And Can Express Themselves
Q. What Makes You Think Someone Is Wonderful?TH: Someone Who Has A Clear Mind And Can Express Themselves

Q. What makes you think someone is wonderful? TH: Someone who has a clear mind and can express themselves clearly. Someone who makes you think “I want to follow this person” just by hearing them talk. Don’t you think that’s wonderful too? Someone exactly like RM.

taehyung appreciating, thanking and showing his love for namjoon every chance he gets ♡ (trans) (cr)

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