This Is So Funny For No Reason - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
Me Trying To Figure Out Where The Fuck They All Came From

Me trying to figure out where the fuck they all came from



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6 months ago
Me Trying To Figure Out Where The Fuck They All Came From

Me trying to figure out where the fuck they all came from



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4 months ago

Me: *talking with a friend* do you want to crunch some sunflower seeds?

Friend: nah, it's bad habit

Me: what is a bad habit? Eating?

Friend: no! Sunflower seeds not good for you, they oily and you can gain more weight

Me: Oh?..

Friend: *puls out a vape*

Me: Oh.

Friend: and sunflower seeds also very addictive *blew a fat vape cloud right in my face*

Me: uhuh

Me: *talking With A Friend* Do You Want To Crunch Some Sunflower Seeds?

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2 years ago

how does natsume speak? a helpful-ish tip:

How Does Natsume Speak? A Helpful-ish Tip:


for words with ONE syllable, only the last letter is capitalized.

for example: triP, catcH, heaT.

then words with MORE than one syllable, the last syllable is always capitalized.

for example: maGIC, magiCIAN, stuPID.

HOW TO TELL WHICH WORDS TO CAPITALIZE ? observe the punctuation marks you add as the words before them are the ones that have capitalized letters.

again, there’s no need to tire out your pretty fingers as only the LAST words have capitalized letters. see examples below and observe:

“Sora is a good kiD, he is always cheerFUL.”

“You are stuPID, Tsumugi.”

“Us magicians are always willing to helP, I can assist you with the help of maGIC.”

so really, if it bothers you, there’s no need to add capital letters in each words per sentence!~

what does he NOT capitalize? usually names, pet names, or words used to address others (like honorifics and stuff). for example: kitten (vomits).

please note that this is just a silly guide and that you still have the right to write his lines however you want!! heck, even i myself write for natsume but i don’t capitalize the words majority of the time. BUT! in case you want to, then may this lil guide help a bit.

why does natsume speak like thaT? he said "By distorting the pronunciation at the end of a sentence, it yields a sense of discomfort.”(wiki) and with that, he ends his sentences with katakana. so in order to give off the same “uncomfortable” feeling in the english server, letters are capitalized.

fun fact: my best friend asked if i major in natsume as one day i just woke up and went “you know what, i wanna observe which words he capitalizes” and rambled about it to them.

and note that this at least how it works majority of the time. i most likely missed a few details but the main point is there already so i won’t bother~

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6 months ago

Imagine making Henry Winter scan a QR Code in a restaurant

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