This Made Me So Soft - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Gojo loves to make you laugh

Gojo Loves To Make You Laugh

He would do absolutely anything to hear you giggle.

His impressions are terrible, but that doesn't matter to you. He loves to mock Geto the moment he turns his back, he's laughing more than you are when you try to shush him as Geto turns around, a scowl on his face.

He will go on crazy long, insane rants about his day. It's almost funnier when he follows you into the bathroom to finish the story.

If would ever open your eyes when you're laughing at something he said, you would see the softest, most adoring grin on his face, almost as if he was glowing.

He used to get embarrassed when he did something stupid and he turned out making a fool of himself. But now when he hears you laugh at him in that admiring and loving way, he can't help but laugh it off himself.

He immediately knows if you've had a bad day, and he has a method to making that all go away.

He catches you in a blanket and all but drags you over to the couch where he puts on your favorite show, does his best impressions of all the characters, and makes witty comments about everything until that beautiful smile he adores so much comes back to your face.

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7 years ago
Early Mornings At The Kim Household
Early Mornings At The Kim Household
Early Mornings At The Kim Household
Early Mornings At The Kim Household
Early Mornings At The Kim Household
Early Mornings At The Kim Household
Early Mornings At The Kim Household
Early Mornings At The Kim Household
Early Mornings At The Kim Household

early mornings at the kim household

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3 years ago

these cold rooftops - b.b.

These Cold Rooftops - B.b.

summary: you're just doing your job as the local vigilante in new york, why can't bucky barnes leave you alone? spoiler alert: he is very much in love with you, even though he has never seen your face. pairing: fem!vigilante!reader x avenger!bucky tw: canon violence, blood, little bit angsty, a lot of banter, some fluff and happy ending :) words: 3.6K a/n: hi loves! i loved the idea of a vigilante saving the city as a sidegig and bucky just showing up unannounced, haha. they have this joking nature around them, but it also changes a bit to something else, and i hope it translates well in the fic! i hope you enjoy this because i absolutely loved writing this :). also, let me know if you'd love to see more of these two together! suggestions are very much appreciated :)) p.s. i now have a library blog! go follow @aeristhotle and turn on notifs to get notified when i update! p.p.s. dividers by @firefly-graphics

reblogs and feedback are appreciated ✨💗


These Cold Rooftops - B.b.

The wind that was blowing around you left a cold touch to the dark material of your suit. The rooftops of the many buildings in New York City were a second home to you, a vantage point, a place to hide or just a place to calm down after a long night of prowling around the city, making sure everything was safe and sound.

The little scanner that was attached to the inside of your left wrist alerted you of a possible break-in, two blocks on your left. Burglary on the sixth floor, you translated the police lingo in your head as you lowered your mask over your eyes.

“On it,” you whispered to no one in particular, the words lost in the cold air as you smoothly jumped onto another rooftop, leaving nothing behind but a faint linger of your perfume.

You were quick on your feet, swiftly jumping over AC units and pipes, nothing standing between you and your goal. The cold air felt great on your half-covered face, cooling you down from the heat you were producing running over the rooftops.

Running over these cold rooftops made everything feel more alive. It felt like you were flying through the air, nothing holding you back as the city was relatively calm below you.

It took less than four minutes for you to reach your destination, little white clouds of air leaving your mouth as you picked at the lock of the rooftop door. The lock was frozen and wouldn’t budge - even when you tried your best to heat it with your hands.

“Need some help?”

The gravelly voice that had been haunting you the last few months spoke up behind you, making you drop your head in frustration. For the past five months, this guy had been showing up at random crime scenes, under the guise of helping you out - at least, that was his explanation.

“Barnes. Nothing else to do this fine Thursday other than disturbing me on the job?”

You didn’t even turn around as you searched for another way to open the door, trying to force the handle this time, using all your strength.

“Well you know, a little birdy told me my favourite vigilante was having some difficulty with opening a door, so I decided to help a hand,” you could almost hear the grin on his face, the heat that was radiating on your back indicating that he had gotten closer.

“I’ve been here for all of two minutes,” you scoffed, rolling your eyes good-naturedly, “that must have been a falcon because you got here quick.”

“Can’t let my favourite person in this city get cold now, do I?”

Bucky was now leaning against the wall next to the door, his eyes focussed on your hands gripping the door handle with all your strength. Unfortunately, the door didn’t even budge, the handle still frozen solid. The cold was now seeping through your gloves and it felt like your hand was burning.

“In the city, huh,” you grunted, waving your hand to get rid of the icky feeling of cold leather. “Thought we had something special.”

“Can’t let it get to your head now, can I?” he smiled, but the corners of his mouth dropped once he saw the solemn look on your face. If you couldn’t open this door, that meant the possible intruder would get away. And that was the whole schtick of this vigilante thing.

“Let me,” he suggested, his vibranium arm reflecting the full moon in bits and pieces, ripples of gold illuminated in the bright light.

Accepting his help meant accepting his presence in your work as a vigilante, which also meant you wouldn’t be operating solo anymore. The solo aspect had been the whole pillar of you even doing this side-job, as revealing your identity to someone else just seemed too dangerous. People couldn’t keep secrets well, and this one was just too important to you.

However, not accepting his help meant that the intruder would get away. That another innocent person would fall victim to the darkest souls roaming around on this world. How could you ever fall asleep at night, knowing you could have prevented this. It would be a selfish thing to not do everything in your power to help this person.

A sigh left your mouth as you pondered whilst Bucky scanned your face for any positive sign that his help was welcome.

“Fuck,” you sighed to yourself, but you stepped away from the door anyway, hoping this little thing didn’t mess up your whole life. Bucky could be trusted, right?

The smile touched his eyes once again as his vibranium fingers wrapped around the door handle, pushing it down with superhuman strength as the lock finally gave in with a small crack, the ice crackling as the door opened.

“My lady,” he gestured inside, the grin on his face just short of being cocky, but still kind and thoughtful of the turmoil that was still digging its claws in the crevices of your brain.

The building was completely silent inside, which was an omen in itself. It was two a.m., still early in the city that was never really silent. It irked both you and Bucky, as he got a knife out of his holster and twisted it between his fingers.

“What was this, exactly?” his voice was soft and on guard.

“Possible break-in,” you breathed out, turning the corner but finding nothing. “Got a feeling it’s something else.”

The only thing that could be heard in the building was the slow dripping of water, somewhere in a supply closet or from a leaky pipe along the walls that probably weren’t up to code anymore. Wallpaper was hanging off the walls in strips, mould forming along the edges as you tried your best to not gag at the smell. Imagine what it would do to your lungs if you lived here.

“God, how come the city hasn’t intervened here,” Bucky coughed as he checked the walls, not believing the circumstances people were living in.

“Not everyone can live in the Avengers tower, baby,” you snickered, but there was no humour in your tone at all. It was a solemn reality for many people.

Bucky nodded, his eyes trained on the walls as you tried the handle on one of the doors. It opened with a creak, but other than that, the room stayed silent.

“There is something off about this whole place,” Bucky said as you walked in, weapons ready if someone tried to pounce on you.

The whole place stayed eerily quiet, and after checking all the rooms, Bucky and you came to the conclusion that the place was abandoned. It looked like the people living there had left in a hurry, because the table was still set for four people and there were pans and pots on the stovetop.

“There’s only one apartment left on this floor right?” Bucky asked as he watched your mouth pull into a frown. “What did we walk into?”

“I’m not sure,” your eyes were quickly scanning around the place, trying to piece together what had happened that the whole floor was empty. Or was supposed to be empty.

“Let’s check the other apartment.”

The door of the other apartment was locked too, the handle not budging indicating something was blocking the door from the inside.

Bucky’s fingers wrapped carefully around your upper arm, no real pressure placed but still tight enough to make you stop trying to get into the apartment.

“Are we sure we want to do this? I don’t like where this is going.”

His voice was soft but stern, eyes unwavering as they flitted between yours. “We have no clue what is going on here, we’re going in blind.”

You narrowed your eyes at his posture and the worry that was clear in his voice, “don’t we always go in blind?”

“Well, usually we don’t deal with this type of shit. Catching robbers in stores and making sure a barfight doesn't escalate is one thing. This- this feels off.”

You bit your lip, trying not to let a smirk show at the concern laced through Bucky’s voice.

“You’re an avenger and I can hold my own pretty well, dare I say,” you snickered as you gestured at his vibranium arm. “Also, you inserted yourself in this situation here.”

Bucky rolled his eyes at that statement, “just admit it, you’re glad I’m here.”

“Yeah, yeah, you think very highly of yourself Barnes.”

Bucky scanned your face one last time for a trace of hesitation but he only found determination. That’s what drew him in, initially, you never backed down from a challenge even when it was dangerous for you. The safety of others always came first.

However, the last few times he showed up unannounced, he felt something deep inside his chest, this flutter when he observed you doing something dangerous. Something that had never bothered him before. There was this time where you jumped on the shoulders of a criminal, effectively taking him down. But in the process, he had grazed you with his dagger, drawing blood. Bucky still recalled the feeling that bloomed in his chest when he saw the blood dripping from your abdomen, the icy coldness of despair making his chest heave as he pressed his hands to the wound, trying his best to stop the bleeding.

In the end, it was just a small graze that needed minor stitching, but it made him think twice about when he exactly started feeling this way.

“Yo, Barnes,” you snapped your fingers in front of his face, effectively snapping him out of his daydream. “Mind opening the door? I have an early morning at work tomorrow.”

The soft look he had on his face was quickly replaced by a small smirk, “ah, thought you were doing this full-time. I suppose you don’t get a company car at this one?”

Bucky wrapped his hand around the door handle and pushed his shoulder against it too, trying to pry open the door.

“Yeah, no company car, no pay, no benefits,” you sighed as if you were contemplating resigning. “Don’t know why I keep doing this stuff.”

“Maybe because of your nice and handsome colleague,” he groaned, pushing with all his strength to open that damn door. “Heard he’s quite the catch.”

“Psh, I suppose he’s quite alright,” you scoffed, leaning against the wall next to the door Bucky was trying to open. “Aside from being an ass, he does occasionally help me out.”

The door gave in with a loud crack as Bucky took a step closer to you, “well, at least this ass was able to open the door.”

“And I thank you for it, kind sir,” you grinned, a ninja star ready to defend yourself if someone were to pounce on you. “Now, shush and let’s see what exactly is up here.”

Quietly, Bucky stepped inside the apartment, his broad frame blocking you from a possible attack.

Although, you couldn’t really call it an apartment anymore. There was no furniture left, aside from two plastic chairs in the middle of the living room. The kitchen was looted, the fridge door hanging open, revealing just an empty jar of pickles.

Bucky busied himself with checking out the living room, and you decided to go for the master bedroom at the end of the hallway.

Quietly, you pushed open the door and waited for a bit, hoping to catch someone in the act. Nothing happened, however, and you decided to fully step into the dark bedroom. There was a small flashlight attached to your suit and after some fumbling, you finally got ahold of it.

“Fucking thing, should get a new holster,” you mumbled to yourself as you clicked on the flashlight.

Just as you shone the light around, a dark figure came bounding at you at a high speed, knocking you over.

“Hey!” you yelled, quickly rolling on your belly and jumping back onto your feet. “Bucky!”

Bucky had heard the commotion and ran out to the hallway to see the dark figure running towards the exit. His broad frame blocked the way, however, and the figure tried to run past him.

Said person did not expect the pure power that Bucky possessed, and he was flung back, just in time for you to see what had happened.

“This dingus just jumped on me!” you exclaimed, a knife had replaced the ninja star in your hand as your mouth was pulled in a frown.

The guy had jumped up again, a shard of some sort in his hand as he measured you and Bucky up.

“Hey,” Bucky held out his hands, his eyes wide as he tried to calm down the guy. “Just surrender and no one has to stab anyone.”

His words clearly fell on deaf ears as the intruder pounced on Bucky, the shard of glass making horrible sounds as it tried to tear through the vibranium of his arm - fortunately, it was his right that the attacker had chosen.

“Nope!” Bucky yelled and threw the guy on the ground, done with his bullshit. “And stay there.”

As Bucky tried to find a way to tie him up, the guy took his chance again and punched you square in the face. Fortunately, his aim was a bit off because of the heavy fall he took, but it hurt nonetheless.

“Goddamnit!” you yelled again. You were used to the occasional struggle with a perpetrator and you kicked out your foot into his stomach. He doubled over, and you took no chances and bound his hands and knees with the special string you always had on you.

“Everything okay?” Bucky asked as he watched you rub your forehead through the mask. “I thought I knocked him out, I’m sorry.”

“That’s alright,” you replied, a small frown on your lips as you could feel a welt forming under the black material of your mask. “We should check what this guy was doing here.”

“The police are taking their sweet time on this,” you sighed, checking the small scanner again. They were supposed to arrive 6 minutes ago.

“You sure you’re doing okay?” Bucky’s voice came closer as his hand rested on your lower arm. “We could just wait for the police and get you checked out. Wouldn’t want you to have a concussion or something.”

“Thanks, but I have a feeling this guy is hiding something, so I’d rather check out the rest of the apartment first,” you patted his hand awkwardly, your heart racing at the feeling.

Bucky followed closely on your heels as you went back to the master bedroom.

The room was mostly empty, aside from some trash and a used sleeping bag. Adjacent to the bedroom, there was another door leading to either a dressing or an ensuite bathroom.

“Do you hear that?” Bucky whispered as you got closer to the door. “I can hear something.”

You tried to drown out the noises of the city and the huffs of the perpetrator in the hallway. There was a very faint sniffling, barely audible as Bucky quickly stepped towards the door and unlocked it.

What you found behind it made your heart wrench in uncomfortable twists and bends.

Three people were bound with feet and hands and put in an uncomfortably small closet.

After you and Bucky helped them out, the police and a few medics finally arrived on the scene.

Wanting to make sure the small family was alright, you stuck around when the medic checked them out. The man had a broken nose and a few bruises, but the woman and teenager luckily had nothing, save from a few scratches.

It turned out the guy who broke in was an angry client of the father, hell-bent on revenge for not helping him in the way he wanted. Now he certainly would end up back in prison.

Happy with the outcome, you wanted to disappear in between the shadows. A hot bath at home would certainly alleviate the throbbing pain on your forehead and the ache you felt in your bones.

The head detective who was talking to Bucky stopped you in your tracks though, “thanks for getting here so fast, one of our patrols ended up in an accident so it took a bit longer to get a second unit out.”

You waved away his thanks, a small smile pulling on the ends of your lips, “s’okay.”

The detective rolled his eyes good-naturedly at your modesty, used to it after working with you for a year already. The first few times you showed up at crime scenes, he really couldn’t care less about the wannabe vigilante that got in the way.

However, after you caught a robber who had hidden in the group of disaster tourists that crowded around the scene, he had appreciated the extra help. It also helped that you weren’t bound to any rules or laws that slowed down the workings of the police.

“Have you decided on a moniker already or do I still have to call you our local vigilante,” he grinned. “We got the friendly neighbourhood spiderman already, maybe you could be the helpful neighbourhood vigilante!”

You returned his grin, shaking your head in the process as you started walking away backwards, “Haven’t made up my mind, sorry chief!”

“It’s been a year! Either do a brainstorm session or give me your legal name!” he yelled after you, sticking out his thumb towards Bucky. “Bet he’d come up with some great ones.”

“Bye chief!” you turned your back and waved your hand, leaving the two men behind you as you looked for the closest ladder towards the top of the roof.

The climb towards the top of the building was always a moment you loved. Every rung of the ladder you climbed felt like a layer of the events that had transpired would fall away. It fell away, so easily with every gust of wind that would blow the horrible events that happened in your city away. It all went away, away, away.

Once you reached the top, you were not alone anymore.

Bucky was already waiting for you, used to seeing you disappear after a night where too much happened. The upside of his super strength and speed made it that he could climb ladders way faster than you. Tonight was another one of those days where he wasn't ready to say goodbye to you yet. He was looking out over the city, counting the little lights that flickered on and off, his vibranium arm still reflecting the moonlight. It was a constant in your life, something to hold on to, as your mother would say.

“Can’t get enough of me, Barnes,” you snickered, tiredness seeping into the tone you were using.

Bucky turned his back to the illuminated city at the sound of your voice, his eyes solemn and dark as you rubbed at your forehead again.

“Are you sure you don’t need to be checked out by the medic?” he asked once again, stepping closer to you. “I really don’t want you to die on my watch if it turns out to be something bad.”

You shook your head, your voice but a whisper over the sounds of the city, “I’m okay Bucky, thanks.”

His head hung low in rejection, “Alright I’ll just - I’ll just go then.”

He got on his way towards the ladder again, returning once again to the city.

Shit, you thought, do I really let him go, again?

“Wait!” you called out, quickly catching up to him.

“Hmm?” he hummed, scanning your face for any sign of why you changed your mind all of a sudden.

You could trust Bucky. He had been here countless times for you, he always helped you, he had a heart for the city and most of all - he had a heart for you.

Slowly, your hands peeled away at the black mask that covered the top half of your face.

Bucky held his breath, more and more inches of your skin baring to him, trusting him with your identity.

His hands came up to cradle your face, one hot and one cold, as he tried to memorize every inch of your skin. Every wrinkle, every scar, every little bump, the colour of your eyes and the way your tongue wet your lips.

Bucky didn’t think he could fall more in love with the masked vigilante, yet, it happened.

“It’s just a bruise,” his hot breath fanned across your facce, his left thumb softly rubbing over the bump on your forehead. “Think you’ll live.”

“You sure?” you whispered back, brows furrowed as the words you said held so much more meaning than just reassurance. It was you asking Bucky to keep your identity secret, to make sure you wouldn’t be compromised and forced to hang up your mantle.

He nodded, his thumbs still caressing your cheekbones, “I’m sure, dear.”

There was one last thing he still didn’t know about you, one thing that would show him just how much you trusted him, how much you appreciated his support on your nightly endeavours. It was the last of your identity that was left uncovered.

Maybe it was time, to show him you trusted him just as much as he trusted you. Maybe it was time to expose the last shard of your identity.

It felt like a good time to do it too, with his soft hand on your face, carefully caressing the soft skin on your cheekbones, his eyes unwavering and as always focussed on you.

Your hands came to rest on his wrists, nimble digits meeting metal and warm skin as you licked your lips, baring the last of your truths to him.

“Call me y/n.”

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