
✧ woozi x reader
✧ summary: three times you said "mwah" at the end of a kiss and one time jihoon said it back
✧ wc. is approx 2.9k
✧ genre: romance, fluff, mentioned friends-to-lovers
✧ notes: sex is mentioned, but not actually in the fic. soonyoung is a serial gossiper. this is just light-hearted and something i thought would be cute. reader has a milkshake, so sorry to all my fellow lactose intolerant baddies

o n e w e e k
It was the end of your first date, meaning it was the first time the two of you had hung out after confessing your feelings for one another. In reality it wasn’t much different than what the two of you had been doing before.
You came, dropped your backpack off at his bedroom door and shredded your coat. Dragged the computer chair Jihoon had purchased for you (he said he had found it on the side of the road, but he wasn’t so cold as to make his new partner sit on a chair someone had thrown out), pulled your laptop out of your backpack and got to work on your essay.
When supper time came around, he had ordered the food. You had cracked a joke about it being a first date, and so the two of you came to the agreement that it was.
You had been painfully cute all evening. Leaning against his shoulder, nudging his elbow and then flashing him a little grin when his eyes met yours. Sweetly calling out his name and then blowing a little kiss to him. Jihoon didn’t know how his heart could flutter so much, but he was sure it was some sort of medical problem.
Part of Jihoon wanted to ask you to say. Part of him wanted to grab you and wrap you in his arms, pull you into his bed and pull up the blankets and sleep. Another part of him wanted to press you against the wall and kiss you.
He acted on neither impulses.
Instead Jihoon gave you a little smile, standing and escorting you downstairs and to the front door. Seungkwan and Seungcheol stood in the living room, and they called out greetings as you passed.
“Ignore them,” Jihoon murmured, his hand going to the center of your back. He guided you to the door, nudged your shoes towards you. He thought, for a fleeting moment, about getting down on a knee and tying your shoes for you, but then he remembered his friends in the living room behind him and shoved his hands into his pockets.
“I had fun,” you said, shooting him a little grin as you tied your shoes.
He scoffed, though Jihoon couldn’t fight the tiny smile that had begun to stretch his lips. He couldn’t help it. Whenever you smiled, he wanted to smile; whenever you cried, his heart cried with you. It was horrible, and he surely had some sort of medical problem.
“I’m sure you did have fun,” he said wryly, “sitting next to me doing homework all evening.”
You giggled, standing. You hooked your hands through your backpack straps. “Well. It was doing it with you that made it fun, Jihoon.”
Seungkwan cooed in the background. Jihoon fought the urge to turn around and punch him.
You sighed, backing up and towards the door. “I gotta go. See you tomorrow?”
Jihoon followed, reaching around you for the door knob. “Yep. I’ve got to meet with Jun about lessons, and then I’ll be free.”
“Great,” you said, and Jihoon felt foolish, but he felt like you meant it. As if you actually were eager to see him tomorrow, despite having seen him today, despite seeing him currently. As if he was someone worth getting excited over.
He turned the doorknob, pushed the door open. You stepped over the threshold, still facing him. “You okay?”
You nodded, glancing away. Then your shoulders straightened, as if you were steeling yourself, and you darted forward. Your lips pressed against his cheek, as quick as a thief. “Mwah.”
Then you were peeling away and out the door, calling out to Seungkwan and Seungcheol and waving good-bye.

t w o m o n t h s
“So,” Soonyoung began, leaning against the counter and giving Jihoon a wide grin. He looked ridiculous, and Jihoon had told him as much. With his wide-brimmed hat on backwards, his bowling shoes, he looked like a clown who came straight from a NASCAR race.
“How is everything going? Your two month anniversary was yesterday, right?”
Jihoon furrowed his brow. “How do you --”
“Y/n has a little counter on their phone,” Soonyoung explained, as if that resolved any questions Jihoon had. “So? How is it? Trouble in paradise?”
Jihoon shrugged. The worker from behind the counter walked up, carrying a bottled soda for Jihoon and a strawberry shake for you. Jihoon accepted them both, ignoring how the cold of each drink bit at his hands. “We’ve been friends for years,” Jihoon said as they began their walk back to the rest of their group. “It’s not really any different.”
Soonyoung hummed, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “I mean. That’s good, I guess. But what about the parts that are different?”
Jihoon squinted, slowing his pace so he was slightly behind Soonyoung and forcing the other man to stop. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
The blonde man sighed, rolling his eyes. He retraced his steps, walking back to Jihoon’s side. Soonyoung placed both of his hands on Jihoon’s shoulders, leaning down and talking as if Jihoon were a child and not a grown-ass man capable of kicking Soonyoung’s ass. “Well. When two adults like each other romantically, sometimes that can lead to special activities in the bedroom.”
For half a second, Jihoon was confused. Special activities?
Then Soonyoung’s words were fully processed. Jihoon’s jaw dropped, and he reached out with one of his legs and kicked at Soonyoung, not willing to drop the drinks in order to fully throttle his friend.
Soonyoung just laughed, jumping out of the way. Him laughing was probably the worst of it, like waving a flag in front of a bull.
Jihoon couldn’t help the frown and pout that appeared on his face as he returned to the group. He knew Soonyoung was just teasing, but Jihoon couldn’t help but feel affronted. Like: sex wasn’t a big deal, of course it wasn’t, but it wasn’t like Jihoon was just going to turn around and broadcast your relationship for everyone to hear about.
Because everyone would hear about it. Soonyoung could keep a secret as long as he could tell one other person, and when that meant telling Jihoon or you, everything was fine. But he knew, more often than not, Soonyoung would go running to Seokmin or Jeonghan with whatever Jihoon would say, relying on the other two men to give reactions Soonyoung deemed fit to warrant him spilling.
Besides: it wasn’t anyone’s business!
You were bowling when Jihoon returned, your back towards him. He stomped to your seats, placing your shake on the table in front of the couch. Chan turned towards Jihoon, face bright and eyes crinkled, but took one look at him and turned back towards the front and away from Jihoon.
Jihoon grabbed the soda, unfastening the lid and taking a drink. He ignored how the carbon stung at his throat.
“Jihoonie!” He glanced up. You were eagerly moving towards him, a large grin on your face. That look of happiness at seeing him never seemed to fade, no matter how many days and weeks into your relationship the two of you got.
He felt himself flush red, embarrassed. You plopped down next to him, pressing your sides together and squeezing his arm. “I hope you didn’t see my gutter ball.”
“I didn’t,” he said, honest. “I’m sure it wasn’t so bad as to change my opinion on you.”
You laughed, bright and sweet. “I dunno, Jihoon. It was kinda bad.”
Then you were glancing at the table. Your eyes widened when you saw the shake, obviously delighted. “Whose shake is that?”
Jihoon hummed, raising the bottle to his lips again. “For my partner. Dunno if you’ve seen them around.”
You threw him an affronted look, but your fake ire did nothing to hide the grin that was beginning to spread across your face. “Well. I’ll just hold onto this for them, if that’s okay with you. But you have to hold onto something for my partner in exchange. All right?”
Jihoon shrugged, screwing the cap back onto the bottle. Then you were pressing closer, one hand settling on his shoulder, the other going to hold his chin and hold his face still. You pressed your lips against his cheek, lingering.
You said it softly, not loud enough for Chan, who was on the other side of you, to hear, and definitely not loud enough for anyone else in the group to hear. But Jihoon still heard it. “Mwah.”

e i g h t m o n t h s
“You sure you just can’t stay the night?”
The crackling of thunder was nearly loud enough to drown out Jihoon’s question, and the rain that pounded against the windows was an accent to illustrate his point.
The storm had been predicted to appear later in the night, closer to midnight. But then autumn winds picked up, pushing the storm to the city quicker than anticipated. So when the two of you had taken a break from playing video games (Jihoon was remarkably bad and more prone to losing than winning, but so was Chan and Soonyoung, which made playing with both boys an absolute must when playing with Jihoon), the game paused and silence reigning over Jihoon’s room, the harsh winds batting against the side of the house had been a surprise.
You had scrambled, shoving your shoes on and grabbing your backpack. You had an important seminar you had to attend early in the morning, and while you had clothes stored in Jihoon’s room, sweats and a ratty tee wouldn’t cut it.
“I can’t,” you said, lingering by the door. You were frowning, upset; not at the storm, but at the prospect of your time with Jihoon getting cut short.
You were ridiculous.
Jihoon sighed, reaching for you. You went into his arms easily, your lips finding his the most natural thing in the world. He pressed quick kisses to your mouth, hands squeezing at your upper arms.
“Take it slow going home.” Jihoon commanded. “Lights all the way on. Don’t be afraid to pull over or turn around if you can’t make it. If you need, call me and --”
“-- and you’ll send Seungcheol my way,” you finished, grinning.
Jihoon glared at you. He didn’t like this. Not for the same reasons as you -- well, not to say that he wasn’t mad at getting your time together cut short, because he was a little irritated about it. But he hated the thought of you leaving to drive through a storm, all for a seminar you work was forcing you to attend.
One day you wouldn’t have to work, Jihoon vowed, the sound of high winds thrashing tree branches and rain throwing itself against windows as his witness. He would be a high-end producer, and you wouldn’t have to work. Unless you wanted too, of course. Wouldn’t have to work, wouldn’t have to travel to attend stupid seminars, wouldn’t have to deal with annoying coworkers who most definitely shouldn’t be working.
But that day was not today.
So he pressed another kiss to your lips, murmuring quietly, “please be careful.”
You nodded, pulling away. You reached out, running your hand through his hair and looking at him. For a moment neither of you said anything, just content to take in the other.
Then you pitched forward, pressing the final kiss of the night to his lips. “Mwah.”

e l e v e n m o n t h s
You were sprawled out on Jihoon’s carpet, belly up, hands laced over your stomach. The first thing you had done after getting off of work was text him that you had, quite frankly, had enough of people talking and were about to punch the next person who so much as looked at you.
The first thing Jihoon had done when you stepped through his bedroom door was get up, cross the room, and wrap his arms around you. You had pressed your face into his neck, hands clinging to the back of his shirt.
He doesn’t know for sure how long the two of you had stood like that. But when he pulled away, he cradled your face in his hands and pressed a kiss to the space between your brows. “You still want some quiet?”
When you nodded, he pressed another kiss to your nose. He returned to his desk, slid his headphones over his ears, and went back to work.
Which led to you, on his carpet, an hour later.
“Jihoon,” you called. He paused the track he was working on and turned, pulling his headphones off. You weren’t looking at him, eyes trained on the popcorn ceiling that both of you absolutely detested.
For a moment you were quiet. You sighed, turning your head to look at him. “Sorry for being like this.”
Jihoon shook his head, as if it wasn’t a big deal. And as far as he was concerned, it wasn’t. It wasn’t a big deal. Everyone had bad days, and you were witness to all of his. And he had a lot of them. The least he could do was be there for your bad days.
“It doesn’t matter,” he said. “Well. Wait. It does. But not like. You’re okay to have bad days and you’re okay to bring your troubles to me, but it doesn’t matter that you do that because -- well.” “Because you love me,” you cooed, a small smile finally appearing on your face.
There you are.
Jihoon couldn’t help his own little smile. “Yeah,” he said, “because I love you.”
You turned on your side, facing him fully. “You know, our one year is 29 days away.”
“It is.”
“So,” you began, chewing on your bottom lip in a rather poor attempt to hide your smile. “Any plans?”
Jihoon shrugged. “Maybe.”
“Maybe?” You echoed. “That sounds awfully close to a no.”
“That’s not what I said,” he argued.
It was fruitless, however. You sat up, crossing your legs. “It’s okay to not have any plans, Jihoon. You don’t have to surprise me. I could surprise you.”
Jihoon frowned. “I told you I had it under control.” “I know! It’s just that --”
“What,” he stood from his chair, stretching. He ignored how your eyes lingered on his stomach when his shirt rode up. Jihoon had thought Mingyu was horny, but fuck, he was nothing compared to you. “Don’t think I can be romantic?”
You hesitated. “Well. You can --”
His jaw dropped, popping from his habit of clenching it. “You don’t think I can be romantic?”
“I didn’t say that!”
“You thought it!” He accused, moving towards you. You weren’t taking him seriously. You were grinning, eyes sparkling and obviously amused. Even before the two of you had begun dating he was the subject of your impish nature, and that hadn’t let up in the slightest since the two of you had begun dating.
“Okay, so maybe I thought it.” You held up your hands. “But like. Can you blame me?”
Jihoon lowered himself onto the floor, joining you. Your knees were pressing against his. You were practically glowing, so delighted at him joining you not only on the floor but in verbally sparring. “I can. I’m the most romantic person I know.”
You giggled, and Jihoon would never ever let Soonyoung know how his heart always seemed to skip a few beats at your laugh. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” he said.
Then Jihoon lurched forward, hands cradling your face, lips smashing against yours. Your teeth clanked against his, and you were laughing into his mouth, and he couldn’t properly kiss you because of how wide your smile was.
Your hands went to his face, framing his cheeks, and the two of you fell into a rhythm. Kissing you was as easy as walking, Jihoon found, but it never failed to make his heart stutter. Your mouths moved together, sliding comfortably and leisurely, and Jihoon thought that every single romantic novel that ever said rushed kisses of passion were the fruit of all love were wrong.
He pulled away, just enough to talk. His mouth moved against yours with every word, and he didn’t miss the way your eyes constantly fluttered. “I can be romantic.”
Then he pressed one more kiss to your lips, quick and feather-light. “Mwah.”
A moment of silence.
Then your eyes were flying open, surprise and euphoria taking over your features. Your cry of his name was loud, and his head hurt from where it smacked against the ground after you tackled him, his pride felt a little bruised at resorting to such a tactic, but the utter glee on your face was worth it.

Summary: You haven’t seen your boyfriends, Jungkook and Taehyung, in a few days, and you haven’t had any alone time with them since the birth of your baby. They give you one hell of a homecoming.
A/n: This is a commission for a lovely follower, containing all the kinks, I hope you enjoy it my love!
Warnings: bless me father for I have sinned, impregnation kink, lactation kink, degradation, dirty talk, mmf threesome, sub Jungkook and Tae and reader are switchy, oral (both receiving), unprotected vaginal sex, creampie, body worship, breast worship, there’s just a lot going on here, established poly
Word Count: 2811
Your trip home from visiting your family hasn’t been the best, it seemed to take forever.
You’d missed your boys viscerally the last couple days, and when you’d called, Taehyung had seemed a bit…distracted. He’d asked about the baby, whined a little that your parents would be keeping her overnight, but then he’d gone quiet.
“Is everything okay?” You’d asked after a long silence.
“Hmm? Oh, sure, jagiya, everything’s fine, we just miss our girls.” His tone is low and almost lazy.
“I haven’t been able to reach Kookie, can you put him on the phone?”
Taehyung chuckles low in his throat.
“Ah, our Jungkookie is a bit tied up right now, but you’ll see him when you get home. We have a surprise for you.”
“A surprise?"
"Mmm, you’ll like it, jagi. I promise.”
You frown when he hangs up, but you’ve learned in the last few months to expect lots of surprises from your two boyfriends. You hadn’t expected to end up with two boyfriends when you’d started dating Taehyung, but when you met Jungkook and hit it off, he was quick to suggest a polyamorous situation.
Things had gone rather smoothly with only a couple jealous flare-ups from Jungkook, and you loved how spontaneous and exciting your sex life could be with them. Then the unexpected had happened again, and you’d found yourself pregnant.
Taehyung had only shrugged when you told him you couldn’t be sure who the father was, hugged you tight. “It’ll be mine either way, just like you and Jungkook are.”
Your daughter was nearing three months old and between the new baby and figuring out a new living situation, you hadn’t been able to be with the two of them alone.
You’d been officially living with the two of them for just under two months, but it already felt more like home than your old apartment had.
You let yourself in with your key and leave your luggage at the door, kicking off your shoes. It seems almost eerily quiet in the apartment, usually there’s sounds of your boys playing video games or talking.
“Tae? Kook?” You call hesitantly.
“In the bedroom,” you hear Taehyung, still sounding lazy and distracted.
You walk towards the bedroom, peering inside, and your breath catches in your throat.
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The Winter Wolf | Taehyung x Reader Shapeshifter!AU
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Word Count: 8k
Summary: Spending your Christmas holidays at your grandparent’s cottage every year was getting uncool as you got older. When you sneaked out one night and met a black wolf in the woods, you formed a bond for life. A bond, that would someday lead you to your new boyfriend.
Warnings: fluff, mean ex-boyfriend, danger, soft smut

Family traditions. Everybody has them, and many hate them. Like your family’s tradition for example: Every winter you were spending your Christmas holidays in the small cottage of your grandparents near the infamous skiing region Aspen. When you were younger, you thought it was the most exciting way to spend your holidays, but as you grew older, you hated being stuck in a wood house out in the nowhere. Especially now that it was New Year’s Eve, with meters of snow outside and nowhere to escape to. Everyone was celebrating in one of Aspen’s exclusive luxury resorts - everyone except you. Your friends’ families all had chalets or apartments in the luxurious part of Aspen, they were probably out and had the times of their lives.
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Show Me | pjm (m)

Summary - Jimin shows you how good he can make you feel.
Word Count - 2146
Pairing - Jimin x reader
Genre - smut
Warnings - penetrative sex, exhibitionism, voyerism, dirty talk, dom jimin
a/n - another re-write from a previous fandom. :)
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