This Was So Cuteeee - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

She’s Everything and He’s… He’s There Too I Guess

Shes Everything And Hes Hes There Too I Guess
Shes Everything And Hes Hes There Too I Guess

Hockeyplayer!RE2R!Leon x Figureskater!Reader

“Those damned hockey players…”, you quietly hiss to yourself as you skate off to the side. You had almost fallen down and cracked your head open as there was a crater in the ice, left behind by those rowdy hockey players who used the arena before you did. You usually used the arena before the players could since the ice was at its best but because you ran late, you ended up with deformed ice. You stayed at the side a little more, checking your skates and looking around for some more craters so you wouldn’t embarrass yourself in front of the hockey team flail embarrassingly and land face-first. Besides palms that had a slight dull ache to them, you were lucky you didn’t fall hard and end up with a serious injury. “Sorry for uh– the ice,” a voice piped up behind you. You turn around and the first thing your gaze falls on is a pair of irises that are a hue of a midwinter sky. “I’m apologizing on behalf of my team. Do you, um… need any help…?,” he shyly asks. This guy looks new, might be a rookie since you haven’t seen a blonde-haired, rosy cheeked, baby-faced athlete that contrasts the rugged, brunette guys with faint stubbles. His blond hair is slightly tousled, the tips of his ears pink. “No, it’s fine– I’m fine,” you respond with a small nod. He looks at the rink before he asks if you're sure, genuine concern flashing in his eyes before you respond that you’re really sure, shooting him a small smile. He eventually turns around to get back to his team but not before he looks back once or twice. “Kennedy”, the back of his navy blue jersey reads. He’s cute; polite too. ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────

That’s how your friendship started out with the shy, good-souled starting goalie whose name is Leon. He’s looked out for you whenever you skated and offered moral support when he wasn’t training, shooting you a thumbs up and that adorably goofy smile of his. Whenever you’d blow him an air kiss mid-spin, he’d divert his gaze elsewhere as his cheeks and the tip of his ears redden up; his teammates would tease him too, which you found endearing. After your first interaction with Leon, you noticed that the team would usually arrive earlier than they normally do (and shoot Leon teasing grins and looks). They watch you skate to pass the time, some of them complimenting your moves as you leave the ice and they take their respective posts; all the players easily tossed compliments, except for Leon. “You um… you l-looked good out there–”, he would quickly mumble.

“Leon we’re literally friends, how are you still so shy?,” you would say with a bright smile. He often stuttered or rushed whatever he had to say, though you would usually giggle and softly offer a ‘thank you’ whilst he said his ‘no problem’ or ‘your welcome’. You give him a small pat to the arm before moving to the seat where you placed your bag and you swear you could hear Chris, Leon’s teammate, tease Leon and say ‘your girl’ or something close to that. Back then, you would immediately freshen up and get going after practice but after making friends with Leon, you’d stay at the arena to cheer and watch him play just like he does with you.“Good luck!,” you exclaim before they start a practice game. Leon shoots you that hundred-watt smile before pulling his helmet down, getting his game-face on. A giddy sizzle of electricity runs up and down your spine, making you feel all warmly odd and fuzzy. A smile curls the tip of your lips upward, bringing your head down to release a small chuckle. Goddamn Leon, you’re making the ice princess feel awfully warm.

“Give it your all Kennedy; your girlfriend’s watching you!,” Chris yells in an awfully happy voice.

“Shut up man, she’s not my girlfriend!,” Leon yells back, silently thankful for the fact that his helmet is hiding the beet-red flush of his cheeks. After some time, the practice game finally ended. You got up from your seat to bid Leon and the guys goodbye before you finally left.

“Bye guys, bye Leon!,” you say with a small wave. All the guys said bye in unison, with Leon’s own response being slightly delayed since he was ruffling his silvery blond hair.

“Bro got his own special goodbye greeting,” Chris says to no one in particular. The other guys turn their heads to give Leon a knowing look along with a teasing snicker, prompting Leon to shyly mumble a “shut up” even though no one really said anything besides Chris.

This is your routine for the next 5 months. You and Leon have managed to grow closer too– now going on hangouts, lunch runs, and sometimes teaching each other basic moves from your respective sports. You also noticed that Leon seemed to be a little more awkward around you, unable to maintain eye contact when doing something as simple as talking and choosing to focus on other parts of your face like your cheeks and occasionally your lips too. There was an instance, about a month ago, where you both were watching His Girl Friday. Leon was saying the lines at the same time as Cary Grant’s character was, seemingly familiar with the film. He kept spilling facts about the movie, obviously very enthused. You know some facts too, but not as in-depth as him. His eyes twinkled with interest, his legs bouncing with enthusiasm whenever a scene he liked came on. Though he never looked you straight in the eye for no more than seven seconds, you would often catch him stealing a glance when he thought you weren’t looking. You feel him shift on the couch so you turn to look at him but you’re instead met with a piercing gaze. Odd. He inches a little closer, his gaze unsure whether to focus on your eyes or… lips. Heart pounding like a jackhammer in your chest and mind fading into nothing, you did what you thought was the most un-awkward thing at the moment: share a piece of trivia.

“Um– Howard Hawks and Charles Lederer also worked on Gentlemen Prefer Blondes,” you swiftly say, causing the words to sound a little mashed together.

“I know,” he simply says. There’s a rasp in his voice, his gaze fixed on your eyes now. Slowly, he closes the gap and you follow him too but he stops and pulls back at the last minute. “Nevermind,” he murmurs before turning his attention back on the screen. You sit there, frozen still and trying to process what happened. “Did he just try to kiss me,” you silently think to yourself. You clear your throat and adjust your position, trying to get your focus back on the movie but all you can really think about was that moment. “If I could travel back in time, Cary Grant is one of the people I’d like to meet,” he suddenly says. He turns to you, that goofy grin on his mouth again; he’s acting as if that moment mere seconds ago never happened. Maybe I’m just overthinking this.

Instances like this keep happening for a month or so; he leans in close, you keep thinking that this is it, he pulls away saying “nevermind” or “nothing”. Leon always wore his heart on his sleeve: he spoke what he truly felt so keeping something secret was definitely uncharacteristic but not too odd. He did start being more affectionate though: buying you flowers, getting you food, and even buying you random stuff (like a leg warmer that you had told him was cute once). He even began holding your hand or giving you hugs, which made you feel special but that feeling went down the drain when you saw him hug Chris’ sister Claire. All this was confusing you, since you liked him too and you wanted to know if this was a one-sided thing with all the signals thrown around. This time, you were determined to get your assumptions about his feelings straight so you wouldn’t be all the more confused and possibly misled. Jill, a friend of Claire's, arranged an outdoor ice skating get-together. Claire invited Chris, who in turn invited Leon and then invited you. For the next two hours, the four of you spent the time skating around. Jill and Claire needed help maintaining their balance so the three of you had to stay around them so they wouldn’t fall and possibly injure themselves. Since there weren’t so many people in the rink, Leon and Chris got to race each other whilst you got to do your jumps and spins. Not too long after, it was down to you and Leon doing the skating. “This is it. Showtime,” you thought to yourself. Catching up to Leon, you decided to pop the question.

“Soo… are you into Claire? Or Jill?,” you asked innocently.

“Huh– Um, no–,” Leon responded. Flustered, the tips of his ears reddened.

“C’mon. Just tell me so I can maybe play matchmaker and set you up with either of them,” you coax. You masked your own personal feelings for him by using this method. Although it stung slightly, you can’t force him to like you so the most you can do for him is to help him out regarding matters of the heart.

“I mean… they’re kind and beautiful and overall great people but they’re just not, you know… they’re not my type,” he shyly responds.

“Okay… then who’s your type?”


You stop pushing your feet and just slide across the ice, staring into Leon’s face with a puzzled expression. “Did I hear that right?”

“Yeah, you did,” Leon quietly says. Looking back at the others, he sees that they’re sitting down and having a chat over some hot chocolate in a thermos so he takes this chance to finally speak.

“Y’know, when I went up to you those 5 months ago and apologized about the ice, I didn’t think my decision would hit me with a vengeance. At first I thought you were pretty and good at what you do but after being friends with you, you look much more divine to me and seeing you march to the beat of your own drum and- and actually getting a look into your actual personality, I knew that I’d love you. I’d love you through my screw-ups and through yours too,” he confessed. You two were still skating but at a slower pace now. Snow was beginning to gently fall down, tiny snowflakes gliding through the frigid air. Steam softly billowed out of your mouths, both your cheeks red like apples but not as red as Leon’s.

“Claire and Jill are amazing women– they’re just like you: they’re nice, attractive, helpful– overall decent people but out of all the possible personalities in here, my favorite type is you,” he finishes. His heart is doing quadruple Axels in his chest, ready to take flight or shatter any moment now. His hands, stuffed inside his warm coat pocket, are feeling clammy and sweaty. Suddenly, he kind of regrets letting out such a long confession.

“Hey I’m s-,” you cut him off in the best way ever.

You skate in front of him, hands extending towards him. Your left hand tugs at the collar of his gray trench coat whilst your right hand travels to the back of his neck, your fingers gently digging into the back of his head and threading themselves amongst the tufts of soft hair. You draw him near, closing the gap with a tender kiss. His body tenses up, his system shutting down, and he freezes but soon regains his bearings and kisses you back. His fingers leave his pockets and situate themselves on your waist, his thumbs gently drawing circle patterns. He doesn’t ask for more, just giving and taking. His slightly chapped lips spread into a giddy smile whilst still pressed against yours; Leon could only describe this kiss as a comforting breath of the sun that could keep the winter away. You pull away reluctantly and gaze into his eyes, ink-hued pupils swallowing the icy blue of his irises.

“I love you too,” you breathlessly say with an equally giddy grin.

A surprised laugh escapes Leon’s slightly parted mouth as he hugs you, lifting you up.

“Hey lovebirds!,” Jill calls out. You two look at Jill, who is cupping her mouth with gloved hands. “We saved some hot cocoa for you both! Come while Chris’ ass isn’t chugging it yet!”.

You two look at each other again, a small chuckle escaping your lips as you guys’ eyes glimmer in the shared love being realized. Leon takes your hand in his, intertwining his fingers with yours. You skate over to where Chris, Jill, and Claire are waiting. Jill hands the cup to Leon but Leon politely declines, offering it to you instead which earns raised eyebrows and smirks from the three. You take a sip of the drink, a comforting warmth taking over your body like a nice warm, weighted blanket.

“Don’t you want some?,” you ask Leon.

“I have a better way of tasting it later,” Leon responds with a cheeky wink.

“I heard that!,” Chris’ loud voice booms.

Shes Everything And Hes Hes There Too I Guess

NOTE - This is my first time writing and working on something like this so if you liked it then that's really great and if not then feel free to tell me what you want me to improve on! My uploading schedule isn't super definite since I write whenever I feel like it. That's it and thanks for reading :)

The dividers (the ones with the star and circle) are made by @cafekitsune , the images are made by me (sourced from Pinterest).

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6 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kim Namjoon | RM/Park Jimin, Kim Namjoon | RM & Park Jimin Characters: Kim Namjoon | RM, Park Jimin (BTS), Bang Chan Additional Tags: Stuttering, Fluff, Light Angst, Sweet Kim Namjoon | RM, Sorry Chan, Jimin is Younger Than Chan Summary:


That's the name of the stuttering boy. He'd come to the thrift more often then necessary, even to buy something like socks when it was obvious he clearly didn't need them. He would scan the shop with wide and wonder-filled eyes, as if he saw something new every time he looked around. Namjoon would simply watch him from the counter, going back to work when the boy's small frame would disappear between the shelves and shelves of unwanted treasures and looking back up when he was in the cashier's line of vision again.

Today, for the first time, Jimin was here with someone. Judging by the person's gruff voice and the way the boy called him babe, they were boyfriends.

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4 years ago

lilacs | (bts)

Lilacs | (bts)
Lilacs | (bts)

pairing: jimin x reader

genre: florist au, fluff

word count: 801

warnings: none

summary: jimin has always given you flowers — since he’s the main worker at the florist shop and that’s his job — but he’s never actually given you flowers. until today.

a/n: my friend @euphoria-vmin7 and i were talking about timestamps and florist jimin (because who doesn’t want to talk about florist jimin?) and uhhh somehow this happened and i texted this to her and she was like POST IT so here this is XD i don’t usually write fics for bts and i’m sorry if this sucks, but this is dedicated to you miss rey, thank you for inspiring me 💖💖💖

(also i’m still having tag issues so this is a repost, sorry T^T)

Lilacs | (bts)

The small flower shop by the beach has always been one of your favorite places to visit. At times you’ve found yourself there, sometimes browsing, occasionally buying, but often talking to the lovely florist with the pale peach hair.

He had told you his name was Jimin, and ever since the first time you’ve set foot in his shop, he’s always been helpful in suggesting flowers for whatever occasion you bring to him. He also seems to have a special talent for assembling bouquets — never overdone yet never lacking, and every single flower is arranged perfectly, not a petal out of place.

Yet one day you come to him in distress, longing to be comforted by the warm glow of the late afternoon sun and the boy who now occupies a rather large space in your heart. In a few months, all your closest friends since childhood will be moving to universities, while you have chosen to stay in the same town you grew up in.

You tell him none of this, but he notices your expression and wordlessly brings out a bouquet from behind the counter. How did he make it so soon after you walked through the door?

Unless… he had started it earlier…

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4 years ago

everybody knows, but you - jimin x reader {preview}


pairing: park jimin x reader

genre: friends to lovers angst, fluff, smut

the story is a vignette, told through moments in jimin’s life over time and place, when the people closest to him realize that your feelings for each other were far beyond just platonic.

synopsis: park jimin was your favorite person in the world, ever since you started working at their company as an assistant choreographer, he’s always been there for you, through thick and thin.  his existence was comforting in a way you couldn’t put in words. he just had that way about him. 

what happens when you start realizing that your feelings for your best friend might be much more than you thought? somehow, everybody except the two of you seem to know exactly what’s going on and the both of you couldn’t be more oblivious.

preview: through the eyes of jeon jungkook

Jeon Jungkook had spent almost half his life in the company of Park Jimin, yet he was absolutely sure he had never seen him like this; the lighting in the room was haphazardly moving, as if in the confines of a club, and Park Jimin’s smile was the fullest he had ever seen. His eyes were crinkled, his head thrown back with the carefreeness and delicacy of a child as he twirled around the room. Jimin was never one to shy away from attention, so it didn’t surprise anybody that he was stood in the center of the room, dancing away with you like he didn’t care. What did surprise Jungkook was the fact that nobody noticed. Nobody seemed to look at the two people in the middle of the room, hand in hand, laughing hysterically, barely being able to hold each other up, except him.

Friends of the members poured in and out of the rooms, blurring in front of his eyes as he took in another sip of his drink. Despite the chaos and the crowd, and the heat slithering off the bodies, he could easily spot one person, and that was Park Jimin.

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4 years ago

drabble: bc jk is desperate


☆summary: jungkook can be so desperate, but is his insistance for attention worth disobeying Master? yes.

☆pairing: jungkook x reader x ft.taehyung

☆warnings: masturbation, switch!jk, noona reader, oral (m), cum swallowing

☆word count: 1.2k

A/N: dedicated to the wonderful @scribblemetae​ because she is fantastic and amazing and i love her and you guys should too. Go read Playmates <3

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10 months ago

foolish one (stop checking your mailbox for confessions of love) 5.4k, miscommunication & fluff

His voice rings through Eddie's ears. I wrote him a note. And now they're together and Ravi is clearly head over heels in love with this guy. All because of a note. Eddie can write a note. His feet are carrying him to Bobby's office before he can chicken out, and he barges in without knocking. Bobby just looks up from his paperwork, bemused. "Hi Eddie." "Hi Bobby," he says, somehow breathless from the ten steps it took to get here, "Can I borrow a sticky note? And a pen?"

* or, eddie writes a note, buck thinks he has a secret admirer, and the firefam is supremely unhelpful.

taglist under the cut!

@comeon-intothemadhouse @panbuckley @poetindenial @buckley-diaz-rules @ssa-m-187 @anxieteandbiscuits @hannah-ruth-990 @ditzyoracle @goldenbcnes @911onabc @bucks118 @carryingbears @alyxmastershipper @prince-buck-diaz @gemini-trash @jesuisici33 @mysteriouslyyounggalaxy @kindastabby @gaylicense @try-set-me-on-fire @jamietarts @useramor @poughkeepsies @wallpaper-inside-my-heart @king-buckley

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9 months ago

22:17 - y.jh

22:17 - Y.jh

“please?” you plead, clasping your hands together. your fiance looks down at you with a stern composure as you continue to look up at him with those wide, pleading eyes. he sighs, pinching his nose bridge.


within 5 minutes, you’re straddling jeonghan’s lap, your tongue stuck out in concentration as a variety of hair pins, stickers and clips were littered around his long, black hair — the long black hair he grew out for about 5 months now. you couldn’t help but smile widely from how adorable he looked.

“you’re such a kid.” jeonghan scoffs. despite scowling in his seat, jeonghan couldn’t help but feel his heart double in size, the warmth exploding in his chest. as you continue to work on your ‘masterpiece’, his hands came down to rest on your hips, his soft thumbs caressing your skin softly.

“how could i help it?” you mindlessly answer. “you look so pretty with them.” jeonghan’s face flushes as he diverts his eyes, opting to play with the ends of your shirt.

the cold metal of his engagement ring against your skin makes you shiver a little, your heartbeat quickening from how flustered you felt as he looks up at you — admiring the way your eyebrows scrunched together in concentration, admiring the way your fingers delicately brushed through his hair as you looked for another spot to stick a 3D heart sticker on his head full of sparkly accessories; admiring the love of his life.

jeonghan mulls over your words, the comfortable silence in your living room prolonging until he cheekily smiles up at you.

“oh? if it makes someone look pretty, then i bet you’ll look gorgeous. i’m doing it on you next.” he grins, lightly pinching your thigh playfully, making you roll your eyes.

time passes by with the both of you just sitting in the comforting atmosphere as you continue to work on jeonghan’s hair, adding some final touches before you felt the sleep kicking in. you were nodding off every few minutes as he held you, his grip on you tightening the slightest bit to keep you from falling off to the side of the couch.

“okay, we’re going to bed.” jeonghan mumbles, carefully standing up as he tries not to wake you, carrying you to your shared bedroom and setting you down on the bed. quietly getting under the bedsheets himself, jeonghan scoots closer to you as you instinctively reach out for him, immediately nuzzling into him. jeonghan softly smiles to himself as his arms snake around your waist, pulling you impossibly close to him as you subconsciously find warmth in him, a smile ghosting upon your lips as you fall into a deep sleep.

you couldn’t wait to do this to him every single day.

22:17 - Y.jh

wc. 460

tags 🏷️ —

@arafilez @etherealyoungk @fairyhaos @gyuguys @georgia-hong @hannieheartuu @haowrld @kyeomyun @saiidahyunie @starshuas @seuonji @shieunviya @welcometomyoasis @wqnwoos @wheeboo @yoonzinuhh

networks 🔗—

@preciousillusions-net @cacaokpop-fics @caratsland @k-labels


lmk if you want to be added/removed from my taglist !

22:17 - Y.jh

ⓒ lvlystars

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