This Was Soo Cute - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Heyy! Love your work. Can I request a sneezy jimin trying to hide his cold from his members. Ty!!

Sickie: Jimin

Caretaker: Jungkook

Relationship: Platonic

Jimin’s pov:

Kookie was the only one who knew I had woken up sick. Sure, it was only a cold, but the members always went a bit overboard. Despite being the youngest, Jungkook knew when to take a step back. So that’s why I was willing to tell him. And we share a room so he was bound to catch on.

The hyungs were invited to an event tonight and they were all really excited to go. It wasn’t a mandatory event, and I knew they would blow it off if they found out I was sick. The only reason I didn’t tell Tae was because he’s bad at keeping secrets.

I did well keeping my symptoms hidden for the majority of the morning, but by lunch, I had started feeling a bit worse. My nose was crazy itchy and I couldn’t stop rubbing at it and sniffling. Jungkook sat down next to me with a sandwich and my breath quietly hitched. I grabbed a napkin and tried to make it look like I was wiping my face of food residue while pinching my nose.

“hihNGXT! NGXTtss!” I sniffled again and felt Jungkook place a hand on my knee. I glanced over at him and he mouthed a ‘bless you’ before changing the subject.

“So, hyung,” he said turning to Jin. “You excited for tonight?”

He nodded, “Yea, I wonder what they’re gonna have for dinner.”

“Definitely,” Yoongi chimed in.

He was about to say something else when an itch resurfaced and I had to interrupt. “hehTCHIEW! Oh, excuse me.”

“Bless you, hyung.” Taehyung came over and hugged me. “Are you okay?”

“Thanks, TaeTae.” I hugged him back, what a cutie. “I’m fine.”

Namjoon looked over at me and I hoped he wouldn’t go full leader-mode.

Luckily, Jungkook covered for me. “I’ve been a little sniffly too,” he said to me. “It’s probably because of the flowers in our room from ARMY.”

I nodded. “Yea, but they’re really pretty so it’s worth it.”

Yoongi laughed. “That’s how I felt last week,” he joked. “Doesn’t ARMY know we have allergies?”

His humor got a chuckle from all of the members and the hyungs decided it was time to change and get ready to leave.

********time skip********

“Are these pants okay?” Hobi did a little twirl, asking for our opinions.

Jungkook nodded, “I like them.”

I agreed before turning away. “huhTCHIEW!” I swiped a finger under my nose and sniffled. Jungkook and Hobi blessed me, but overall, no one thought much of the sneeze. I was surprised but thankful.

Until about two minutes later when my nose started tickling again. “hehNGXT! hihNGXTchh!” The sneezes were so itchy that I let out a few small coughs.

“Bless you, Min.” Namjoon gave me a sympathetic look. “You sure you’re okay?”

“I’m good,” I promised. “Not sure where that came from.”

Kookie could probably tell I was getting flustered because of the lie and he started rubbing his nose.

“Hyung,” he said to me. “Can we maybe get rid of those flowers?” He sniffled and gave me a smirk when no one was looking.

I pretended to contemplate it. “Yea, I guess so if they’re bothering you too.”

It looked like Namjoon wasn’t really paying attention anymore so he must’ve bought it.

‘hahTCHUU!” There was a sudden outburst from Taehyung. “Aigo, sorry. Yea let’s please get rid of those.” He was helping hide my cold and he didn’t even know it. How ‘bout that?

“Bless you,” I laughed.

Jungkook couldn’t help but giggle as well. “Wow, Tae, bless.”

“Thank you, sorry.”

Jungkook shot me a glance that said ‘well that went surprisingly well.’ I shrugged and smiled.

“Alright, maknaes!” Jin walked in, making his presence known. “We’re heading out.”

The three of us shouted our goodbyes and were left alone. I sighed in relief.

“Wait here, Chim.” Jungkook stood from the couch. “I’ll get you some cold meds.”

Tae’s head whipped around to turn and look at me. “Cold meds?” He pouted and came over to sit next to me. “I didn’t know you were sick.” He draped an arm over my shoulders.

“Sorry I lied,” I mumbled. “I just didn’t want hyungs to find out and stay here to take care of me instead of going out.”

“I understand.” He handed me a box of tissues as Kookie returned.

“Can I get you anything else?” He asked.

I brought a hand up to my face and shook my head. “NGXTchh! hehNGXTtchiew! Oh— HATCHheh!”

“Bless you, bless you, hyung.” Jungkook rubbed my back.

“Bless you,” Tae cooed. “You alright?”

I shrugged. “I don’t feel well.” I rested my head on his shoulder.

“I know.” Tae ran his fingers through my hair. “I’m sorry.”

“How about I make dinner a bit early so you can head to bed.” Jungkook hugged me from behind and left to the kitchen.

“Okay,” I replied before my breath hitched. “hetchhii!”

“Aww, tiny sneeze.” Taehyung blessed me again and sighed.

********time skip********

When I was finished eating, Jungkook brought me to bed.

“Can you stay?” I asked him. “I just don’t feel good and I don’t want to be alone.”

He nodded and laid down next to me to give me cuddles. “Just try to sleep, hyung. I got you.”

“Hold on a second.” I quickly ducked away from him as much as I could despite being wrapped in his arms. “hehTCHIEW! Choseomnida.”

“Bless you, it’s okay.”

“Thank you,” I murmured sleepily before shutting my eyes.

“Sleep well, hyung.” He kissed the top of my head. “Don’t worry, I’ll tell the members you’re sick later.”

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